List of ancient place names and geographical names / On

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On see Heliopolis  
Onagrinum , Castellum Onagrinum Roman fortress in Pannonia Inferior Begeč in Serbia Pleiades ;   
Oncae Smith ;  
Onceium Smith ;  
Onchesm Smith ;  
Onchestus Smith ;  
Oneia Smith ;  
Oneum Smith ;  
Oningis Smith ;  
Onisia Smith ;  
Onoba aestuaria Smith ;  
Onobalas Smith ;  
Onobrisates Smith ;  
Onochonus Smith ;  
Onugnathus Smith ;  
Onuphis Ὄνουφις  (Onouphis) Place in the Nile Delta , capital of the Nomos Onouphites Mahallat Minuf , 11 km north of Tanta , Egypt Hdt. 2,166; Plin. Nat. 5.9 .; Smith ;