Frederik Raben-Levetzau

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Frederik Raben-Levetzau

Lehnsgraf Frederik Christopher Otto Raven Levetzau (* 27. May 1850 on Lekkende ; † 5. May 1933 on Ålholm ) was a Danish diplomat and foreign minister .


Raven Levetzaus father was Josiah Raben -Levetzau (1796-1889), his mother was Siegfriede Victorine Raven Levetzau, born Krogh (1823-1898). Raben-Levetzau married the American Lillie Suzanne Moulton (1864-1946) on April 8, 1886 in Rome . In 1877 Raben-Levetzau graduated as cand.pol and became a volunteer in the Foreign Ministry . From 1877 to 1878 he was an attaché in Paris and from 1879 to 1881 in Vienna . In 1900 he was the Danish general commissioner for the Danish participation in the world exhibition in Paris. With the formation of the Christensen government on January 14, 1905, Raben-Levetzau became Foreign Minister, which he remained until October 12, 1908. He was assigned to the Højre . In 1905 he became Vice President of the Geographical Society and from 1914 to 1927 its Honorary President.

Raben-Levetzau was one of Denmark's largest landowners. With the death of his father in 1889 he took over the county Christiansholm on Lolland and the goods Bremersvold near Rødby as well as Beldringe and Lekkende in South Zealand.


At court he became chamberlain in 1878, master hunter in 1882 and chamberlain in 1892 . 1897 Raven Levetzau in 1897 Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog , 1900. Dannebrogmann , 1900 the commander appointed second, in 1903 as commander first class. In 1905 Raben-Levetzau received the corresponding Grand Cross , in 1930 the Grand Cross with Diamond.
