Lindenbuck Castle

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Lindenbuck Castle
Castle type : Hilltop castle
Conservation status: departed
Standing position : Ministeriale
Place: Bonndorf in the Black Forest

The castle Lindenbuck is an Outbound hilltop castle on the 898 meter high Lindenbuck east of bonndorf in Waldshut ( Baden-Wuerttemberg ).

The castle, which can no longer be precisely localized, was the seat of the Lords of Bonndorf, probably originally the Zähringer ministerial . In 1239 the Bonndorfer appeared in the service of the Counts of Freiburg and in the 14th century also as citizens of Freiburg . The castle was abandoned early on, as the »Säßhaus«, a predecessor of Bonndorf Castle , was built in the village towards the end of the 13th century .

Individual evidence

  1. Bonndorf at