Low German stage association

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The majority of the Low German theaters are organized in the Niederdeutscher Bühnenbund (NBB) . It was founded in 1927 and continues today in the three Low German stage federations of Lower Saxony and Bremen , Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .


The Low German drama of the modern era got fixed structures in 1919 with the establishment of the Niederdeutsche Bühne Hamburg (today Ohnsorg Theater ), which emerged from Richard Ohnsorg's Dramatischer Gesellschaft . As a result, many more Low German theaters were founded in the 1920s , such as in 1920 in Bremen-Rablinghausen, Oldenburg and Leer, 1922 in Stade, 1923 in Aurich, 1927 in Delmenhorst, 1928 in Varel and Gröpelingen and 1932 in Brake and Rüstringen (today Wilhelmshaven).

On October 4, 1924, around 70 participants met to take stock of the Low German stage scene at Hamburg University. The meeting was the first Low German stage day. It was decided to found an archive for Low German drama at the Germanic seminar at the University of Hamburg and to set up a journal for Low German literature and stage art, Schimmelreiter .

Foundation of the umbrella organization Bühnenbund

The umbrella organization Niederdeutscher Bühnenbund was founded on September 25, 1927 as part of the third Low German Stage Day in Oldenburg by representatives of 18 Low German theaters. The founding board consisted of Dr. Klaus Witt ( Low German Stage Flensburg ), who became chairman , Dr. August Frese (Low German Stage Oldenburg, later August Hinrichs Stage ), Prof. Karl Krickeberg ( Low German Stage Rostock ) and Dr. Bruno Peyn (Hamburg). The purpose of the Bühnenbund was to establish the connection between the individual Low German theaters and to represent the interests of the Low German theaters between the stage days . The stage association reached from Emden to Stralsund.

This catchment area was very large, so that regionalization tendencies quickly took place. The "Westgruppe" was founded in the early 1930s under the direction of Fritz Hoopts from Oldenburg . It was the direct forerunner of today's Low German Stage Association of Lower Saxony and Bremen. Due to the lack of play facilities on the stages from 1943, the activities of the Low German theaters of the Bühnenbund came to a standstill.

The Bühnenbund was founded on June 1, 1947 in Lübeck by representatives of 26 Low German theaters. It was stipulated that only professional theaters and qualitatively recognized Low German amateur theaters, which were allowed to call themselves Low German stage, could be members of the stage association, but not Speeldeelen and play groups. Admission to the stage association was tied to a quality certificate, which had to be provided in the form of a production from the ongoing performance. Efforts to legally protect the name Low German Stage were made, but not completed. In 1948 the Bühnenbund still had a uniform organization and its highest number of members with three professional theaters, the Ohnsorg Theater in Hamburg and the Low German theaters in Kiel and Bremen as well as 37 Low German theaters with amateur status.

Regionalization of the stage association

As early as September 6, 1947, a regionalization of the stage federation began again in Braunschweig, since the Lower Saxony state group was founded under the leadership of chairman Heinz Ohlendorf from the Niederdeutsche Bühne Braunschweig. On April 21, 1951, the state of Bremen was added and the Lower Saxony and Bremen state group was founded. The first chairman was Carl Hinrichs from Oldenburg, the deputy chairman and treasurer was Willy Beutz from Wilhelmshaven, the secretary was Walter Ernst from Bremen. On June 10, 1961, Willy Beutz was elected chairman and Walter Ernst deputy chairman of the regional group.

In March 1964 the organizational form of the stage association was changed. The office of president was abolished because it was only used for representative purposes. In the chairmanship of the Bühnenbund the respective state chairmen took turns. Another final organizational change took place on February 6, 1971. The statutes of the Bühnenbund were repealed with effect from January 1, 1971. The functions of the previous Presidium fell on the state groups, which worked independently as the Niederdeutscher Bühnenbund Niedersachsen and Bremen and Niederdeutsche Bühnenbund Schleswig-Holstein and maintained a certain form of umbrella organization, in which annual working meetings take place at board level and a major every three years Common stage day of all stage groups takes place.

After 1989, the Low German Theaters of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania formed the Low German Stage Association of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , which joined the loose form of cooperation between the two other stage associations, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony and Bremen .

Intangible cultural heritage

In 2014, due to the cross-border application of the three Low German theater federations Lower Saxony and Bremen (lead), Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Low German Theater was approved by the German UNESCO Commission e. V. included in the nationwide register of intangible cultural heritage . The expert committee thus honors the lively passing on of tradition with local and regional roots.

Rostock resolution

The Low German stage federations of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony-Bremen and Schleswig-Holstein adopt the following declaration on the occasion of their joint meeting on June 7, 2015:

The Niederdeutsche Theater has been on the German list according to the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2014. Around 4,000 groups with 40,000 to 50,000 participants are currently actively involved in the diverse and lively Low German stage offer. The future of many theater groups, especially in rural regions, is at great risk due to ongoing structural change and demographic development. It is only thanks to the increased commitment of the stage directors on site and the three stage groups that the Low German Theater can fulfill its recognized cultural mandate.

The representatives of the theaters and their umbrella organizations are grateful for the forms of government support that have been granted so far. The Niederdeutsche Bühnenbünde see this national entry as recognition of their mostly voluntary work. Undoubtedly, however, the status of “world cultural heritage” obliges both the stages and their organizations as well as the federal government, the states and municipalities in a very special way. The Niederdeutsche Bühnenbünde call on those responsible for cultural policy at the federal level, in the federal states and municipalities to recognize the cultural value of Low German stage work, to guarantee its continuity and to secure its future.

Attention is to be directed to the drama in the same way as to the Low German language. The Low German Stage Association and the Institute for Low German Language are particularly challenged with their structures and skills. The federal government, the federal states and the municipalities should take care of an overall concept to safeguard and expand the Low German theater.

Common stage days

with Schleswig-Holstein
1952 in Hamburg
1954 in Cuxhaven
1956 in Preetz
1958 in Bremen
1960 in Neumünster
1962 in Bremen
1964 in Neumünster
1966 in Bremen
1980 in Kiel
1983 in Bremen
1986 in Lübeck
1989 in Wilhelmshaven
1991 in Verden

of the three stage groups
1994 in Rendsburg
1997 in Neubrandenburg
1999 in Cuxhaven
2003 in Lübeck
2006 in Wismar
2009 in Wilhelmshaven
2012 in Flensburg
2015 in Rostock


Lower Saxony and Bremen

The Low German Stage Buxtehude "Speeldeel van de Est" has left the stage association because it does not have the necessary two productions per year in the program. The general meeting of the Low German Stage "Speeldeel" Jever e. V. decided on May 26th 2011 to dissolve the association.


Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

  • Schönbarger Späldäl

General and goals

The Bühnenbund has been sponsored by the state of Lower Saxony since 1953. For four years as part of the cultural heritage pillar via the Lower Saxony Heritage Association . The stages and theaters connected to it are independent and work predominantly under professional guidance and fulfill their tasks on an ideal and non-profit basis. The federal government wants to promote the preservation and maintenance of the Low German language as well as Low German drama and drama through theater .

He also organizes training and further education measures for breathing and phonetics , lighting, stage design and construction, dramaturgy , make-up and masking , directing , singing and acting lessons. In order to improve the quality of the performance, professional directors are also required for the theaters affiliated with the theater association.

Since 2008, the Bühnenbund has been holding regular theater meetings with the theater schools for children and young people from the theaters and theaters affiliated with the Bühnenbund.

Previous meetings

  • 2008: 1st Low German Youth Theater Festival in Neuchâtel, 140 participants and 9 presentations.
  • 2009: Youth theater work camp in Wilhelmshaven (as part of the Great Common Stage Day), 120 participants and a joint presentation.
  • 2010: 2nd Low German Youth Theater Festival in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, 170 participants and 8 presentations.
  • 2011: 3rd Low German Youth Theater Festival in Oldenburg, 180 participants and 10 presentations.
  • 2012: 4th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Cuxhaven, 190 participants and 11 presentations.
  • 2013: 5th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Drangstedt near Bremerhaven, 210 participants and 11 presentations.
  • 2014: 6th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Wiesmoor, 260 participants and 13 presentations.
  • 2015: 7th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Brake, 250 participants and 15 presentations.
  • 2016: 8th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Wiesmoor, 230 participants and 14 presentations.
  • 2017: 9th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, 200 participants and 12 presentations.
  • 2018: 10th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Ganderkesee. 180 participants with 12 presentations.
  • 2019: 11th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Varel. 150 participants with 7 presentations and 4 workshops.
  • 2020: 12th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Emden. (postponed by one year due to the corona pandemic)
  • 2021: 12th Low German Youth Theater Festival in Emden.

Presidents of the Lower Saxony and Bremen Stage Association

  • Willy Beutz : 1961–1980, then Honorary President († May 11, 1986)
  • Walter Ernst: 1980–1986, then Honorary President († December 24, 2012)
  • Arnold Cordsen: 1986–1995, then Honorary President († April 12, 2015)
  • Karin Evers-Meyer : 1995–2005, then Honorary President
  • Arnold Preuß : since 2005 - today

Section Low German Theaters

The seven connected theaters and theaters of the Oldenburger Land (Brake, Delmenhorst, Neuchâtel, Nordenham, Oldenburg, Varel and Wilhelmshaven) also form the specialist group Low German theaters of the Oldenburg landscape .

Visitors, productions, performances

Comparative figures Productions Performances Visitors Visitor average
2000 62 758 150,942 199
2001 59 758 149.014 197
2002 64 748 145,520 195
2003 55 727 128,888 177
2004 60 715 128,787 176
2005 63 803 139.955 174
2006 61 713 129,942 182
2007 58 715 131,651 181
2008 65 774 142.161 177
2009 62 758 138.402 183
2010 62 816 142.035 174
2011 59 763 124.163 163
2012 65 752 134.353 179
2013 58 754 126,583 168
2014 59 703 119,409 170
2015 60 669 105.402 157
2016 60 656 115,477 176
2017 69 703 114,571 163
2018 67 710 106,431 150
2019 63 694 113.095 163
total 1,231 14,689 2,586,583 174

Willy Beutz Acting Award

Beutz, former president of the Niederdeutscher Bühnenbund Lower Saxony and Bremen, donated the Willy Beutz Prize in 1975 to promote the Low German Drama , a challenge prize combined with a sum of money. The first award winner in 1977 was the Niederdeutsche Bühne Cuxhaven .

The prize, now a walking board combined with the cash prize, is awarded every two years. The award is given to productions of plays and dramas from member stages of the Bühnenbund in the order of priority assessed by an expert jury. The 1st to 3rd prizes have been awarded since 2010. The places are rewarded with 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 euros respectively.

Previous winner of the 1st prize

  • 1977 in Brake NDB (Low German Stage) Cuxhaven: "Johanninacht" by Konrad Hansen , director: Willy Doll
  • 1979 in Oldenburg : NDB Neuchâtel: “Lüchtfuer” by Bruno Peyn , director: Willi Ochsendorf
  • 1981 in Bremen: August-Hinrichs-Bühne (AHB) Oldenburg: “De Trallen” by Günter Kühn, director: Rudolf Plent
  • 1983 in Bremen: NDB Braunschweig: "Schipp ahn haben" by Konrad Hansen , director: Hans Jürgen Heinze
  • 1985 in Buxtehude : NDB Brake: “Een Handvull Minsch” by Konrad Hansen , director: Rudolf Plent
  • 1987 in Emden: AHB Oldenburg: "Maria Flint" by Max Gerhardt and Hans Megow, Low German by Günter Kühn, director: Rudolf Plent
  • 1989 in Wilhelmshaven : NDB Brake: "Dat Stück Land" by JB Keane, director: Rudolf Plent
  • 1991 in Verden : NDB Neuchâtel: “Amanita” by Ingo Sax, director: Rudolf Plent
  • 1993 in Nordenham: NDB Varel: "Belinda" by E. Harris, director: Hans Peter Renz
  • 1995 in Bremerhaven : NDB Emden: "Bahnmeester Dood" by Hermann Boßdorf , director: Hans Peter Renz
  • 1997 in Neubrandenburg : NDB Brake: “Maria Flint” by Max Gerhardt and Hans Megow, Low German by Günter Kühn, director: Rudolf Plent
  • 1999 in Cuxhaven: AHB Oldenburg "Rose Bernd" by Gerhart Hauptmann , director: Hans Peter Renz
  • 2001 in Nordenham: NDT (Low German Theater) Osterholz-Scharmbeck “Sibirien” by Felix Mitterer , director: Wolfgang Schenk / Liesel Staats
  • 2003 in Delmenhorst: NDT Neuenburg "Tööv bit dat düster is" by Frederick Knott, director: Armin Tacke
  • 2005 in Bremerhaven: NDT Emden "Raadsheer Hero Thiemen" by Johann F. Dirks, director: Wolfgang Rostock
  • 2007 in Neuchâtel (Friesland) : AHB Oldenburg: "Geesche Gottfried" by Rainer Werner Fassbinder , director: Michael Uhl
  • 2009 in Wilhelmshaven: The prize was not awarded.
  • 2010 in Bremerhaven: NDB Cuxhaven “De Speeldoos” by Georg Kaiser , director: Bernhard Schrubka.
  • 2012 in Flensburg : AHB Oldenburg “Goot gegen Nordwind” by Daniel Glattauer, in Low German by Jürgen Witt. Director: Dominik von Gunten.
  • 2014 in Oldenburg: Theater am Meer - NDB Wilhelmshaven "Tööv, dat dat düster is" by Frederick Knott, in Low German by Lore Moor. Director: Bernd Poppe.
  • 2016 in Emden: NDB Wiesmoor "De Kontrabass" by Patrick Süskind. Director: Elke Münch.
  • 2018 in Delmenhorst: Theater am Meer - NDB Wilhelmshaven "Toeerst kummt de Familie" by Joe DiPietro, in Low German by Stein / Petersen. Director: Philip Lüsebrink
  • 2020 in Osterholz-Scharmbeck: Theater in OHZ (TiO), Scharmbecker-Speeldeel "Charlies Weg" by Michael McKeever, in Low German by Werner Mahrenholz, director: Bernd Schröter.

Karl Mahnke Theater Prize

The theater publisher Mahnke and the Niederdeutsche Bühnenbünde have jointly announced the Karl Mahnke Theater Prize for young Low German authors up to the age of 35. The first "Karl Mahnke Theater Prize" was given to Felix Borchert from Schleswig-Holstein for his play "Fastbunnen" on May 18, 2012 on the occasion of the big common stage day of the North German stage associations of Lower Saxony, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Flensburg. forgive. "The unusual dramaturgical design, the provocative theme and the skillfully employed stylistic means make the piece an extraordinary theatrical text," said the eight-member jury. “Fastbunnen” shows the story of a young woman who strives for freedom and whose world is turned upside down with catastrophic consequences.

  • 2012 in Flensburg "Fastbunnen" by Felix Borchert.
  • 2015 in Hamburg “Tomorrow is ok, another day” by Ulrike Stern.

Theater festival "New Low German Dramaturgy"

In May 2018 (May 25-27, 2018) the 1st Theater Festival New Low German Dramaturgy took place in the Cuxhaven City Theater . The focus of the theater festival was on six productions of world premieres and first performances by four Low German theaters and theaters in the area of ​​the Bühnenbund: Dat Vermächtnis van de Falkenborg from the Low German Theater Delmenhorst, a performance by Jungs un Deerns , Honnig in'n Kopp from the Niederdeutscher Theater Neuenburg, Trek the plug ruut, dat Water kaakt from the Niederdeutscher Theater Braunschweig, My Fair Lady op Platt from NT Delmenhorst, Bi mi to Huus, Klock fief? from the Theater am Meer in Wilhelmshaven and the youth group of the Kolping Theater in Haselünne with An de Arche Klock Acht .

Four actor prizes were also awarded: Best actor in a leading role: Fentke Stolle from the Niederdeutscher Theater Delmenhorst for the role of Eliza in My Fair Lady op Platt and Dieter Trey from the Niederdeutscher Theater Neuenburg for the role of Amandus in Honnig in'n Kopp . Jule Petershagen from the Niederdeutscher Theater Delmenhorst for a role in Dat Vermächtnis van de Falkenborg and Tammo Albers from the Niederdeutscher Theater Delmenhorst as Doolittle in My Fair Lady op Platt were recognized as best actor in a supporting role.

The 2nd New Low German Dramaturgy theater festival is planned for May 2020 in Delmenhorst .

Individual evidence

  1. Cord Eberspächer: Chronicle of the Low German Stage Association . Ed .: Isensee-Verlag, Oldenburg.
  2. Cord Eberspächer: Chronicle of the Low German Stage Association . Ed .: Isensee-Verlag. Oldenburg.
  3. https://www.unesco.de/kultur/immaterielles-kulturerbe/bundesweites-verzeichnis/eintrag/niederdeutsches-theater.html
  4. NBB - Niederdeutscher Bühnenbund Lower Saxony and Bremen e. V. - NBB-Aktuell. (No longer available online.) In: www.buehnenbund.de. Archived from the original on September 23, 2015 ; accessed on June 10, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.buehnenbund.de
  5. Isensee-Verlag (ed.): Chronik des Niederdeutscher Bühnenbundes , Cord Eberspächer, Oldenburg, page 112f
  6. http: //www.bühnenbund.de/
  7. http: //www.bühnenbund.de/
  8. http://www.buehnenbund.de/index.php/formulare.html
  9. Isensee-Verlag (ed.): Chronik des Niederdeutschen Bühnenbundes , Cord Eberspächer, Oldenburg, page 87f.
  10. http: //www.bühnenbund.de/
  11. Willy Beutz Acting Prize awarded. In: Weser courier. December 7, 2020 .
  12. Homepage Mahnke-Verlag ( Memento of the original from July 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed July 25, 2016 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / mahnke-verlag.de
  13. http: //www.bühnenbund.de/

Web links

Coordinates: 53 ° 8 ′ 32.4 "  N , 8 ° 11 ′ 38.5"  E