თავისუფლება | |
Title in German | freedom |
country |
![]() |
Usage period | from 2004 |
text | Davit Maghradze |
melody | Sakaria Paliashvili |
Sheet of music | JPG |
Audio files |
Tawisupleba ( Georgian თავისუფლება ; German "Freedom") is the title of the national anthem of Georgia . It was passed by the Georgian Parliament on May 20, 2004 and premiered in September of the same year. The text is by Davit Maghradze, the melody by Sakaria Paliashvili . It is an arrangement of motifs from the operas Abessalom and Eteri (1919) and Daisi (1923). The arrangement was made by Joseb Ketschaqmadze.
Tawisupleba replaces the former national anthem Dideba (sezit kurtcheuls) . It was already in use by the First Republic of Georgia from 1918 to 1921. Because Georgia sees itself as the legal successor to this state, it was initially taken over in 1991.
Text (in Georgian script ):
ჩემი ხატია სამშობლო,
სახატე მთელი ქვეყანა,
განათებული მთა-ბარი,
წილნაყარია ღმერთთანა.
თავისუფლება დღეს ჩვენი
მომავალს უმღერს დიდებას,
ცისკრის ვარსკვლავი ამოდის
და ორ ზღვას შუა ბრწყინდება,
დიდება თავისუფლებას,
თავისუფლებას დიდება.
German transcription
chemi chatia samschoblo,
sachate mteli kweqana,
ganatebuli mta-bari,
zilnaqaria ghmerttana.
tawisupleba dghes tschweni
momawals umghers didebas,
ziskris warskwlawi amodis
da or sghwas schoris brzqindeba,
dideba tawisuplebas,
tawisuplebas dideba.
Transcription according to ISO 9984: 1996
č'emi xatia samšoblo,
saxate mt'eli k'veqana,
ganat'ebuli mt'a-bari,
cilnaqaria ğmert't'ana.
t'avisup'leba dğes č'veni
momavals umğers didebas,
c'iskris varskvlavi amodis
da or zğvas šoris brcqindeba,
dideba t'avisup'lebas,
t'avisup'lebas dideba.
Official transliteration
chemi khat'ia samshoblo,
sakhat'e mteli kveq'ana,
ganatebuli mta-bari,
ts'ilnaq'aria ghmerttana.
tavisupleba dghes chveni
momavals umghers didebas,
tsisk'ris varsk'vlavi amodis
da or zghvas shoris brts'q'indeba,
dideba tavisuplebas,
tavisuplebas dideba.
My home is my icon,
and the whole world is its (icon) shrine,
we share
glistening mountains and lowlands
with God.
Our freedom today
praises our future,
the star of the dawn appears
and illuminates between the two seas,
freedom be praised
freedom be praised.