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Hanseatic City of Seehausen (Altmark)
Coordinates: 52 ° 56 ′ 12 ″  N , 11 ° 49 ′ 45 ″  E
Height : 22 m above sea level NHN
Area : 1.96 km²
Residents : (2014)
Population density : 3 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : April 1, 1940
Incorporated into: Beuster
Postal code : 39615
Area code : 039397
Scharpenlohe (Saxony-Anhalt)

Location in Saxony-Anhalt

Notice board in place
Notice board in place

Scharpenlohe is a district of the Hanseatic town of Seehausen (Altmark) in the Stendal district in Saxony-Anhalt .


The street village Scharpenlohe is located on the same eight kilometers southeast of Wittenberge and seven kilometers east-northeast of Seehausen (Altmark) in the nature reserve of Aland Elbe valley in the Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve in northern Wipe in the Altmark . In the east begins the Alte Elbe Beuster , an old arm of the Elbe, which used to flow with its main arm through today's Grund between Scharpenlohe and Uhlenkrug to Klein Beuster in the west.

The neighboring towns are Scharleuk , Sandkrug and Uhlenkrug in the northeast, Bälow and Ronien in the east, Rühstädt in the southeast, Schüring in the south, Oberkamps and Unterkamps in the southwest, Werder in the west and Hinzdorf in the northwest.


The first written mention of Scharpenlohe comes from the year 1334, when Margrave Margrave Ludwig Arnold von Rossow awarded half of the village of Scharphenloch . Further mentions are 1472 schappenloe , 1541 scharplo , 1600 Scharffenlohe , 1608 Scharffelauge , 1687 Scharpenlohe . In 1804 the village and estate were called Scharpenlohe . From the von Rossow the property went to the von Kröcher, who after- lent it to von Barsewisch . From 1772 until after 1856 half of the village belonged to the von Barsewisch in Seehausen. In 1652 it was said: Is a lost village, which is submerged and completely surrendered to the Elbe, since the buildings are also up to the roofs in the water.

During the land reform after 1945, the property of the von Saldern family in Scharpenlohe was expropriated without compensation in favor of previously landless farmers (new farmers). In 1959, the first type I agricultural production cooperative, the LPG "Scharpenlohe", was established. In 1961 it was connected to LPG type I “Elbaue” in Beuster , which was connected to LPG type III “Lenin” Geestgottberg in 1976. '

In 2003 the village was connected to a central drinking water network and underground cables for power supply were laid instead of the overhead line.

In 2013 some of the homesteads were damaged by the flooding of the Elbe.


In 1775 a ship mill was named, which was at the height of the Elbe kilometer 444 before Scharpenlohe. It was probably run by the miller Jürgen Roeseke, who lived until 1759. It is known about his son and successor Andreas Roeseke that he worked as Kossat and Wassermüller in Scharpenlohe and lived at Kossatenhof No. 5. The ship's mill in his possession was destroyed by ice drift. In its place, a mill hill was raised in the paddock of the courtyard and a windmill was built. After the death of the last miller in 1855, the Kossatenstelle was sold to Kossaten Becker on farm no. 4 and demolished. Beckers also demolished the windmill by 1860 at the latest. The Mühlenberg was driven down and the earth was used to raise the yard of No. 5. In place of the former mill hill, a ground was created that was later planted with willows (Kröpfweiden).

Origin of the place name

The place name is derived from the two syllables sharp Middle High German for rough and loh for forest .


In 1889 the forester's house Barsberge was incorporated into Seehausen from the rural community of Scharpenlohe . It previously belonged to the Scharpenlohe estate.

Population development

year Residents
1734 41
1775 68
1789 83
year Residents
1798 71
1801 68
1818 59
year Residents
1840 60
1864 62
1871 58
year Residents
1885 37
1892 34
1895 27
year Residents
1900 29
1905 33
1910 47
year Residents
1925 37

Source if not stated:


The Protestant Christians from Scharpenlohe used to be parish in the parish and parish of Klein Beuster. Today they belong to the Beuster parish. It is run by the parish area Beuster the church district Stendal in Propst Sprengel Stendal Magdeburg of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany .

Culture and sights

Two farms in the village are listed.


Web links

Commons : Scharpenlohe  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Peter P. Rohrlach: Historical local dictionary for the Altmark (Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg, part XII) . Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-8305-2235-5 , pp. 1924-1926 .
  2. Landkreis Stendal - The District Administrator: District Development Concept Landkreis Stendal 2025. October 30, 2015, p. 296 , accessed on August 3, 2019 .
  3. Main statute of the Hanseatic city of Seehausen (Altmark) . September 17, 2019, § 1 Name, designation, p. 2 ( [PDF; 3.9 MB ; accessed on November 9, 2019]).
  4. ^ A b c Johann Marchal, Wilhelm Fascher: Beuster - an Altmarkdorf on the Old Elbe . Chronicle from posthumous records. Ed .: Peter Marchal. Beuster Municipality, Beuster 2007, DNB  984510834 .
  5. Saxony-Anhalt viewer of the State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation ( notes )
  6. ^ Adolph Friedrich Riedel : Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis : Collection of documents, chronicles and other source documents . Main part 1st volume 6 . Berlin 1846, p. 455 ( digitized version - XI.). }
  7. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm August Bratring : Statistical-topographical description of the entire Mark Brandenburg . For statisticians, businessmen, especially for camera operators. tape 1 . Berlin 1804, p. 320 ( digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A10000735~SZ%3D00342~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D ).
  8. Astrid Mathis: You have to be pain-free here . In: Volksstimme Magdeburg . January 1, 2015 ( [accessed November 1, 2019]).
  9. Ernst Haetge: The circle Osterburg (=  The art monuments of the Province of Saxony . Band 4 ). Hopfer, Burg 1938, DNB  361451652 , p. 276 .
  10. ^ A b c Wilhelm Zahn : Local history of the Altmark. Edited by Martin Ehlies based on the bequests of the author. 2nd Edition. Verlag Salzwedeler Wochenblatt, Graphische Anstalt, Salzwedel 1928, DNB  578458357 , OCLC 614308966 , p. 174 .
  11. Parish Almanac or the Protestant clergy and churches of the Province of Saxony in the counties of Wernigerode, Rossla and Stolberg . 19th year, 1903, ZDB -ID 551010-7 , p. 107 ( [accessed October 6, 2019]).
  12. Beuster parish. Retrieved October 5, 2019 .