Silvia Nussbaumer

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AustriaAustria 0 Silvia Nussbaumer
Personal information
Date of birth 29th May 1958 (age 62)
place of birth Egg
1990 World champion duathlon long distance
1992 State champion long distance triathlon
1994 State champion triathlon middle distance

Silvia Nussbaumer (* 29. May 1958 in Egg as Silvia Oberhauser ) is a former Austrian triathlete and duathlete . She is duathlon world champion (1990) and multiple triathlon state champion (1992, 1994).


Born in Vorarlberg, she married Pius Nussbaumer in 1978 and began duathlon and triathlon in 1986.

World Champion Duathlon Long Distance 1990

She competed eight times at the Powerman in Zofingen and won here in 1990. In 1990 she started at the Ironman Hawaii (Ironman World Championships).

In 1992 she became national champion in the long distance triathlon at Lake Neusiedl and in 1994 also national champion in the middle distance.

In 1997 she was runner-up in Lithuania at the Double Ironman (7.2 km swimming, 360 km cycling and 84 km running) and in 1998 she started at the Triple Ironman in Grenoble, where she finished second.

In 2003, the 45-year-old started the marathon of the 3 countries on Lake Constance in her hometown Bregenz and she was able to win her age group.

Silvia Nussbaumer lives today with her husband and son in Bregenz .

Sporting successes

(DNF - Did Not Finish )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Always loyal to the sport (August 11, 2014)
  2. ^ Historique des Triathlons d'Embrun
  3. Update Ironman WM Hawaii: Numbers, data, facts ...
  4. ^ Ironman Europe 1990