Tribe list of the Ezzone

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This page contains a detailed master list of Ezzonen .

See also the main article Ezzonen .

Tribe list

  1. Erenfried I, attested 866/904, 877 Graf im Bliesgau , 895 Graf von Charmois ; ∞ Adelgunde of Burgundy, attested in 890/902, daughter of Margrave Konrad II.
    1. Eberhard I., 904/937 attested, 904 Graf im Keldachgau , 913 Graf im Bonngau
      1. Hermann I., 922/948 Count in Auelgau
        1. Eberhard II, attested in 947, † May 10, 966, 953 Graf im Auelgau
        2. Gottfried, Count in Auelgau in 966/970
      2. Erenfried II , attested in 942/966, † before 970, 942 count in Zülpichgau , 945 count in Bonngau, 950 count in Ruhrgau / Keldachgau , 946/959 count in the county of Huy ; ∞ Richwara
        1. Hermann Pusillus , † 996, 972, 992, 993 Graf im Bonngau, 978, 978 Graf im Eifelgau , 976 Graf in Gerresheim , 981 Graf im Zülpichgau, around 985/989 Count Palatine of (Nieder-) Lothringen , 996 Graf im Auelgau; ∞ Heylwig from the family of St. Ulrich , Bishop of Augsburg , † January 22 ...
          1. Ezzo (Erenfried) † May 21, 1034 in Saalfeld , Count in Auelgau and Bonngau, 1020 Count Palatine of Lorraine, 1024 founder and Vogt of the Brauweiler Abbey , also buried there; ∞ before June 15, 991 Mathílde von Sachsen , † December 4, 1025 in Echtz , daughter of Emperor Otto II , buried in Brauweiler ( Liudolfinger )
            1. Ludolf , † April 11, 1031, heir to the rule Waldenburg , Vogt of Brauweiler Abbey , also buried there; ∞ Mathilde von Zütphen , daughter of Count Otto
              1. Heinrich, † after October 31, 1031
              2. Konrad (Kuno) , † 1053 in Hungary , probably on December 15, 1031 Vogt of Brauweiler Abbey , 1049/53 Duke of Bavaria , deposed, buried in St. Maria ad Gradus in Cologne ; ∞1036 Judith von Schweinfurt, daughter of Markgraf Otto ( Schweinfurt (noble family) ), married in second marriage Botho Graf von Pottenstein , † March 1, 1104 ( Aribonen )
              3. Adelheid, attested in 1059, heir to her brother Konrad; ∞ Gottschalk from Zutphen
            2. Otto , † September 7, 1047 on the Tomburg , 1025 Count in Deutzgau , 1035 Count Palatine of Lorraine , 1045 Duke of Swabia , buried in Brauweiler; ∞ NN, probably daughter of Hugo VI., Count of Egisheim ( Etichonen )
              1. Richenza , † in a March before January 11, 1083, ∞ I Hermann III., Count von Werl , † before 1050; ∞II around 1050 Otto I , Count of Northeim , 1061/70 Duke of Bavaria , attested in 1047, † January 11, 1083
            3. Richeza primogenita, until 1036 Queen of Poland , † March 21, 1063 in Saalfeld , buried in St. Maria ad Gradus in Cologne ; ∞ around 1013 Mieszko II. Lambert , 1025 King of Poland, † May 10, 1034 ( Piast ).
            4. Hermann , † February 11, 1056 in Cologne , 1033 Dompropst in Cologne, 1034-1037 Chancellor of the HRR for Italy, Vogt of the Brauweiler Abbey , 1036-1056 Archbishop of Cologne , Abbot of St. Ursula (Cologne) , 1049 Archchancellor of the Roman Church
            5. Adelheid, † June 20 before 1011, around 1003 Abbess of Nivelles , buried in Brauweiler in 1051
            6. Theophanu , † March 5, 1056, 1039 Abbess of Essen , Abbess of Gerresheim , Provost of Rellinghausen , buried in the Abbey Dining
            7. Heylwig, † September 1076, probably on the 21st, 1076 abbess of St. Quirin in Neuss
            8. Mathilde, † probably 1051/57, after 1021 Abbess of Dietkirchen and Vilich , both today in Bonn
            9. Sophia, † 1045/58 in Mainz , 1027 nun, then abbess of St. Maria ad Gradus (Mainz)
            10. Ida , † April 7 or 8, 1060, 1027 nun in St. Maria ad Gradus (Mainz) , before 1038 abbess of St. Maria in Gandersheim , 1049 abbess of St. Maria in the Capitol in Cologne , also buried there
            11. (illegitimate) Heinrich, † May 1, 1093, 1055/93 Abbot of Gorze
            12. (illegitimate) Wazzela / Azela, ∞ Rutger, probably Rutger von Kleve , attested in 1020/50, † before 1051
            13. (illegitimate) Ezzo, † before 1075, 1063 Abbot of Saalfeld
          2. Hezzelin (Hermann), † November 20, 1033, Count in Zülpichgau, Vogt von Kornelimünster , buried in Brauweiler; ∞ NN (probably daughter of Konrad I , Duke of Carinthia ( Salier ))
            1. Heinrich Furiosus , † July 29, 1060 in Echternach Monastery , 1045 Count Palatine of Lorraine, Vogt of the Brauweiler Abbey and of Saint Servatius in Maastricht ; ∞ Mathilde von Lothringen, † murdered by her husband July 17, 1060 at Castle Cochem , daughter of Gotzelo I , Duke of Lower Lorraine ( Wigeriche ), widow of Sigebodo
              1. Hermann II. , † September 20, 1085, 1064 Count Palatine of Lorraine , 1065/78 Count in the Ruhrgau ; ∞ Adela von Orlamünde , attested in 1069, † March 28, 1100, heiress of Orlamünde , daughter of Otto I , Count of Weimar , 1062 Margrave of Meißen , widow of Adalbert II , Count von Ballenstedt ( Ascanian ), married in third marriage 1089 Heinrich II. Von Laach , 1085 Count Palatine near Rhine , † April 12, 1095 ( Wigeriche )
                1. 2 children, † 1086
            2. Konrad , attested in 1051, † 1061, 1057 Duke of Carinthia
            3. Eberhard , * around 1010; †  April 15,  1066  in  Trier , Archbishop of Trier 1047-1066
          3. Richenza, Abbess of Nivelles in 1040/49
        2. Erenfried, 904 abbot of Gorze , 994/999 abbot of Sint-Truiden
      3. ? Eberhard, † before 964, Count in Drenthe and in Salland 944/960
        1. Dietrich , * probably 929, † September 7, 984 in Metz , buried in Saint-Vincent in Metz, Canon of Halberstadt , 965/984 Bishop of Metz
        2. Unruoch / Hunerik, † before 1026, Graf in Teisterbant 981/1010
          1. Everhard, † young 978
          2. Fretehard, after 996 count in Teisterbant
            1. Unruoch, count in Kempenland (Kempengau) in 1064 - descendants are the lords of Cuijk (Kuyc), † after 1357
            2. Lockpick
            3. Eberhard, in the Betuwe and Teisterbant
              1. Adelheid, † after 1086, founded Affligem Abbey in 1086 ; ∞ Henry II , Count of Leuven , † 1078 or 1079, buried in Nivelles ( Reginare )
          3. Adalbold , † after July 21, 1026, 1012/26 Bishop of Utrecht
          4. Godizo , † 1018, Count in the Betuwe , ∞ Bertha / Bave
        3. Berengar, † before 975, after 956 Bishop of Cambrai
    2. Hermann , Archbishop of Cologne in 889/924 , Chancellor of King Zwentibold
    3. Erenfried, 903/907 court chaplain and chancellor


  • Detlev Schwennicke : European Family Tables Volume I.2 (1999), Table 201, used therein:
  • Günter Aders: The origin of the counts of Berg, in: G. Anders, H. Horstmann, AL Hulshoff u. a .: The Counts of Limburg Stirum I.1, 1976
  • Ursula Lewald: The Ezzone. The fate of a Rhenish dynasty, in: Rheinische Vierteljahresblätter 43, 1979
  • Klaus Gereon Beuckers : The Ezzonen and their foundations. A study of foundation activities in the 11th century, Münster-Hamburg 1993 (Art History Volume 42)
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Oedinger (arrangement): The Regests of the Archbishops of Cologne I (313-1099), Bonn 1954-1960
  • Rudolf Meier: The cathedral chapters of Goslar and Halberstadt in their personal composition in the Middle Ages, Göttingen 1967 (publications of the Max Planck Institute for History 5)
  • Stefan Weinfurter / Odilo Engels : Series Episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae Occidentalis V.1, Stuttgart 1984
  • Robert Folz: Un évêque ottonien: Thierry Ier de Metz (965-984), in: Media in Francia ..., Recueil de mélanges offert à Karl Ferdinand Werner, 1989


  1. d. H. in the Ruhrgau or Keldachgau , as it is not certain which of the two Gaue Gerresheim belonged to at the time
  2. and not Esch an der Sauer as in [1] , for reasons see main article Mathilde (Lorraine)
  3. not in Schwennicke, but in genealogie-medieval