Längenmühlbach (Isar)

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Längenmühlbach near Mammingerschwaigen

Längenmühlbach near Mammingerschwaigen

Water code EN : 168
location Counties Landshut , Dingolfing-Landau , Deggendorf in Lower Bavaria
River system Isar
Drain over Isar  → Danube  → Black Sea
source Altheim hydropower plant
(above the barrage)
48 ° 35 ′ 0 ″  N , 12 ° 13 ′ 7 ″  E
Source height 384  m above sea level NN
muzzle near Plattling in the Isar Coordinates: 48 ° 45 '53 "  N , 12 ° 52' 17"  E 48 ° 45 '53 "  N , 12 ° 52' 17"  E
Mouth height 318  m above sea level NN
Height difference 66 m
Bottom slope 0.97 ‰
length 68.1 km
Catchment area 231.08 km²
Left tributaries Moosgraben , Lichtenseer Bach , Köllnbach , Sulzgraben , Laillinger Bach
Right tributaries Gänsmühlbach 48 ° 41 ′ 29 ″  N , 12 ° 42 ′ 15 ″  E
Medium-sized cities Dingolfing
Small towns Landau on the Isar , Plattling
Communities Ergolding (until 1951), Essenbach , Niederaichbach , Wörth , Niederviehbach , Loiching , Gottfrieding , Mamming , Pilsting , Wallersdorf , Oberpöring , Otzing , Aholming

The Längenmühlbach , formerly also Längermühlbach , Längermoosmühlbach or Moosmühlbach , on official land maps sometimes only Mühlbach , is a 68.12 kilometer long Mühlkanal on the orographic left side parallel to the lower reaches of the Isar in Lower Bavaria . The Längenmühlbach is the most important and longest of the four remaining mills of the Isar.


In the repertories of the topographical atlas sheets from the first half of the 19th century, today's Längenmühlbach is shown in non-connected parts.

The Mühlbach in the Schwarzau flows out of the Isar near Albing, runs from southwest to northeast through Ohu , and joins the Umsbach stream near Unterahrain . The brook near Umsbach in turn falls into the Isar at Nieder-Eibacher-Au . On the original position sheet it is recorded as Läng Bach .

Mühlbach, (Aubach) is a (see sheet Landshut) at Werth derived from the Isar, which flows east into the sheet, and at Sossau reunites with the main river.


It is diverted almost 800 meters above the power plant of the Altheim hydropower plant in the Ohu district (municipality of Essenbach ) to the left of the Isar (here still Altheimer Reservoir) at river kilometer 68.0 , after 340 meters it crosses the Landshut Mühlbach in a culvert and occurs a few Meters further at the district of Gaden (district Ohu) to the surface, exactly at the point where, according to the original position sheet of the land survey in Bavaria 559 LANDSHUT.Ost from 1870–1873, the diversion from the Isar, which was then still free flowing, took place. Its water level is kept constant by feeding in a constant amount of water of 3.2 m³ / s, except when the stream sweeps . Today's diversion was established with the construction of the Altheim barrage between 1949 and 1951.

Until then, the diversion took place at what was then the Albinger Weir at river kilometer 70.475 in the area of ​​the Ergolding market , i.e. 3.275 km further upstream. As a result, the Längermühle (today Lengermühle ) was located on the Längenmühlbach. It was the first mill downstream and gave it his name. The Albingen Weir was first built between 1912 and 1914 and rebuilt from 1933 to 1934. The system was removed again in the course of the construction of the Altheim reservoir from 1949.

The former creek bed up to the new discharge point, where the water comes to the surface, has been abandoned, but is still recognizable as a depression in the area.


Shortly before the confluence, the Längenmühlbach joins the Laillinger Bach 950 meters above the Piel Weichs hydroelectric power station near Plattling ( Piel Weichs district ) in an extensive alluvial forest area ( Laillinger Holz ) . Almost 400 meters below the power plant, it flows back into the Isar at river kilometers 10.26. The catchment area of ​​the Längenmühlbach has an area of ​​231.08 km².

Around 230 meters before the mouth there is a sluice through which part of the water feeds the Plattlinger Mühlbach on the left , before the Reissinger Bach flows into it. The Plattlinger Mühlbach flows through the urban area of Plattling and flows into an arm of the Isar just before Schiltorn (district Pankofen of the city of Plattling) . However, the Plattlinger Mühlbach is no longer part of the Längenmühlbach.


The Längenmühlbach is mostly between six and twelve meters wide. The fact that the canal covers 68.12 kilometers in the 56.95 km long section of the Isar from its source to its mouth, with a straight line distance of 52.1 kilometers between its outlet and its mouth, is an indication of its winding paths, which are only about 50 meters apart (as at Wörth) to over two kilometers from the Isar (as at Pilsting). This is due not least to the fact that the existing short mill canals and Isar tapping points were connected to one another.

The Längenmühlbach, as an orographically left-sided tributary of the Isar, only has tributaries from the left, such as Lichtenseer Bach , Köllnbach and Laillinger Bach , which formerly flowed directly into the Isar. The only exception as a right inflow is the Gänsmühlbach . This is only possible because the Gänsmühlbach is not a natural body of water, but is diverted from the Isar below the Gottfrieding hydropower station (more precisely from the left seepage ditch of the Isar). Below Landau an der Isar the Gänsmühlbach flows into the Längenmühlbach.

In Dingolfing, the Längenmühlbach forms the border between the two town parishes of St. Johannes in the south (with the old town) and St. Josef in the north (with the former Schwaigdörfern and today's districts of Goben, Geratsberg, Höll and Sossau). Likewise, it forms the border between the school districts Elementary School Old Town and elementary school St. Joseph.

Exactly at the municipal border between Mamming and Pilsting (there district Großköllnbach ) the Längenmühlbach is tunneled under by Moosgraben or Zwerchgraben , which also undergoes the Gänsmühlbach 1,300 meters to the southeast, and finally via the aging at the Weindlschwaige (town of Landau an der Isar) directly in to flow into the Isar.

Mills and hydroelectric plants

At the Längenmühlbach there are still 28 former water mills in operation as hydropower plants, mostly with Francis turbines , some with sawmills such as B. the Dollinger mill in the Gottfriedingerschwaige. Their operators are combined in two cooperatives , the Upper Längenmühlbachgenossenschaft in Altheim ( district Altheim, Markt Essenbach - all power plants up to Dingolfing) and the Lower Längenmühlbachgenossenschaft in Kleegarten (district Zeholfing , town of Landau an der Isar - all power plants from Gottfrieding). One of the oldest mills is the Oberburgermühle (formerly Burgermühle ) in the urban area of Dingolfing , which was first mentioned in 1503 and which was initially operated with water from a short Isar tap. The number of mills used to be higher; some have been abandoned; B. the 1924 abandoned lower burger mill in the Dingolfing district of Geratsberg and the wheel player mill in Frammering (town of Landau an der Isar). The Wastlmühle belonging to the municipality of Loiching is known for the emergency landing of the Zeppelin LZ 1 nearby on April 1, 1909.


The Längenmühlbach has 28 different fish species. The earlier mills and today's power plants are usually an insurmountable obstacle for the fish, but a fish ladder has already been set up at the hydropower plant in Kronwieden (Loiching municipality, Zilkermühle ) . The water is managed by various sport fishing clubs as fishing waters, including the Angelsportverein Landshut Bayern eV and a length of 15 kilometers by the district fishing association Dingolfing eV

Stream sweep

The so-called Bachkehr ( Rama dama , Bavarian for rooms we do ) takes place every three years in late summer , last September 2 to 9, 2017, and before that from September 6 to 13, 2014 and before that from September 3 to 10 2011. It is applied for by the Längenmühlbachgenossenschaften on the basis of water regulations and carried out by the Landshut District Office , in whose area the diversion structure is located. On the occasion of the sweeping of the brook, the water volume at the discharge sluice at the Altheim hydropower plant is reduced from 3.2 to 0.4 to 0.6 m³ and the water level is lowered to facilitate cleaning, but not less than 30 cm in the main water channel around the fish stocks not to endanger. Sport fishing is prohibited during this time. Operators of the hydropower plants are required to use this time to maintain the turbines and other technical systems. The Bachkehr used to take place annually.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BayernAtlas: Topographic map
  2. BayernAtlas: land map in the area of ​​the community Gottfrieding (this could also be the generic name as a synonym for Mühlkanal)
  3. IDOWA August 26, 2014: A prime example of environmental awareness - the Kutscher hydropower plant in Kronwieden has built a fish ladder on Längenmühlbach ( memento of the original from September 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.idowa.de
  4. ^ A b Johann Karl, Joachim Mangelsdorf, Karl Scheurmann: The Isar - a mountain river in the field of tension between nature and civilization.
  5. ^ Repertory of the topographical atlas sheet Landshut, 1821 , p. 62.
  6. -, p. 57
  7. ^ BayernAtlas
  8. ^ Repertory of the topographical atlas sheet Landau, 1846 , p. 93.
  9. Map from Google Maps
  10. Original position sheet 559 LANDSHUT. East of the land surveying in Bavaria from 1870–1873 , higher resolution in the BayernAtlas
  11. Bavarian State Office for the Environment: Water registers (basics)
  12. Plattlinger Zeitung from June 1, 2014: Fish die: It will go on for days.
  13. Schwaigmühle on the historical original position sheet in the BayernAtlas
  14. Idowa on April 6, 2009: celebrated event of the century. Ceremony on the occasion of the zeppelin landing on April 1, 1909 at the Wastlmühle ( Memento from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  15. Kutscher hydroelectric power station: Ecological improvement 2007
  16. ^ Angelsportverein Landshut Bayern eV: The Längenmühlbach
  17. Kreisfischereiverein Dingolfing eV: Rivers
  18. Bachkehr am Längenmühlbach: A major project covering 70 kilometers. In: Landauer Neue Presse. 23 August 2017 ( pnp.de ).
  19. ^ Official Journal for the district of Dingolfing-Landau No. 8, April 6, 2011, p. 49

Web links

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap

Commons : Längenmühlbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files