Tane Province

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Tane Province (red, in the very south)

Tane ( Japanese 多 禰 国 Tane no kuni ) was one of the historical provinces of Japan . It consisted of the islands of Tanegashima (island of Tane) and Yakushima (island of Yaku), south of Kyushu .

Tane was referred to as the island of Tane ( 多 禰 島 / 多 禰 嶋 Tane no shima ) in the 7th century . The Hayato who lived there paid tribute to Japan, but were politically autonomous. For example, the Nihon Shoki mentions several embassies of Tane at the imperial court and return visits by Japanese ambassadors for the reign of Emperor Temmu between 677 and 683. The land is described as fertile, with two rice harvests a year. Gardenias, which were used as dye plants, rushes and seafood were important products .

The chronicle Shoku Nihongi contains the following entry for the year 702 for the tane written here 多 褹 :

「八月 丙申 、 朔。 薩摩 ・ 多 褹。 隔 化 逆命。 於是 発 兵 征討。 遂 校 戸 置 吏 焉.」

"8th. Month, Day 1: Satsuma and Tane turned away and defied orders. The army was dispatched and captured. The population was counted and officials appointed. "

This marks the establishment of the provinces of Satsuma and Tane.

Tane was annexed to the Ōsumi province in 824 .