Giovanni Renosto (born September 14, 1960 in Treviso ) is a former Italian cyclist .
Giovanni Renosto was a professional racing driver from 1981 to 1989. Apart from winning a stage at the Giro d'Italia in 1981 , he achieved few successes on the road . On the track, on the other hand, from 1986 to 1989 he was Italian champion in standing races four times in a row , and in 1989 in Lyon he was world champion , after having finished third in the 1986 World Cup in Colorado Springs .
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1895 Jimmy Michael | 1896 Arthur Chase | 1897 Jack William Stocks | 1898 Richard Palmer | 1899 Harry Gibson | 1900 Constant Huret | 1901, 1902 Thaddäus Robl | 1903 Piet Dickentman | 1904 Robert Walthour / Jan Olieslagers | 1905 Robert Walthour / Franz Hofmann | 1906, 1907 Louis Darragon / Franz Hofmann | 1908 Fritz Ryser / Josef Schwarzer | 1909, 1911 Georges Parent | 1912 George Wiley | 1913 Paul Guignard / Gus Lawson | 1914–1919 not held | 1920 Georges Sérès | 1921, 1924, 1926, 1927 Victor Linart / Arthur Pasquier | 1922 Léon Vanderstuyft | 1923 Paul Suter / Ernest Pasquier | 1925 Robert Grassin / Léon Didier | 1928 Walter Sawall / Ernest Pasquier | 1929, 1932 Georges Paillard / Georges Grolimund | 1930 Erich Möller | 1931 Walter Sawall / Georges Grolimund | 1933, 1935 Charles Lacquehay | 1934 Erich Metze / Karl Saldow | 1936 André Raynaud | 1937 Walter Lohmann / Arnulf Meinhold | 1938 Erich Metze / Maurice Ville | 1939–1945 final or World Cup not held | 1946, 1949 Elia Frosio | 1947, 1950 Raoul Lesueur | 1948 Jean-Jacques Lamboley | 1951 Jan Pronk / Frits Wiersma | 1952, 1953, 1954 Adolph Verschueren / Maurice Ville | 1955, 1962 Guillermo Timoner / Felicien Van Ingelghem | 1956 Graeme French / Georges Grolimund | 1957 Paul Depaepe / Emile Vandenbosch | 1958 Walter Bucher / Georges Grolimund | 1959, 1960, 1964, 1965 Guillermo Timoner / August Meuleman | 1961 Karl-Heinz Marsell / August Meuleman | 1963 Leo Proost / Emile Vandenbosch | 1966 Romain De Loof / Hugo Lorenzetti | 1967, 1968 Leo Proost / Norbert Koch | 1969 Jacob Oudkerk / Albertus de Graaf | 1970 Ehrenfried Rudolph / Bruno Walrave | 1971, 1972 Theo Verschueren / Norbert Koch | 1973, 1974, Cees Stam / Joop Stakenburg | 1975 Dieter Kemper / Dieter Durst | 1976 Wilfried Peffgen / Dieter Durst | 1977 Cees Stam / Bruno Walrave | 1978, 1980 Wilfried Peffgen / Dieter Durst | 1979, 1982 Martin Venix / Norbert Koch | 1981 René Kos / Bruno Walrave | 1983, 1985, 1986 Bruno Vicino / Domenico De Lillo | 1984 Horst Schütz / Christian Dippel | 1987 Max Hürzeler / Ueli Luginbühl | 1988, 1991 Danny Clark / Bruno Walrave | 1989 Giovanni Renosto / Walter Corradin | 1990 Walter Brugna / Mauro Valentini | 1992 Peter Steiger / Ueli Luginbühl | 1993 Jens Veggerby / Bruno Walrave | 1994 Carsten Podlesch / Dieter Durst
As far as known, with details of the pacemaker . No further world championships were held from 1995.
1902 Battista Parini | 1903, 1904 Giosuè Giuppone | 1905 Giovanni Gerbi | 1906 Luigi Mori | 1908, 1909 Giulio Tagliavini | 1910, 1920, 1923 Carlo Bordoni | 1911, 1914 Battista Danesi | 1919 Carlo Galetti | 1921, 1922 Giorgio Colombatto | 1924–1929 Leopoldo Torricelli | 1930, 1931, 1935 Giovanni Manera | 1932 Federico Gay | 1933, 1941 Franco Giorgetti | 1934, 1936–1939 Edoardo Severgnini | 1940 Giuseppe Olmo | 1942 Learco Guerra | 1946–1950 Elia Frosio | 1951–1957 Giuseppe Martino | 1958, 1959, 1961, 1962 Virginio Pizzali | 1960 Pietro Musone | 1963 Antonio Domenicali | 1964, 1968 Armando Pellegrini | 1965-1967, 1969-1971 Domenico De Lillo | 1972–1975 Attilio Benfatto | 1976 Walter Avogadri | 1977, 1979 Pietro Algeri | 1978, 1980–1985 Bruno Vicino | 1986–1989 Giovanni Renosto | 1993 Antonio Fanelli
The standing championship was not held continuously and in 1993 for the last time.