A palace for Putin

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German title A palace for Putin
Original title Дворец для Путина. История самой большой взятки
Country of production Russia
original language Russian
Publishing year 2021
length 112 minutes
Director Alexei Navalny
script Alexei Navalny, Marija Pewchich, Georgi Alburow
production Kira Jarmysch, Alexandra Dubrowskaja, Witali Kolesnikow, Anton Lebedinski, Jaroslaw Mudryakov
music Rafael Krux
  • Alexei Navalny
  • Georgi Alburov
  • Vyacheslav Gimadi
  • Sergei Vladimirovich Kolesnikov
  • Dmitri Yuryevich Skarga

A palace for Putin ( Russian Дворец для Путина. История самой большой взятки , German transcribed Dworez dlja Putina. Istorija Samoi Bolshoi wsjatki , in German ( a) palace for Putin. (The) history of the largest bribery ) is an investigative documentary by Alexei Navalny about Russian President Vladimir Putin and his alleged possessions on the Black Sea ; including the residence at Cape Idokopas ("the most expensive residence in the world"), the property of which is around 39 times the size of the Principality of Monaco , and oneState in state . With a total investment volume of 100 billion rubles , about 1.1 billion euros , paid from the state treasury, it is said to be "the biggest robbery in the history of Russia".

The film was released on YouTube on January 19, 2021 - one day after Navalny was arrested after his return to Russia (see: Poison attack on Alexei Navalny ) - and viewed half a million times after half an hour, and over 20 two days later Million times and as of January 24, 2021 more than 74 million times.

content of the film

The film is divided into twenty-seven chapters.

  1. Chapter: " Beginning ". It is said that in August 2020, Vladimir Putin ordered Navalny to be poisoned , that Navalny survived and that he was immediately arrested at the airport on his return to Russia and illegally imprisoned in the “ Sailor's Rest ” prison .
  2. Chapter: “ Navalny in Dresden .” Sitting on a bench in Dresden, Navalny explains that the idea for this documentary came about while Navalny was in intensive care, but everyone involved agreed not to release the film until he got home , in Russia. You don't want the main character in this film to think you're scared of him. "This film is not just research, but, in a sense, a psychological portrait because I really want to understand how an ordinary Soviet officer could turn into a madman obsessed with money and luxury and literally ready to his gold box for the sake of killing and destroying the country. ”The aim of this film is to show how and with whose money Putin's luxury is financed, how the largest bribe has been paid and the most expensive palace in the world built in recent years.
  3. Chapter: “ KGB balls, dances and first friends .” Putin's time as an “ordinary” KGB officer in Dresden from 1985 and, like Putin, in the presence of his then wife Lyudmila Alexandrovna Putina , on November 21, 1987 with a glass of Soviets is told cognac on the ball of the military alliance on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist revolution with the badge of honor of the society for German-Soviet Friendship was excellent. Putin did not get rich or had a great career in Dresden, but he met people who later became his greatest donors, such as Sergei Viktorovich Chemesov , today's CEO of Rostec , who is now, 30 years after Dresden, a billionaire government official. or Nikolai Petrovich Tokarev , who is now President of Transneft . According to the documents in the Stasi archive in Dresden, both sat in the same office, although Tokarev, unlike Chemezov, still denies that he was a member of the KGB.
  4. Chapter: " PETERSBURG ". Putin's return is told and that his former classmate and friend Nikolai Yegorov (English transcribed Nikolai Egorov) suggested that he work in the office of Mayor Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak , “a radical critic of the USSR” - Yegorov is, along with the other two classmates and friends Ilgam Ragimow and Viktor Chmarin, a little known but very close person in Putin's circle.
  5. Chapter: “ The young Putin, bandit Leningrad and the first big bribes .” The story tells of Putin, who is responsible for issuing export licenses to companies for the exchange of oil, wood, aluminum, copper, cotton and the like. for food, but issued these licenses to bogus companies that were connected to him and his friends and who embezzled the money, i.e. never delivered the food. The ports of the city, of which Alexander Valeryevich Djukov was the general director and who thanked Putin for his help and support , were the main trading points for this exchange; the oil was supplied by Gennady Nikolaevich Timchenko , a close friend of Putin, whose extremely lucrative oil trade began there. When Putin took over the presidency, foreign trade in oil from 4 of Russia's 5 largest oil companies was conducted through Timchenko's Switzerland-based company named Gunvor , making Timchenko very rich. According to the US Treasury, Putin is said to own shares in Gunvor; presumably indirectly through his childhood friend, Pyotr Viktorovich Kolbin, who is said to hold Putin's shares.
  6. Chapter: “ How Ljosha Miller Accepted Envelopes With Money .” According to Maxim Robertowitsch Freidson, a participant at the time, if you wanted to make the deal official, you went to Putin's office, listened to a ceremonial speech about the importance of economic partnership and after Putin When he was finished, he wrote on a slip of paper the amount of the required bribe, for example 10 to 20 thousand dollars to the actual amount, which was then passed on to his assistant Alexei Borisovich Miller ; Today Miller is the CEO of Gazprom . Next is Yury Kovalchuk called today the main shareholder and chairman of the originating from Saint Petersburg Rossiya Bank , to its rise helped Putin and kept his personal money today and his "gang", which was then divided the money received which Miller: Dmitry Medvedev (was Prime Minister and President), Alexei Borissowitsch Miller (today Gazprom), Viktor Alexejewitsch Zubkov (was Prime Minister, today Gazprom), Igor Ivanovich Sechin (was Deputy Prime Minister, today Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosneft ), Vladimir Yevgenyevich Churov (Chairman of the Central Election Commission), Jentalzewa Marina Walentinovna (Head of Diplomatic Protocol ) and Herman Oskarowitsch Gref (Chairman of the Board of Sberbank ), Alexei Leonidowitsch Kudrin (Head of the Sberbank Chamber of Accounts ), Dmitri Nikolajewitsch Kosak (formerly Deputy Minister of the Government, now in the Presidential Administration), Vitaly Leontjewitsch Mutko (formerly Deputy Mayor of Saint Petersburg and Minister of Sport). Navalny: “They have been civil servants and in power for more than 30 years and they like to tell us how they are against the damned 90s. You are the personification of all the bad that happened in the 90s. "
  7. Chapter: " MOSCOW ". Putin should have been arrested as early as 1996, during his time in the mayor's office, on the basis of scandals, parliamentary investigations and reports of corruption. Pawel Pavlovich Borodin , former property manager of Boris Yeltsin , and Anatoly Borisovich Chubais brought Putin into the Kremlin and made him head of the Kremlin property management and later head of the supervisory authority under Yeltsin.
  8. Chapter: " Letters from Lyudmila Putina ." Navalny says that little is known of Putin's private life at the beginning in Moscow, but letters between Lyudmila Putina and her pen friend Irene Pietsch from Hamburg between 1996 and 1999 tell of what Pietsch later published a book about . Matthias Warnig , banker and former member of the Stasi, who worked with Putin in the GDR, later moved to Saint Petersburg and became the head of the Dresdner Bank branch there, and who paid for Ljudmila’s travel expenses and hotel bookings for the Putin family abroad; today Warnig is at Nord Stream AG and a member of the supervisory board of Rosneft, Transneft, Bank Rossija, Rusal , VTB and Swiss Gazprom.
  9. Chapter: " How Vladimir Vladimirovich and Igor Ivanotisch quarreled ". It tells how Putin and Sechin quarreled about the size of the apartments provided for the two in Moscow: Sechins was 317 m², Putin was 276 m². It is also said that, unlike in the official Putin biography, he was not at the Baltic Sea before he was appointed head of the FSB while sitting next to Sergei Wladilenowitsch Kirijenko , but was already six weeks on vacation in Cannes .
  10. Chapter: " Putin saves the Yeltsin family ." As the newly appointed head of the FSB, Putin began exactly why he was hired, to help the corrupt officials to avoid being prosecuted. When the Prosecutor General Yuri Ilyich Skuratov tried to indict the Yeltsin family on suspicion of theft and bribery, the FSB broadcast a video on the state channel RTR Planeta , on which Skuratov can be seen with two women. Skuratov denied the allegations. Putin and Yeltsin publicly demanded his resignation until he finally gave in to this request and the Yeltsin family was “saved” (see: Yuri Ilyich Skuratov # Problems with Yeltsin and the video affair ). As a thank you, Tatiana Borisovna Yumasheva , Yeltsin's daughter and important person on his advisory staff, and Valentin Borisovich Yumashev are said to have campaigned for Putin to be prime minister.
  11. Chapter: " PALACE ". "It is not a country house, not a dacha, not a residence - it is a whole city, or rather a kingdom", with access controls, border crossings, an insurmountable fence - guarded by the FSB - its own port and security staff, a church and a no-fly zone (" URP116 ”) - built by the Russian protection service Federalnaja Sluschba Ochrany -“ a state within a state and a single king named Putin ”. Employees are prohibited from bringing cameras. The palace, with an area of ​​17,691 m², the largest private estate in Russia, was built in such a way that it could not be viewed by the public by land, sea or air; A distance of one nautical mile must be maintained by sea . In addition to the main building, an area of ​​68 hectares ("inner circle") can be found: gardens, a church, several buildings for employees, a telecommunications system , a power station, an arboretum , a 2500 m² greenhouse, an 80 meter long bridge for the direct path to the tea house (a 2500 m² guest house), a tunnel as access from the cliff on which the palace stands, to the beach, two helicopter landing pads (there used to be three, the third is supposed to be an ice hockey rink after renovation) , an unfinished amphitheater that has already been rebuilt several times and "endless luxury".
  12. Chapter: “ Flight over Putin's palace .” Georgi Alburov and Vyacheslav Gimadi from the Anti-Corruption Foundation , which is classified as a “foreign agent”, tell how they managed to film the property after several attempts with a drone . Construction workers told them that the palace was finished years ago, but that there were numerous construction defects: mold, leaking roof, defective air conditioning and high humidity. Eventually it was decided to overhaul the entire building, which resulted in additional costs of billions of rubles. In addition, unsuitable trees for the local climate were planted in the arboretum, which is why a greenhouse had to be built; a total of around 40 gardeners are busy with the fauna. The area adjacent to the palace and its buildings ("inner area") is 7,000 hectares, 3.5 times larger than the area of ​​the nearest town Gelendzhik and was leased to the FSB in September 2020 to 2068 to be able to stay in this mountain - and forest area "to carry out research and educational activities". Originally, a year-round children's sports and recreation camp was to be built in the area, for which Vladimir Igorewitsch Koschin, head of the presidential administration, signed a building agreement with the investor Lirus . But instead of a camp, a dacha was built. The shareholders of Lirus were Kirill Nikolajewitsch Schamalow , Dmitri Wladimirowitsch Gorjelow and Sergei Wladimirowitsch Kolesnikow, who in December 2010 sent an open letter with all the background to the construction to the then President Medvedev and asked him to end Putin's corruption. Published from Kolesnikov documents, contracts and audio recordings showed that he the company with Gorjelow in the early 90s Petromed founded, was economically interested in even the St. Petersburg mayor's office in the form of Putin. Shamalov joined them in 2000. Putin, who, as the newly elected president, declared that he would act against "the oligarchs ", proposed a deal to the three to make money. The plan was: The oligarchs Roman Arkadjewitsch Abramowitsch and Alexei Alexandrowitsch Mordaschow donate money to Petromed and Petromed uses this money to buy e.g. B. medicines, medical instruments or for modernizing hospitals. 35 percent of the donated money goes to its own mailbox company with bearer shares , which means that the company Petromed belongs to whoever can present the document. According to Kolesnikov, the whole thing was touted as a "charity program" to the oligarchs and the money should go to investment projects. Shamalov, Gorjelow and Kolesnikov each owned 2% of the mailbox company, Putin or his pseudonym Michail Ivanovich held 94%. Other people involved were the aforementioned Timchenko and Koschin. Putin called the “charity program” Rosinvest and took the money to raise the profile of companies that were in trouble. Money was also invested in the planned investment projects, but with the exception of “the palace” ( Binom Corporation ) they were prematurely terminated during the global financial crisis in 2008 ; by then, several hundred million dollars had already been invested in the unfinished palace, the total cost of which was then estimated at one billion dollars. Kolesnikov's revelations were confirmed years later by the Panama Papers . Articles like the investigative report “ Billion-dollar medical project helped fund“ Putin's palace ”(German:“ The billion -dollar medical project helped fund Putin's palace ”) from Reuters in 2014 confirmed Kolesnikov's revelations and added, among other things, that the Italian architect of the palace Lanfranco Cirillo himself received Russian citizenship from Putin.
  13. Chapter: " Putin's Royal Habits ". As a diversion, the property was "bought" ( straw man function) in 2011 for around US $ 350 million via a Cypriot mailbox company from businessman Alexander Anatoljewitsch Ponomarenko, a long-time friend of Putin's judo friend Arkady Romanowitsch Rotenberg , in order to supposedly build a hotel there; however, records indicate that the purchase was only $ 356,633. In addition to the sale, the administrator of the palace was also exchanged for a mailbox company, whose management is again (directly or indirectly) connected to Putin. Those who keep Putin's secrets to themselves will be rewarded: In Gelendzhik, four 1000 m² houses were built next to each other on the waterfront in Gelendzhik in 2015, which were given to Tatiana Kuznetsova, Alexander Kolpakov, the son of Bolat Sakaryanov (all three are connected to the Administrator mailbox company) and Lanfranco Cirillo were bequeathed.
  14. Chapter: " The Most Expensive Interior in Russia ". An original blueprint and photos (and 3D visualization including furniture created from it) are used to show how luxuriously the palace, built according to the Tsarist model, is equipped. The private casino mentioned by Kolesnikow can now also be confirmed.
  15. Chapter: " VINEYARDS ".
  16. Chapter: " A very expensive hobby of the president ": 10 km north of the palace, in the village of Divnomorskoye , 186 hectares of land of Obschtschestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostju (OOO) called Lazurnaya Jagoda (Divnomorje joint-stock company), of which 23 are to be used for viticulture , are to be used since 2010 "Rocky slopes facing the Black Sea" are used and wine is sold under the name Usadba Divnomorskoye , should also be one of Putin's possessions on the Black Sea. The winery has a total area of ​​5244 m², the spa complex is 3201 m² and the 2389 m² chateau is also to be connected via a secure government telephone line. In 2011, the property was sold to Ponomarenko, who four months later sold it to Boris Yuryevich Titov, who formally owned it for the next six years, began to grow wine, and finally returned it to "Putin's friends" in 2018; Administratively, the property was managed by the same company and people as the palace: Nikolai Schamalow, Tatiana Kuznetsova, Inna Kolpakowa and Ivan Serditow. On the basis of the winery, one can see another ingenious plan of Putin, with which he earns billions of rubles, because the wine is not produced by Lazurnaya Jagoda , but by a company called Divnomorje , for which they rent a production hall and a warehouse from Lazurnaya Jagoda and around 150,000 Selling wine bottles per year under the Usadba Divnomorskoye label . In 2018, Usadba Divnomorskoye , owned by Vladimir Petrovich Kolbin, son of the aforementioned Pyotr Viktorovich Kolbin (deceased in 2018), is said to have been given an interest-free loan of 7.5 billion rubles, which is 2.5 times that amount of the annual budget of the city of Gelendzhik. The “completely unknown” Usadba Divnomorskoye wine was served at various events in the Kremlin, including a state visit by Alyaksandr Lukashenka .
  17. Chapter: " An even more expensive hobby of the president ". A second winery called Stary Prowans (joint stock company Aksis Inwestizii ), 13,762 m² in size and a vineyard area of ​​140 hectares, is currently being built 9 km south of the palace near the town of Kriniza; 3 billion rubles are expected to flow into the project annually. With another 150 hectare wine-growing area ( Alex Jug joint stock company ) two kilometers east of Divnomorskoye, Winogradniki Divnomorskoye , the total wine-growing area is 530 hectares.
  18. Chapter: " Putin's Defense Oyster Farm ". In addition to viticulture , an oyster and mussel farm (joint-stock company Juschnaja Zitadel 'Südzitadelle') is to be operated in Kriniza as a camouflage, so that certain areas of the lake in front of the mentioned property can be closed "for rearing"; because, according to the company's annual report, not a single mollusk was sold. Because of the mere mention of this oyster farm in Krinitsa, Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov is said to have been put under so much pressure that he had to sell his shares in RBK .
  19. Chapter: " OWNER "
  20. Chapter: " A Complex Scheme of Simple Theft ". Here, a diagram is used to relate the companies and people mentioned so far to a structure of non-profit funds, as was already shown in the documentary For you, he's not a Dimon about Medvedev, who built up such a structure to cover up his dachas . Such structures are used because, as charitable funds, they are not taxable. All five companies are formally independent and have their respective own Aktiengesellschaft ( Diwnomorje , Aksis Inwestizii , Aleks Jug , Juschnaja Zitadel and binomial ), but are all five to the same accounting and registration center in St. Petersburg, which is led by Putin's friend Kovalchuk and was created solely to disguise the owners. Thereafter, Divnomorje and Lazurnaya Jagoda , who owns the wine-growing region and château of the same name, belong to Kolbin, who in turn owns the non-profit partnership Raswitije agrarnych iniziatiw with Timchenko , to which Aksis Inwestizii (Stary Prowans) has also been included for a purchase price of 60 million rubles since 2019. and Aleks Jug (Winogradniki Divnomorskoje) belong; Yuzhnaya Zitadel (oyster and mussel farm ) and Binom (palace) belong to Ponomarenko. Binom is composed of the director Tichomirowa, who is also director at Yuzhnaya Zitadel, the representative of a shareholder Alexander Alexejewitsch Samosjuk and the three lawyers Alexander Belkin, Evgeny Schachow and Andrei Ulyanov; these five people in turn are employees of the OOO Accept , owned by Mikhail Lwowitsch Schelomow (Putin's first cousin on his mother's side).
  21. Chapter: " The most generous uncle in Russia ". Dmitri Jurjewitsch Skarga, then managing director of Sovkomflot , tells how he received an order from the deputy chairman of the Sechin presidential administration in 2000 or 2001 to find a job for him for Shelomov; Schelomow, with experience as a construction site worker and photographer in a studio, was commissioned to photograph or document construction sites and progress and to help out in the office. From this point in time, Putin's presidency, it is said that Schelomov, who previously lived very modestly, was financially better and better. His OOO acceptance is said to have transferred shares in Bank Rossiya, insurance company Sogaz and Gazprom, a total of 39 million, around 0.2% of the total shares, which at the time of the film's release were worth more than 8 billion rubles, which already at that time corresponded to a total value of several hundred million dollars. Despite his wealth, on paper (the dividend distribution was 650 million rubles in 2019), Shelomov continues to work as a simple clerk at Sovkomflot and lives in a simple row house on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg, because “he is only a nominal owner of what Putin is has stolen or received in the form of bribes ”. “It doesn't matter whose name the palace is registered in - it has had many over the past 15 years - but who manages it. Until 2017 these were people [Sakaryanov, Kuznetsova, Kolpakowa, Serditow] who were in contact with the FSO, since then it has been Putin's cousin [Schelomow]. "
  22. Chapter: " SPONSORS ". After analyzing more than 100,000 bank transactions by companies and people who were / are involved in the palace, the total investment in the companies described is estimated at 100 billion rubles, paid, among other things, through payments such as: Kolbin: 8 billion rubles to Divnomorye (produced Wine) ; Sechin via Rosneft 2 billion (including a monthly rent of 40 million) to OOO Lazurnaja Jagoda (owns a winery and château); Alexander Grigoryevich Plechow via Arotron 2 billion each to Divnomorje , OOO Lazurnaja Jagoda , Juschnaja Zitadel (oyster and mussel farm ); Kovalchuk via the offshore company Forstis 1.5 billion each to Divnomorje , OOO Lazurnaja Jagoda , Juschnaja Zitadel ; Timchenko 3.3 billion to Aksis Inwestizii (wine); Yegorov also received 3 billion to Aksis Investizii (wine) and the same amount to the company Inwestizionnyje reschenija , which was founded by him, Ragimow and Chmarin in 2015 and which is called Putin's special "fund for bribes", which also includes Kolbin, Timchenko, Kovalchuk, Rodulgin and Rosneft deposit billions. This company or fund paid Aksis Inwestizii (wine) 2 billion and Binom (palace) 2.4 billion in 2019 and 2.6 billion in 2020; Tokarev via Transneft 4.3 billion over the past three years. Conservative estimates suggest that 35 billion rubles have been transferred over this period, the files are incomplete. Navalny is assuming a total of at least 100 billion rubles.
  23. Chapter: " We guess what this luxury is about ": "The greatest bribe in the world"
  24. Chapter: " WOMEN ".
  25. Chapter: " The President's Very Secret Mistress ". Following on from the diagram from Chapter 22, it is stated that this is only the basic framework for many other secret businesses, companies, offshore and letterbox companies that Putin and his family use the same people, but for which in turn other people are needed who have this structure support with money, because “everyone needs a place to live, an airplane and a yacht”. Putin's special “fund for bribes” described above is there to cover the expenses of family members; and Putin's family and the fund would grow steadily: Swetlana Kriwonogich, with whom Putin is said to have had a daughter named Jelisaweta in 2003 and whose OOO Relax holds 2.950% in Bank Rossija. She also became the owner of a 447 m² apartment in Saint Petersburg, which was given to her by Kovalchuk and “other friends of Putin”. The Kriwonogich family was given more apartments, for example a 197 m² apartment near the Hermitage of Oleg Rudnow. Svetlana Kriwonogich owns the Igora Resort and the Algora , a 40-meter yacht , through her two joint-stock companies Oson and Puls , both of which receive money from Schelomow and his joint-stock company Akzent, as described above . Kovalchuk's Forstis offshore firm gave Kriwonogich's third joint stock company, Profit , which, with the Leningrad Center , operates a performing arts loan space in downtown Petersburg.
  26. Chapter: “ The President's Not So Secret Mistress ”. Here we are talking about the former gymnast Alina Maratovna Kabaeva , who is also said to be a beneficiary. Her grandmother is said to have received a 212 m² apartment in Saint Petersburg from Timchenko and two adjacent 300 m² apartments from Pyotr Viktorovich Kolbin on Moscow's Arbat . The entrepreneur Grigori Saweljewitsch Bajewski and Ponomarenko are each (meters 1454 and 1722) at the half a hectare of land with two houses in August 2013 Rublyovka have transferred to Kabajews grandmother Anna Yakovlevna Sazepilina; a secondary property is said to have been acquired five years later by Kabaeva, who after her sporting career was elected chairman of the board of the Kovalchuk-owned Nazionalnaja Media Gruppa ; the post was paid 785 million rubles in 2018. A former subsidiary of Gazprom called Teplo-Inwest bought shortly before its liquidation in 2014 several apartments (including a 260 m² and a 220 m² apartment) in one of the most expensive locations in Moscow: Ostozhenka . The expensive of the two apartments is said to have been given to Lyubov Mikhailovna Kabaeva, Kabaeva's mother, and the other apartment to Kriwonogich's mother a little later.
  27. Chapter: “ Conclusions ”. Navalny opens the last chapter with a quote from Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy : "The villains who robbed the people have gathered, they have recruited soldiers and judges to guard their orgy, and they celebrate." what is happening in this country. Navalny goes on to say that these people will never stop because the construct described in the film needs more and more money, which is why all sincere Russians are now called upon to put a stop to this robbery.


  • “The palace is not just a building, it is a symbol of Putin's 20-year rule: what it looks like, how it is hidden, who pays for it, even the fact that it has been under construction for 15 years and they still haven't be able to finish. “- Film quote, min. 53:05
  • “The main rule in Putin's corruption manual is to keep the money with those you have known for a very long time.” - Film quote, min. 91:40
  • “Putin lives in extreme luxury. He lives the life of an Arab sheikh and a person who can turn things into gold at a glance. ”- Georgi Alburov




The following people are named in the film:
Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich
Putina, Lyudmila Alexandrovna
Chemezov, Sergei Viktorovich
Tokarev, Nikolai Petrovich
Jegorow, Nikolai ( Russian Егоров, Николай ; English transcribed Egorov, Nikolai)
Ragimow, Ilgam ( Russian Рагимов, Ильгам ; Ragimov, Ilgam)
Chmarin, Wiktor ( Russian Хмарин, Виктор ; Khmarin, Viktor)
Sobchak, Anatoly Alexandrovich
Traber, Ilja Iljitsch ( Russian Трабер, Илья Ильич ; Traber, Ilya Ilyich)
Petrow, Gennady Vasilyevich ( Russian Петров, Геннадий Васильевич ; Petrov, Gennady Vasilyevich)
Djukov, Alexander Valeryevich
Timchenko, Gennady Nikolaevich
Kolbin, Pjotr ​​Viktorovich ( Russian Колбин, Пётр Викторович ; Kolbin, Pyotr Viktorovich)
Freidson, Maxim Robertowitsch ( Russian Фрейдзон, Максим Робертович ; Freydzon, Maksim Robertovich)
Miller, Alexei Borisovich
Kovalchuk, Yuri Valentinovich
Medvedev, Dmitri Anatolyevich
Subkov, Viktor Alexeevich
Sechin, Igor Ivanovich
Tschurow, Vladimir Evgenyevich
Jentalzewa, Marina Walentinowna ( Russian Энтальцева, Марина Валентиновна ; Entaltseva, Marina Valentinovna)
Gref, Herman Oskarowitsch
Kudrin, Alexei Leonidowitsch
Kosak, Dmitri Nikolayevich
Mutko, Vitaly Leontievich
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich
Tschubais, Anatoly Borisovich
Warnig, Matthias
Kiriyenko, Sergei Wladilenowitsch
Skuratov, Yuri Ilyich
Jumaschewa, Tatiana Borisovna
Jumaschew, Valentin Borissowitsch ( Russian Юмашев, Валентин Борисович ; Yumashev, Valentin Borisovich)
Roldugin, Sergei Pavlovich
Schamalow, Kirill Nikolajewitsch
Gorjelow, Dmitri Wladimirowitsch ( Russian Горелов, Дмитрий Владимирович ; Gorelov, Dmitry Vladimirovich)
Kolesnikow, Sergei Wladimirowitsch ( Russian Колесников, Сергей Владимирович ; Kolesnikov, Sergey Vladimirovich)
Abramowitsch, Roman Arkadjewitsch
Mordashov, Alexei Alexandrovich
Ponomarenko, Alexander Anatoljewitsch ( Russian Пономаренко, Александр Анатольевич ; Ponomarenko, Alexander Anatolyevich)
Rotenberg, Arkadi Romanowitsch
Cirillo, Lanfranco ( Russian Ланфранко, Чирилло ; Lanfranco, Cirillo)
Sakarjanow, Bolat ( Russian Закарьянов, Болат ; Zakaryanov, Bolat)
Kuznetsova, Tatiana Arnoldovna ( Russian Кузнецова, Татьяна Арнольдовна ; Kuznetsova, Tatyana Arnoldovna)
Kolpakowa, Inna Jurjewna ( Russian Колпакова, Инна Юрьевна ; Inna Yuryevna Kolpakova)
Serditow, Ivan Nikolayevich ( Russian Сердитов, Иван Николаевич ; Serditov, Ivan Nikolayevich)
Kuznetsova, Oleg ( Russian Кузенецов, Олег ; Kuzenetsov, Oleg)
Kolpakow, Alexander ( Russian Колпаков, Александр ; Kolpakov, Alexander)
Wetlizkaja, Natalja Igorewna ( Russian Ветлицкая, Наталья Игоревна ; Vetlitskaya, Natalya Igorevna)
Titow, Boris Jurjewitsch ( Russian Титов, Борис Юрьевич ; Titov, Boris Yurievich)
Schamalow, Nikolai Terentjewitsch ( Russian Шамалов, Николай Терентьевич ; Shamalov, Nikolai Terentievich)
Kolbin, Wladimir Petrovich ( Russian Колбин, Владимир Петрович ; Kolbin, Vladimir Petrovich)
Prokhorov, Mikhail Dmitrievich
Tichomirowa, Natalja ( Russian Тихомирова, Наталья ; Tikhomirova, Natalya)
Samosjuk, Alexander Alexejewitsch ( Russian Самосюк, Александр Алексеевич ; Samosyuk, Alexander Alekseyevich)
Belkin, Alexander ( Russian Белкин, Александр ; Belkin, Alexander)
Schachow, Evgeni ( Russian Шахов, Евгений ; Shakhov, Evgeny)
Uljanow, Andrei ( Russian Ульянов, Андрей ; Ulyanov, Andrey)
Schelomow, Michail Lwowitsch ( Russian Шеломов, Михаил Львович ; Shelomov, Mikhail Lvovich)
Plechow, Alexander Grigoryevich ( Russian Плехов, Александр Григорьевич ; Plekhov, Alexander Grigoryevich)
Kriwonogich, Swetlana ( Russian Кривоногих, Светлана ; Krivonogikh, Svetlana)
Kriwonogich, Jelisaweta ( Russian Кривоногих, Елизавета ; Krivonogikh, Elizaveta)
Kabaeva, Alina Maratovna
Bajewski, Grigori Saweljewitsch ( Russian Баевский, Григорий Савельевич ; Bayevskiy, Grigoriy Savelyevich)
Sazepilina, Anna Jakowlewna ( Russian Зацепилина, Анна Яковлевна ; Zatsepilina, Anna Yakovlevna)
Kabayeva, Lyubow Michailowna ( Russian Кабаева, Любовь Михайловна ; Kabayeva, Lyubov Mikhaylovna)


  • In the film, “the luxury addict” Putin is compared on several photomontages with the Sun King Louis XIV and “his” palace with that of the Sun King in Versailles or the former main residence of the tsarist family, the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg. In addition to the many tsarist double-headed eagles in the house, the entrance gate is a replica of the Winter Palace entrance gate.
  • On the day he was sentenced by an urgent court decision to 30 days in custody, Navalny called for nationwide demonstrations on Saturday, January 23, 2021; at least 70 are planned so far, all of which have been declared illegal. Protest calls of this kind are repeatedly punished severely; Demonstrations are only possible with permission, but have not been granted for a long time since the corona pandemic and before that only rarely and if so, then with large editions. After the call, well-known opposition politicians and activists were visited by the police and told not to participate, and others, such as a member of Nawalny's investigation team, were arrested. “Kremlin spokesman” Dmitri Sergeyevich Peskov warned pro forma of the possible consequences of “non-compliance with the law”. On January 21, the attorney general's office announced measures to restrict “access to illegal information encouraging participation in illegal mass demonstrations”. The Moscow police have announced that they will crack down on unauthorized rallies and "provocative actions". The interior ministry warns of a "destabilization" of the country.


The film uses music in different musical styles and from different eras: baroque , classical , neoclassicism , techno and Russian pop music . The film intro and outro are accompanied by a baroque interpretation by the English composer Rafael Krux . The transitions between the chapters are accompanied by baroque music penned by Antonio Vivaldi .

time stamp Song and composer
0:00:00 - 0:02:26 Baroque Harpsichord and Strings by Rafael Krux
0:01:20 - 0:01:32 Journey by Mario & Amity Cadet
0:02:46 - 0:03:17 Baroque Harpsichord and Strings by Rafael Krux
0:03:38 - 0:03:43 Journey by Mario & Amity Cadet (also at 0:04:58 - 0:05:03; 0:05:15 - 0:05:19; 0:07:32 - 0:07:39)
0:08:06 - 0:08:12 Alleluia from “In furore iustissimae irae [ca]” (RV 626) by Antonio Vivaldi
0:16:59 - 0:17:06 - // -
0:25:50 - 0:25:57 - // -
0:29:18 - 0:30:05 Sports Rock Beat by Kascciliano (also at 0:30:30 - 0:30:45)
0:30:45 - 0:36:52 (Overflying an area)
0:59:35 - 1:00:40 (Bell sound)
1:00:40 - 1:02:07 (Classical music)
1:04:55 - 1:06:10 (Harpsichord)
1:05:22 - 1:05:30 ( Russian Императрица , German transcribed Impieratriza , in German ( Die Kaiserin ) by Irina Allegrowa
1:06:37 - 1:06:43 Alleluia from “In furore iustissimae irae [ca]” (RV 626) by Antonio Vivaldi
1:06:43 - 1:08:48 (Classical music)
1:15:25 - 1:17:00 (Overflying an area)
1:19:58 - 1:20:04 Alleluia from “In furore iustissimae irae [ca]” (RV 626) by Antonio Vivaldi
1:31:26 - 1:31:33 - // -
1:51:45 - 1:52:50 Baroque Harpsichord and Strings by Rafael Krux

Public discussion

Reactions from politics

  • "Kremlin spokesman" Dmitri Sergeyevich Peskov said he was not familiar with the investigation. But he called the allegations "out of date and untrue, [because] it was declared years ago that Putin did not own a palace in Gelendzhik ". That anyone anywhere was afraid was nonsense, he continued, and warned - alluding to Nawalny's call to protest - that the police would react if public order was disrupted. He also called the video a fraud and its authors are crooks and pseudo-investigative journalists who just want to scuffle with it and warned citizens to think twice before transferring money to such crooks, suggesting that there was one at the end of the film Bank details is displayed. When asked why Federalnaja Sluschba Ochrany was monitoring the palace, Peskov replied that this was "a completely unsubstantiated claim". Peskow declined to comment on the allegations during Putin's time in Dresden, which brought him into contact with the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) and influential people in Russia today: “I am not so deeply immersed and do not know what it is about goes, ”said Peskov.
  • Opposition politician Ilya Valeryevich Yashin wrote on Twitter that the palace looked like that of a drug baron in the tropics - "But no, it is the secret palace of the President of Russia".
  • Journalist and opposition politician Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Mursa says: "Putin's billion-dollar palace shows the regime's 'amazing hypocrisy'."

Mass media reactions

The YouTube video made headlines in many states. The US television broadcaster CNN stated : "Even if the Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny is imprisoned in an internment camp on the outskirts of Moscow, he is still a thorn in the flesh of Russian President Vladimir Putin". Regarding the alleged affairs, the British Daily Express ran the headline : "Putin's 'love child' shows his wealth while the Russian leader is throwing millions away from taxpayers". Der Spiegel spoke of "Navalny's bang against the" Tsar "". The French Sud Ouest , on the other hand, took up the reaction: "Navalny publishes investigations into Putin's alleged corruption - the Kremlin strikes back". Radio Free Europe asked about the consequences of the construct presented: “The palace that is being built for Vladimir Putin is of insane luxury, but in fact it is not registered in his name, but that of a 'reliable person'. And other riches that investigators attribute to Putin are also legally registered on his most trusted people. But what will happen to the same palace when the person for whom it was built has a completely natural, physical end? ” Swiss radio and television also dealt with the consequences and wrote:“ With the film, Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny puts one Bomb. Who she meets the most is open ”. The star headlined: "A palace of superlatives: Where Putin built a new Versailles".

See also

Web links


  1. Russian Мария Певчик ; English transcribed by Maria Pevchikh
  2. Russian Георгий Албуров ; Georgy Alburov
  3. Russian Кира Ярмыш ; Kira Yarmysh
  4. Russian Александра Дубровская ; Alexandra Dubrovskaya
  5. Russian Виталий Колесников ; Vitaly Kolesnikov
  6. Russian Антон Лебединский ; Alexander Lebedinsky
  7. Russian Ярослав Мудряков ; Yaroslav Mudryakov
  8. Russian Вячеслав Гимади ; Vyatcheslav Gimadi
  9. Russian Сергей Владимирович Колесников ; Sergey Vladimirovich Kolesnikov
  10. Russian Дмитрий Юрьевич Скарга ; Dmitriy Yuryevich Skarga
  11. Number by YouTube chapter brands, the article on navalny.com is structured as follows: Chapter 1: History, Dresden, Petersburg, Nikolai Jegorow, Gennady Timtschenko, Pyotr Kolbin, Alexei Miller, Yuri Kovalchuk, Moscow - Chapter 2: Palace, Guest near Putin, mezzanine floor, basement, ground floor, upper floor - Chapter 3: Where does it all come from ?, Vineyard `` Lasurnaya Jagida '', winery `` Stary Prowans '', contractor, Assja Borisova, Who owns it ?, Natalja Tichomirowa, Alexander Samosjuk, Michail Schelomow, Who finances it ?, Alexander Plechow - Chapter 4: Putin's women, Svetlana Kriwonogich, Alina Kabaeva - Results: How we win
  12. Russian Петромед
  13. "A bearer share is a share that, unlike a registered share, does not go to a specific person, but to the holder . This allows the bearer share to be transferred informally. In addition, there is complete anonymity between the stock corporation and the shareholder. ”- www.rechnungswesen-verhaben.de
  14. Russian акционерное общество Бином
  15. Russian Дивноморское
  16. Russian Лазурная ягода Lazurnaja Jagoda , German 'Azure Berry'
  17. Russian Усадьба Дивноморское 'Divinomorskoye Manor'
  18. Russian Дивноморье
  19. Russian Старый Прованс 'Old Provence'
  20. Russian акционерное общество Аксис Инвестиции
  21. Russian акционерное общество Алекс Юг
  22. Russian Устрично-мидиеваяа ферма
  23. Russian акционерное общество Южная Цитадель
  24. Russian Центр Учета и Регистрации
  25. Russian Акцепт
  26. Russian Инвестиционные решения
  27. Russian Релакс
  28. Russian Озон
  29. Russian Пульс
  30. Russian Курорт Игора
  31. Russian Яхта ALDOGA
  32. Russian Профит
  33. Russian Ленинград Центр
  34. Russian Национальная Медиа Группа
  35. a b List not alphabetically, but according to the occurrence in the film and in Russian spelling (last name, first name patronymic / matronymic )
  36. Russian Остоженка
  37. « Собрались злодеи, ограбившие народ, набрали солдат, судей, чтобы оберегать их оргию, и пирали. »

Individual evidence

  1. a b Navalny presents research on “Putin's Palace”. In: Deutsche Welle (www.dw.com). January 19, 2021, accessed January 20, 2021 .
  2. a b c Christina Hebel, Christian Esch: Russia: Alexej Nawalny publishes a new corruption film about Vladimir Putin. In: Der Spiegel. January 20, 2021, accessed January 20, 2021 .
  3. Is this Putin's US $ 1.3 billion 'secret palace'? In: South China Morning Post . January 20, 2021, accessed January 20, 2021 .
  4. Alexei Navalny: Millions watch jailed critic's 'Putin palace' film. In: BBC (www.bbc.com). January 21, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 .
  5. Russian дворец
  6. ^ Organization and schedule for the Brotherhood of Arms Ball on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. In: navalny.com. Retrieved January 21, 2021 .
  7. Irene Pietsch: Delicate friendships: Experience Russia with the Putins . Ed .: Molden Wien / BRO. Vienna 2001, ISBN 978-3-85485-059-5 , pp. 400 .
  8. Russian Фонд борьбы с коррупцией Fond borby s korrupzijej
  9. Russian Михаил Иванович
  10. Stephen Gray, Jason Bush and Roman Anin: Comrade Capitalism: Putin's Palace. In: Reuters. May 21, 2014, accessed January 21, 2021 .
  11. Economy from Above # 53 - Magnificent Buildings: How Some Heads of State expand their residences. In: Wirtschaftswoche . Retrieved January 21, 2021 .
  12. Russian акционерное общество Дивноморье
  13. «Усадьба Дивноморское» - вино географического наименования. Retrieved January 21, 2021 (Russian).
  14. Usadba Divnomorskoe. In: Good wines. Retrieved January 21, 2021 .
  15. Russian Криница
  16. Russian Виноградники Дивноморское 'Divnomorskoye Vineyards'
  17. Russian Развитие аграрных инициатив ‚ Development of Agrarian Initiatives'
  18. Putin and Palaces: Navalny thinks the Kremlin chief is addicted to luxury. In: Westdeutsche Zeitung . January 21, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 .
  19. a b mdr.de: Putin in Dresden | MDR.DE. Retrieved January 20, 2021 .
  20. Navalny's supporters want to demonstrate across Russia. In: Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR). January 23, 2021, accessed January 23, 2021 .
  21. a b c Sud Ouest: actualités en direct et infos du journal Sudouest.fr. In: Sud Ouest. January 21, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 (fr-fr).
  22. Axel Storm: Call for a demo: Russia takes action against Navalny supporters. In: ZDF . Retrieved January 22, 2021 .
  23. Daria Litvinova: In Russia, effort underway to curb upcoming Navalny protests. In: MSN . Retrieved January 22, 2021 .
  24. Police announce tough crackdown on demonstrations by Navalny supporters. In: MSN. January 22, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 .
  25. Russia warns of Navalny protests (new Germany). In: New Germany . January 21, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 .
  26. A short information about Rafael Krux filmmusic.io
  27. Nataliya Vasilyeva: Russian dissident Navalny publishes video on 'Putin's palace', raising stakes ahead of planned protests . In: The Telegraph . January 19, 2021, ISSN  0307-1235 ( telegraph.co.uk [accessed January 20, 2021]).
  28. Anton Troianovski: Navalny, From Jail, Issues Report Describing Putin at Opulent 'Palace'. January 19, 2021, accessed January 20, 2021 .
  29. Кремль назвал лохотроном расследование о «дворце Путина». In: Kommersant . January 20, 2021, accessed January 21, 2021 (Russian).
  30. ^ 'Fake investigation and money-making scam': Kremlin slams bogus expose of Putin's 'palace'. In: TASS . January 20, 2021, accessed January 21, 2021 .
  31. @IlyaYashin. In: twitter. January 19, 2021, accessed January 20, 2021 (Russian).
  32. Putin's billion-dollar palace shows 'astonishing hypocrisy' of regime - Russian opposition activist Vladimir Kara- Murza. In: Channel 4 . January 19, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 (UK English).
  33. ^ Mary Ilyushina CNN: Navalny releases investigation into decadent billion-dollar 'Putin palace'. January 20, 2021, accessed January 21, 2021 .
  34. John Varga: Putin 'Love child' flaunts wealth as Russian leader 'throws away MILLIONS from taxpayers'. In: Daily Express. January 22, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 .
  35. Елена Рыковцева (German transcribed Jelena Rykowzewa): Путин смертен. Кому достанутся сокровища? In: Radio Free Europe. January 20, 2021, accessed January 21, 2021 (Russian).
  36. David Nauer: Film about Kremlin chief - «A palace for Putin» - Navalny attacks the Kremlin chief with a documentary film. In: SRF. January 20, 2021, accessed January 21, 2021 .
  37. Ellen Ivits: A palace of superlatives: Where Putin has built a new Versailles. In: Stern. January 21, 2021, accessed January 22, 2021 .