Erlbach (Markneukirchen)

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Erlbach / Vogtland coat of arms
Coordinates: 50 ° 18 ′ 43 "  N , 12 ° 22 ′ 26"  E
Height : 515-560 m
Incorporation : 1st of January 2014
Postal code : 08258
Area code : 037422
Erlbach (Saxony)

Location of Erlbach in Saxony

Erlbach is a place in the Vogtlandkreis and a state-recognized health resort in the Free State of Saxony ( climatic health resort ). On January 1, 2014, the Erlbach / Vogtland community with its four districts was incorporated into the town of Markneukirchen .



View into the valley of the Schwarzbach towards the state community
Panoramic view of Erlbach / Vogtland

Erlbach is part of the protected landscape Upper Vogt land and is located in the area of the natural park Ore / Vogtland , directly at the border to the Czech Republic . Its low mountain range is characterized on the northern side by the foothills of the Ore Mountains and on the southern side by the Elster Mountains and the Schwarzbach . The place stretches up in the valley of the Schwarzbach and its side valleys from 515 m to 560 m.

The highest mountains around Erlbach are the Hohe Brand (805 m) in the north and the Počátecký vrch (German Ursprungberg , 818 m), which is already on Czech territory to the east . The 773 meter high Vysoký kámen (German High Stone ) lookout rock is located southeast directly behind the border, also in the Czech Republic. In the natural spatial structure , the Ore Mountains ends with the Hohe Stein. Erlbach is located in the south of the Saxon part of the historical Vogtland or Upper Vogtland .

Local division

The district of Erlbach includes the district of Kegel in the north-eastern district on "Klingenthaler Straße" and the district of Hetzschen in the south-western district.

The former districts Landesgemeinde , Gopplasgrün , Eubabrunn and Wernitzgrün are now, like Erlbach itself, districts of the city of Markneukirchen.

Neighboring places

Wohlhausen , Friebus Gopplas green Cone , state municipality
Markneukirchen Neighboring communities Počátky (origin)
Rushing Eubabrunn Kostelní (Kirchberg) , Kámen (stone)


The area in which Erlbach is located was settled as a Waldhufendorf by farmers from the Upper Palatinate from 1150 , but was only mentioned in a document in 1303. In 1378 it was referred to as "Erlebach", which means "the settlement on the stream rich in alder". The manor house, mentioned in Erlbach in 1303, was owned by the von Toss family around 1452 , who exercised landlord rights in Erlbach as owners of the manor until 1804. In 1542 the property of the Erlbach manor was divided into an upper and a lower part.

From 1578 wood was rafted from the valley of the state community over the Floßbach and Schwarzbach into the Weisse Elster . The rear raft pond was built three years later. As early as 1595, half of the state community forest had been cut down and forest regulations determined the planned re-forestation. The dole , the passage , is still preserved and exhibited at the Vorderen Raftteich . It took years for the wood to arrive in Leipzig and Halle. A trade route, referred to in documents as the old Bohemian road , led through the Wirtsgrund valley to Bohemia.

During the Thirty Years War , the place suffered from pillage and the plague . The population decreased by a third. In the 17th century, Bohemian exiles who had to leave their homeland because of the Counter Reformation settled in Erlbach. They brought the beginnings of musical instrument making to the town as a sideline to agriculture. This experienced an economic boom at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The construction of woodwind instruments , plucked and string instruments and bows were particularly widespread. Today's image of the town center, which has a more small town than village character, was created during this time.

Municipal office in Erlbach

The last public execution in Vogtland with the sword took place in Erlbach on February 25, 1823. The place of execution is in the forest on the "hoch Hoamat" (high home), which has been called Spornreuth ever since. The forest was cleared at this time ( Reuth ) and so the 20,000 onlookers had enough space. The place of execution was elaborately designed (mound of earth, wooden frame). Before the execution, the mountain was called the wood behind the mountain . Christian Friedrich Sporn, born on October 12, 1781, was judged for repeated arson.

Erlbach belonged to the Electoral Saxon or Royal Saxon Office of Voigtsberg until 1856 , to the Markneukirchen court office after 1856 and to the Oelsnitz administration from 1875 .

With the Siebenbrunn – Erlbach railway line , the place was connected to the railway network in 1911. The traffic on the line was stopped again in 1975 and the tracks were dismantled. The Hirschleithenschanze was located in the Gopplasgrün district. When it was consecrated in 1930, it was the largest natural hill in the Vogtland. Today only a lane and the Schanzenhäusl in the valley remind you. Walter Glass from Klingenthal stood there on March 16, 1932 with 51 meters, the longest jump in Vogtland to date.

As a result of the second district reform in the GDR , the municipality of Erlbach became part of the Klingenthal district in the Chemnitz district (renamed the Karl-Marx-Stadt district in 1953 ), which was continued as the Saxon district of Klingenthal in 1990 and became part of the Vogtland district in 1996. On January 1, 2014, the municipality of Erlbach with its four districts was incorporated into the town of Markneukirchen.

In 2011 Erlbach was awarded the title " Luftkurort ". The development of the promotion of tourism began as early as 1917, when Erlbach was expanded into a resort. In 1936 the municipality was given the title of " tourist destination " and in 1981 the title of " state-approved resort ".


Until then to Zwota corresponding place country municipality was incorporated on January 1, 1908th Eubabrunn and Gopplasgrün were added on June 1, 1936. Wernitzgrün followed on January 1, 1999.

On January 1, 2014, the Erlbach community was incorporated into the town of Markneukirchen.

Population development

On December 31, 2013 the community of Erlbach had 1680 inhabitants.


The majority of the population is Protestant , although there is also a Protestant church in the village, which has its own parish and a cemetery. In the neighboring town of Markneukirchen, however, there is also a Catholic church and a center for Jehovah's Witnesses .

Culture and sights


Behind the border with the Czech Republic , about two kilometers away, is the Hoher Stein observation rock .

The Dreirainsteine (Czech tři šutry ) are three old marker stones standing next to each other on today's border with the Czech Republic. The exact reason why they were put there can only be guessed at. They probably mark the former border point between the dioceses of Regensburg , Naumburg-Zeitz and Prague , or the triangle between Bavaria, Bohemia and Saxony that was located here from 1165 to 1348.


Erlbach (Vogtl), Upper Vogtland Village Museum
  • Obervogtland Village Museum: In the 'Obervogtland Village Museum' on Lindenplatz, a two-room block house from 1726, the history of the place is documented and the musical instrument trade is presented. In the listed building with Vogtland folk architecture, several rooms and the roof structure have been preserved in their original state.
  • Vogtland Open Air Museum Eubabrunn : The 'Vogtland Open Air Museum Eubabrunn' shows three originally furnished Vogtland farms on an area of ​​around 4 hectares. The total of 18 buildings from around 1720 to 1830 were relocated from different locations in the Vogtland. Plants made from historical seeds are grown on fields in the vicinity of the buildings.
  • Riedelhof cultural meeting place: In the district of Eubabrunn there is a cultural meeting point in the 'Riedelhof', a 400 year old farmstead that was reconstructed between 1999 and 2003.
  • Erlbacher Brauhaus - show brewery

Regular events

  • Erlbacher Kirwe: Every year in October the Erlbacher Kirwe takes place in the community , in 2010 for the 300th time. This regional event lasts four days. It begins in the old castle with a slaughter festival. Live bands perform in a marquee. The event ends with a morning pint in the Old Castle on Mondays .
  • Erlbach mountain hike: Since 1979, the Erlbach / Vogtland e. V. organized mountain hike in Erlbach. Often more than a thousand hikers hike in the vicinity of the place on mostly three differently long and annually changing routes.

International Guitar Festival "Guitar and Nature"

The 1st Vogtland Guitar Association Erlbach e. V. has been organizing the 'International Guitar Festival "Guitar and Nature"' every year since 1993. The festival bears the name of Abel Carlevaro , a world-famous guitarist and composer from Uruguay. He was the founding director of the festival's course for guitar teachers and students from Eastern and Western Europe. After Carlevaro's death, his student Eduardo Fernández leads the course today .

Club life

  • Football: Ballspielclub Erlbach 1919 e. V. , in the district of Wernitzgrün Spielvereinigung Grün-Weiß Wernitzgrün e. V.
  • Skiing: Wintersportverein Erlbach e. V.
  • Bowling: Kegelclub Erlbach 1990 e. V.
  • Table tennis: Table tennis club 1984 Erlbach e. V.
  • Hobby (leisure) football: FC Budenhocker 1996 e. V.
  • Leisure equestrian sport: "Horse village Erlbach e.V."

Economy and Infrastructure

  • Climatic health resort : Erlbach has been a state-approved climatic health resort since 2011. Large forest areas are suitable for winter sports, hiking and cycling tours. 15 climatic terrain cure trails are signposted. The hiking trails add up to 70 kilometers. Due to the height differences between the valley (520 m) and mountains (up to 805 m), there are scenic views. Several regional and national hiking and biking trails run through the town, for example the Eisenach – Budapest mountain hiking trail , the Vogtland Panorama Weg and the Musikantenradweg.
  • Hohe Brand Trail: In winter, the 9 kilometer Hohe Brand trail is groomed to the district of Landesgemeinde. There is also a drag lift with lighting and snowmaking on the Hinterer Kegelberg.

Erlbach is part of the Vogtland music corner . More than thirty craft businesses are directly or indirectly involved in the production of musical instruments. Musical strings, string instruments and bows, plucked instruments, wood and brass instruments as well as cases are made.

Tourism also plays an important role in the local economy. Around 450 guest beds are offered in hotels, guest houses and holiday apartments.


Former Erlbach station, reception building (2019)

Erlbach is connected to the trunk road network via the federal highway 283 , which runs through the neighboring Markneukirchen about two kilometers away . There are local public transport buses. In the district of Wernitzgrün there is a road border crossing to the Czech Republic in Luby (German: Schönbach ), which has been open to cars since August 1st, 2008.

Between 1911 and 1975 the "Erlbach (Vogtl) station" was the terminus of the Siebenbrunn – Erlbach railway line .


Sons and daughters

  • Julius Weiske (1801–1877), legal scholar
  • Gotthard Graubner (1930–2013), painter, professor of painting at the Hamburg Art Academy and the Düsseldorf Art Academy , member of the German Academy of the Arts
  • Jochen Stark (* 1943), Director of the F. A. Finger Institute for Building Materials Science in Weimar, Professor of General Building Materials Science at the Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Claus Kreul (* 1944), soccer player and coach

Persons with a relationship with Erlbach

  • Rudolf Herold (* 1893 Rotschau near Reichenbach; † 1982 in Erlbach), music teacher and composer (165 works)


  • Erlbach. In: The Upper Vogtland (= values ​​of our homeland . Volume 26). 1st edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1976, pp. 123-125.
  • Eubabrunn (OT from Erlbach). In: The Upper Vogtland (= values ​​of our homeland . Volume 26). 1st edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1976, p. 125.

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of the Saxon State Ministry for Economics, Labor and Transport on the change of the list of health and recreation places in the Free State of Saxony according to § 3 Abs. 5 SächsKurG from January 20, 2014
  2. ^ The upper part of the Erlbach Manor at
  3. The Erlbach Manor, lower part on
  4. ^ Karlheinz Blaschke , Uwe Ulrich Jäschke : Kursächsischer Ämteratlas. Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-937386-14-0 ; P. 74 f.
  5. The Oelsnitz District Administration in the municipal directory 1900
  6. Landesgemeinde on
  7. Erlbach in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony
  8. StBA: Area changes from January 1st to December 31st, 2014
  9. ^ Website of the Erlbacher Brauhaus

Web links

Commons : Erlbach (Vogtland)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files