Chishima Province

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The province of Chishima ( Japanese 千島 国 , Chishima no kuni ) was one of the historical provinces of Japan and originated in the Meiji period . Originally it consisted of the Kuril Islands from Kunashiri northwards, later Shikotan was added. Your original area is currently occupied by Russia , the later area was ceded in the peace treaty of San Francisco (see Kuril conflict ).


Together with the provinces on Hokkaidō , the province was created on August 15, 1869 with five counties ( gun ), the census of 1872 showed 437 (Japanese) inhabitants. In November 1875 the prefecture of Karafuto ( Sakhalin ) was ceded to Russia in the Treaty of Saint Petersburg in exchange for the Kuriles . These Kuril Islands have been divided into three new counties. In January 1885 the island of Shikotan from the province of Nemuro was added as a district.

Counties ( gun )

  • Kunashiri-gun ( 国 後 郡 ): controversial, from the point of view of Japan occupied and administered by Russia, see Kuril conflict
  • Etorofu-gun ( 択 捉 郡 ): controversial, from the perspective of Japan occupied and administered by Russia
  • Furebetsu-gun ( 振 別 郡 ): dissolved in April 1923 when its parishes were merged with several parishes in Shana and Etorofu counties to form Rubetsu parish in Etorofu
  • Shana-gun ( 紗 那 郡 ): controversial, from Japan's point of view occupied and administered by Russia
  • Shibetoro-gun ( 蘂 取 郡 ): controversial, from the perspective of Japan occupied and administered by Russia
  • Shikotan-gun ( 色 丹 郡 ): separated from Hanasaki-gun in 1885 , currently occupied and administered by Russia from Japan's point of view.
  • Uruppu-gun ( 得 撫 郡 ): acquired in the Treaty of St. Petersburg, reassigned in the Treaty of San Francisco.
  • Shimushiro-gun ( 新知 郡 ): acquired in the Treaty of St. Petersburg, reassigned in the Treaty of San Francisco.
  • Shumushu-gun ( 占 守 郡 ): acquired in the Treaty of St. Petersburg, reassigned in the Treaty of San Francisco.