Adolph Kohut / works

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Below is a list of the works of Adolph Kohut .


Independent publications

Adolph Kohut: Ritual Murder Trials. Significant cases from the past . 1913 (cover title)
  • Johann Gottfried von Herder and the strivings for humanity of modern times. A literary historical study . Part 1. Gerschel, Berlin 1870.
    • Review in: Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland. Year 1870 No. 30, p. 828, MDZ Reader digitized .
  • Alexander von Humboldt and Judaism. A contribution to the cultural history of the nineteenth century . 2nd Edition. Pardubitz'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1871, Freimann Collection, Goethe University Frankfurt Digitized .
    • Dedication: “Professor Dr. Fritz Hoffmann , the great disciple of the great master Franz Baader , dedicates this font as a small sign of his deepest respect and admiration. The author".
    • Review: In: Augsburger Postzeitung . Garnish. No. 25 of April 22, 1872, No. 26 of April 26, 1872, No. 27 of May 1, 1872 and No. 28 of May 6, 1872, .
    • Legal dispute about a plagiarism allegation against the publisher of this work. In: Weekly for German commercial and bill of exchange law after the decisions of the Reich Higher Commercial Court in Leipzig . Edited by D. Calm. Heymanns, Berlin 1872, No. 34, pp. 273-279 and No. 35, pp. 281-283, MDZ Reader .
  • Our three poet heroes and clergy. A trifolium of classic witnesses against ultramontanism, Jesuitism and Muckerthum . A. Hermann, Leipzig 1872, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
    • Dedication: “Dedicated to the brilliant literary and cultural historian Professor JJ Honegger in Zurich”.
  • The golden words of the Bible. A book of life for everyone. Systematically arranged for the first time . A. Hermann, Leipzig 1873, MDZ Reader digitized .
    • Review. In: Theologisches Literaturblatt . 8 Vol. 12 of June 7, 1879, p. 285, .
  • What does the Bible teach about obedience to government and government? . Jul. Buddeus, Düsseldorf 1875.
  • The experiences and homage of Dr. Culture Minister Falk during his stay on the Rhine . A. Mewes, Düsseldorf 1875.
  • From my Rhenish study portfolio, sketches . Breidenbach & Baumann, Düsseldorf 1876. Digitized by Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, edition from 1877, urn : nbn: de: hbz: 061: 1-24877 .
    • Dedication: “Dr. Franz Hirsch in Leipzig most kindly endowed by the author. "
  • The royal state government and the question of confessional cemeteries . Olbertz, Düsseldorf 1877.
  • Natural history of the Berliner . 3. Edition. Wilhelm Ißleib, Berlin 1885. Digitized by: Central and State Library Berlin, 2018. urn : nbn: de: kobv: 109-1-12943127
  • Natural history of the Berliner . 4th edition. Wilhelm Ißleib, Berlin 1885.
  • Modern heroes of the mind. Biographical-critical character pictures and portrait sketches from the present . Wilhelm Ißleib, Berlin 1886.
    • Dedication: “Dedicated to the sculptor August Flockemann in Dresden in friendship and admiration. The author".
  • Cheerful rides. Humoresques . JGG Bruns, Minden i. Westf. 1886.
  • Moses Mendelssohn and his family. A commemorative publication on the 100th anniversary of Moses Mendelssohn's death on January 4, 1886 . Pierson, Dresden 1886, Freimann Collection, Goethe University Frankfurt Digitized .
  • Frederick the Great and the Women. A commemorative sheet for the 100th anniversary of Frederick the Great's death on August 17, 1886 . JGG Bruns, Minden i. Westf. 1886.
  • Weber memorial book. Reminder sheets for the 100th birthday of Carl Maria von Weber on December 18, 1886 . Schmidt, Reudnitz-Leipzig 1887.
  • From the empire of the Carpathians. Hungarian landscapes, customs, literature and culture . Göschen, Stuttgart 1887, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • Tragic prima donna marriages . Cultural and art history sketches . Carl Reissner, Leipzig 1887.
  • Against the current. Social crusades . Pierson, Leipzig 1887.
  • Luminous torches. Contributions to the history of culture, theater and art over the past centuries. Essays and sketches . JGG Bruns, Minden i. Westf. 1887, digitized from ULB Münster .
  • Against the current. Social crusades . Pierson, Dresden 1887.
  • Rising peaks. Contributions to the history of literature over the past two centuries. Essays and sketches . JGG Bruns, Minden i. Westf. 1887.
    • Dedication: “Sr. Excellency to the Hungarian Minister for Culture and Education, Dr. August von Trefort in Budapest, the excellent essayist, dedicated with the greatest admiration and devotion by the author ”.
  • On the dune beach of the Baltic Sea. Sketches and memories from the Baltic seaside resorts . New edition. Laverrenz, Berlin 1888. (= European walks 4)
  • The German Sappho . Your life and poetry. A picture of literature and culture from the age of Frederick the Great . E. Pierson, Dresden 1888.
  • The book of famous duels . Alfred H. Fried, Berlin 1888.
    • Dedication: “To the excellent doctor and philanthropist Dr. med. E. Meinert in Dresden in unchangeable friendship and admiration. The author "
  • The Dresden Court Theater in the present. With original contributions from the members of the Dresden Court Theater: Charlotte Basté , Marie Bayer [u. a.]. With 142 portraits . E.Pierson's Verlag, Dresden 1888, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • Heinrich Heine and the women. With a poem to the Empress and Queen Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary by Fr. von Hohenhausen and with 6 portraits . Alfred H. Fried, Berlin 1888, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
    • Dedication: “To Her Majesty the Empress and Queen Elisabeth v. Austria-Hungary (when you had flowers placed on Heine's grave.) "
  • Natural history of the Berliner. With special reference to that of the other residents: Dresdner-Münchner-Wiener . Hermann Lazarus, Berlin 1888.
  • The book from the mother-in-law. A cultural-historical humorous investigation . Publishing magazine, Zurich 1888.
    • Dedication: “To His Beloved Mother the Writer”.
    • Review: A salvation of honor for mothers-in-law . In: The Gazebo . Volume 41, 1877, pp. 706 ( full text [ Wikisource ]).
  • Ferdinand Lassalle's will and heirs. With unprinted letters from Countess Sophie Hatzfeldt , Wilhelm Rustow , Aurel Holthoff and others. a. A memorial sheet for the 25th anniversary of Lassalle's death on August 31, 1889 . Baumert and Ronge, Grossenhain 1889.
  • Mosaic pictures and arabesques. Literary walks, chats and sketches from the past and present . Oehlmann, Dresden 1889.
  • Ferdinand Lassalle. His life and work. Portrayed from the best and most reliable sources. With unprinted letters and reports from Ferdinand Lassalle's, Georg Klapka 's, Johann Philipp Becker 's and Countess Sophie Hatzfeldt . Otto Wigand, Leipzig 1889, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
    • Dedication: “Dr. H. Druskowitz with friendly devotion, the author. "
  • Prince Bismarck as a humorist funny stories from the life and work of the Chancellor . Felix Bagel, Düsseldorf 1889, MDZ Reader digitized .
  • Prince von Bismarck and literature. A political-literary study . C. Reissner, Leipzig 1889.
  • Glory sheets of the House of Wettin . A historical look back at the eight hundred year past of all lands of the Rautenkrone and their princely families (1089–1889). Anniversary font . Heinze, Dresden-Striesen 1889, SLUB Dresden digitized .
  • The largest and most famous German soubrettes of the nineteenth century. With unprinted letters from Josephine Gallmeyer , Marie Geistinger , Ottilie Genée . Felix Bagel, Düsseldorf 1890.
  • Friedrich Wieck . A picture of life and an artist . Pierson, Dresden 1890.
  • Johannes Miksch, the greatest German singing master, and his singing system. With previously unprinted letters from Johannes Miksch, unprinted diary sheets by GW Teschner and an unprinted article by Johannes Miksch: 'Vom Atmen' . Carl Rühle, Leipzig-Reudnitz 1890.
  • Emperor Joseph II. His work as a person . Hönsch & Tiesler, Dresden 1890, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
    • Dedication: "Joseph Willomitzer, the editor-in-chief of 'Bohemia' in Prague, the ingenious poet and writer in friendly devotion, the author".
  • Josef Joachim . A picture of life and an artist. Commemorative publication for his 60th birthday on June 28, 1891 . U. Glas, Berlin 1891.
  • Theodor Körner. His life and his poetry. A secular script based on the best and most reliable sources . Slottko, Berlin 1891, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • From the magical land of Polyhymnias. Musical stories and chats . Bibliographical Bureau, Berlin 1892.
  • Carl Helmerding . A picture of life and an artist. Dedicated to all friends of humor . Georgi, Berlin 1892.
  • Famous and infamous poisoners. A cultural-historical-psychological study. With a foreword by lawyer Fritz Friedmann . 2 volumes. Bibliographical Bureau, Berlin 1893.
  • Theodor Körner . His life and his poetry. For the youth and the people. With the portrait, a facsimile of Theodor Körner's names and poems . 2nd Edition. Georgi, Berlin 1893.
  • Major and minor chords. Musical forays, portrait sketches and genre pictures. In three parts . R. Boll, Berlin 1894.
  • Prince Bismarck and the women . Friedrich Stahn, Berlin 1894.
    • Bismarck et les femmes . 2nd edition. P. Ollendorff, Paris 1895.
  • Jewish cultural sketches . Brandeis, Prague 1895. (= Jewish Universal Library )
  • The old Prague Jewish cemetery. A contribution to the cultural history of Bohemian Judaism . Brandeis, Prague 1897, Freimann Collection, Goethe University Frankfurt Digitized .
  • History of the German Jews. A house book for the Jewish family . German publisher, Berlin 1898, digitized .
  • The eternally feminine in world, cultural and literary history . Neupert, Leipzig 1898.
  • Bismarck as a person . F. von Schimmelpfennig, Berlin 1899.
  • Moltke and the women . Wolfgang Simon publishing house, Berlin 1900.
  • Famous Israelite Men and Women in Human Cultural History. Life and character images from the past and present . * A handbook for the home and family with numerous portraits . 2 volumes. AH Payne, Leipzig-Reudnitz 1901.
  • All sorts of new Bismarckiana . B. Elischer, Leipzig 1901.
  • The overwives of all time . Drawings by Gottfried Sieben . G. Grimm, Budapest 1902.
    • The woman as she is . With drawings by Gottfried Sieben. G. Grimms Verlag, Budapest 1903.
  • Love arts and love artists (Aphrodite and Athene). Psychological, literary and cultural history chats and pen drawings . Schreck, Leipzig 1902. (also: B. Sturm, Dresden 1912.)
  • Ferdinand Lassalle . Hugo Schildberger, Berlin 1902. (= Significant men from the past and present 6)
  • Serious and cheerful things from famous doctors, pharmacists and naturalists. Publishing house of the Berlinische Verlags-Anstalt, Berlin 1903.
  • Justus von Liebig . His life and work. Described from the best and most reliable sources. With unprinted letters from Liebig, two letters from Liebig in facsimile and 34 original illustrations . Emil Roth, Gießen 1904, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • The eternal feminine with Wilhelm Busch . Elischer, Leipzig 1904.
  • Friedrich Schiller and the women . Schulzesche Hof-Buchhandlung and Hof-Buchdruckerei, Oldenburg and Leipzig 1905.
  • The master of Bayreuth. New and intimate things from the life and work of Richard Wagner . Richard Schröder, Berlin 1905.
  • Friedrich Schiller as a humorist . Eduard Eißelt, Groß-Lichterfelde 1905.
  • On the fiftieth anniversary of Karl Friedrich Gauß's death , 23 February d. J. Berlin 1905.
  • Friedrich Schiller in his relationships with music and musicians . Nationaler Verlag Carl Etzold, Stuttgart 1905, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • The singing queens for the past three centuries. With unprinted letters and poems With unprinted letters and poems by DFE Auber, B. Auerbach, F. v. Bodenstedt , J. Brahms , F. v. Dingelstedt , A. Dumas Jr. , Th. Fontane , K. Goldmark , K. Groth , E. Hanslick , H. Ibsen , A. Joachim, King Ludwig II., A. Neumann , P. Rosegger , V. Sardou , MM v. Weber et al. 2 volumes. Hermann Kuhz, Berlin 1905–1906.
  • Doctors as statesmen, diplomats and politicians . Publishing house of the Berlinische Verlags-Anstalt, Berlin 1907, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • David Friedrich Strauss as a thinker and educator . Alfred Kröner, Leipzig 1908, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • Frederick the Great as a humorist . Gracklauer, Leipzig 1908.
  • Ludwig Feuerbach . His life and works are described from the best, most reliable and in some cases new sources. With unprinted letters from Ludwig Feuerbach and Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach . F. Eckardt, Leipzig 1909.
  • Otto von Bismarck in his relations with Württemberg and with Württemberg statesmen . Baur, Blaubeuren 1909.
  • Author and publisher. Critical essays and marginal glosses from writers and publishers' workshops . Meißner, Heidelberg 1909.
  • The Hohenzollern and Freemasonry . Franz Wunder, Berlin 1909.
  • Financial sizes and big finances . Neumann, Berlin 1909.
  • Johann Gottfried Seume as a person, poet, patriot and thinker . Auerbach, Berlin 1910.
  • Doctors as philosophers . Publishing house of the Berlinische Verlags-Anstalt, Berlin 1910.
  • Queen Luise of Prussia and her time . Buntrock, Berlin 1910.
  • From the heart archive of celebrities in love . New life Wilhelm Borngräber, Berlin 1910.
  • Franz Liszt in his work as a person and as a sound artist. With personal statements from Liszt . Carl Rühle, Leipzig 1911.
  • Heinrich von Kleist and the women . Hamburg publishing company, Hamburg 1911.
  • Masonic studies and sketches in the past and present . Claudius, Wandsbek in Holstein 1911.
  • Otto v. Bismarck and the big and small . Buntrock, Berlin 1911.
  • Frederick the Great as a personality and character . Behrens, Hamburg 1912.
  • Heinrich Zeise , the nestor of the German poets and writers in the present. With the newest picture, the Facsilime Heinrich Zeises and other original illustrations as well as unprinted letters and poems . Walter Markgraf, Breslau 1913, table of contents .
  • Frederick the Great. Studies and sketches . Walter Markgraf, Breslau 1913.
  • Hungary's ceramic industry . The glassworks, Dresden 1913.
  • Frederick the Great. Studies and sketches . Walter Markgraf, Breslau 1913.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II as a thinker. Golden words and sayings from his speeches, edicts, conversations, letters and telegrams . Rathmacher, Lüneburg 1913.
  • Crowned and uncrowned friends of Jews . Basch, Berlin 1913, Freimann Collection, Goethe University Frankfurt Digitized .
  • Theodor Körner as a singer and hero . vom Dorp, Dresden 1913.
  • Ritual murder trials . Significant cases from the past . Basch, Berlin-Wilmersdorf 1913, Freimann Collection, Goethe University Frankfurt Digitized .
  • Prince-Admiral Adalbert of Prussia and the German fleet. Pictures from the life and work of the first German admiral . Volks- u. Jugendschriften-Verlag, Leipzig 1913. (= New Illustrated Folk and Youth Writings Collection edited by the Central Examination Committee of the New Prussian Teachers' Association 3)
  • King Maximilian II of Bavaria and the philosopher FWJ von Schelling . Walter Markgraf, Leipzig 1914.
  • Bismarck's judgment on France, Russia and England . Kleemeier, Hof ad Saale 1914.
  • France as Germany's hereditary enemy . H. Kleemeier, Hof ad Saale 1914.
  • Bismarck's relations with Hungary and with Hungarian statesmen. With a portrait . E. Hofmann, Berlin 1915.
  • Emanuel Geibel as a person and a poet . Verlag des Verein der Buchfreunde, Berlin 1915, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  • Gustav Freytag as a patriot and politician . Alfred Schall, Berlin 1916.
  • Emperor Franz Josef I as King of Hungary . Schwetschke, Berlin 1916.
  • Martin Luther as son, husband and father . Kronenkampf Verlag, Mülheim-Heißen 1917.
    • Review by E. Hirsch. In: Theologische Literaturzeitung , 1918, p. 227, Digisports .

In Reclam's Universal Library

  • Meyerbeer . Reclam, Leipzig 1890. (= Musicians Biographies 12) (= Reclams Universal Library 2734) Biblioteca Digital Hispánica Digitalisat
  • J. Ch. Freiherrn von Zedlitz : Poems. With an introduction by Adolph Kohut . Reclam, Leipzig 1890. (= Reclam's Universal Library 3141/3142)
  • Rossini . Reclam, Leipzig 1892. (= Musicians Biographies 14) (= Reclam's Universal Library 2927) Text archive - Internet Archive
  • Alexander Balázs: cheerful life pictures. Humoresques . From the Magyar by Adolph Kohut. Reclam, Leipzig 1892. (= Reclam's Universal Library 2899)
  • Leopold Schefer : Laienbrevier . With an introduction by Adolph Kohut. Reclam, Leipzig 1893. (= Reclam Universal Library 3031/3033)
  • Árpád von Berczik: Marriage stories and other humoresques . Reclam, Leipzig 1894. (= Reclam's Universal Library 3240)
  • Alexander Petofi : Prosaic writings. From the Magyar by Adolph Kohut . Reclam, Leipzig 1894. (= Reclam's Universal Library 3455/3456)
  • Auber . Reclam, Leipzig 1892. (= Musicians' Biographies 17) (= Reclam's Universal Library 3789) Text archive - Internet Archive
  • Strange life story of Freiherr Friedrich von der Trenck . Edited by Adolph Kohut. Reclam, Leipzig 1898. (= Reclam's Universal Library 3761/3762)
  • Golden words of the former Reich Chancellor. Sayings of Prince Bismarck about politics, life and worldview . Reclam, Leipzig 1915 (= Reclam Universal Library 5745)


  • Funny stories from Tokayerland. Translated from Hungarian and edited freely by Adolph Kohut. R. Eckstein, Berlin 1885. (= Eckstein's travel library 6)
  • Helene von Beniczky-Bajza : With the doors locked. Novel. Only authorized translation from Hungarian by Adolf Kohut . Julius Brehse, Leipzig 1887.
  • Cupid in the bath. Bathing humoresques. Translated from Hungarian and edited by A. Kohut . R. Eckstein, Berlin 1888 (= Eckstein's humorous library 25)
  • Fake diamonds. Social novellettes and sketches. Freely translated and edited from the Magyar by Josef Hevesi by Adolph Kohut . Publishing magazine, Zurich 1890.
  • Sport and love. Cheerful stories from the world of sports. The only legitimate translation into the Hungarian by Koloman von Porzsolt, freely edited by Adolph Kohut . Siegfried Frankl, Berlin 1891.
  • Géza Kacziány: One year in gear. Cheerful and serious pictures from the life of the Austro-Hungarian one-year-old volunteer. Translated, edited and introduced by Adolph Kohut . R. Eckstein, Berlin 1891. (= Eckstein's travel library )
  • Géza von Kacziány: Alert! Pictures from the Bosnian campaign (1878). translated and edited by Adolph Kohut. R. Eckstein, Berlin.
  • Stephan von Thewrewk-Ponor: From the life of the Archduke Ladislaus . Authorized translation from Magyar by Adolph Kohut . Sayffaerth, Berlin 1897.
  • Gregor von Csiky : Exciting stories. Authorized translation from Magyar by Dr. Adolph Kohut . Friedrich Schirmer, Berlin 1898.
  • Hungarian book of novels. Serious and cheerful stories. Translated and edited by Adolph Kohut . Friese, Leipzig 1897. (= Collection of modern fiction by domestic and foreign authors II.)
  • Franz Herczeg : The marriage of Mr. von Szabolcs. Novel. Sirius. Novel. Only authorized translation by Adolph Kohut . Hillger, Berlin 1898 (= Kürschner's book treasure 80) Berlin State Library digitized
  • The storyteller and other stories. Stories from the Magyar . van den Wyenbergh, Kevelaer 1912 (= From home and foreign countries . Volume 21)
  • Bismarck és Magyarország . Atheneum, Budapest 1915 digitized (Hungarian)
  • Ginly von Pekár: The power. The only valid translation from the Magyar by Adolf Kohut . Mignon, Dresden 1916. (= Mignon novels )
  • Carl Meray-Harvath : The Caesar of America. A presidential novel. The only valid translation from the Magyar by Adolf Kohut . Oesterheld, Berlin 1917.
  • Franz Garai: The Doctor's Secret. [Detective] novel. Only authorized translation by Adolf Kohut . Zimmer, Stuttgart 1919.


  • Memoirs of a Jewish seminarist. To honor the Wroclaw Jewish theological seminar Fränkelscher Foundation . Senders & Brandeis, Prague 1870.
    • Dedication: “Sr. Reverend Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Fischer in Lpz., The celebrated orientalist, dedicates this work to the publisher. "
  • Ferdinand Dieffenbach : The French influence in Germany under Ludwig XIV and the resistance of the Kurbrandenburgischen and Electoral Saxon politics . Dehlmann, Dresden 1889, SLUB digitized .
  • Moltke as a thinker. Golden words from all works, speeches and letters of Field Marshal Count von Moltke . Gerstmann, Berlin 1890.
  • Heine's complete works. 12 volumes in 4 books. With an introduction by Adolph Kohut . Th. Knaur Nachf., Berlin, Leipzig 1908 (= Knaur's octave classic ) Text archive - Internet Archive
  • Famous merchants. Experiences and development of the most famous and deserving merchants of all times and peoples . Paustian Gebrüder, Hamburg 1909, Berlin State Library Digitized .
  • Johann Peter Eckermann . Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life. With an introduction and explanatory notes, ed. by Ad. Kohut. Th. Knaur, Berlin 1911.
  • Cheerful songs from Rügen with unprinted humorous poems by Edwin Bormann . Claudius, Wandsbek in Holstein 1911.
  • Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe . Th. Knaur, Berlin 1912.
  • Christoph Martin Wieland as a poet and thinker. Rays of light and golden words from all his works and letters . Walter Markgraf, Leipzig 1914.
  • The grand masters of Berlin humor in old and new times. A collection of the funniest, funniest and most original from the realm of humor in Spree-Athens . Hofmann & Co., Berlin 1915.

Dependent publications

Individual evidence

  1. No more published.
  2. Augsburger Postzeitung . Published from 1833 to August 11, 1935. Contains & a. a supplement for book reviews.
  3. ^ Franz Hirsch (1844–1920), writer and editor.
  4. Dr. med. Erich Meinert (1847–1910).
  5. ^ Joseph Willomitzer (1849–1900) journalist and writer.
  6. "the first detailed Liebig biography". ( Georg Schwedt : Liebig and his students - the new school of chemistry . Springer, Berlin 2002, ISBN 978-3-642-62783-5 , p. 8.)
  7. "Dr. Franz Servaes in Vienna to the Kleist researcher, poet and writer in admiration and devotion. The author".
  8. German: Bismarck and Hungary.