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Среднеколымск ( Russian )
Орто Халыма ( Yakut )
flag coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district far East
republic Sakha (Yakutia)
Ulus Srednekolymsk
Founded 1644
City since 1775
surface km²
population 3525 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Population density 705 inhabitants / km²
Height of the center 25  m
Time zone UTC + 11
Telephone code (+7) 41156
Post Code 678790
License Plate 14th
OKATO 98 246 501
Geographical location
Coordinates 67 ° 27 '  N , 153 ° 42'  E Coordinates: 67 ° 27 '0 "  N , 153 ° 42' 0"  E
Srednekolymsk (Russia)
Red pog.svg
Situation in Russia
Srednekolymsk (Sakha Republic)
Red pog.svg
Location in the Sakha Republic
List of cities in Russia

Srednekolymsk ( Russian Среднеколымск , Yakut Орто Халыма / Orto Chalyma ) is a small town in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ( Russia ) with 3525 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010).


The city is located in the Kolyma lowlands , about 1500 km northeast of the republic capital Yakutsk , on the left bank of the Kolyma around the confluence of the Ankudinka , which divides the place into two parts.

The city is the administrative center of the eponymous Srednekolymsk Ulus Srednekolymsk ( Russ. : Среднеколымский улус, Yakut. : Орто Халыма улууһа - Orto Chalyma uluuha).

Srednekolymsk has an airport and a pier on Kolyma.


The place was founded in 1644 by Cossacks as Ostrog Jarmanka . In 1775 it was renamed Srednekolymsk (Russian for Middle-Kolyma-Stadt ) with the award of town charter as the administrative center of the Kolyma district (Okrugs). The city was a place of exile , for example for the Decembrist Nikolai Bobrishchev-Pushkin . Towards the end of the 19th century, Srednekolymsk had 147 houses (including 53 residential houses), 22 yurts , twelve traders, a wooden church, a church school and a small hospital. The inhabitants lived from fishing, fur and bird hunting, mushroom and berry hunting.

Population development

year Residents
1897 538
1926 685
1939 2029
1959 2088
1970 2729
1979 3309
1989 4489
2002 3587
2010 3525

Note: census data

Culture and sights

There has been a small local museum in Srednekolymsk since 1921.


There are food businesses and a fuel store in the city. Fur animals and livestock (cattle, horses, reindeer ) and fishing are practiced in the Rajon .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)

Web links

Commons : Srednekolymsk  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files