Office of Grimnitz

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The Grimnitz office was a royal Prussian domain office based in Neugrimnitz ( Barnim district , Brandenburg ). It was formed in 1749/56 by splitting off from the older Liebenwalde office and dissolved in 1839.

Amt Grimnitz (= Neugrimnitz), Althüttendorf, district of Barnim, Brandenburg, Germany, detail from the Urmes table sheet 3038 Joachimsthal from 1826. The Grimnitzsee is just cut into on the left edge.

Geographical location

The Grimnitz office was located around the Grimnitzsee in the present-day communities of Althüttendorf, Altkünkendorf, Friedrichswalde, Schorfheide and Joachimsthal in the Barnim district, Brandenburg. The official seat was initially in Althüttendorf, later in Neugrimnitz.

History and related places

The castle of Liebenwalde (Lkr.Oberhavel) originally included a judicial district or bailiwick, which was extraordinarily large in the Middle Ages and not only included a few villages in the vicinity of the castle, but also the large and small Werbellinische Heide, the extent of which, however, only approximated can be developed. The later official area made up only a small part of the original bailiwick. The bailiwick was often pledged. In 1642 the bailiwick was converted into a sovereign office.

In a document from the year 1749, the leaseholder of Vorwerk and Glashütte Grimnitz (in Althüttendorf!) Gustav Krause is referred to for the first time as "bailiff". At the end of the lease period in 1756, the Grumsin and Mellin farms were assigned to the new office, as well as the Grimnitzer Heide with some colonies that had already arisen in it (Alt Hüttendorf, Forst bei Joachimsthal, Friedrichswalde, Werbellin). Further colonies were later established in the official area. In 1839 the new Rentamt Neustadt-Eberswalde was formed from the offices of Grimnitz, Biesenthal and Chorin .

  • Altenhof (1817: village ) (today a residential area of ​​the community of Schorfheide ). In 1595 the Heidereiter resided here. Some fishermen lived here in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1740 a schoolmaster was appointed for Altenhof. At the end of the 18th century, some colonists were also settled here.
  • Althüttendorf ( colony ). In 1663 a glassworks was built here. In 1749 the place was assigned to the Office of Grimnitz. In 1731 13 Büdner were assigned. A windmill was built in 1749/50. The windmill stood slightly to the north from Bahnhofstrasse (between No. 29a and 30)
  • At the Werbellinsee, establishment (today probably the residential area Waldhof, Gem. Joachimsthal, on the west bank of the Werbellinsee, north and on the other side of the lake from Altenhof)
  • Beardick . Forsthaus, laid out in 1823 on official territory.
  • Cöllnscher Teerofen (received, 4.5 km west-northwest Joachimsthal, between Krummem Köllnsee and Langem Köllnsee , Joachimsthal district )
  • Establishment Plantage near Glambeck (today opened in Glambeck)
  • Forest at Glambeck , Establishment (now in Glambeck , district of the municipality Friedrichswalde risen Angermünder Street 1)
  • Forest near Grimnitz (Neu Grimnitz) (1817: Establishment ) (today Neugrimnitz , part of the community of Althüttendorf )
  • Forst bei Joachimsthal, Kolonie (today residential area Forst Joachimsthal , City of Joachimsthal)
  • Friedrichswalde (1817: village ). The colony was created in the official area in 1748/49.
  • Grumsin Vorwerk (today living space in the Altkünkendorf part of the city of Angermünde). From a fence setter at the Großer Wildzaun, a Vorwerk was built in 1722/23. In 1779 four colonists were appointed to Grumsin.
  • Lime kiln , today the settlement Seerandstraße 11 on the west bank of the Werbellinsee , city of Joachimsthal
  • Mellin ( Vorwerk and Colony ) (merged with Parlow in the municipality of Friedrichswalde, Vorwerk later broken off). In 1727/3 a fence setter on the Großer Wildzaun was converted into a works. In 1749 Mellin was assigned to the Grimnitz office. In 1766 a colony was established to the west of the Vorwerk.
  • Neugrimnitz (1817: Amtssitzvorwerk ) (today a district of Althüttendorf). In 1682 a new glassworks was built here. In 1722 a Vorwerk was built, which later became the official seat.
  • Pehlenbruch ( forester's house ) (today living space in the community of Friedrichswalde). In 1804 a forester's house was built here.
  • Rückertshaus or Rüdershaus (located on the northeastern tip of the Werbellinsee, today the Jägerberg residential area of ​​the city of Joachimsthal). In 1767 the wood fitter Christoph Rückert had a house here. In 1831 a field brick was built here.
  • Melt (called Parlow since 1883). In 1601 Bohemian glassmakers were employed at the newly founded Grimnitzer Glashütte. Presumably at the same time, Aschenbrenner settled in what is now Parlow, then called Schmelze. In 1750, the Schmelze estate was created from several smaller individual estates. In 1880 the manor district of Schmelze-Mellin was renamed Parlow (not identical to today's Schmelze!).
  • Werbellin ( village ). The new village was built in 1748 on the territory of the Liebenwalde office.


  • 1756–1774 Gustav Krause (dismissed in 1774 because of lease arrears of 5,800 thalers)
  • 1775 Mr. Hertel, administrator
  • 1798 Ringdorff, senior magistrate
  • 1804 Ringdorff, senior magistrate
  • 1806 multiple
  • 1818 Mehrling, Oberamtmann
  • 1824 Reyne, senior bailiff
  • until 1838 Reyne, councilor

supporting documents


  • Friedrich Beck , Lieselott Enders , Heinz Braun (with the assistance of Margot Beck, Barbara Merker): Authorities and institutions in the territories of Kurmark, Neumark, Niederlausitz until 1808/16. XII, 702 S., Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv Corporation, Böhlau, Weimar 1964 (overview of the holdings of the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv Potsdam, part 1, publication series: Publications of the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv Volume 4), ISSN  0435-5946 ; 4.
  • Lieselott Enders (with the assistance of Margot Beck): Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg, part VI, Barnim . 676 pp., Weimar 1980.
  • Berthold Schulze: Property and settlement history statistics of the Brandenburg authorities and cities 1540-1800. Supplement to the Brandenburg office map. Individual writings of the historical commission for the province of Brandenburg and the imperial capital Berlin, Volume 7, 190 pp., Im Kommissionsverlag von Gsellius, Berlin, 1935.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Werner Heegewaldt: Friderizian domain politics using the example of the Kurmark. In: Frank Göse (ed.): Frederick the Great and the Mark Brandenburg: Domination practice in the province . P. 163–182, preview on Google Books ( memento of the original dated December 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (P. 166, footnote 11) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Address calendar, the all royal. Prussia. Lands and provinces, apart from the residences of Berlin, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Sovereign Duchy of Silesia; of the high and low colleges, instances and expeditions located therein, the same of the royal. Servants, magistrates, universities, preachers etc. on the year MDCCLXXV (1775). 582 pp., Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 1775. Online at Sächsische Landesbibliothek Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (additional sheet stapled behind p. 72)
  3. Handbook on the royal Prussian court and state for the year 1798. 444 p., With an appendix, 94 p., Berlin, Georg Decker, 1798 Online at Google Books (p. 58)
  4. Handbook on the royal Prussian court and state for the year 1804. 528 p., With an appendix with 125 p., Berlin, Georg Decker, 1804 (p. 66)
  5. Magnus Friedrich von Bassewitz: The Kurmark Brandenburg in connection with the fate of the entire state of Prussia during the period from October 22, 1806 to the end of 1808. Part 2. XXXII, 759 pp. + Beil., Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1852, table between pp. 340 and 341.
  6. Handbook on the royal Prussian court and state for the year 1818. 459 p., Berlin, Georg Decker, 1818 (p. 188)
  7. Handbook on the royal Prussian court and state for the year 1824. 498 p., Berlin, Georg Decker, 1824 (p. 182)
  8. ^ Official Journal of the Royal Government of Potsdam and the City of Berlin. Extra sheet for the 23rd issue, dated June 8, 1838 online at Google Books ( Memento of the original dated December 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (P. 199) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 52 ° 59 ′  N , 13 ° 50 ′  E