List of the deans of the collegiate monastery St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg

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Collegiate Church and Chapter House

In the list of the deans of the collegiate monastery St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg , the well-known monastery deans (deans ) from the foundation in the 10th century until their dissolution in 1803 are listed, the history is outlined and the work of the various clergy is briefly explained.

The dean ( Latin : decanus ) was the spiritual head who was in charge of the whole corpus ecclesiae colegiatae , the canons and vicars . The consecrated priests had on high feast days of the church to lead and the Eucharist to celebrate. Among the special holidays part in the liturgical calendar festa dacanalia set: Christmas , Epiphany , Candlemas , Palm Sunday , Easter , Ascension , Pentecost , pen consecration (second Sunday after Pentecost), St. Peter and Paul (June 29), Mary Ascension Day (August 15), All Saints Day (November 1), Duke Otto's anniversary (day before All Saints Day, October 31); also 36 festivals (foundations etc.) that had to be celebrated with the chapter.

The dean presided over the chapter meetings, installed the prelates , capitulars , domicellars and vicars in their offices and later, after the dissolution of the provost, also installed the vassals of the monastery on their fiefs.

He also awarded the vicarages , whose altars St. Michael , St. Nicolai , St. Katharina , St. Ursula and the 11,000 virgins were in the monastery, as well as St. Nicolai in Johannisburg Palace and St. Elisabeth in the hospital chapel .

With the resignation of the provost in favor of Archbishop Wolfgang von Dalberg , who incorporated them forever for the archbishop's chair, the dean became particularly important and he was directly subordinate to the archbishop.

With the dissolution of Kurmainz in 1801, the monastery was also dissolved by the last Archbishop and later Grand Duke of Frankfurt , Karl Theodor von Dalberg , with the secularization in Bavaria in 1802 .

Canonical life

For the award of the canonate , ecclesiastical regulations applied, which were issued over the course of time by popes and councils . The last major changes were made by the Vienna Concordat of 1448.

The award itself was made by the Pope and the Archbishop by commission, a document that the appointee had to present to the chapter in order to preserve the canonical institution .

A second form took place through the choice of the chapter, a third form through resignation in favor of another. A canon renounces his canon in favor of a talented, mostly younger relative. A fourth form was the preces primariae , which were issued by the Pope, Archbishop or Emperor to individual, special clerics.

The second level in the hierarchy was admission to the capitulars under the following conditions:

The scholast was the schoolmaster ; his job was to instruct the young canons in the sciences so that they could be accepted into the chapter. His duties also included overseeing the monastery library and the monastery archive. He was also the deputy dean.

The cantor was responsible for the musical arrangement (choral singing) of the services. He had to teach the choral singing, to conduct and to take over the solo singing. The position of organist was also filled by him or by him.

The custos (custos, sexton ) was the guardian of the church and the church inventory. His responsibility was the procurement and preservation of the vestments , the liturgical implements, wax, oil and altar wash, right through to the structural condition of the church buildings. He was the administrator of the building funds and the annual memorabilia . At his side were the upper and lower bellmen , the chief and sub- builder .

List of the deans of the Collegiate Monastery of St. Peter and Alexander

Surname from to image Remarks
Reimarus   His memory was celebrated on March 20th.
Ruzelinus   His memory was celebrated on July 1st.
Burcardus   His memory was celebrated on April 29th. He bequeathed a house and six acres of vineyard to the monastery.
Conradus   Donated six talents to the light of the collegiate church and one Malter Weizen annually from the stone house that later became a Jewish school. Gudenus II p. 355
Boppo   1182, 1189 as a witness, Gudenus I p. 276 u. 294 1187 as will of Count Gerhard von Rieneck Gudenus II p. 22
Hartmann 1193   Mentioned by Archbishop Konrad I. von Wittelsbach in 1193, died on September 11th of the same year. Gudenus II p. 319
Godeboldus 1225   Mentioned in documents in 1221 and 1225, Thiel No. 43a p. 165 died on January 28, 1225. Gudenus II p. 37, p. 312
Heinrich von Ossenheim 1229   In the necrology , the date of death of Dean Heinrich gen. Von Ozzenheim ( Kleinostheim ) is determined to be February 1, 1229.
Rudolphus 1267 Ortolfus is also mentioned several times in documents between 1245 and 1267, † March 2, 1267. Gudenus I. 654, 682, II 167, 537 .
Volradus 1273   1257 canon, 1267 dean, he is mentioned in documents in the Schmerlenbach monastery and in Bachgau , † December 7, 1273. Gudenus II 182, 337
Hermann Schick 1287 Magister Herrmann Schick of Frankfurt had the Michel chapel built in the monastery cloister and donated the vicariate, † April 17, 1287. Gudenus I 807, 812
Conrad Vyol 1309 In 1288, Decan Conrad of the Aschaffenburger Stiftskapitel undertook to deliver 200 pounds of wax annually to the Mainz Cathedral as a gift in return for the parishes of St. Agatha Aschaffenburg, Obernburg and Sailauf . In 1307 he founded the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi , † June 18, 1309. Gudenus II 375
Heilmann Schwab I. 1310 1321 1291 canon, 1308 cantor, 1310 dean of the St. Peter and Alexander monastery, dispute with Archbishop Peter von Aspelt over the sale of the parish Brendlorenzen to the Bildhausen monastery , † March 6, 1321. Amrhein p. 83 f.
Arnold Binthamer 1321 1330 Canon in 1317, mentioned in a document in 1321, in 1325 he bought for the monastery Rodenbach , Nantenbach , Wonenbach and Neuendorf from the counts of Rieneck ; † April 15, 1330, Richwin Schelriß von Wasserlos had to pay for his anniversary . Gudenus ii 342
Heilmann Fritz 1330 1334   1324 Custos, 1330 Dean, † October 7, 1334. Amrhein p. 58
Heilmann Schwab II 1335 1337   Canon in 1321, cantor in 1330, dean of the monastery of St. Peter and Alexander in 1334, resigned in 1337. Dean of the Liebfrauenstift in Frankfurt, † 1351. Amrhein p. 85 ff.
Conrad 1339   Mentioned in documents in 1339 and 1340, without gender name. Gudenus ii 346
Marsilius 1341 1362   Mentioned in 1341, during his tenure the collegiate chapter was excommunicated because it did not accept a cleric with papal commission, graduated in 1361 , † August 27, 1362. Amrhein p. 87 f.
Franz von Amöneburg 1362 1383   Notarized in 1365 the donation of his curia to the monastery to the canon Johannes von Einbeck . He himself assigned his curia “Zum Stiefel” to the monastery, † December 18, 1383. Amrhein p. 88
Hermann Rost 1385 1389   Dean of the collegiate monastery St. Stephan (Mainz) , St. Maria ad Gradus (Mainz) and St. Peter (Mainz) , Canon in Speyer , Gudenus III 538 became dean of the monastery St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg in 1385, † August 27th 1362. Amrhein p. 89
Konrad von Hanau 1389 1396 Coat of arms Hanau 2.svg Documented in 1389, 1392 and 1394, Gudenus II 352 resigned to the Dechantei in 1396, but remained canon, † after 1419. Amrhein p. 89
Johannes Pfeffersack 1396 1405   Protested at the councilors and aldermen of the city of Aschaffenburg because of multiple encroachments on the freedoms of the St. Peter and Alexander monastery. Amrhein p. 90
Conrad Nicolaus Rychard 1405 1409   Also called "Richard"; Scholast in 1398, dean in 1405, mentioned in documents in 1406 and 1407, acquired an estate from the Lords of Wasen in 1408 , is said to have resigned in 1409, † June 3, 1425. Amrhein pp. 90, 194, 298
Johannes Bonnin 1409 1418   1406 Canon, 1409 Dean, 1418 Provost at St. Peter and Alexander Monastery in Aschaffenburg, † August 22, 1426. Amrhein pp. 72, 90, 223
Hermann Wolf von Idstein 1418 1424   The canon in St. Stephan in Mainz received the canonical in St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg on November 20, 1406, was scholast in 1409, dean in 1418, † December 8, 1424 and buried in St. Stephan. Amrhein pp. 91, 105, 290
Johannes Schönbrod 1425 1448   Canon on November 4, 1420, elected dean on January 13, 1425, † September 26, 1448. Amrhein pp. 91, 223
Bernhard Wineck 1448 1460   Canon on April 23, 1439, dean on December 24, 1448, resigned to the dean in 1460, † December 9, 1464. Amrhein p. 91, 195
Johannes Reiff 1460 1475   On June 8, 1452 canon, on May 8, 1460 dean, he acquired a high reputation with Archbishop Adolf von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (1423–1475) and was often at his court. In 1473 he left the chest reliquary of the patron saint St. Peter made by the Frankfurt goldsmith Hans Dirmstein , † December 20, 1475 in Frankfurt. Amrhein p. 91, 277
Stephan Anhalt 1475 1478   Canons on April 30, 1459, exempted from the residence obligation on January 7, 1464, received the Dechantei on March 17, 1475, resigned 1478, still canons, † August 28, 1502. Amrhein pp. 92, 226
1478 1484   vacant
Johannes de Petra 1484 1492   No canon of the St. Peter and Alexander monastery, received the dean on August 31, 1484, † January 20, 1492 (?). Amrhein p. 92
Ulrich Kemmerlin 1493 1519 Ulrich Kemmerlin.jpg Came from Hall in Salzburg (now Tyrol ), canon on June 23, 1482, dean on June 26, 1493, † June 29, 1519. Amrhein pp. 92, 213
Martin Goel 1519 1532 AB Stiftskirche Cloister Epitah 022.jpg From Bischofsheim, Canon, Capitular, Dean on December 23, 1519, † June 28, 1532. Amrhein pp. 92, 213
Conrad Rucker 1532 1540 Conrad Rucker1.jpg From Seligenstadt , was elected dean on February 26th, 1500 canon, on May 7th, 1500 capitular, on August 12th 1518 collegiate scholast, secretary to three archbishops, 1526 commissary of the provost Livin von Beltheim, on August 1st, 1532 as dean, installed on August 7th August 1532, † March 11, 1540. Amrhein pp. 92, 108, 224, 277
Johannes Hyber 1540 1546   Lic. Theol. from Babenhausen (Swabia) , became canon on September 24th, 1529, capitular on October 13th, 1529, custodian on June 8th, 1532, received the dean by commission from Cardinal Archbishop Albrecht and was installed on April 10th, 1540, † August 27th, 1546. Amrhein pp. 93, 125, 240
Peter Wank 1546 1571   Kleinostheim became canon on September 27, 1531, capitular on September 29, April 13, 1540 custos, December 24, 1546 dean, in 1541 he took over the parish of Kleinwallstadt with its branches in Elsenfeld , Rück , Roßbach , Hausen and Volkersbrunn , † 6 May 1571. Amrhein pp. 93, 125, 196
Johannes Genser 1572 1577   From Cologne ; on the commission of Archbishop Daniel Brendel von Homburg canon and capitular at St. Peter and Alexander monastery in Aschaffenburg, dean on April 1, 1572, † May 6, 1571. Amrhein pp. 93, 200
Nikolaus Stegmann 1577 1588   Aschaffenburg, vicar to St. Katharina in the monastery, became canon on October 31, 1558, capitular on November 5, 1558, pastor of Kleinwallstadt in 1571, cantor on April 30, 1576, dean on May 10, 1577, † January 20, 1588. Amrhein Pp. 93, 118, 227
Jodocus Cammerer 1588 1595 Jodocus Cammerer.jpg * 1553 in Seligenstadt , he was canon in Aschaffenburg and owned the vicarie S. Clementis in Mainz Cathedral, he was the last provost of the collegiate monastery of St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg (1582–1588). Archbishop Wolfgang von Dalberg appointed him dean and commissarius in spiritual on March 9, 1588 for the Mainz Obererzstift, the former provost district, † December 31, 1595. Amrhein pp. 77, 93, 243
Petrus Schwartz 1596 1602   Aschaffenburg became canon on April 30, 1577, capitular on June 6, 1584, pastor of Kleinwallstadt in 1588, scholast on April 28, 1589, dean on February 10, 1596, † December 18, 1602. Amrhein pp. 93, 109, 200
Christopherus Weber 1602 1617   Seligenstadt became a canon on June 29, 1578 and studied in Mainz with distinction. In 1582 he was the first among the first masters of philosophy, in 1590 Dr. teol., ordained priest on April 3, 1582, capitular on February 28, 1587, scholast on February 20, 1596, dean on February 6, 1602. Archbishop Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg appointed him his auxiliary bishop in Erfurt for Hesse , Thuringia , Eichsfeld and Saxony obtained the preconization of Pope Paul V , who appointed him titular bishop of Ascalon . Archbishop Johann Schweikhard was ordained a bishop on May 1, 1616. As provost of the Erfurt Cathedral, he resigned to the deanery on May 10, 1617. He fled from the Swedes to Mainz and Cologne , † April 18, 1633, his grave is unknown. Amrhein pp. 94, 109, 266
Andreas Drucka 1617 1622   From Aschaffenburg, Magister Stiftsvikar, Canon, canon on June 12, 1596, dean on April 12, 1617, † June 3, 1622. Amrhein pp. 95, 214
Johann Wolfgang Wetzel 1622 1635 AB Stiftskirche Cloister Epitah 037.jpg From Cologne, on March 18, 1610 Canon, November 19, 1610 Capitular, July 14, 1622 Dean, † December 27, 1635. Amrhein pp. 95, 263
Wolfgang Sigmund von Vorburg 1636 1645   Spiritual Councilor and Archbishop Commissar and Apostolic Protonotary , Capitular on April 14, 1620, June 16, 1620 Capitular, August 8, 1624 Custos, 1633 Pastor of Kleinwallstadt , February 19, 1636 Dean, † September 1, 1645. Amrhein p. 95, 126, 271
Nikolaus Thomas Schott 1645 1659 From Heiligenstadt , by imperial requests on September 18, 1645 canon and capitular, September 28, 1645 dean, September 29, 1645 commissar, he was also provost in St. Martin Heiligenstadt and in Erfurt , † December 24, 1659. Amrhein S. 99, 272
Adam Bensheimer 1660 1675 AB Stiftskirche Cloister Epitah 035.jpg From Seligenstadt, at the request of Emperor Matthias on May 8, 1616 canon, on March 18, 1624 capitular, October 27, 1636 Custos, August 2, 1647 scholast, February 3, 1660 dean, † March 21, 1675. Amrhein p. 95 , 109, 126, 287
Heinrich Wolpert 1675 1680 From Lohr am Main , on August 17, 1610 canon, November 7, 1610 capitular, ordained a priest on December 30, 1635 (primacy), September 9, 1647 Custos, April 30, 1675 dean, † December 30, 1680. Amrhein S 95, 126, 296
Johann Jakob Senft 1681 1692 Epitaph Johann Jakob Senft.jpg * February 9, 1645 in Frankfurt am Main as the son of the electoral Mainz stable master Johann Jakob Senft and Anna Maria, Gudenus II S. 370 studied theology in Mainz in 1665 and in Rome from 1666 . There he was ordained a priest on February 10, 1669. Already on June 9, 1665 he became canon, on December 24, 1678, capitular and on February 6, 1681 dean of the St. Peter and Alexander monastery in Aschaffenburg. As Domizellar he was from 1669 to 1670 pin Frühmesser ; from 1670 to 1678 he was pastor and country dean in Bensheim . On November 14, 1695 he was appointed auxiliary bishop in Mainz with seat in Erfurt and titular bishop von Vera, resigned in 1718 and returned to Aschaffenburg, † August 17, 1721 in Aschaffenburg. Amrhein p. 95, 267
Jakob Christoph Stendorff 1692 1725 AB Stiftskirche Cloister Epitah 009.jpg From Fulda , Dr. theol., on June 17, 1665 canon, on August 16, 1676 capitular, on November 5, 1681 custodian, on February 19, 1682 scholast, on October 29, 1692 dean; Stendorff was also pastor of Großostheim until 1676 , † December 13, 1725. Amrhein pp. 95, 110, 126, 279
Adolph Franz von Reichmann 1725 1735 AB collegiate church cloister Epitah 005b.jpg * December 17, 1666 as the son of the official cellar of Heppenheim , became canon by archbishop's request on February 6, 1681, capitular on July 24, 1705, custodian on June 30, 1716 and dean of the St. Peter and Alexander monastery on December 17, 1725 in Aschaffenburg, † June 17, 1735. He was also domicellar in 1715 and in 1726 capitular in the knight's foundation Wimpfen , assessor in the commissariat and in 1726 archbishop clerical councilor. Amrhein p. 95, 296

Reichmann had the collegiate church renovated in 1719 because the roof was in danger of collapsing. A roof was erected in the French mansard style, the wooden ceiling in the church was replaced by a barrel vault . The great outside staircase was completed in 1723. The two statues of the church patron have an inscription on the back that Reichmann had them made. Amrhein p. 126

Valentin Anton von Schneidt 1735 1745 AB Stiftskirche Cloister Epitah 007.jpg * October 23, 1693 as the son of the Aschaffenburg city schoolmaster (1690–1712) Johann Nicolaus Schneidt, at the request of Emperor Joseph I with a decree of February 21, 1707 on March 21, 1710 canon at St. Peter and Alexander Abbey in Aschaffenburg, on March 16, December 1722 Capitular, on August 19, 1729 Scholast and on June 22, 1735 Stiftsdekan, † December 24, 1745. Amrhein pp. 96, 110, 119, 257
Johann Ludwig Schäffgen 1746 1758 Aschaffenburg St. Peter and Alexander Epitaph 342.jpg * March 15, 1695, for 10 years pastor in Gossersweiler , Schwanheim (Pfalz) , Leimersheim , then 10 years preacher, capitular by nomination of his cousin, canon on November 17, 1728, capitular on December 15, 1728, 1741 by Archbishop Philipp Karl von Eltz appointed assessor in the commissariat, on February 4, 1746 dean at the St. Peter and Alexander monastery in Aschaffenburg, appointment to the clergy, † June 17, 1758. Amrhein p. 233
Leopold Ignaz Frank 1758 1764   * July 31, 1703 in Aschaffenburg as the son of the baker Heinrich Frank, on August 2, 1721 by nomination of the cantor Jakob Ignaz Franz, Baron von Reigersberg canon, on December 17, 1727 capitular, August 26, 1757 cantor, on August 26, 1758 Dean at St. Peter and Alexander Monastery, † September 14, 1764. Amrhein pp. 96, 119, 268
(Johann) Georg Wenceslaus (from) Hoffmann 1764 1769 Epitaph Decan Wenzeslaus von Hoffmann.jpg * April 29, 1715 in Mainz, canon on October 16, 1727 (archbishop's commission). In 1748 he studied in Rome. In 1751 he had the Präbendhaus built “to the old coin”, which he donated to the monastery. On December 7, 1764 he became dean, † July 7, 1769 in Aschaffenburg. Amrhein p. 218
Franz Georg Karl Freiherr von Boos zu Waldeck and Montfort 1769 1777   * June 23, 1732, canon on February 21, 1752 by archbishop's commission, capitular on July 28, 1769, appointed dean on August 7, 1769, commencement September 27, 1769; He was also canon in the cathedral and knight's monastery in Hildesheim , in St. Ferrutius , Bleidenstadt , in St. Alban Mainz , Trier and Fulda , Privy Councilor and holder of the Grand Cross of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael , in 1777 he became dean in Bleidenstadt, he resigned the Aschaffenburg Dechantei, but received a dispensation from the Residenzpflicht so that he could keep the canonical; later he returned to Aschaffenburg and lived after 1802 as a retired capitular in the monastery courtyard "Zum Freudenberg" . Amrhein pp. 18, 96, 289
Edmund Paul Anton Dalken 1777 1783 AB Stiftskirche Cloister Epitah 042.jpg * 1725 Gauthar in Bohemia , by archbishop's commission on August 5, 1739 canon, July 26, 1760 capitular, February 13, 1772 cantor and on March 28, 1777 dean (installed on April 9, 1777) in the monastery of St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg, † October 3, 1783. Amrhein pp. 96, 119, 241
Joseph Jakob Freiherr von Thautphöus 1783 1817 Thautphöus.jpg * April 8, 1734 in Mergentheim was appointed canon on July 30, 1747, due to the resignation of his uncle Philipp Ludwig Jakob von Tautphöus († May 31, 1747), confirmation was given on July 17, 1747 by Archbishop Johann Friedrich Karl von Ostein , on July 17, 1765 capitular, on December 7, 1781 cantor, on October 24, 1783 dean. He lived in the abbey house "Zur Rose", † November 21, 1817, his grave is in the old town cemetery of Aschaffenburg . Amrhein pp. 27, 42, 96, 120, 186

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar August Amrhein: Die Prälaten and canonist of the former collegiate monastery St. Peter and Alexander zu Aschaffenburg , Würzburg 1882.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Valentin Ferdinand Gudenus : Codex Diplomaticvs… , Volume I – V, Göttingen, Frankfurt and Leipzig 1743–1768. Gudenius was from 1765 to 1795 scholast at the Abbey of St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg. On April 30, 1762 he was elected archivist and made great contributions to the organization of the monastery archives. (On the Rhine)
  3. a b Matthias Thiel document book of the monastery St. Peter and Alexander zu Aschaffenburg Volume 1: 861–1325 Geschichts- und Kunstverein e. V. Aschaffenburg 1986, ISBN 3-87965-005-5
  4. ^ Reinhard Dietrich: Konrad von Hanau. in: New Magazine for Hanau History 9.4 (1990), p. 326 f.