Brian Peaker

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Brian Ronald Peaker (* 26. May 1959 in London , Ontario ) is a former Canadian lightweight - rowers . He won an Olympic silver medal and a world title.


At the 1985 World Championships , the Canadian lightweight four without a helmsman in the line-up of Bob Thomas , Ryan Tierney , Dave Henry and Brian Peaker took fifth place. In 1986, the four Canadians finished tenth at the World Championships . At the 1986 Commonwealth Games , the Canadians won the bronze medal.

Peaker did not start again at world championships until 1992 in Montreal , when he finished fourth with the lightweight eighth, and in 1993 in Račice u Štětí , the Canadian lightweight eighth won the title. At the 1994 World Championships he finished eighth in the lightweight double scull with Dave Boyes . 1995 Brian Peaker, Jeffrey Lay , Dave Boyes and Gavin Hassett formed the Canadian lightweight four without a helmsman and finished fourth at the World Championships in Tampere . At the Olympic premiere of lightweight rowing in Atlanta in 1996, the Danes won with half a second ahead of the Canadians.

After the Olympic Games in 1996, Peaker ended his active career and became a coach, but occasionally he was still an active rower in the senior sector.

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