Surselva district

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Surselva district
Surselva district
Basic data
Country: SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : canton of Grisonscanton of Grisons Graubünden (GR)
Main town : Ilanz
Area : 1373.54 km²
Residents: 21,325 (December 31, 2015)
Population density : 16 inhabitants per km²
Map of Surselva district

The district of Surselva ( Romansh District da la Surselva ? / I ) was an administrative unit of the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland until December 31, 2015 . On January 1, 2016, it was replaced by the Surselva region . Audio file / audio sample


The following counties and municipalities belonged to the Surselva district:
As of December 31, 2015

Disentis district
coat of arms Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2014)
in km²
Breil / Brigels Breil / Brigels 1278 50.64
Disentis / Mustér Disentis / Mustér 2058 90.98
Medel Medel (Lucmagn) 398 136.22
Sumvitg Sumvitg 1240 101.88
Trun Trun 1205 51.90
Tujetsch Tujetsch 1359 133.91
District of Ilanz
coat of arms Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2014)
in km²
Falera Falera 593 22.36
Ilanz / Glion Ilanz / Glion 4687 133.48
Laax Laax 1566 31.71
Mundaun Mundaun 301 8.59
Sagogn Sagogn 673 6.92
No No 563 4.79
Lumnezia / Lugnez district
coat of arms Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2014)
in km²
Lumnezia Lumnezia 2078 159.81
Vals Vals 966 175.56
District of Ruis
coat of arms Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2014)
in km²
Andiast Andiast 196 13.63
Obersaxen Obersaxen 838 61.77
Waltensburg / Vuorz Waltensburg / Vuorz 343 32.31
Safien district
coat of arms Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2014)
in km²
Safiental Safiental 895 151.43

See also the article Surselva (as regional area)

Changes in the community

Web links

Commons : Surselva district  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f permanent and non-permanent resident population by institutional breakdown, gender, nationality and age (permanent resident population)