Frank Bakke-Jensen

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Frank Bakke-Jensen, 2017

Frank Bakke-Jensen (born March 8, 1965 in Båtsfjord ) is a Norwegian politician of the conservative Høyre party . He was Minister for European Affairs from December 2016 to October 2017 and has been his country's Minister of Defense since then . Since 2009 he has been a member of parliament in Storting .


Education and professional career

Bakke-Jensen is a trained marine electrician. From 1990 to 1991 he served as a soldier in the United Nations Interim Force observer mission in Lebanon . After his return he worked as a teacher in his place of birth, in 1993 he began studying the Christian religion on the side . In 1995 he started working in the tourism industry, in 1999 he took over the travel agency Båtsfjord Reiseservice AS , where he was previously employed. From 2002 to 2003 he studied project management at Tromsø University , from 2005 to 2006 he studied tourism marketing .

Political career

Between 1999 and 2009 Bakke-Jensen was a member of the local parliament of Båtsfjord . From 2007 he was mayor of the municipality, although the Arbeiderpartiet won an absolute majority in the local elections. Due to internal disputes, however, it was unable to provide the mayor. From 2007 to 2009 he was also a member of the Fylkesting in what was then the province of Finnmark . Between 2008 and 2009 he was also the vice-chairman of his party in Finnmark.

In the 2009 general election , Frank Bakke-Jensen entered the Norwegian national parliament in Storting for the first time and was re-elected in both 2013 and 2017 . There he represents the Finnmark constituency and became a member of the Economic Committee, where he remained until 2016. On December 20, 2016, he was appointed Minister for the European Union and the European Economic Area in the Solberg government. On October 20, 2017, he moved to the Ministry of Defense, where he has been Minister of Defense ever since. In the Storting he is represented by his party colleague Marianne Haukland because of his membership in the government . In April 2020, he announced that he would not run again in the following parliamentary election in September 2021. He justified this step, among other things, with the fact that Finnmark should be represented by a person living in the region and that he had moved from Båtsfjord to Tromsø , i.e. to the former province of Troms .


Bakke-Jensen belongs to the Sami people . He himself only found out about this as an adult when he was doing research. His family believed that the Sami background was something to keep secret. At a party conference in Tromsø , Bakke-Jensen criticized party members who claimed that the city had almost no Sami tradition. He pointed out that he did not know for a long time that he had Sami ancestors and that it would be too easy for oneself to fight against the realization in 2019 that the region had a Sami background.

Frank Bakke-Jensen is married to the Tromsø entrepreneur Hilde Sjurelv and has two children from his first marriage.

Web links

Commons : Frank Bakke-Jensen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sveinung Berg Bentzrød Journalist: Norges nye forsvarsminister he FN veteran. Retrieved April 16, 2019 (Norwegian).
  2. ^ Henrik Bøe: Kan bli ekskludert. October 24, 2007, accessed April 16, 2019 (Norwegian).
  3. Bakke-Jensen tar ikke gjenvalg til Stortinget. In: iTromsø. April 11, 2020, accessed on April 11, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  4. It is set up and necessary oppgjør. January 26, 2019, accessed on January 31, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  5. ^ Maria Mikkelsen: Frank Bakke-Jensen visste ikke om sitt samiske opphav - tar oppgjør med hets. Retrieved January 31, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  6. Løvebakke Jensen. September 16, 2009, accessed January 31, 2020 (Norwegian).
  7. Nå har de giftet seg. June 28, 2015, accessed January 31, 2020 (Norwegian).