List of ancient place names and geographical names / Co

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Cobulatus Smith ;  
Cocala Smith ;  
Coccium Smith ;  
Coche Κωχή  (kōchē) either village near or another name of Seleukia on the Tigris Tell 'Umar in Iraq Smith ;  
Coche Κώχη  (Kōchē) City in the Arabia Deserta Ptol. 5.19; Smith ;  
Cochliusa Smith ;  
Cocinthus Smith ;  
Cocosa Smith ;  
Cocylium Smith ;  
Cocytus Κώκυτος  (Kōkytos) Tributary of the Acheron in Epirus Cocytus Smith ;  
Codani Smith ;  
Codanonia Smith ;  
Codanus Sinus Part of the western Baltic Sea; first mentioned at Pomponius Mela . At least including the Bay of Lübeck, including the Kattegat and other parts of the western Baltic Sea, especially the Danish Baltic Sea islands. Smith ;  
Coddinus Smith ;  
Codrion Smith ;  
Coela Κοῖλα  (Koila) Bay on the coast of Evia Smith ;  
Coele Smith ;  
Coelesyria Smith ;  
Coeletae Smith ;  
Coelos Smith ;  
Coenophrurium Smith ;  
Coenyra Smith ;  
Coequosa Smith ;  
Coetae Smith ;  
Coeus Smith ;  
Cogaeonum Smith ;  
Cogamus Smith ;  
Colaceia Smith ;  
Colania Smith ;  
Colapis Smith ;  
Colchi Indiae Κόλχοι  (Kolchoi) Port city in India Korkai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu Pleiades ; Smith ;  
Colchicus Sinus Κολχικός κόλπος  (Kolchikos Kolpos) Sea bay in India Gulf of Mannar Smith ;  
Colchis Κολχίς  (Colchis) Landscape east of the Black Sea south of the Greater Caucasus Colchis, landscape in Georgia Smith ;  
Colenda Smith ;  
Coli Κῶλοι  (Kōloi) Tribe in the Caucasus , north of Colchis Smith ;  
Colias Κωλίας  (Kōlias) Cape on the coast of Attica , in the Saronic Gulf Agios Kosmas , south of Athens Smith ;  
Colicaria Smith ;  
Colis Smith ;  
Collatia Κολλαρία  (collaria) City in Lazio Smith ;  
Collops Magnus Smith ;  
Collytus Smith ;  
Colobatus Smith ;  
Colobi Smith ;  
Coloe Smith ;  
Colonae Smith ;  
Colonia Colony of the Roman Empire  
Colonia Agrippina Capital of Germania inferior Cologne Smith ;  
Colonia Claudia Savaria Capital of Pannonia superior and Pannonia prima Smith ;  
Colonia Equestris Noiodunum Smith ;  
Colonia Trajana Smith ;  
Colonides Smith ;  
Colonis Smith ;  
Colonus Agoraeus Smith ;  
Colonus Hippius Smith ;  
Colopene Smith ;  
Colophon Κολοφών  (colophon) City in Ionia Smith ;  
Colossae Κολοσσαί  (Colossai) City in Phrygia 4 km north of Honaz ( Chonai ), 20 km east of Denizli in Turkey Smith ;  
Colta Smith ;  
Colthene Smith ;  
Colubraria Smith ;  
Columba Island of the Balearic Islands Mallorca Smith ;  
Colyergia Smith ;  
Colytus Smith ;  
Comama  (Komama) City in Pisidia  
Comana Κόμανα τὰ Ποντικά  (Komana ta Pontika) City in Pontos in the valley of Yeşilırmak , 11 km above Tokat on the road to Niksar near today's village of Gümenek in Turkey Smith (1) ;  
Comana Κόμανα τῆς Καππαδοκίας  (Komana tēs Cappadocias) City in Cappadocia Şar village in the Göksu Valley near Tufanbeyli in Adana Province in Turkey Smith (2) ;  
Comania Smith ;  
Comaria Smith ;  
Comartus Smith ;  
Combarism Smith ;  
Combreta Smith ;  
Combretonium Smith ;  
Combusta Smith ;  
Combusta insula Smith ;  
Comenses Smith ;  
Comidava Smith ;  
Cominium Smith ;  
Comisene Smith ;  
Commagene Smith ;  
Commenases Smith ;  
Commoni Smith ;  
Commoris Smith ;  
Complega Κομπλέγα  (Komplega) Tarraconensis town in Hispania Smith ;  
Compleutica Smith ;  
Complutum City of Carpetani in Hispania Tarraconensis Alcalá de Henares in the Community of Madrid, Spain Smith ;  
Compsa Smith ;  
Compsatus Smith ;  
Compulteria Smith ;  
Comum Κῶμον  ( kōmon ) City in Gallia cisalpina Como in Lombardy Smith ;  
Conana Κόνανα  (Konana) Place in Pisidia Gönen in Turkey Pleiades ; Smith ;  
Concangii Smith ;  
Concani Smith ;  
Concobar Smith ;  
Concordia , Iulia Concordia Κογκορδία  (Konkordia) City in Veneto Concordia Sagittaria in the Province of Venice in Italy Smith ;  
Concordia Κογκορδία  (Konkordia) Gallic city on the Rhine probably Altenstadt in Wissembourg in Alsace Smith ;  
Concordia Iulia see Nertobriga  
Condate Celtic name for a place at a confluence Smith ;  
Condate City in Britain Northwich in Cheshire in England, at the confluence of the Dane and Weaver rivers Smith ;  
Condate City in Gaul Candes-Saint-Martin , at the confluence of the Loire and Vienne Smith ;  
Condate City in Gaul Cognac or Merpins , at the confluence of the Charente and or antenna Smith (5) ;  
Condate City in Gaul Condé-sur-Iton , on the Iton Smith (3) ;  
Condate City in Gaul Condres , at the confluence of the Allier and Chapeauroux Smith (7) ;  
Condate City in Gaul Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire , at the confluence of the Loire and Nohain rivers Smith (4) ;  
Condate City in Gaul Montereau-Fault-Yonne , at the confluence of the Seine and Yonne rivers Smith (2) ;  
Condate City in Gaul Seyssel (Ain) , at the confluence of the Rhone and Fier rivers Smith (8) ;  
Condate Redonum Κονδάτε  (condates) City in Gaul , capital of the Redoners Rennes , at the confluence of the Vilaine and Ille rivers Smith (1) ;  
Condatomagus Smith ;  
Conderates Smith ;  
Condercum Smith ;  
Condivicnum Smith ;  
Condochates Smith ;  
Condrusi Smith ;  
Condylon Smith ;  
Conembrica Smith ;  
Confluentes Roman settlement at the confluence of the Moselle and Rhine Koblenz PECS ; Smith ;  
Congavata Smith ;  
Congedus Smith ;  
Congustus Smith ;  
Coniaci Smith ;  
Coniaci Smith ;  
Conii Smith ;  
Conistorgis Smith ;  
Conni City in Phrygia Smith ;  
Conope Κωνώπη  (Kōnōpē), Ἀρσινόη  (Arsinoē) City in Aetolia Angelokastro in Greece Pleiades ; Smith ;  
Conopeium Smith ;  
Conovium see Canovium  
Consabrum Smith ;  
Consentia Κωνσεντία  (Kōnsentia) City in gross Cosenza in Calabria Smith ;  
Consilinum Smith ;  
Consorani Smith ;  
Constantia City in Raetia Constance on Lake Constance  
Constantia Κωνσταντία  (Kōnstantia) City in Mesopotamia Smith ;  
Constantia Coutances in the Normandy region Smith ;  
Constantia Cypri Smith ;  
Constantia Pheniciae Smith ;  
Constantiana Κονσταντιανά  (Konstantiana) Port city on the Black Sea , the old Tomis Constanța in Romania Smith ;  
Constantina see Cirta  
Constantinopolis Κωνσταντινούπολις  (Kōnstantinoupolis) Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire Istanbul in Turkey PECS ; Smith ;  
Consuantae Smith ;  
Contacossyla Smith ;  
Contenebra Smith ;  
Contestani Smith ;  
Conthyle Smith ;  
Contoporia Smith ;  
Contra Aginnum Smith ;  
Contra Aquincum Garrison location on the Pannonian Danube Limes Ruins of a late antique fortress in Budapest 's Pest district in Hungary  
Contrebia Smith ;  
Convallis Smith ;  
Convenae Κονουέναι  (Konouenai) People of Aquitaine Settlement areas on the Pyrenees in the headwaters of the Garonne Smith ;  
Copae Smith ;  
Copais Lacus Smith ;  
Cophanta Smith ;  
Cophas Smith ;  
Cophen Smith ;  
Cophen Smith ;  
Cophus Smith ;  
Copia Smith ;  
Coprates Smith ;  
Coptos, Justinianopolis Smith ;  
Cora Κόρα  (Kora) City in Lazio Cori , 55 km southeast of Rome Smith ;  
Coracesium Κορακήσιον  (Korakēsion) City on the coast between Pamphylia and Cilicia Alanya on the Turkish south coast Smith ;  
Coracius Mons Smith ;  
Coralis Smith ;  
Coralius Smith ;  
Coralla Smith ;  
Coranitae Smith ;  
Corassiae Smith ;  
Corax Κόραξ  (Korax) Mountain range in Aetolia Giona in central Greece Smith ;  
Corax Κόραξ  (Korax) westernmost foothills of the Caucasus above Gelendzhik in the Krasnodar region in Russia  
Corax Κόραξ  (Korax) River in Abasgia probably the Bzyb in Abkhazia Smith ;  
Corax Κόραξ  (Korax) River in Cappadocia Hurman Çay in Turkey, tributary of the Ceyhan  
Corax Κόραξ  (Korax) Cape on the Tauride Chersonesos Cape Meganom in the Crimea, about 15 km southeast of Sudak  
Coraxi Smith ;  
Coraxici Montes Smith ;  
Corbasa Smith ;  
Corbeus Smith ;  
Corbiana Smith ;  
Corbilo Smith ;  
Corbio Κορβιών  (Korbiōn) City in Lazio in the east of the Alban Hills Smith ;  
Corbulonis Munimentum Smith ;  
Corcyra Κέρκυρα  (Kerkyra) northernmost of the Ionian Islands Corfu Smith ;  
Corcyra Nigra Smith ;  
Corda City of Selgov probably at Dumfries in Scotland Smith ;  
Cordes Κόρδης  (Kordēs) River in Mesopotamia , tributary of the Chaboras Tributary of the Chabur Smith ;  
Corduba Κόρδυβα  (Kordyba) City in Hispania Cordoba in Andalusia Smith ;  
Cordyene Γορδυηνή  (Gorduēnē) Landscape on the border of Armenia , the Adiabene and the Atropatene Smith ;  
Cordyle Smith ;  
Coressia Κορησσία  (Korēssia), Ἀρσινόη  (Arsinoē) Place on keos Korisia on Kea Pleiades ; Smith ;  
Coressus Smith ;  
Corfinium , Italica Κορφίνιον  (Korphinion) Place the Marsian Paeligni in the valley of Aternus Corfinio in the Italian Abruzzo Smith ;  
Coria Roman fortress in Britain Barochan Hill in Renfrewshire , Scotland  
Coria Roman fortress in Britain at Corbridge in Northumberland  
Coria Roman fortress in Britain at Inveresk in East Lothian , Scotland  
Coria Soliliorum Roman city in Central England  
Coriallum Smith ;  
Coriendi Smith ;  
Corinea Smith ;  
Corineum Smith ;  
Corinthiacus isthmus Smith ;  
Corinthiacus Sinus Smith ;  
Corinthus Κόρινθος  (Corinthos) City in Greece Corinth in Greece Smith ;  
Corioli Κοριλλα  (Corilla) volscian city ​​in Lazio probably near Monte Giove , south of the Ariccia valley Smith ;  
Coriovallum Place in Gaul Heerlen in the southeast of the Dutch province of Limburg Smith ;  
Corisopiti Smith ;  
Coritani Smith ;  
Corium Κόριον  (Korion) City in Crete about 5 km north of Galini in Crete Smith ;  
Corius Smith ;  
Corma Smith ;  
Cormasa Smith ;  
Cornabii Smith ;  
Cornacum Roman border fort on the Lower Pannonian Limes on the district of the Croatian town of Sotin Smith ;  
Cornelia Castra Smith ;  
Corniculum Smith ;  
Cornus Κόρνος  (Kornos) Punic-Roman city on the west coast of Sardinia S. Caterina di Pittinuri Smith ;  
Corobilium Smith ;  
Coroc Smith ;  
Corocondame Smith ;  
Corodamum Prom Smith ;  
Coromanis Smith ;  
Corone Κορώνη  (Korōnē) City in Messenia Koroni in Greece Smith ;  
Coroneia Smith ;  
Coronta Smith ;  
Coronus Mons Smith ;  
Coropissus Κοροπισσός  (Koropissos) City on the border of Lycia and Cilicia Smith ;  
Coros Smith ;  
Corpilli Smith ;  
Corragum Smith ;  
Corseae Smith ;  
Corseia Smith ;  
Corsi Smith ;  
Corsica Κύρνος  (Kyrnos), Κορσίς  (Corsis) Island in the Mediterranean Corsica Smith ;  
Corsote Smith ;  
Corstorpitum Smith ;  
Corsymus Smith ;  
Corterate Smith ;  
Cortona Κόρτωνα  (Kortōna) City in Etruria Cortona in Tuscany Smith ;  
Cortoriacum Smith ;  
Cortuosa Smith ;  
Cory Κῶρυ  (Kōry) Island on the southern tip of India Pamban Smith ;  
Corybantium Smith ;  
Corybissa Smith ;  
Corycium Smith ;  
Corycus Κώρυκος  (Kōrykos) City in Cilicia Kızkalesi in Turkey Smith (2) ;  
Corycus Κώρυκος  (Kōrykos) City in Lycia between Olympos and Phaselis Smith (1) ;  
Corycus Κώρυκος  (Kōrykos) Mountain in Lydia Koraka Dağ in Turkey Smith (3) ;  
Corycus Κώρυκος  (Kōrykos) Northwest tip of Crete Cape Gramvousa Smith ;  
Corydalla Smith ;  
Corydallus Smith ;  
Coryleium Smith ;  
Coryne Smith ;  
Coryphanta Smith ;  
Coryphantis Smith ;  
Coryphasium Smith ;  
Corytheis Smith ;  
Cos Κῶς  (Kōs) Island in the Aegean Sea Kos Smith ;  
Cosa Κόσσαι  (Kossai) City in Etruria Remnants in the Ansedonia district of Orbetello in southern Tuscany Smith (1) ;  
Cosa City in Lucania Smith (2) ;  
Cosa City in Gaul Albias in the Tarn-et-Garonne department in France PECS ; Smith ;  
Coscinia Smith ;  
Cosedia Smith ;  
Cosetani Smith ;  
Cossa Κόσσα  (Kossa) Place in india Ptol. 7.1.65; Smith ;  
Cossaei Smith ;  
Cossini , Ostiones Κόσσινοι  (Kossinoi) Coastal People of the Western Ocean Smith ;  
Cossinites Smith ;  
Cossio Smith ;  
Cossoanus Smith ;  
Cossura Smith ;  
Costoboci Smith ;  
Cotes Prom Smith ;  
Cothon Smith ;  
Cotiaeum Smith ;  
Cotinae Smith ;  
Cotinus Smith ;  
Cottabani Smith ;  
Cottaeobriga Smith ;  
Cottiae Alpes Smith ;  
Cottiara Smith ;  
Cottiaris Smith ;  
Cottona Smith ;  
Cotylaeum Smith ;  
Cotylius Smith ;  
Cotylus Mountain in the Ida Mountains Smith ;  
Cotyora Smith ;  
Cotyrta Smith ;