Chronicle of the civil war in Syria 2015
The 2015 Chronicle of the Syrian Civil War records the events of the Syrian civil war in 2015.
On January 25, 2015, the Japanese security service provider Haruna Yukawa was murdered by IS in Syria. On January 26, Kurdish groups declared the fight over Kobanê over. At the end of January 2015, a video was released showing the murder of the Japanese journalist Kenji Gotō in Syria. Gotō had originally gone to the crisis area to campaign for the release of the later murdered Yukawa.
On February 3, 2015, a video was released showing how the Jordanian hostage Muʿādh al-Kasāsba was fully conscious and killed by burning in an iron cage after his clothes were doused with gasoline. The fighter pilot was taken prisoner in December 2014 after his plane crashed. The Jordanian state television reported that the murder had already happened on January 3, 2015. In the early morning of February 4, 2015, the Jordanian authorities executed the terrorist Sadschida al-Rishawi - who was originally supposed to have been exchanged for IS hostages - by hanging.
On March 16, the Assad government is said to have used poison gas again, this time in the Idlib governorate .
On March 25, Syrian rebels took the strategically important city of Bosra al-Sham after four days of fighting against government troops . The attack was led by the Free Syrian Army , and the al-Nusra Front is said to have participated in the attack. The city in the Darʿā governorate in southern Syria is a UNESCO World Heritage Site .
On March 26, the Islamist rebel alliance Jaish al-Fatah launched an attack on the provincial capital of Idlib, which is held by government troops . On the night of March 28-29, the city was conquered by the rebels.
On April 1, rebel troops led by the Free Syrian Army (including parts of the al-Nusra Front) attacked the Nasib border crossing in Darʿā governorate in southern Syria. With the withdrawal of the Syrian army from the area on the following day, the Syrian government lost control of the last major border crossing to Jordan to the insurgents.
On April 6, the Yarmuk refugee camp in Damascus , where up to 18,000 residents were staying, was attacked by IS fighters.
On April 25, the city of Jisr el-Shughur in the Idlib governorate, previously held by government troops, was captured by fighters of the rebel alliance Jaish al-Fatah with the help of the Free Syrian Army .
On May 13, IS units took the place as-Suchna, east of the ancient oasis city of Palmyra (near today's city of Tadmur) and subsequently fought fierce battles with government troops west of Palmyra. The director of the ancient sites and Syrian state museums, Maamun Abdulkarim, confirmed that the attackers were only two kilometers from the excavation site, which “has meanwhile also become a refuge for thousands of refugees from as-Suchna. [...] There are also important gas fields in the region that have been fighting for months. "
On May 19, al-Mastuma and the last major military base of the Syrian army in Idlib governorate there were occupied by Islamist insurgents. The base is located south of the provincial capital Idlib, which has already been captured by rebel groups. The attack was carried out by the rebel alliance Jaish al-Fatah.
On May 20, IS fighters occupied the ancient city of Palmyra and today's Tadmur, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights . The Syrian territory currently controlled by IS, which is largely desert regions, is now more than 50%.
After the Syrian government troops withdrew from the last border crossing to Iraq under government control, ISIS fighters occupied the border town of Al Walid Tanef (Al Tanf) on May 21.
On May 28, 2015, the city of Ariha and the surrounding villages were completely captured by the Syrian army within just three hours, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights by the rebel alliance Jaish al-Fatah.
On May 31, 2015, Tadmor Prison in the city of Palmyra was blown up by IS fighters.
On June 4, it was reported that IS units were within a few hundred meters of the provincial capital al-Hasakah and had carried out several explosive attacks near Syrian army bases around the city in the past five days.
On June 9th, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), Syrian rebels captured the military base "Liwa 52" (Brigade 52) in the Darʿā governorate. With this, the Syrian army lost one of the largest military bases in this governorate near the border with Jordan.
On June 14, Kurdish fighters of the People's Defense Units (YPG) took Suluk (Salouk) in the northern Syrian governorate of ar-Raqqa in the Tall Abyad district, which had previously been occupied by units of the Islamic State . This brought YPG units about 5 km to the IS-held city of Tall Abyad (Tal Abiad, Tel Abjad) and the border crossing of the same name to Turkey. On June 16, 2015, the SOHR confirmed that the city was in Kurdish hands.
In mid-June 2015, IS fighters murdered several Syrian prisoners in Palmyra. The foreign IS fighters Mohamed Mahmoud (Austria), Yamin Z. and Harry S. (Germany) are accused of involvement.
A lead member, the Tunisian Tariq bin al-Tahar bin al-Falih al-'Awni al-Harzi , was killed in a drone attack by US forces on June 16 on an Islamic State militia base in Ash-Shaddadeh near al-Hasakah . The information was only published by the US Department of Defense on July 3, 2015.
On June 25, 2015, IS again attacked Ain al-Arab (Kobanê). At the same time, the village of Barcha Batan 35 km further south and the city of al-Hasakah in north-east Syria were attacked. During the day, the Kurdish units repelled the attack on Ain al-Arab. Three days later, all attackers were incapacitated.
A bomb attack on the Salem Mosque in Ariha on July 3 killed at least 25 members of the al-Nusra Front while breaking the fast. Supporters of the al-Nusra Front blamed the Islamic State (IS) militia for this.
On July 4, Assad's government forces and the Shiite Hezbollah militia began an offensive against the rebels in Al-Zabadani on the Lebanese border.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 247 people - including 50 children - were killed and more than 1,000 people injured in ten-day air strikes by the Syrian Air Force in rebel-controlled eastern suburbs of Damascus in the Eastern Ghouta region from August 16 onwards .
On August 18, the IS beheaded the 82-year-old Khaled Asaad , the excavation manager of the ancient sites of Palmyra.
The temple of Baal-Shamin was blown up on August 22nd by IS supporters.
On August 30, the Temple of Baal in Palmyra was blown up by IS, only the outer wall remained.
In a car bomb attack in Latakia on September 2, 10 people were killed and dozen injured, according to Syrian state television.
Fierce skirmishes between fighters from rebel groups and jihadists of the Islamic State on September 4th and 5th around the strategically important town of Marea in the north of the Aleppo governorate resulted in at least 47 deaths, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Over the weekend 5./6. According to various sources, government troops and jihadists of the Islamic State fought over the Jazal oil field in Homs governorate . Jazal was the last oil field in Syria to remain under the control of government units.
On September 9, fighters from the Islamist rebel alliance Jaish al-Fatah captured the Abu al-Duhur air base and thus the last base of government troops in Idlib governorate. According to SOHR, 56 government soldiers were killed and 40 captured.
The landing of extensive heavy Russian military equipment in the ports of Tartus and Latakia sparked speculation from the second week of September about increased Russian intervention in favor of President Assad's government troops in the conflict in Syria.
According to the SOHR, at least 40 fighters from both sides were killed in a renewed attack by ISIS jihadists on the long-locked air base of government troops near Deir ez-Zor from 10 September onwards.
On September 14, 26 people were killed in two car bomb attacks in the part of al-Hasakah controlled by Kurds and government troops, according to the state news agency SANA.
In the aftermath of the fighting between Islamist rebels and government troops from September 16, according to the SOHR, at least 38 people - including 13 children - were killed in the western part of Aleppo by mortar fire by rebels and at least 53 people in the eastern part by air strikes by the Syrian army with barrel bombs killed.
On September 18, 20 civilians were killed and 15 wounded in an attack by government forces on the city of Bosra al-Sham, according to human rights activists.
On September 20, at 12 p.m. local time, there was again a coupled local agreement on a cease-fire for the villages of Zabadani and Madaya in the border area with Lebanon, on the one hand, and for those of the rebels of the Jaish Alliance, which had been enclosed and fiercely contested by government troops and units of the Lebanese Hezbollah for two and a half months al-Fatah besieged Alawite enclaves al-Foua and Kefraya in Idlib governorate on the other hand.
On September 23, activists reported that in the previous days, numerous attacks by the Syrian air force on the IS-controlled cities of Ar-Raqqa and Tadmor had killed more than 100 people, including at least 33 civilians, and injured dozens more. During the attacks, the Qalʿat Ibn Ma ausn citadel from the 13th century was also damaged by the dropping of barrel bombs .
On September 26, a rocket fired by the Syrian army hit al-Waer - the last rebel-controlled neighborhood in the urban area of Homs - according to activists, at least 17 people - mostly civilians - killed.
On September 27, the French President Hollande announced on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations that for the first time six aircraft of the French Air Force had flown an attack against a training camp for IS fighters in Syria. On the same day, according to the Israeli army, Israeli artillery fired two posts of the Syrian government troops in the Golan Heights in response to the impact of "stray" rockets on Israel-controlled territory .
According to information from SOHR, at least 15 civilians, including 3 women and 7 children, were killed and 50 others injured in an attack by the Syrian air force on the IS-controlled town of al-Mayadin in Deir ez-Zor governorate on 28 September .
After the Federation Council approved a military operation on September 30, Russian fighter planes began a first wave of attacking targets in Syria a few hours later. According to Russian information, positions of the IS were attacked, according to other information, positions of a moderate group allegedly supported by the United States called "Tajamu Alezzah" near Homs were hit by the attack. However, other sources have described the affected group as "Tajammu al-Izzah", part of the Free Syrian Army. According to Senator McCain, "CIA-backed rebels" were attacked. According to information from local activists and local officials, targets in areas controlled by various rebel groups in Homs Governorate, including the towns of Rastan and Talbisa, were bombed. At least 33 civilians were killed.
On September 30, the United States launched its own air strikes in Syria near Aleppo without warning the Russians, an American official subsequently confirmed.
Chaled Khodja , the current president of the National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, said on Twitter that the Russians had killed 36 civilians in their air strikes north of Homs. There is no ultimate certainty about the goals of the first wave.
Also on September 30, the public prosecutor in Paris announced that they had initiated proceedings against the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for crimes against humanity based on a dossier with 50,000 photos of at least 11,000 deaths in Syrian state prisons .

On the night of October 1, Russian forces launched a second wave of air strikes. Assad opposition activists claimed that the air strikes were carried out through "moderate rebel" positions and not from ISIS. According to Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen TV news channel, Russian fighter planes bombed insurgent positions on October 1, including the rural areas near the northwestern city of Jisr el-Shughur , where around 30 targets of the Islamist militia Jaish al-Fatah had been attacked should. The attacks near Jisr el-Shughur were discussed with the Syrian military and targeted several well-known terrorist groups, a spokesman for the Kremlin announced.
Russian authorities said that the target of the last attacks was ISIS and two other unspecified groups. According to the Moscow Defense Ministry, an IS command post and two ammunition dumps were hit on the night of October 1. According to activists of the small town was the bombing of Kafr Nabl the World Heritage Site of UNESCO Dead Cities damage from the Byzantine period.
Foreign Minister Lavrov partially confirmed the allegations that Russia is attacking other groups rather than ISIS . You only attack terrorists who are classified as such by the UN Security Council or Russian law. When asked for a definition, he said: "If it looks like a terrorist, acts like a man, walks like a man and fights like a terrorist, it is a terrorist - right?"
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian fighter planes flew ten missions on October 2, during which, according to reports, they also hit ISIS targets, including a training camp and a command center in ar-Raqqa. According to observers, the Qaryatayn south of Homs held by IS was also hit. Other targets were hit in areas not held by IS. The Russian Navy introduced, according to a Russian news agency the missile cruiser Moskva off to secure the Russian contingent in Syria by sea.
On October 3, the Russian air forces reportedly flew 20 missions during which ten ISIS targets in the governorates of ar-Raqqa and Idlib were attacked. Turkey complained to Russia that Russia violated Turkey's airspace. In this connection, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that a Su-30 fighter-bomber entered the airspace of Turkey for a few seconds during the approach due to unfavorable weather conditions over Latakia.
On October 5th, IS terrorists blew up the triumphal arch in Palmyra . The Russian air forces reported that they flew 15 sorties against 10 ISIS targets, with around 20 of the group's tanks being destroyed.
On October 7, Syrian government troops and the Russian air force coordinated the shelling on rebel positions north of Hama, according to observers . Ground troops loyal to President Assad are said to have attacked. The region is controlled by various groups, of which the al-Nusra Front is the strongest faction. On the same day, the Caspian Flotilla attacked targets in Syria with 26 calibration- type cruise missiles .
On October 8, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced that one of their generals, Hussein Hamedani, had been killed near Aleppo. The Russian Air Force, according to its own statements, intensified its air strikes on October 8 and 9 and attacked 60 targets. IS forces advanced near Aleppo and, according to observers, drove other rebel groups from several villages. The IS fighters are threatening the connection between the rebel groups in Aleppo and the Turkish border.
On the night of October 11-12, fifty tons of military equipment (small arms, grenades and ammunition) were dropped by US armed forces aircraft near Raʾs al-ʿAin . Previously, the Kurdish YPG had joined forces with befriended Syrian-Arab and Assyrian units to form the new Alliance for Syrian Democratic Forces . Turkey then called in the ambassadors of Russia and the USA and warned against supporting Syrian Kurds in the fight against the IS militia. The Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said in an interview with the US Ambassador in Ankara, John Bass : "Turkey cannot accept any cooperation with terrorist organizations that have declared war on Turkey."
In mid-October, the Bundeswehr ended the use of the Patriot missiles in Turkey after almost three years . The rockets were stationed near the Syrian border to protect NATO member Turkey from possible attacks from Syria, but were never used. Federal Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen justified the withdrawal by saying that the main danger in the crisis region no longer came from the Syrian army, but from the IS extremists. The USA also switched off their Patriot missiles - only Spanish defense systems were still in use.
On October 19, air strikes by Russian fighter planes in Latakia Governorate reportedly killed 45 people, including a rebel commander and relatives of insurgent fighters, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in Coventry. According to Russian sources, terrorist bases, vehicle convoys and missile workshops were attacked.
On October 20, Vanessa Huguinin, spokeswoman for the UN emergency aid coordinator, stated that 35,000 people were on the run and urgently needed help as a result of the offensive by Syrian government forces and Russian air strikes on the southwestern suburbs of Aleppo. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the death toll since the start of the Russian military intervention at 370, including at least 120 civilians. Defense spokesmen in Washington and Moscow announced that representatives from both countries had signed a series of security protocols to avoid incidents between aircraft from both countries in the airspace over Syria. Also on October 20, one day after his election victory, Canada's new prime minister , Justin Trudeau , announced that his country would end its combat mission in the US-led alliance, as promised in the election campaign, and would no longer participate in the air strikes in Syria and participate in Iraq.
On October 21, according to the director Mohamed Tennari, at least 12 people were killed, including 3 hospital employees, and 20 others were wounded in attacks by fighter planes on a field hospital of the English Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) in Sarmin, Idlib governorate. Physicians-for-Human-Rights employee Widney Brown referred in this context to 3 further air strikes on hospitals in early October, for which Russian aircraft were also held responsible, and criticized the procedure as "inexcusable". The Russian Foreign Ministry initially rejected the allegations as "disinformation". On November 2, 2015, the spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry presented before and after satellite images of the hospital in Sarmin, on which no damage could be seen. The spokesman also claimed that the other hospitals headed by SAMS in al-Eis, al-Hadher, Khan Tuman, al-Zirba and Latamna did not even exist, which is why the news portal sputniknews spoke of a "western propaganda lie". In contrast, when evaluating photos and video recordings, Amnesty International came to the conclusion that the Russian satellite photos showing the undamaged hospital in Sarmin must have been from before the attacks. The research network Bellingcat also came to the same conclusion , which also identified the dating of the Russian satellite photos as incorrect. According to Bellingcat, the destruction of the hospital building was not the result of direct bombing, which means that it recognized the relevant Russian claims as correct.
On October 27, it became known that Turkish troops had fired artillery at Kurdish targets in Syria near Tall Abyad several times in the past week . The Turkish President announced that an advance of the YPG was the reason for the attacks, while a Kurdish representative announced that the attack had taken place at the same time as an attack by ground troops of the terrorist organization IS and concluded that Turkey wanted a land connection between the Kurdish-occupied areas interrupt along the border.
At the Syria summit, the most comprehensive negotiations to date on the Syria conflict, in Vienna on October 30, a surprise success was achieved: 19 top diplomats, led by Russia and the USA, agreed on principles for a peace process, which the UN envoy Staffan de Mistura should drive forward. The UN veto powers USA, Russia, China, France and Great Britain as well as important actors like Saudi Arabia and Turkey signed a joint declaration. At the urging of Iran and Russia, it was expressly stated that the Syrian people should decide for themselves about the future of the country. In doing so, the West moved away from the earlier demand that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must be ousted from office immediately. The interviewees in Vienna agreed to expand the military campaign in Syria. US Secretary of State Kerry announced the dispatch of a small contingent of troops to the northern regions of Syria. At the same time as the Vienna negotiations, US President Barack Obama, contrary to his previous political line, announced that he would be sending US ground troops to northern Syria for the first time to support so-called “moderate rebels”. He also ordered an undisclosed number of A-10 and F-15 fighter jets to be transferred to the Turkish NATO air force base in İncirlik . In coordination with Iraq, a task force is to be set up to coordinate attacks on IS leaders and their network.
In Damascus suburb of Ghouta early November POWs and their families were from the religious group of Alawites locked in cages and drove through the city, apparently to use them as human shields against potential air strikes by government forces or Russia. Observers attributed the action to the rebel group Army of Islam , which is the largest faction in the area.
On November 5, Islamist rebels captured the city of Morek, which is north of Hama on the road connecting Aleppo.
On November 10, Syrian government troops broke through the siege of the Kweires military airport (also known as Koyeress ), which had been going on since spring 2014 . The airport in Aleppo Governorate has been locked in by IS militias since spring 2014.
On November 12, units of the Syrian army captured the city of al-Hader, south of Aleppo, which had previously been controlled by rebel units. The city is not far from the Damascus-Aleppo road.
From November 12th, the US Air Force stepped up its attacks on oil fields that were in the hands of ISIS. The eight target areas were in the vicinity of the city of Deir ez-Zor . The operation was named Tidal Wave II , which refers to a comparable action during the Second World War, in which oil production facilities in the area of the Romanian city of Ploiesti were attacked in 1943 .
According to its own report, the Syrian Democratic Forces recaptured over 1300 km² from IS between October 30 and November 13 in the east of the al-Hasakah governorate . The focus was on the liberation of the cities of al-Haul and al-Chatuniya, which cut important ISIS supply routes.
On November 17, Russian fighter planes attacked IS tankers, and American planes flew similar missions. The declared goal of both nations was to cut off the IS from income from oil sales. Russia announced that it had destroyed around 500 US, 116 such vehicles.
On November 24, 2015, Turkish fighter planes shot down a Russian Air Force bomber over the Syrian province of Latakia . Turkish authorities stated that the aircraft had previously violated Turkish airspace and had maintained its course despite repeated warnings.
On December 2, British fighter-bombers flew missions against IS targets in Syria for the first time. The attack came a few hours after the British Parliament decided, after ten hours of debate, to start such missions. Four tornado- type fighter-bombers attacked the al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria. The planes had previously taken off from Akrotiri Air Force Base in Cyprus .
On December 6, the US-led coalition attacked an ammunition dump belonging to the Syrian armed forces with four fighter jets and nine missiles. In this attack, three people are said to have been killed and at least 13 injured, and two tanks were damaged.
On December 8, 2015, the project 636 submarine “Rostov-na-Donu” , which operates in the Mediterranean , attacked IS targets in Syria with several calibr cruise missiles .
Opposition fighters gave up the enclosed Waer district of the metropolis of Homs on December 9 and reached an agreement with President Assad's government forces on a ceasefire. In return, free withdrawal was promised for the fighters of radical groups such as the Al-Nusra Front , who did not want to stop the fight, and humanitarian aid for the remaining residents was guaranteed. About 700 people, including some 300 fighters, left Waer under the protection of the agreement.
On December 13, fighters who were assigned to the insurgents shelled the capital Damascus with around 40 mortar shells from a suburb. State media reported three dead and 33 wounded. A later attack by government troops with fighter planes and surface-to-surface missiles on the suburb killed between 35 and 60 people, according to various activist groups.
On December 20, 2015, the Syrian state media and Hezbollah media announced that the Lebanese Hezbollah commander and PLF activist Samir Kuntar was killed on December 19 in Djaramana . Hezbollah media and other regime-affiliated sources accused Israel of having carried out an air strike on the building where Kuntar was staying. Two Israeli warplanes would have launched four long-range missiles that destroyed the building. Israel did not provide any information about the attack, but Minister Schaked expressed satisfaction at the death of Kuntar in a radio interview.
Also on December 20, government troops announced that they had captured the village of Khan Touman , south-west of Aleppo, on an insurgent supply route, the Aleppo-Damascus road. Residents in Idlib reported an air strike on the city center with dozens of victims, for which they blamed Russia.
The leader of the radical Salafist rebel organization Army of Islam (Syria) , supported by Saudi Arabia , Sahran Allush (Zahran Alloush), was killed in a Russian air strike on December 25, 2015 near Otaya, south of Duma . He was also the military chief of the Islamic Front and was released from Sednaya prison near Damascus in 2011 under an amnesty by the Syrian government.
According to an agreement during the civil war between the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad and the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) mediated by the United Nations , according to the Lebanese broadcaster Al Mayadeen on December 25, 2015, a total of more than 3,500 armed men and civilians are to be evacuated subtract southern area around Damascus. Among them are fighters from the Al-Nusra Front .
On December 26th, units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured the Tischrin Dam , which was occupied by IS troops.
Around 430 fighters and family members in Syria with different political and religious orientations are flown out via an airlift through the mediation of the United Nations. About 330 Shiite fighters and about 100 of their relatives from Idlib received the Hezbollah on the Beirut Airport . Meanwhile , an Airbus 321 with 126 Sunni fighters from Sabadani landed at the Turkish airport of Antakya Hatay and then transported them on to Beirut.
In two attacks in the Sahra district of Homs by a car bomb and a suicide bomber from the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) on December 28, 2015, at least 37 people were killed and around 90 injured.
Web links
- After the Syria Conference - Steinmeier: “Decisive step forward” . On October 30, 2015 on .
- Matthew Chance: On board the warship Moskva. The naval power behind Russia's air was in Syria. In: CNN., December 17, 2015, accessed December 18, 2015 .
- Matthew Chance: The view from Hmeymim airbase, staging ground for Russia's war in Syria. In: CNN., December 17, 2015, accessed December 18, 2015 .
Individual evidence
- ↑ IS fighters expelled - border town Kobane is liberated - Focus Online from January 26, 2015
- ↑ Atrocity of the terrorist militia: IS burned hostage alive. Retrieved December 8, 2015 .
- ↑ Jordan wants to execute Iraqi jihadist Rishawi. Retrieved December 8, 2015 .
- ↑ HRW , BBC
- ↑ Rebels capture the Syrian world heritage city of Bosra al-Sham. from March 25, 2015
- ^ FSA take control of ancient city Bosra in southern Syria
- ↑ World: Rebels conquer world cultural heritage in Bosra.
- ^ Civil war in Syria: Islamist fighters conquer Idlib. Spiegel Online from March 28, 2015
- ^ Thousands flee Syrian city Idlib after rebel capture. as of March 29, 2015
- ↑ Sohranas: The clashes continue around Nasib border crossing, and the helicopters drop 9 barrel bombs on Ibtaa and al-Sheikh Meskin. In: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Retrieved April 5, 2015 .
- ↑ Syrian rebels seize border crossing with Jordan. (No longer available online.) In: Reuters. Archived from the original on April 3, 2015 ; Retrieved April 5, 2015 .
- ↑ Palestinian camp under constant IS attack: “More than inhumane”. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on April 7, 2015 ; Retrieved December 8, 2015 .
- ↑ Fighting in Syria: IS storms refugee camp near Damascus. Retrieved December 8, 2015 .
- ^ Sara Hussein: 'Army of Conquest' rebel alliance pressures Syria regime. Yahoo, April 28, 2015
- ↑ Anne Barnard, Hwaida Saad: Islamists Seize Control of Syrian City in North West. The New York Times, April 25, 2015, accessed April 27, 2015 : "Other video images posted by fighters and antigovernment activists showed insurgents, including some with Fursan al-Haq, a Free Syrian Army group, using what appeared to be guided antitank missiles to blow up armored vehicles in the battles in Idlib Province in recent days. "
- ↑ Al-Sukhnah in the English Wikipedia
- ↑ Report in .
- ^ IS advances in the eastern countryside of Homs and kills 30 soldiers in regime forces. (No longer available online.), May 13, 2015, archived from the original on May 18, 2015 ; accessed on October 6, 2015 .
- ↑ IS kills 26 civilians on the way to Palmyra . In: , May 14, 2015.
- Jump up ↑ Assad on the defensive: Rebels conquer important military base in Syria. In: , May 19, 2015.
- ↑ Syrian Islamists take Assad base in Idlib . In: , May 19, 2015.
- ^ War in Syria: IS fighters conquer the ancient city of Palmyra. In: , May 20, 2015.
- ↑ IS takes Palmyra . In: , May 20, 2015.
- ↑ IS conquers historic city in Syria . In: , updated on May 21, 2015.
- ↑ Public beheadings: IS terrorists murder Assad supporters in Palmyra . In: , May 23, 2015.
- ↑ Terrorist militia on the advance: IS captures the last border crossing between Syria and Iraq . In: , May 21, 2015.
- ↑ Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Al-Fateh Army takes control over the whole city of Ariha in Idlib. In: .
- ↑ IS blows up Assad prison. In: .
- ↑ IS is shortly before the provincial capital Al-Hasakah in Syria. The standard of June 4, 2015, accessed July 8, 2015
- ↑ Civil War: Rebels capture important army base in Syria. Spiegel Online from June 9, 2015
- ^ The regime loses the largest stronghold in Dar'a. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 9, 2015
- ↑ IS pulls back from the town of Salouk and YPG backed by rebels advance in it. [ from June 14, 2015]
- ↑ Syria: Kurds advance on important city and border crossing. (dpa) from June 14, 2015
- ↑ Fight against IS: Syrian Kurds conquer Tall Abjad. Spiegel Online, June 16, 2015, accessed on the same day.
- ↑ Lizzie Dearden: "London postman who joined Isis charged with involvement in massacre and war crimes after denying killing" The Independent of January 5, 2017
- ↑ US drone kills "Emir the suicide bomber" of IS. Tages-Anzeiger , July 3, 2015, accessed June 3, 2015 .
- ↑ IS kills dozens of people in Kobane. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from June 25, 2015.
- ^ Syrian border town: Kurds circle IS fighters in Kobane. Spiegel Online from June 26, 2015.
- ↑ Kurds successfully drive IS militia out of Kobani. Die Welt from June 27, 2015.
- ↑ a b Heavy attack on the rebel stronghold of Sabadani. Deutsche Welle , July 4, 2015, accessed June 4, 2015 .
- ^ Syrian forces close in on rebel-held Zabadani. BBC , July 4, 2015, accessed June 4, 2015 .
- ↑ Tom Perry, Naline Malla: Toll of Syrian air strikes near Damascus rises to 247 in 10 days. In: monitor , Reuters, August 25, 2015
- ↑ IS beheads historians from Palmyra. Süddeutsche Zeitung, August 19, 2015, accessed on August 24, 2015 .
- ↑ IS blows up the Baal temple in Palmyra. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23 August 2015, accessed on 24 August 2015 .
- ↑ World Heritage Site in Syria: IS terrorists blow up Palmyra's largest temple
- ^ Suleiman Al-Khalidi, Sylvia Westall: Car bomb kills 10 in coastal stronghold of Syria's Assad. Reuters of September 2, 2015
- ^ John Davison: At least 47 killed in clashes between Islamic State and Syrian rebels: monitor.
- ↑ Tom Perry: Syrian army. Islamic State battle for central oilfield. Reuters September 8, 2015
- ↑ Naline Malla, Sylvia Westall: Insurgents attack on Syrian base kills 56 soldiers. In: monitor , Reuters, September 10, 2015
- ^ Suleiman al-Khalidi et al .: Exclusive: Russian troops join combat in Syria - sources. Reuters on September 10, 2015
- ^ John Davison: Islamic State attacks Syrian air base in east, dozens reported killed. Reuters on September 10, 2015
- ↑ Two car bombs kill at least 26 people in eastern Syrian city. monitor, state media, Reuters of September 14, 2015
- ↑ John Davison, Naline Malla, Mariam Karouny: Syrian army air raids kill at least 53 in rebel-held areas of Aleppo. In: monitor , Reuters of September 17, 2015
- ↑ Dozens killed in renewed barrel bomb attacks in Syria's Daraa. (No longer available online.) ARA News, September 18, 2015, archived from the original on September 24, 2015 ; Retrieved September 19, 2015 .
- ↑ Tom Perry: Warring sides in Syria agree local ceasefire. In: monitor , Reuters of September 20, 2015
- ↑ AFP: Syria intensifies raids on ISIS-held Palmyra: activists. Daily Star Lebanon September 23, 2015
- ↑ Palmyra citadel damaged by Syria strikes. In: expert , Daily Star Lebanon, September 24, 2015
- Jump up ↑ Missile kills 17 in rebel enclave in Syria's Homs. In: monitor , Daily Star Lebanon, September 27, 2015
- ↑ John Irish, Dominique Vidalon: France launches air strikes against Islamic State in Syria. Reuters of September 27, 2015
- ^ John Davison: Israel hits Syrian army on Golan after 'errant' cross-border fire. Reuters of September 27, 2015
- ↑ The regime warplanes commit a massacre in the city of al-Mayadin leaving more than 15 civilian victims and 50 injuries. from September 28, 2015
- ↑ Andrew Roth, Brian Murphy, Missy Ryan: Russia begins airstrikes in Syria; US warns of new concerns in conflict , Washington Post September 30, 2015, viewed September 30, 2015
- ↑ Shaun Walker, Kareem Shaheen, Martin Chulov, Spencer Ackerman and Julian Borger: Russia launches first airstrikes against targets in Syria , The Guardian of September 30, 2015, sighted on September 30, 2015
- ↑ Tom LoBianco: McCain: Russian airstrikes target CIA-backed rebels. In: CNN, accessed on October 1, 2015 (English): "Their initial strikes were against the individuals and the groups that have been funded and trained by our CIA, in a credible flaunting of any kind of cooperation or effort to conceal what (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's priority is - and that is, of course, to prop up (Syrian President) Bashar Assad "
- ↑ Tom Perry: "Russian air strikes unleash new devastation in Syrian region, say residents", Reuters of September 30, 2015
- ↑ The New York Times: Russians Strike Targets in Syria, but Not ISIS Areas - The New York Times , access date: October 1, 2015
- ↑ Russian strikes killed civilians: Syrian opposition leader , Reuters Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:39 am EDT
- ↑ Syrian opposition leader: Russian strikes killed civilians Sep. 30, 2015 | 05:40 PM
- ↑ Air strikes were apparently also aimed at America's allies
- ↑ Chine Labbé: “France investigates Syria's Assad for crimes against humanity”, Reuters of September 30, 2015
- ↑ Kim Segupta: Russia begins second wave of air strikes in Syria as non-Isis rebels say Putin is trying to elimate Assad opposition. The Independent, October 1, 2015, accessed October 1, 2015
- ↑ Syria: Lavrov rejects criticism of Russian air strikes . In: , October 1, 2015, accessed October 1, 2015.
- ↑ AP: "Russia Defends Its Military Action in Syria" NYT from October 1, 2015, viewed on October 1, 2015
- ↑ Ana Maria Luca & Myra Abdallah: "How Russia bombed a UN Heritage Site in Syria", NOW.reporting from October 1, 2015 ( Memento from November 17, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Don Melvin, Susannah Cullinane, Mohammed Tawfeeq: Russia's Lavrov on Syria targets. In: CNN. October 1, 2015, accessed on October 4, 2015 : "If it looks like a terrorist, walks like a terrorist ..."
- ↑ Neil MacFarquhar and Somini Sengupta: Russia Strikes in ISIS Territory in Syria but Ignores Demands Western . New York Times, October 2, 2015, accessed October 2, 2015.
- ↑ Polina Devitt and Andrew Osborn: UPDATE 1-Russia says its planes struck 10 Islamic State targets in Syria . In: , October 4, 2015, accessed October 4, 2015.
- ^ A b Ayla Jean Yackley and Humeyra Pamuk: NATO denounces Russian incursion into Turkish air space . In: , October 5, 2015, accessed October 5, 2015.
- ↑ Syria announces ground offensive. In: October 6, 2015, accessed October 6, 2015 .
- ↑ IS blows up ancient triumphal arch in Palmyra . Message from the head of the Syrian Antiquities Administration, Mamun Abdelkarim. In: Die Zeit online , October 5, 2015, accessed on October 5, 2015.
- ↑ dpa, Reuters, sk: Opposition reports Assad's ground offensive. In: ZEIT ONLINE. October 7, 2015, accessed October 7, 2015 .
- ↑ Ships of the Kaspi fleet fire 26 wing rockets at IS positions in Syria. In: October 7, 2015, accessed October 7, 2015 .
- ↑ Dominic Evans and Parisa Hafezi: “Islamic State closes in on city of Aleppo in Syrian fighting” Reuters, October 9, 2015, viewed on October 9, 2015
- ↑ Anne Barnard and Thomas Erdbrink: "ISIS Makes Gains in Syria Territory Bombed by Russia" NYT of 9 October 2015 spotted on October 9, 2015
- ↑ US Military cargo planes drop 50 tons of ammunition to Syrian rebel groups . Reuters / Daily Mail, October 12, 2015 (English).
- ↑ Syrian militias found a military alliance . Deutsche Welle , October 12, 2015.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ APA: "Activists: 45 dead in Russian air strikes in Syria" of October 20, 2015
- ↑ Russia's military operation forces IS terrorists to retreat. In: Retrieved October 20, 2015 .
- ^ AFP: “Tens of thousands flee Aleppo following latest wave of airstrikes in Syria”, of October 20, 2015
- ↑ War in Syria: Canada wants to end its air strikes. In: NZZ International. October 21, 2015, accessed October 21, 2015 .
- ↑ Martin Chulov and Shiv Malik: "Three Syrian hospitals bombed since Russian airstrikes began, doctors say", of October 22, 2015
- ↑ Moscow denies reports of attack on clinic in Syria. In: October 22, 2015, accessed October 22, 2015 .
- ^ "Bombed" clinic in Syria: Moscow refutes Western propaganda lies with pictures. In: Retrieved November 2, 2015 .
- ↑ Amnesty International: “'Civilian objects were undamaged': Russia's statements on its attacks in Syria unmasked” , Report, December 2015, pp. 20ff., Accessed on January 5, 2016.
- ↑ Nathan Patin: "Fact-Checking Russia's Claim that It Didn't Bomb a Hospital in Syria" . Article dated November 4, 2015, accessed January 5, 2016.
- ↑ Rainer Hermann: "Turkish Army Shells Syrian-Kurdish Positions" , FAZ of October 27, 2015
- ^ Christian Ultsch and Julia Raabe: Syria summit: surprise success in Vienna. In: October 30, 2015, accessed November 2, 2015 .
- ^ A b Syria Conference in Vienna: Appeal for elections and a ceasefire. In: SPON. October 30, 2015, accessed October 31, 2015 .
- ^ Sabine Siebold, Parisa Hafezi, Arshad Mohammed: US to send special forces to Syria, truce sought after peace talks. In: Reuters , October 30, 2015 (English).
- ↑ Special forces against IS: Media reports: USA sends ground troops to Syria for the first time. In: Focus. Retrieved October 31, 2015 .
- ↑ Ulrike Putz (Beirut): Insurgents in Syria - Propaganda offensive by the Islamist rebels , source: Spiegel Online , October 3, 2013.
- ↑ Robert Mackey, Maher Samaan: Caged Hostages From Syrian President's Sect Paraded Through Rebel-Held Suburb. In: The New York Times., November 1, 2015, accessed November 3, 2015 .
- ↑ 42 dead in Russian attack on IS stronghold Raqqa. In: . November 6, 2015, accessed November 7, 2015 .
- ^ Syrian rebels seize town in west in blow to government. In: . November 5, 2015, accessed November 7, 2015 .
- ^ IS siege of Kweires military airport broken. In: . November 10, 2015, accessed November 13, 2015 .
- ↑ Syrian army conquers the rebel city of al-Hader. In: . November 12, 2015, accessed November 13, 2015 .
- ↑ Michael R. Gordon, Eric Schmitt: US Steps Up Its Attacks on ISIS-Controlled Oil Fields in Syria . New York Times, November 12, 2015, accessed November 15, 2015.
- ↑ SDF releases balance sheet of the operation in south Hesekê article on ANF News of November 16, 2015
- ↑ red, APA: "Russia bombs IS refineries and oil tankers" of November 18, 2015
- ↑ "Turkey shoots down Russian fighter aircraft" FAZ from November 24, 2015
- ↑ British attack IS in Syria. In: December 3, 2015, accessed December 3, 2015 .
- ^ Christian Bunke: British House of Commons decides on air strikes against IS. In: December 3, 2015, accessed December 3, 2015 .
- ↑ UK launches first Syria air strikes. In: December 3, 2015, accessed December 3, 2015 .
- ↑ Syria protests at the UN against attack by the US coalition on army camps. In: December 7, 2015, accessed December 21, 2015 .
- ↑ US Army is said to have killed Syrian soldiers. In: December 7, 2015, accessed December 21, 2015 .
- ↑ Russia fires submarine missiles against IS. In: December 9, 2015, accessed December 9, 2015 .
- ↑ Anne Barnard and Hwaida Saad: "Hundreds Evacuated From Rebel Foothold in Homs Under Cease-Fire" NYT on December 9, 2015
- ↑ Reuters / Stephanie Nebehay and Tom Miles "UN Aid Chief Heads to Syria to Try to Boost Deliveries" NYT December 11, 2015
- ↑ Zeina Karam / AP: "Syrian Rebels Fire Barrage of Mortar Shells Into Capital" NYT from December 13, 2015
- ↑ Sylvia Westall / Reuters: "Dozens Die in Strikes on Syrian School District, Other Areas" NYT of December 13, 2015
- ↑ "Hezbollah terrorist killed in Syria" FAZ of December 20, 2015
- ↑ Reuters: "Lebanese Militant Leader Killed in Israeli Raid in Syria-Hezbollah" NYT December 20, 2015
- ↑ Suleiman Al-Khalidi: "Suspected Russian warplanes kill scores in Syrian city: rescue workers" Reuters, December 20, 2015
- ↑ Top Syrian rebel commander killed in airstrike near Damascus. The Globe and Mail , December 25, 2015, accessed December 25, 2015 .
- ↑ Unique agreement feeds hope for progress in Syria. In: The Huffington Post . December 25, 2015, accessed December 25, 2015 .
- ↑ Iraqi troops push IS out of Ramadi. In: . December 27, 2015, accessed December 28, 2015 .
- ^ US-backed alliance captures key dam from Islamic State: alliance spokesman. In: Reuters . December 26, 2015, accessed December 28, 2015 .
- ^ Hundreds of fighters, civilians escape besieged Syrian areas., December 28, 2015, accessed December 29, 2015 .
- ^ Hundreds of fighters and civilians escape besieged Syrian areas under UN deal. (No longer available online.) Swissinfo , December 28, 2015, archived from the original on December 29, 2015 ; accessed on December 29, 2015 .
- ^ Turkish Airbus carrying injuries from Zabadani lands in Beirut., December 29, 2015, accessed December 29, 2015 .
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