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The Cimade - Service œcuménique d'entraide (also: Comité inter mouvements auprès des évacués , German: Ecumenical Service for Support; Committee for the Movement of Refugees) is a French NGO (association loi de 1901) that campaigns for foreigners. She is a member of the Fédération Protestante de France .

Areas of responsibility

The Cimade is involved in these areas

  • Legal support: legal assistance for foreigners in administrative detention (reception centers), maintenance of sanitary and social facilities, assistance with integration. These activities are financed by public funds.
  • Acceptance of foreigners and integration: Accompaniment of foreigners with permanent residence permits, international solidarity campaigns, intervention in prisons and camps, awareness raising of the public and politicians for the tasks of the organization. These actions are mainly financed from the organization's own resources.

According to its statutes, the Cimade “shows solidarity with those who suffer, who are oppressed and exploited, and will defend them regardless of their nationality, origin, political or religious position”. In particular, the organization fights against racism and pays close attention to the fact that the personal rights and dignity of its protégés are respected, whatever their situation may be. In this endeavor, the Cimade unites people from the most diverse national, denominational, philosophical and political origins.

Originally a religious association, today the orientation is fundamentally secular. She respects the religious orientation and world views of her protégés and defines herself not by religious motivation or certain theologies, but by the activities of her employees, who belong to very different faiths.

Since June 2013, Geneviève Jacques , a long-time employee and former Secretary General of the organization, has been the new President.


Beginnings: refugees from Alsace-Lorraine

In September 1939, during the entry into the war against Germany , the evacuations were made from the Alsace and Lorraine in the south west of France ( Haute-Vienne , Dordogne , Landes , Lot-et-Garonne , Gers ). This began a long period of exile under difficult circumstances for these approximately 200,000 people . The - often German-speaking - Alsaciens et Lorrains were perceived as strangers and confronted with defensive reactions from the locals. In addition, the population in Alsace and Lorraine was predominantly Protestant , while the receiving departments were predominantly Catholic .

A Protestant theologian from Alsace, Suzanne de Dietrich , member of the world committee of the Unions de jeunes filles , made a trip to the areas in the southwest. At the end of September 1939, groups formed with volunteers who went to the south-west of France (Périgueux, Haute-Vienne ...) as "Comité inter-mouvements (CIM)". In March 1940, "the" Cimade was created, chaired by Jane Pannier . At Marc Boegner's request , Madeleine Barot was appointed Secretary General.

Internment camp for foreigners

From August 1940, La Cimade was active in the Camp de Gurs , where many different foreigners were being held at the time: Gypsies , communists , political refugees, German intellectuals who had fled the Nazi regime, Eastern Europeans who had been sent by the Wehrmacht and other. La Cimade also supported Jews who were on the run from persecution and, from 1940, took care of their admission to Le Chambon-sur-Lignon with the support of the Protestant communities and the “Comité de Nîmes”. From 1943, after the capture of the “Zone Sud”, the association expanded its work to include the production of forged papers and the sending of threatened Jews to Switzerland .

After the Second World War

In Germany, various Cimade volunteer groups got involved in Mainz and Berlin from 1946 , in refugee camps for refugees from Eastern Europe. In 1951 Madeleine Barot started a mission in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon , Syria and Jordan . In 1955 two nurses started a medical service in Dakar . From 1967 onwards, the Cimade was involved in efforts to achieve a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

In 1956 the first “poste” was set up in France, in the Rue d'Aix in Marseille , and later in the Camps Grand Arenas , Colgate and Grande Bastide . A post was opened in Paris in 1959 and in Lyon in 1962. Above all, literacy courses, French courses, school tutoring courses, but also sewing courses are offered in these offices.

Since 1957 employees of the Cimade have been involved in the "Centers d'Assignation", in which mainly Algerians were detained. In 1958 the first post of the Cimade was set up in Algiers (Clos Salembier).

In the 1960s

At the beginning of the 1960s, services were reorganized and priorities established. The central “services” (services centraux) included Direction, Services généraux, Éducation œcuménique (ecumenical education) and Cours interconfessionnels (interconfessional programs). The individual sectors were then:

  • "Le secteur des réfugiés" refugee work: divided into seven "missions" (immigration, emigration, Réfugiés Viêt Nam (refugees from Vietnam ), Vestiaire (clothes closet), Centers d'hébergement (accommodation), distribution de vivres (distribution of food), Cours (courses), Ciné-club (film club));
  • "Le secteur nord-africain" - North African sector: The North African sector organized aid programs both in France (camps d'assignation à résidence; Marseille, Paris 14e , 15e , Lyon ) and in Algeria (centers de regroupement; Algiers, Medea , Sidi Nahmane, Belkitane);
  • Coudekerque (North): Continuation of the awareness-raising and educational work that was started during the war;
  • Dakar : opening of a clinic;
  • la maison international des étudiants de Sèvres : a residence for international students;
  • le service des prisons et libérés : rehabilitation of prisoners and freedmen following a reform of the criminal law;
  • le service des sinistrés d'urgence : emergency services.

The organization also ran a reception center in Sucy-en-Brie and old people's homes for Russian refugees in Cannes , Saint-Raphaël and Perreux-sur-Marne . In 1970 the Poste de Strasbourg was opened. Roby Bois , who later became General Secretary of the Cimade (1973–1984), who had witnessed the Algerian War, was particularly active during this time.

After Algeria became independent, the staff stayed in the country and worked in the Comité chrétien de service en Algérie (CCSA - Christian Commité for Services in Algeria), founded by the World Council of Churches . In 1966, the Cimade opened an office in the camp of Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot , in which Harkis and returnees from Indochina were housed. In addition, employees visited the warehouses in Saint-Laurent-des-Arbres and Saint-Maurice-l'Ardoise .

In the 1970s

In the early 1970s, the association was reorganized again. A direction was created consisting of a council, a steering committee and a general secretary, as well as the national services and teams.

The national services (services nationaux) are divided into "technical services" (services techniques - émigration, immigration, régularisation, étudiants, alphabétisation, artisanat, assistance et urgences, prisons) and "administrative services" (services administratifs - comptabilité (bookkeeping), secrétariat , reprographie (reproduction), standard, Grenelle (consultation), and “special services” (services spécialisés - information, documentation, fichier (archive), personnel et bénévoles (staff and volunteers), développement).

The Équipes (teams) were grouped into the sectors Tiers-Monde (Third World - Dakar, CCSA Algérie, Proche-Orient), Réfugiés (Paris, Massy), Migrants (Saint-Denis, Nanterre , Sucy, Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Corsica , Marseille Dames, Marseille Arenc) and Entraide (integration aids - Harkis, Sainte-Livrade, service orthodoxe, reference ages, Cannes).

From 1964 and since the first arrival of political refugees from Brazil , la Cimade followed the situation in Latin America . Since 1973 she has been involved in the reception of refugees from Chile and, under the direction of André Jacques, also for refugees from Mozambique , Greece , Angola and others. From 1975 the focus was on refugees from Indochina. The priority was a language program (FAS), which was financed by the state.

In the 1980s

In 1984 there was another reorganization. A “Service d'administration” was subordinated to the Secretary General and there was a “Groupe 'droits de l'homme'” as well as regional offices (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Montbéliard , Montpellier , Strasbourg ). In addition, an “team of direction” looked after the general secretary for the departments Communication , Développement and Étrangers (“défense des droits - accueil”, “actions économiques et culturelles”, “foyer de Massy ”).

In the 1990s

In 1991 additional regional units were created. The national organization comprised the general secretariat, the service administratif et financier and la communication . At the national level, the office “Défense des droits des étrangers”, and the office “Défense des étrangers en rétention” (DER), the language programs, a women's program (program femmes) and the “Service des solidarités internationales” worked.

The "Équipes régionales" were set up in Île-de-France ( Batignolles , Trévise , Massy), Méditerranée (Marseille, Montpellier, Nice , Perpignan ), Center Alpes Rhône (Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand ), Est (East - Strasbourg, Montbéliard, Besançon ), Sud-Ouest (southwest - Toulouse , Bordeaux ), Ouest (west - Nantes ) and Nord ( Lille ).

Local groups organized the activities on site.


Immigration rights (Droits des étrangers)

Today, the Cimade is involved in legal assistance for foreigners and immigrants, especially for illegal immigrants , alongside other organizations such as the Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigrés (GISTI).

Overall, Cimade is fighting together with the umbrella organization Migreurop to improve the situation. In this context she tries to create a public awareness, among other things with the festival “Migrant'scène” as well as with appeals to members of parliament, ministers and offices.

Administrative custody (Rétention administrative)

Based on an agreement with the Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social , the Cimade was the only NGO between 1984 and 2009 that was active in the Center de rétention administrative en France of the capital. Initially intended to help with material issues, the task quickly developed into legal support for detainees awaiting deportation (Reconduite à la frontière) and the documentation of prison conditions.

Since 2010, following the adoption of an agreement with the Ministère de l'Intérieur , five associations have now been looking after the prisoners in the French centers and the centers in Outre-mer (excluding Mayotte ). At the end of 2013, Cimade was present in 14 centers, in 2014 it was still in 11 centers. She offers legal assistance for the inmates.

The mission of the "Défense des étrangers retenus" (DER) has been the defense of human rights since 2010, since detention was placed in the hands of the regions . The employees of the Cimade visit the prisoners, inform them about their rights and maintain contact with the outside world, especially with family members. In addition, they report to the Ministère du Travail, des Relations sociales, de la Famille, de la Solidarité et de la Ville on the conditions of detention.

Accommodation (Hébergement)

La Cimade has two accommodations:

  • le center de Massy : in the suburbs of Paris as the Center provisoire d'hébergement (CPH), especially for refugees
  • le center de Béziers : a center d'accueil de demandeurs d'asile en France (CADA).

Anchoring in Protestantism

At the beginning of the work evangelism and the spread of the faith played a crucial role. The predecessor of the Cimade, the Comité inter-mouvements (CIM) emerged from three Protestant organizations: la Fédération universelle des associations chrétiennes d'étudiants (FUACE - Christian Student Union), les Unions chrétiennes de jeunes gens et jeunes filles (UCJ - CVJM) and Fédération des éclaireurs et éclaireuses unionistes (EU scouts). The main objective of the organization in 1940 was “ Gospel testimony for the youth of France who were tried by the war”. This attitude was repeated again on March 10, 1950. It was said at the time that the Cimade cannot help without evangelizing.

The link with Protestantism was always one of the main features of the association, which saw itself as ecumenical and gradually became more secular. Marc Boegner , President of the Cimade (1944–1955), was at the same time head of the Fédération Protestante de France . Jacques Maury and Jacques Stewart were both presidents of the Fédération protestante de France before they became the heads of the Cimade.

Political orientation

From the beginning, la Cimade sees itself as a political organization in contrast to the neutrality that other organizations such as B. the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is represented. In solidarity with the Confessing Church , Madeleine Barot , the General Secretary at the time, worked with Suzanne de Diétrich, Georges Casalis and others to develop the Pomeyrol theses , which defined the limits of obedience to the state, personal freedoms and the end of collaboration.

In the 1970s, those responsible came closer to liberation theology and partly to Marxist ideals. Countries with communist regimes , for example, were never criticized, but all other authoritarian governments in Latin America were . In 1980 Madeleine Barot was appointed vice-president of the ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture), which had long focused on the Latin American dictatorships; and the Secretary General Jacques Beaumont (1956–1968) publicly supported the Kurdish resistance in Iraq and the guerrilla actions of the SWAPO (South West Africa People's Organization) against South Africa and Namibia .

In addition, the heads of the Cimade are often involved in politics themselves. Former head of the UNEF (Union nationale des étudiants de France) Patrick Peugeot , who was president from 2006 to 2013, is an active member of the Parti socialiste .

Legislative initiatives

In 2006, the Cimade launched a campaign entitled “Assez d'humiliation, les migrants sont notre monde!” (“Enough of humiliation, migrants are our world!”). The campaign was intended to raise awareness of the injustices and humiliations migrants face today. The campaign culminated in 2007 with the publication of 75 theses for a "Politics of Immigration in Justice and Thought". Laurent Giovannoni, then Secretary General, presented the project to the French presidential candidate in 2007 for as an alternative Legislation of the previous immigration law.

In 2011 the Cimade published "40 propositions" (40 proposals) under the heading Inventer une politique d'hospitalité ( Eng . "Invention of a policy of hospitality").

Cooperation with other organizations

In the course of its history, employees of the organization have repeatedly taken on important tasks in the establishment of human rights organizations, e.g. B. at the Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigrés (GISTI), at Forum Réfugiés , France terre d'asile u. a.). And she herself is a member of various associations such as RomEurope , Migreurop , Boat for People. In the Loujna project , she works specifically with African associations that look after migrants in East Africa and the Maghreb .


Since around 2005, the Cimade budget has been largely derived from tax revenues, with the proportion of private donations growing. According to the Inspection générale des affaires sociales , the association is characterized by a strong dependence on public funds. Then an attempt was made to distribute the financing better. In 2008 and 2009, for example, the share of private financing was increased through the sale of the headquarters. To maintain its credibility, the organization was certified by the Comité de la Charte . Above all, the transparency of the bookkeeping was guaranteed.

Since 2005 the budget has fluctuated between EUR 6.5 and 10 million. The association pays around 100 fixed salaries and has around 2000 members.

Head of Organization

president Secretaries General,
Secrétaires généraux
  • 1939–1940: Georgette Siegrist
  • 1940–1956: Madeleine Barot
  • 1956–1968: Jacques Beaumont
  • 1968–1974: Michel Wagner
  • 1974-1984: Roby Bois
  • 1984–1988: Marc Brunschweiler
  • 1988-1995: Geneviève Jacques
  • 1996-2003: Jean-Marc Dupeux
  • 2003–2005: Michel Forst
  • 2005–2010: Laurent Giovannoni
  • 2010–2011: Jérôme Martinez
  • 2012– 0000: Jean-Claude Mas

Other personalities:

Individual evidence

  1. "Cimade a pour but de manifester une solidarité active avec ceux qui souffrent, qui sont opprimés et exploités et d'assurer leur défense, quelles que soient leur nationalité, leur origine, ou leur position politique ou religieuse."
  2. Excerpt from the 1st article of the statutes of the Cimade, Missions de la Cimade ( Memento of the original of April 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Geneviève Jacques, présidente de la Cimade, une vie consacrée à l'accueil , La Croix , 20/9/2013.
  4. ^ Association sous le régime de la loi de 1901, déclarée auprès de la Préfecture de police de Paris le 8 mars 1940.
  5. Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre ... , p. 11.
  6. Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand [2013], pp. 68–69.
  7. “Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre…”, pp. 13-15.
  8. Les Clandestins de Dieu. Cimade 1939-1945 , p. 112.
  9. Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre ... , p. 38.
  10. Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre ... , pp. 42–43.
  11. Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre ... , p. 22.
  12. Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre… , pp. 26-27.
  13. Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard 2013, p. 227.
  14. Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard 2013, p. 230.
  15. Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard 2013, p. 233.
  16. Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard 2013, p. 238.
  17. Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard 2013, p. 241.
  18. Example: décision du Conseil d'État du 13 novembre 2013 ( Memento of the original from January 20, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. : This decision changes the treatment of asylum seekers. un blog you moons . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. .
  20. Les droits fondamentaux garantis par l'ordonnance du 2 novembre 1945: Ordonnance 45-2658 du 2 novembre 1945 relative aux conditions d'entrée et de séjour des étrangers en France, Le service public de la diffusion du droit .
  21. "De témoigner de l'Évangile auprès de la jeunesse française éprouvée par la guerre." Statute publiés au Journal officiel , April 3, 1940th
  22. ne peut aider sans évangéliser
  23. Catherine Simon: Patrick Peugeot: un PDG chez les sans-papiers . Le Monde , June 11, 2008, .
  24. "Si l'on veut éviter que l'Europe ne se transforme en une République grecque avec ses citoyens, ses esclaves et au loin ses barbaren." - "[...] to prevent Europe from turning into a Greek republic with its Citizens, slaves and barbarians transformed "
  25. on the website of the organization ( Memento of the original from February 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  26. ^ Anna Marek: Le droit au service des luttes . Plein Droit, No. 53-54, 2002
  27. ^ Website of the “Boats 4 People” campaign .
  28. Alternatives espaces citoyens (AEC, Niger ), l'association malienne des expulsés (AME), Association mauritanienne des droits de l'homme (AMDH), Association nigérienne de défense des droits de l'homme (ANDDH), Association des refoulés d 'Afrique centrale au Mali (ARACEM), Caritas Gao (Mali), Caritas Maroc , Caritas Nouadhibou (Mauritanie), Forum tunisien pour les droits économiques et sociaux (FTDES), Groupe antiraciste d'accompagnement et de défense des étrangers et migrants (GADEM , Maroc), groupe de travail migrations et développement du Congad (GTMD, Senegal ), point d'accueil des réfugiés et immigrés (PARI, Sénégal) et Rencontre et développement (Algérie), as well as La ligue algérienne des droits de l'homme and Associations from Ivory Coast .
  29. est marquée par une forte dépendance à l'égard des fonds publics (60% des ressources d'exploitation viennent du ministère chargé des affaires sociales) Rapport de l'Inspection générale des affaires sociales, 2007 .
  30. Archive link ( Memento of the original from April 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Observatoire de l'action humanitaire, January 21, 2011.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /


  • Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'étrangers sur cette terre. 1939–2009, une histoire de la Cimade , Paris, 2009, p. 64, brochure publiée à l'occasion des 70 ans de la Cimade, [1] .
  • Madeleine Barot : "La Cimade: une présence, une communauté, une action". In: Les Clandestins de Dieu: Cimade 1939–1945 , Genève, Émile Fabre (ed.), Labor et fides , 1989, pp. 29–38.
  • Anne Boitel: “La Cimade en action auprès des“ indésirables ”: essai de synthèse à travers le cas d'école du camp de Rivesaltes (de Vichy à nos jours)”. In: Roger Barrié, Martine Camiade, Jordi Font (dir.), Déplacements forcés et exils en Europe au XXe siècle. Le corps et l'esprit , actes du 2e séminaire transfrontalier, Paris, Talaia, 2013, pp. 67-103.
  • Jean-Paul Deler: ONG et développement: société, économie, politique , Paris, Karthala, 1998, p. 684.
  • Jérôme Drahy: Le Droit contre l'État: droit et défense associative des étrangers, l'exemple de la Cimade , Paris, L'Harmattan, 2004, p. 370.
  • Nicolas Fischer: "Les Territoires du droit: sur quelques aspects du secours juridique associatif dans les centers de rétention", Vacarmes , No. 34, 2006, pp. 106–111.
  • André Jacques: Madeleine Barot: une indomptable énergie , Paris, éd. du Cerf, 1989, p. 223.
  • Dzovinar Kévonian, Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand, Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard, Marianne Amar (dir.): La Cimade et l'accueil des réfugiés. Identités, répertoires d'actions et politiques de l'asile , 1939–1994, Paris, Presses universitaires de Paris-Ouest, 2013, p. 265.
    • Gérard Petitjean: “Manifester une solidarité active avec ceux qui souffrent  : action de la Cimade au regard de ses archives”, pp. 25–40.
    • André Encrevé: "Les protestants français au milieu du XXe siècle" , pp. 41–64.
    • Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand: “La Cimade dans les camps d'internement pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale” , pp. 65–82.
    • Anne Boitel: " Agir, témoigner, résister au sein d'un camp d'internement français : action de la Cimade à Rivesaltes entre 1941 et 1942", pp. 83-100.
    • Dzovinar Kévonian: “ La Cimade et les réfugiés  : organization privée et processus de légitimation dans l'espace international, 1945–1951”, pp. 101–122.
    • Paul Gradvohl: " Accueil des réfugiés et construction d'une geographie de l'altérité  : l'Europe centrale de la Cimade", pp. 123–140.
    • Victor Pereira: " La Cimade et les Portugais en France de 1957 à 1974  : une aide sous le signe des guerres coloniales", pp. 141–156.
    • Vasiliki Kilekli: “La Cimade face à l'accueil des exilés grecs en France (1967–1974)” , pp. 157–172.
    • Hugues Tertrais: “La Cimade, l'Indochine et ses réfugiés (1969–1979)” , pp. 173–182.
    • Marie-Christine Volovitch-Tavares: “ La Cimade et l'accueil des“ réfugiés en provenance du Chili ” , du coup d'État militaire (September 11, 1973) au début des années 1980», pp. 183-198.
    • Tramor Quemeneur: “La Cimade et l'objection de conscience” , pp. 199–212.
    • Axelle Brodiez-Dolino: “ La Cimade entre religion et politique (1939–1995) , ou les substrats idéologiques de l'humanitaire”, pp. 213–224.
    • Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard: “ Réfugiés, migrants, étrangers : les mots et les causes de la Cimade (années 1970–1990)”, pp. 225–244.
  • Uta Gerdes: Ecumenical solidarity with Christian and Jewish persecuted. The CIMADE in Vichy France 1940–1944. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005, p. 380, ISBN 9783525557419
  • Jeanne Merle d'Aubigné, Violette Mouchon, Émile C. Fabre: Les Clandestins de Dieu. Cimade 1939–1945 , Paris, Fayard, 1968 (Rééd. Labor et Fides, Genève, 1989), [2] .
  • Pierre Péan: Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs: Rwanda, 1990–1994 , Paris, Mille et une nuits, 2005, p. 544.
  • Thierry Suire: Les Protestants dans le Gard face au régime de Vichy , Nîmes, C. Lacour, 1999, p. 221, ISBN 2844062857
  • Jean-Pierre Weben: "Cimade 1996", Autres Temps. Cahiers d'éthique sociale et politique , No. 50, 1996, pp. 81-84, voir en ligne .

Web links