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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the Fischerbach community
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Fischerbach highlighted

Coordinates: 48 ° 17 '  N , 8 ° 7'  E

Basic data
State : Baden-Württemberg
Administrative region : Freiburg
County : Ortenau district
Height : 276 m above sea level NHN
Area : 20.3 km 2
Residents: 1781 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 88 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 77716
Area code : 07832
License plate : OG, BH , KEL, LR, WOL
Community key : 08 3 17 029
Address of the
municipal administration:
Hauptstrasse 38
77716 Fischerbach
Website :
Mayor : Thomas Schneider
Location of the municipality of Fischerbach in the Ortenau district
Frankreich Landkreis Rastatt Baden-Baden Landkreis Calw Landkreis Emmendingen Landkreis Freudenstadt Rheinau (Baden) Lauf (Baden) Sasbach Landkreis Rastatt Landkreis Rottweil Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis Achern Achern Achern Appenweier Bad Peterstal-Griesbach Berghaupten Biberach (Baden) Durbach Ettenheim Fischerbach Friesenheim (Baden) Gengenbach Gutach (Schwarzwaldbahn) Haslach im Kinzigtal Hausach Hofstetten (Baden) Hohberg Hornberg Kappel-Grafenhausen Kappel-Grafenhausen Kappelrodeck Willstätt Kehl Kehl Kippenheim Kippenheim Kippenheim Lahr/Schwarzwald Lauf (Baden) Lauf (Baden) Lautenbach (Ortenaukreis) Mahlberg Mahlberg Mahlberg Meißenheim Mühlenbach (Schwarzwald) Neuried (Baden) Nordrach Oberharmersbach Oberkirch (Baden) Oberkirch (Baden) Oberkirch (Baden) Oberkirch (Baden) Oberwolfach Offenburg Ohlsbach Oppenau Ortenberg (Baden) Ottenhöfen im Schwarzwald Renchen Renchen Ringsheim Ringsheim Rust (Baden) Rheinau (Baden) Rheinau (Baden) Rheinau (gemeindefreies Gebiet) Sasbach Sasbach Sasbach Sasbachwalden Schuttertal Schutterwald Schwanau Seebach (Baden) Seelbach (Schutter) Steinach (Ortenaukreis) Willstätt Willstätt Wolfach Zell am Harmersbachmap
About this picture

Fischerbach is a municipality in Baden-Württemberg and belongs to the Ortenau district .

Church of St. Michael in Fischerbach
Fischerbach, town center, Gasthaus Engel
Fischerbach, Fischerbach Dorf bus stop


Geographical location

The state-approved resort ("sun terrace in the middle Kinzig valley") Fischerbach is located in the middle of the Black Forest in the Kinzig valley in a quiet location a little off the federal highway 33 . The community area extends from the Kinzig at 220 meters up the wooded slopes to the summit of the Brandenkopf at 946  m above sea level. NHN . Almost two thirds of the area consists of forest.

Neighboring communities

The community borders in the north on Oberharmersbach , in the east on the town of Hausach , in the south and west on the town of Haslach in the Kinzigtal and in the north-west on the town of Zell am Harmersbach .

Community structure

The Fischerbach municipality includes the villages of Fischerbach, Eschau, Eschbach and Weiler, the municipality part Turm, the Zinken Andersbach, Ellengrund, Hinterbutzenberg, Hintertal, Mitteltal, Vorderbutzenberg and Vordertal, the hamlet Hirlinsgrund and the farms Bergeck, Elmlisgraben, Epplinsberg, Habersberg, Holzberg, Karfunkelstadt, Kostberg, Nill (Höfe), Obergeistacker, Oberrechtgraben, Schiedenberg, Steinmauern, Untergeistacker, Unterrechtgraben, Vogelberg and Waldstein.


Fischerbach was mentioned for the first time in 1139 in a deed of donation from the Lords of Wolfach to the Alpirsbach monastery . The village belonged in part to the monastery Gengenbach and the Lords of Wolfach, later came to the county of Fürstenberg . In 1806 Fischerbach became Baden . There the place belonged for a long time to the district Wolfach , with which it merged in 1973 in the newly formed Ortenau district.

In the second half of the 19th century, almost 15 percent of the population emigrated to North America. Towards the end of World War II , Fischerbach was captured by French and Moroccan soldiers on April 21, 1945.

See also: Fischerbach Castle , Fischerbacher Tower , Waldstein Castle and Weiler Castle

Population development

Population figures according to the respective area. The numbers are estimates, census results or official updates from the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office .

Fischerbach population development
year Residents
1871 987
1880 991
1890 984
1900 945
1910 944
1925 957
1933 939
1939 902
1950 960
1956 959
1961 1015
1966 1053
1970 1296
date Residents
December 31, 1975 1529
December 31, 1980 1544
1985 1547
December 31, 1990 1576
December 31, 1995 1649
December 31, 2000 1652
December 31, 2005 1705
December 31, 2010 1741
December 31, 2015 1739


Administrative community

The community belongs to the agreed administrative community of the city of Haslach im Kinzigtal.

Municipal council

The local council in Fischerbach has 10 members. It consists of the elected honorary councilors and the mayor as chairman. The mayor is entitled to vote in the municipal council. The local elections on May 26, 2019 led to the following final result. The turnout was 70.2% (2014: 62.1%).

Political party be right Seats 2014 result
Free electoral association 53.5% 5 51.9%, 5 seats
CDU 46.5% 5 48.1%, 5 seats


  • 1946–1964: Johann Eble
  • 1964–1984: Alfred Bächle
  • 1984-2001: Eugen Matt
  • 2001–2016: Armin Schwarz
  • In October 2016, forestry expert Thomas Schneider was elected as the new mayor in the first ballot. He took office on January 1, 2017.

Economy and Infrastructure


There is a primary school and a kindergarten in Fischerbach .

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg - Population by nationality and gender on December 31, 2018 (CSV file) ( help on this ).
  2. ^ The state of Baden-Württemberg. Official description by district and municipality. Volume VI: Freiburg region Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-17-007174-2 . Pp. 330-331.
  4. Population development in Baden-Württemberg from 1871 to 2013  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  5. Preliminary results of the 2019 municipal council elections at the State Statistical Office


  • Fischerbach community (ed.): Fischerbach. A local history in words and pictures. 1989.

Web links

Commons : Fischerbach  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files