Munich organ builder Johannes Führer

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Munich organ builder Johannes Führer
legal form GmbH
Seat Munich , Germany
management Johannes Führer
Branch Organ building

Münchner Orgelbau is a German organ building company based in Munich .


In 1975 Wilhelm Stöberl took over the Münchner Orgelbau company from Carl Schuster, which had existed since the 1920s. In the early 1990s, he merged his workshop with that of Guido Nenninger in the Sendling district. The company's headquarters are still located there today.

The company has been run by Johannes Führer (* 1959) since 1994 and operates as Munich Organ Builder Johannes Führer .

The company carries out restorations and renovations mainly in Upper Bavaria, but also new buildings.

Opus list (complete)

opus year place building image Manuals register Remarks
1 1995 Neumarkt-Sankt Veit I. 4th
2 1995 Dürnzhausen St. George I / P 8th
3 1996 Neudörfl ( Austria ) Virgin Mary's birth I. 4th
4th 1996 Munich - Sendling St. Margaret I. 5 Chest organ
5 1997 Sellrain ( Austria ) St. Anna I / P 14th
6th 1997 Salzburg ( Austria ) St. Benedict II / P 6th
7th 1997 Edling St. Cyriac I / P 6th Choir organ
8th 1998 Munich - Isarvorstadt St. Maximilian I. 4th Chest organ
9 1998 Munich - Schwabing Church of the Redeemer I. 4th Chest organ
10 1998 Munich - Sendling House organ Rothfuss II / P 4th
11 1999 Munich St. Jakob am Anger (nuns gallery) II / P 11
12 1999 Waldsassen House organ balloon II / P 4th
13 2000 Töging (Dietfurt an der Altmühl) Protestant church I. 4th
14th 2000 Neustadt near Coburg Protestant church I. 4th
15th 2000 Munich Citizens Hall Church I. 4th Chest organ
16 2000 Ruhpolding Hospital (Vincentinum) I. 4th Chest organ
- 2000 Schlehdorf Schlehdorf Monastery Schlehdorf St Tertulin Organ.jpg II / P 18th Restoration of the organ by Franz Thoma from 1783
17th 2001 Grünwald House organ Horsch II / P 4th
18th 2001 Don Bosco (Bozen) ( South Tyrol ) Parish church Maria in der Au Bozen Maria in der Au Orgel.jpg II / P 27
19th 2002 Munich St. Francis Xavier Muenchen St Franz Xaver Organ.jpg II / P 23
20th 2003 Munich Holy blood I. 3 Chest organ
21st 2003 Baiernrain St. Peter and Paul I. 3 Chest organ
22nd 2003 Farchant St. Andrew Farchant St Andreas.jpg II / P 15th New building behind a historic case
23 2003 Munich - Giesing Convent of the Poor School Sisters II / P 5 Monastery dissolved in 2019. It is not known whether and where the organ has already been sold.
24 2004 Graefelfing Funeral hall II / P 9
25th 2004 Moosburg on the Isar House organ II / P 2
26th 2004 Bobingen St. Felizitas I. 3 Chest organ
27 2004 Traunstein St. Joseph I. 5 Chest organ
28 2004 Munich - Sendling St. Korbinian I. 5 Chest organ
29 2005 Munich - Ludwigsvorstadt St. Paul I. 5 Chest organ
30th 2005 Unterlaus St. Vitus II / P 9
31 2006 Munich - Bogenhausen Holy blood
Muenchen Heilig Blut Orgel.jpg
II / P 25th organ
32 2006 Pfaffing (Fürstenfeldbruck) St. Stephan I / P 7th
33 2007 Kirchheim near Munich # Heimstetten St. Peter I. 3 Chest organ
34 2007 Munich - Haidhausen St. Johann Baptist I. 3 Chest organ
35 2007 Munich - Berg am Laim Mother House of the Sisters of Mercy II / P 17th
36 2010 Neubrandenburg St. Johannis I. 3 Chest organ
37 2010 Stams ( Austria ) Monastery church I. 3 Chest organ
38 2010 Munich - Sendling Assumption Church I. 4th Chest organ
39 2011 Schweitenkirchen Protestant church II / P 15th
40 2011 Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Partenkirchen Assumption Day I. 3 Chest organ
41 2011 Holzhausen am Ammersee Ortisei I. 3 Chest organ
- 2012 Rott am Inn St. Marinus and Anianus
Rott Monastery Organ.jpg
II / P 32 Technical new building, but without its own opus number; Prospectus from 1765
42 2012 Memmingerberg Epimachus Church II / P 18th
43 2012 Asbach (Petershausen) St. Peter and Paul I / P 6th
44 2014 Munich Organ building guide I / P 3 Chest organ (loan instrument)
45 2014 Munich Organ building guide I / P 3 Chest organ (loan instrument)
46 2015 Melkendorf (Kulmbach) Ev. Church of St. Aegidius II / P 16
47 2016 Thierstein (Fichtel Mountains) Michaeliskirche II / P 20th
48 2016 Hof (Saale) crematorium II / P 10
49 2016 On the mountain Evangelical Andreas Hügel parish hall
Amberg Andreas-Hügel-Haus Organ.jpg
II / P 7th
50 2017 Kochel am See Protestant church II / P 9 (10)
51 2018 Kolbermoor Holy Trinity II / P 31 (33) Largest organ in the company; Using pipes from the previous organ (s); Double action (electric second console in the choir room)
52 2019 Hair bridges Ev.-Luth. "House of Encounter" II / P 14th
53 2019 Munich - Kleinhadern New Simeons Church (in the Augustinum)
Munich-Kleinhadern, New Simeons Church (Augustinum) (7) .jpg
II / P 14 (18)


  • Hermann Fischer : 100 years of the Association of German Organ Builders 1891–1991 . Organ building specialist publisher Rensch, Lauffen 1991, ISBN 3-921848-18-0 .

Web links

Commons : Münchner Orgelbau Johannes Führer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Martin Balz : Divine Music - Organs in Germany . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-8062-2062-9 , p. 180 . → organ
  2. Thomas Rothfuß : French symphonic in South Tyrol - the new Johannes-Führer organ in Bolzano . In: Ars Organi . tape 50 , 2002, ISSN  0004-2919 , p. 100-101 .