Lənkəran (Rayon)

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Şəki Abşeron Sumqayıt Baku Xızı Siyəzən Quba Quba Şabran Xaçmaz Qusar Qobustan Şirvan Hacıqabul Salyan Neftçala Lənkəran Lənkəran Astara (Rayon) Lerik (Rayon) Yardımlı (Rayon) Cəlilabad (Rayon) Masallı (Rayon) Biləsuvar (Rayon) Sabirabad (Rayon) Saatlı İmişli (Rayon) Kürdəmir (Rayon) Şamaxı (Rayon) Ağsu (Rayon) Göyçay (Rayon) Ucar (Rayon) Beyləqan (Rayon) Ağcabədi (Rayon) Bərdə (Rayon) Zərdab (Rayon) İsmayıllı (Rayon) Qəbələ (Rayon) Ağdaş Yevlax (Stadt) Mingəçevir Yevlax (Rayon) Naftalan Göygöl (Rayon) Gədəbəy (Rayon) Samux (Rayon) Gəncə Şəmkir (Rayon) Tovuz (Rayon) Ağstafa (Rayon) Qazax (Rayon) Oğuz (Rayon) Şəki (Rayon) Qax (Rayon) Zaqatala (Rayon) Balakən (Rayon) Şəmkir (Rayon) Goranboy (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Daskesan (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Terter (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Agdam (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Xocavend (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Füzuli (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Kelbecer (fast vollständig de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Xankəndi (unter der Bezeichnung „Stepanakert“ de-facto Teil der Republik Bergkarabach) Cabrayil (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Xocali (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Susa (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Lacin (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Qubadli (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Zengilan (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Ordubad (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Culfa (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Naxcivan (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Babek (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Sahbuz (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Kangarli (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Serur (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Saderak (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan)
Location Lənkərans in Azerbaijan

Lənkəran , also Lenkoran , is a rayon in southern Azerbaijan . The district encloses the city of Lənkəran , but this is not part of the rayon.


The rayon has an area of ​​1539 km². In the east the district borders on the Caspian Sea , in the west the Talysh Mountains begin . Large parts of the rayon belong to the Lenkoran lowlands .


The Lfallnkəran Rayon formed an autonomous republic , the Republic of Talysch-Mugan, from June to August 1993 after the collapse of the Soviet Union . Then he was reintegrated into the Azerbaijani state.


In 2009, the rayon had 205,300 inhabitants. These are spread across the capital and 82 other places. The vast majority of the population are Azerbaijanis , who make up 86.04% of the population. Minorities in the rayon are the Talys with 13.55%, Russians with 0.29% and other peoples with 0.12%.


Vegetables are grown and processed in the region . There are also fish and tea processing factories . In addition to vegetables, citrus fruits and wine are grown and cattle and silkworms are raised .

Tourist destinations

The mausoleum of Sheih Zahid and the remains of the fortress of Bellabus are located in the rayon . There are healing springs near Andjin. The two national parks of Kizilagach and Gircan are also located in the rayon.


The district the railway line runs Baku to Astara .


sons and daughters of the town

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Azerbaijan Development Gateway ( Memento of November 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) about the rayon
  2. Azerbaijani Statistical Authority ( Memento of November 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Ethnic composition of Azerbaijan 1999
  4. a b azerb.com about the city and the rayon

Web links

Commons : Lenkoran  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 38 ° 50 '  N , 48 ° 48'  E