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coat of arms map
Osturňa coat of arms
Osturňa (Slovakia)
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Prešovský kraj
Okres : Kežmarok
Region : Tatry
Area : 41.237 km²
Residents : 311 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 8 inhabitants per km²
Height : 717  m nm
Postal code : 059 79
Telephone code : 0 52
Geographic location : 49 ° 20 '  N , 20 ° 15'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 20 '5 "  N , 20 ° 14' 30"  E
License plate : KK
Kód obce : 523771
Community type : local community
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Kristína Gregoričková
Address: Obecný úrad Osturňa
05972 Osturňa
Website: www.osturna.obce.info
Statistics information on statistics.sk

Osturňa (German Asthorn , Hungarian Osztornya - until 1902 Oszturnya ) is a municipality in northern Slovakia , through which a brook flows into the Dunajec . It is located at the northern foot of the Spiš Magura near the Polish border, about 17 km from Spišská Stará Ves and 60 km from Poprad .


The place was first mentioned in writing in 1593. A minority of the Gorals live in the village . Many buildings that are exemplary of the typical Goral culture have been preserved, which is why the place is a folk architecture reserve.

Web links

Commons : Osturňa  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files