Great Fatra National Park

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Great Fatra National Park
Narodný park Veľká Fatra
Rakytov mountain (1,567 m nm)
Rakytov mountain (1,567 m nm)
Great Fatra National Park (Slovakia)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 49 ° 1 ′ 0 ″  N , 19 ° 7 ′ 0 ″  E
Location: Žilinský , Banskobystrický , Slovakia
Next city: Banská Bystrica , Martin , Ružomberok , Turčianske Teplice
Surface: 403.71 km²
Founding: March 1, 2002
Address: Sprava Národného parku Veľká Fatra
Čachovský rad č. 7
038 61 Vrútky
i3 i6

The Great Fatra National Park ( Slovak Národný park Veľká Fatra ) is a Slovak national park in the north of the country. It extends along the main ridge of the eponymous Great Fatra . The landscape protection area established in 1973 was converted into a national park on March 1, 2002, so together with the Slovak Karst National Park it is the newest of the nine Slovak national parks .

The seat of the administration is in Vrútky .


The lower end of the valley Gaderská dolina , from the ruins of Blatnica castle seen from

The national park is mostly located in the political district of Žilinský kraj (Okresy Martin , Ružomberok and Turčianske Teplice ). It covers the entire main ridge of the Great Fatra and separates the historical landscapes of the Turz and Liptov . Smaller parts of the national park are in the Banskobystrický kraj ( Okres Banská Bystrica ), and at Kraľovany the protection zone extends to a tiny part of the Okres Dolný Kubín . The size of the core zone is 403.71 km² and is limited by the villages of Ľubochňa , Liptovská Osada , Liptovské Revúce , Dolný Harmanec , Mošovce and Belá-Dulice . The protection zone is 261.32 km² and also covers a small part of the Turčianska kotlina basin and extends to the Waag and the town of Ružomberok in the north. The park covers a total of 665.03 km².

The highest mountain is the Ostredok with 1592 m nm. Well-known valleys in the area of ​​the national park are the Blatnická dolina , the Gaderská dolina and the Ľubochnianska dolina .

Flora and fauna

Almost 90% of the national park is covered by forests. There are vegetation levels from mixed forest ( red beech and oak ) to mountain pine . In remote areas, jungle-like conditions still prevail today . By far the most common tree species are the common beech, followed by spruce , fir , pine and maple . In the national park you can still find relatively many yew trees by European standards , e.g. B. in the valley above the municipality of Harmanec . The yew has therefore also been chosen as the symbol of the national park.

Endemic or rare plants in a national park are Dianthus nitidus (genus clove ), Cyclamen fatricum (genus cyclamen ), Slavic Kuhschelle ( Pulsatilla slavica ) Tatra fescue ( Festuca tatrica ) Carpathian Soldanelle ( Soldanella carpatica ) or Tatra Horst sedge ( Carex sempervirens subsp. Tatrorum ). Often, however, narcissus anemones ( Anemone narcissiflora ), globe flowers ( Trollius altissimus ), Vosges pansies ( Viola lutea ), orange-red hawkweed ( Pilosella aurantiaca ) can be found in the meadows. On the peaks, rocks, slopes, etc. Among other things, gentians , primroses , edelweiss and scot oak can be found.

Brown bears , lynxes , red deer , roe deer , wolves and wild cats live in the national park, and they find good living conditions in the large forests and relatively little-touched nature. Caves provide good quarters for bats. On the rocks there are eyries of golden eagles , peregrine falcons , ravens and eagle owls .


The village of Vlkolínec under Sidorovo Mountain

In addition to the possibility of hiking in nature, there are also other attractions: the village of Vlkolínec near Ružomberok is a good example of preserved folk architecture and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993 . Well-known ski resorts are Malinné Brdo (also Malinô Brdo) near Ružomberok and Donovaly .

Special nature protection

Čierny kameň mountain
Tlstá mountain in winter
  • Národné prírodné rezervácie (NPR, National Nature Reserves)
Borišov (449.74 ha, 1981)
Čierny kameň (34.4 ha, 1964)
Harmanecká tisina (20.04 ha, 1949)
Jánošíkova kolkáreň (243.37 ha, 1964)
Kornietová (84.05 ha, 1973)
Kundračka (115.79 ha, 1973)
Madačov (330.64 ha, 1984)
Padva (325.64 ha, 1972)
Rakšianske rašelinisko (5.53 ha, 1984)
Rumbáre (51.59 ha, 1973)
Skalná Alpa (524.55 ha, 1964)
Suchý vrch (71 ha, 1988)
Tlstá (3,066.04 ha, 1981)
Veľká Skalná (645.23 ha, 1988)
  • Národné prírodné pamiatky (NPP, National Natural Monuments)
Perlová jaskyňa (since 2001)
  • Prírodné pamiatky (PP, natural monuments)
Blatné (4.29 ha, 1990)
Majerova scale (8.84 ha, 1992)
Prielom Teplého potoka (20.94 ha, 1984)
  • Prírodné rezervácie (PR, nature reserves)
Biela skala (185.07 ha, 1993)
  • Chránené areály (CHA, Protected Areas)
Dekretov porast (6.22 ha, 1999)
Krásno (127.91, 1996)


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