Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach

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Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach at the age of 66 as cathedral cantor in Mainz; Engraving by Sebastian Furck , 1645

Gernand Philipp or Philipp Gernant von Schwalbach , wrongly also Bernard Philipp , Reinhardt Philipp u. ä. (* 1579 , † January 5 jul. / 15. January  1647 greg. in Mainz ) was an Electoral Mainz , fürstäbtlich fuldischer , fürstbischöflich würzburgischer and Imperial Council and bailiff in Amorbach , Mackenzell and Haselstein , Dechant in Bleidenstadt and provost in Heiligenstadt .


Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach came from the noble family of the Lords of Schwalbach from Schwalbach (today a district of the community Schöffengrund) south of Wetzlar. He was a son of Konrad [Adam] von Schwalbach († 1598) and Eva Roth von Burg-Schwalbach († after 1579). One of his brothers was Hans Ludwig von Schwalbach († after 1603), who died as an ensign. The sister Anna von Schwalbach married Johann Melchior von Morsheim .

Gernand Philip of Schwalbach father and his brothers Gernandt (1545-1601) and Gerhardt Schwalbach were from Hessen, Isenburg-Büdingen and Nassau-Saarbrücken with the dreiherrischen village Vollnkirchen in Hüttenberg invested .

From 1589 to 1592 (in the Classis prima ) Philipp Gernand von Schwalbach is a student at the Lutheran Latin School Weilburg under the rector Michael Schweicker (* around 1550; † after 1602). With the family of his classmate there Johann Schweikhard the Elder. J. von Sickingen (* around 1575/80; † 1625) zu Ebernburg , who also converted to Catholicism around 1620, was also later friends. After the death of her father Konrad von Schwalbach in 1598, her uncle, the Electoral Mainz councilor Gernand von Schwalbach, acted as guardian for his brother's children.

Electoral Mainz councilor and bailiff

In 1611, under Archbishop Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg , Philipp Gernand von Schwalbach was appointed to Amorbach as a Kurmainzer councilor. His predecessor there from 1571 to 1611 was Hans Heinrich von Heusenstamm († 1615), a brother of his grandmother Katharina von Heusenstamm († 1564). In 1612 he took part in the coronation ceremony for Emperor Matthias in Frankfurt am Main and in 1613 at the Reichstag in Regensburg as bailiff of Amorbach and councilor in the entourage of the Archbishop of Mainz .

Princely councilor, court marshal, high school councilor and bailiff

Philipp Gernand von Schwalbach is attested from 1614 as a councilor of Fulda, court marshal and high school councilor in Fulda of Prince Abbot Johann Friedrich von Schwalbach (r. 1606–1622).

Since 1615 he was guardian of a child († 1616) of Lukas Forstmeister zu Gelnhausen († 1614) from his first marriage (⚭ 1586) with Kunigunde von Schwalbach († 1593/98), a daughter of Reinhard von Schwalbach and Felicitas von Helmstatt , and from his half-siblings. In 1617 he became co-guardian of the children Kaspar Gernand († after 1627) and Anna Ursula von Schwalbach (1612–1649) of Wolf Adam von Schwalbach († 1617) on Haseleck ( Hasselheck ) and his wife (⚭ 1610) Anna Juliana von Eltz ( * 1588; † after 1648). As a guardian, Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was enfeoffed with the former fiefs of the Worms monastery , which had been passed on from Johann von Bergen († 1577/81) to Essershausen and which had come to his ward from Schwalbach: the castle and the church set to Essershausen , ½ tithes to Ernsthausen and Lützendorf , the tithe in Laimbach , in Mengerskirchen and goods in Ernsthausen and Essershausen. In 1625 he was also the guardian of Jost Christoph, Philipp Konrad and Johann Pleickard (* around 1619, † 1694) Gans von Otzberg .

In 1616 Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach sealed the purchase of a house in Fulda by the Fulda rider, Johann von Schwalbach. In 1617 Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach asked the City Council of Frankfurt am Main for permission to have a dwelling. As Electoral Mainz and Fulda councilor, marshal, Oberschultheiß in Fulda, he led a lawsuit against Johann Dietrich von Rosenbach (1581–1656), the Electoral Mainz bailiff in Amöneburg , for taking care of the guardianship of the forester at Gelnhausen.

At the beginning of the Thirty Years' War, Marshal Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was delegated to various federal and state days of the Catholic League : to Mainz 1620, Augsburg in March 1621, Regensburg in March / April 1623, Augsburg in April / May 1624 or Würzburg in March 1627. In February 1629 he and his former classmate from Weilburg were Bernhard Wilhelm von Schwalbach († 1639), provost of Zella and Neuenberg monastery , the Fulda ambassadors of Prince Abbot Johann Bernhard Schenk zu Schweinsberg (ruled 1623-1632) at the Bundestag of the league in Heidelberg .

In 1625/26 Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was the Fulda bailiff of Mackenzell and Haselstein and as such received the lifelong usufruct of the tithe to Massenheim belonging to the Johannesberg provost of Fulda Abbey . From 1626 to 1637, the Fulda court marshal Philipp Gernand (Bernard) von Schwalbach owned the complex of the three-story Scharfensteiner Hof in Mainz at Kapuzinerstraße 16 (old No. A 31) and Bocksstraße (today: Scharfensteiner Straße ), which he bought from Johann for 2,600 guilders Christoph and Wolf Philipp Hund von Saulheim had acquired and sold it to Heinrich Reinhard von Buseck († 1638), the Elector of Mainz, the bailiff of Amöneburg.

On behalf of the Imperial Knighthood of the Rhine and Wetterau, Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach traveled to the imperial court in Prague in 1629 . In 1630 Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was awarded the title of Imperial Councilor. Georg Glebe from Fulda in Buchonia and Johann Melchior Rohland from Erfurt dedicated their legal dissertation to him on this occasion, which was written at the University of Erfurt under Professor Henning Rennemann (1567–1646). From 1631 to 1634 the Fulda bishopric was occupied by Swedish and allied Hessian troops and the prince abbot fled to Cologne .

Council of the Prince-Bishop of Würzburg

After the Swedes withdrew in 1634/35, Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach kept himself as “Röm. Kay. Mayt., Also Chur undt Fürstlicher Maynzischer, Würzburgischer and Fuldischer Rath ”in Würzburg in 1636 and worked in the local office of Bishop Franz von Hatzfeld-Gleichen (1596–1642). In February, he tried in Marburg , a contract between Francis and Melchior von Hatzfeld-Gleichen (1593-1658) with Landgraf Georg II. Of Hesse-Darmstadt to convey (1605-1661) to the brothers again owning their headquarters Castle Hatzfeld to procure.

In the same year, July 10th died . / December 20,  1636 greg. his wife Anna Agnes, for whom he had a tomb erected in the Julius Hospital Church of St. Kilian in Würzburg.

Entry into the clergy as a Mainz canon

After he became a widower in the secular state ( in statu saeculari viduus factus ), Gernandus Philippus de Schvvalbach in 1637, at the age of 58, succeeded Jakob Samson Kranz von Geispolzheim († 1636) as the Mainz canon . He immediately asked for the transfer of a vacant priests - Kanonikats . He gave up the appointment of Fulda and Würzburg as advice.

Archbishop Anselm Casimir Wambolt von Umstadt (1579–1647) awarded Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach in 1538 the canonical in the Knights' Monastery of St. Ferrutius in Bleidenstadt, which had become vacant due to the death of Philipp von Maul . The chapter of St. Ferrutius, whose dean Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was, resided at the time in St. Alban's monastery in Mainz . In 1640 Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was elected cathedral cantor in Mainz. In 1643/45 he also describes himself as a canon of St. Alban and provost of the St. Martin monastery in Heiligenstadt.

In 1642 Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach tried as “Röm. Kayserl. Majesty Rath, and Chur-Fürstl. Mayntz. Secret advice "at the council of the city of Frankfurt am Main for the enfeoffment with 3 Hufen fields, 22 acres of meadow and a farmstead in the village of" Pfraunheim ". Because of these Schwalbach imperial fiefs in Praunheim and Holzhausen , after a guardian sale of the goods in 1622, a lawsuit with the banker Johann von Bodeck (1555–1631) and his heirs had been pending for a long time .

Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach and the Electoral Cologne and Electoral Mainz Council Lic. Thomas Dussel were representatives of the Mainz Imperial Chancellor on December 10th . / December 20,  1642 greg. among the witnesses in the Römer , when some fragile silk threads from the Frankfurt copy of the Golden Bull were first restored under notarial supervision. Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach was then from 1643 to 1645 the Elector of Mainz at the Frankfurt Deputation Day . The French diplomat François Cazet, sieur de Vautorte (1607-1654) reported in January 1647 that von Schwalbach had hoped for the successor to Anselm Casimir Wambolt von Umstadt as Archbishop of Mainz , but had since died.

Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach died of a stroke. The wording of his grave inscription in Mainz Cathedral with the ancestral coats of arms Schwalbach, Roth von Burgschwalbach, Heusenstamm and Stein mit der Rose has been preserved. After his death, the tithe at Massenheim, which he had received as a beneficiary, fell back to the Fulda monastery and its Johannesberg provost, as he was the last male agnate of his tribe.

His motto was " Spes non confundit " (= " Hope does not allow to be shamed "; according to Rom 5.5 EU ).

Philipp Gernand von Schwalbach is occasionally mistaken for the Liningian-Dagsburg council and court master Philipp-Reinhard von Schwalbach († 1646).


Coat of arms of the von Schwalbach family, after Johann Siebmacher, 1605

Gernant Philipps von Schwalbach "housewife" Agneß was the godmother of the daughter Barbara Agnes of Johann von Schwalbach in Fulda in 1615, perhaps a natural daughter of the abbot himself. Barbara Schenk von Schweinsberg (1584–1638), wife of the Marburg court judge Eitel von Berlepsch ( 1577-1625). Philipp Gernand von Schwalbach was married to Anna Agnes Riedesel von Bellersheim (1587–1636). His daughter Maria Russina (Rosina) von Schwalbach († 1698) married Johann von Nordeck zur Rabenau - Odenhausen (1621–1686) in 1660 .

Gernand Philipp von Riedt († 1710) zu Heddernheim , Bassenheim and Geisenheim , son of Andreas Jost von Riedt († 1640) and Anna Margreth Kettig von Bassenheim, brother of Mainz Cathedral Chapter Georg Anton von Riedt (1642–1718, resigned 1680) and nephew of Mainz canon Emmerich Heinrich von Riedt († 1626), was probably a godchild of Gernandt Philipp von Schwalbach.

A Gernand Philipp Winckes appears in Mombach in 1698 as the father of a baptized person ; In view of the rare first name and the physical proximity, there was also a relationship with Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach.


There was a red cope in the sacristy of Mainz Cathedral . A silver, gold-plated ball hung on its back label , on which “ Gernandus Philippus a Schwalbach Cantor Mog. MDCXLVII (= 1647) "was probably a testamentary bequest .


  • Letters from Gernand (Bernhard) Philipp von Schwalbach to Count Peter von Holzappel (1589–1648), 1643; Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz (holdings 47 Reichsgrafschaft Holzappel and Herrschaft Schaumburg, factual files 15972, pages 157, 184)


  • Gernandt [Philipp] von Schwalbach: Memorandum ; Marburg, February 5, 1636. In: Wilhelm Nebel: Something about the noble von Hatzfeld family . In: Archives for Hessian history and antiquity 6 (1851), pp. 159–166 ( Google Books )
  • Gernand (Bernhard) Philipp von Schwalbach: Memoriale , 1642. In: From the ex Capite Amnestiae & Gravaminum, according to the measure of the Westphalian peace agreement, the spots to be ceded in Holtzhausen . In: Anton Faber: European State Cantzley , Vol. XCI. Weber, Nürnberg 1747, pp. 680–744, especially pp. 699–701 ( Google Books )
  • Gernandus Philippus à Schuvalbach: In Laudem Autoris, & operis . In: Johann Philipp von Vorburg: Ex Historia Romano-Germanica Primitiae . Nikolaus Bencard, Johann Friedrich Weiß, Frankfurt am Main / Würzburg 1643/45 ( digitized version from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)


  • Günther Rauch: The Mainz Cathedral Chapter in Modern Times. On the constitution and self-image of a noble spiritual community , Part III. In: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 94. Canonical Department 63 (1977), pp. 132–179, especially p. 140 ( Google Books ; limited preview).

Individual evidence

  1. a b cf. Damian Hartard von und zu Hattstein : Die Hoheit des Teutschen Reichs-Adels , vol. I. Johann Martin Göbhardt, Bamberg 1751, p. 534, cf. Pp. 531 and 532 ( Google Books ; partly imprecise).
  2. Certificate dated 10./20. November 1584; Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (holdings of 121 feudal archives, documents, von Rodenhausen 1584 November 10/20).
  3. Cf. Günther Rauch: The Mainz Cathedral Chapter in Modern Times. On the constitution and self-image of a noble spiritual community , Part III. In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History 94. Canonical Department 63 (1977), pp. 132–179, esp. P. 140.
  4. Document dated March 14, 1603; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Principality of Siegen, State archive - documents, no. 374).
  5. See documents of April 27 and July 16, 1571; Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (inventory 121 feudal archives, deeds, von Schwalbach 1571 April 27 and 1571 July 16; cf. inventory 1063, No. 229 and others): Landgrave Ludwig IV of Hessen-Marburg and Philipp von Isenburg, Count of Büdingen, feoff Gernandt , Gerhardt and Konrad Adam von Schwalbach, brothers, † Peters sons, like their father and their grandfather † Gernand with the village of Vollnkirchen.
  6. From Schwäbisch Hall , younger brother of Thomas Schweicker (1540 / 41-1602), matriculated in Tübingen, master's degree in 1577, teacher in Kreuznach , expelled there as a Lutheran around 1587, rector in Weilburg from 1588 to 1593 , "Ludimoderator" in 1596 and "1598" 4th Classis Praeceptor ”in Frankfurt am Main.
  7. a b c Cf. Nikolaus Gottfried Eichhoff: History of the Herzoglich-Nassauisches Landesgymnasium in Weilburg . L. E. Lanz, Weilburg 1840, pp. 28 and 40 ( Google Books ).
  8. ^ Letter from Anna Margaretha Echter von Mespelbrunn geb. von Bicken († 1667) and Johann Schweikhard von Sickingen (1592–1666) to Gernand Philipp von Schwalbach and Hans Heinrich von Ehrenberg (1580–1647) on March 29, 1637 from Tauberbischofsheim with the announcement of the death of [Maria] Anna Catharina von Rodenstein († 1637), widow of Karl Rudolf Echter von Mespelbrunn (1592–1635); Heidelberg University Library (Ernst Fischer estate; Hs. 4187 IE 36).
  9. a b cf. Gernand (Bernhard) Philipp von Schwalbach: Memoriale , 1642. In: From the ex Capite Amnestiae & Gravaminum, spots to be ceded according to the Westphälischen peace agreement . In: Anton Faber: European State Cantzley , Vol. XCI. Weber, Nürnberg 1747, pp. 680-744, especially pp. 699-701.
  10. Cf. Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (inventory 170 II Principality of Nassau-Orange: transcripts of documents, no. 1602).
  11. Cf. Günter Christ: Kurmainzische statehood in the Amorbach area . In: Friedrich Oswald, Wilhelm Störmer (ed.): The Amorbach Abbey in the Odenwald . Jan Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1984, pp. 405-422, especially p. 415; there misprint: "1601".
  12. Mainz Hereditary Marshal, bailiff to Amorbach, Buchen and Walldürn, Oberhofmarschall, a great-nephew of Archbishop of Mainz Sebastian von Heusenstamm († 1555).
  13. Cf. Friedrich Ritsert: History of the Lords and Counts of Heusenstamm . In: Correspondence sheet of the Gesamtverein der Deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumsvereine 32 (1884), pp. 8–10, 21–23, 32–34, 38–41, 48–50, 54–56, 62f, 72–75, 89f, 93-109, especially p. 102f ( digitized at
  14. See list of all potentates, choirs and princes, clergymen and secular graves, lords and estates of the empire ... so ... were personally at the coronation held at Frankfurt . O. O. 1612 ( Google Books ); Hieronymus Oertel: Chronologia or historical description of all war indignities and sieges of the places and. Fourth Thai of the Hungry and Siberian Warfare. Chronologia Ungarica… , Vol. IV. Self-published, Nuremberg 1613, Appendix p. 270 ( Google Books ).
  15. Cf. Anton Chroust (arrangement): The Reichstag of 1613 . (Letters and files on the history of the Thirty Years War in the times of the predominant influence of the Wittelsbachers 11). M. Rieger, Munich 1909, p. 562.
  16. See Johann Friedrich Schannat: Historia fuldensis . Johann Benjamin Andreae / Henrich Hort, Frankfurt am Main 1729, p. 78 ( Google Books ).
  17. a b Cf. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (inventory 255 Reichskammergericht, No. S 45).
  18. ^ Document dated February 14, 1627; State main archive Koblenz (holdings 20 Landgraviate Hessen Darmstadt, 02 Lehnhof, 06 von Schwalbach, certificate 70).
  19. She married Stephan Ritter zu Grünstein (1607–1657), Rittmeister of the Mainz Life Guard, tomb of the couple in the Catholic parish church of St. Valentin zu Kiedrich.
  20. Cf. Johann Baptist Rady: Chronicle of Ockstadt. According to documents of the v. Franckenstein's archives in Ockstadt and Ullstadt . Bernhard Ekey, Friedberg 1893, p. 6 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  21. See Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (inventory E 12, No. 295/6); Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (holdings 121 feudal archives, documents, von Schwalbach 1634 January 9; holdings 1, no. 1660) and a.
  22. See documents from February 17, 1603 October 15, 1691; Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (inventory 121 feudal archives, deeds, von Schwalbach, 1603 February 17; von Esch, 1691 October 15; cf. inventory 121 feudal archives, deeds, Schwalbach, No. 1, and Bergen, no. 3; inventory 150 Principality of Nassau- Weilburg, No. 1899).
  23. a b document dated April 12, 1625; Wertheim State Archives (R-US: Rosenberg Archives, 1625 April 12).
  24. ^ Document of November 28, 1616; Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (holdings Document 75 Reichsabtei, Stift, Nr. 1781).
  25. Cf. Institute for City History Frankfurt am Main (Council Supplications 1.617, Vol. III).
  26. Cf. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (inventory 90 Fulda, imperial abbey and diocese until 1802, prince abbots, state sovereignty, imperial and district matters, foreign affairs, no. B 308).
  27. See Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (inventory 90 Fulda, imperial abbey and diocese until 1802, prince abbots, state sovereignty, imperial and district matters, foreign affairs, no. B 237).
  28. See Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (inventory 90 Fulda, imperial abbey and diocese until 1802, prince abbots, state sovereignty, imperial and district matters, foreign affairs, no. B 1693).
  29. See Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (inventory 90 Fulda, imperial abbey and diocese until 1802, prince abbots, state sovereignty, imperial and district matters, foreign affairs, no. B 1362).
  30. Cf. Lower Saxony State Archives - Osnabrück location (old signature: Section 1, No. 39); Hermann Forst: Political correspondence of Count Franz Wilhelm von Wartenberg, Bishop of Osnabrück from the years 1621–1631 . (Publications from the K. Prussian State Archives 68). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1897, p. 283.
  31. a b documents from April 1 and August 1, 1626; Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (holdings 331, U 494 and 497); Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (holdings Document 75 Reichsabtei, Stift, No. 1823).
  32. Cf. Karl Anton Schaab: History of the City of Mainz , Bd. IF Kupferberg, Mainz 1841, p. 557, cf. P. 539.
  33. See Austrian State Archives Vienna (House, Court and State Archives, Reichshofrat, Alte Prager Akten, K 93, No. 2207).
  34. See Austrian State Archives Vienna (House, Court and State Archives, Reich Chancellery, Imperial Councilors 6-85).
  35. ^ Georg Glebe, Johann Melchior Rohland: Observationes Iuridicae De Mandatis Sine Clausulis Sive Puris . Mechler, Erfurt 1630 ( digitized version of the key page in the joint library network).
  36. a b Cf. Gernandt [Philipp] von Schwalbach: Memorandum ; Marburg, February 5, 1636. In: Wilhelm Nebel: Something about the noble von Hatzfeld family . In: Archive for Hessian history and antiquity 6 (1851), pp. 159–166.
  37. See document of November 29, 1636; Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (holdings B 15 documents of the von Dalberg family (Kämmerer v. Worms called v. Dalberg), no. EVIDENCE); Worms City Archives (Dept. 159 U 24/20).
  38. a b cf. Ignatius Gropp: Wirtzburgische Chronick Deren letzte Zeiten , Vol. I. Markus Antonius Engmann, Würzburg 1748, p. 487 ( Google Books ).
  39. a b c cf. Georg Christian Joannis , Jean Mabillon : Rervm Mogvntiacarum , Bd. II. Johann Maximilian von Sande, Frankfurt am Main 1722, pp. 335 and 397 ( Google Books ).
  40. ^ Certificate of May 26, 1638; State Archives Würzburg (St. Ferrutius Bleidenstadt Abbey Documents, No. 86).
  41. See Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (inventory 255 Reich Chamber of Commerce, No. B 84).
  42. See Heinrich Günther von Thulemeyer : Tractatio de bulla aurea, argentea, plumbea et cerea . Johann Melchior Bencard, Frankfurt am Main 1697, pp. 32–44, esp. Pp. 34f and 37 (Latin and German; Google Books ).
  43. Cf. Viktor Loewe: France, Austria and the election of Archbishop Johann Philipp von Mainz in 1647 . In: West German Journal for History and Art 16 (1897), pp. 172–188, esp. P. 180.
  44. His paternal grandparents were Peter von Schwalbach († 1570) and Katharina von Heusenstamm († 1564), his maternal grandparents Philipp Rode († 1599) von Burg-Schwalbach and (⚭ before 1544) Anna vom Stein.
  45. a b cf. Fritz Viktor Arens: The inscriptions of the city of Mainz from early Christian times to 1650 . (The German inscriptions 2.2). Druckmüller, Waldsee 1958, p. 327.
  46. See Würzburg State Archives (MRA Fulda K 307/189).
  47. Cf. to him Hermann Wilhelm Obenol: Christian corpse sermon, Bey funerary weyland of ... Junckherrn Philip-Reinhardten von Schwalbach ... The ... Herr Georg Wilhelm, Count of Leiningen ... advice and Hoffmeister who was on May 21st. v. of this 1646th year ... is secluded . Lucius, Rinteln 1647.
  48. See entry from December 2, 1615; Baptismal register of the parish church of Fulda.
  49. Freiherrliche Häuser , Vol. XXI. (Genealogical manual of the nobility 120). Starke, Limburg 1999, p. 285.
  50. See marriage speech of April 12, 1671 with Agnes von Meschede († 1724); Anton Fahne: Chronicles and document books of outstanding families, donors and monasteries , Vol. I. No. 498, J. M. Heberle, Cologne 1862, p. 308.
  51. ^ Regest of a document from November 19, 1674 from Mainz; Hans von Zwiedineck ( arr .): The Count's Lamberg Family Archives at Feistritz Castle near Ilz , Part I. In: Contributions to the exploration of Styrian historical sources 30 (1899), pp. 221–387, especially p. 294; Probes of nobility from November 25, 1749 in: Leopold Nedopil (arrangement): German probes of nobility from the German Order Central Archive . Wilhelm Braumüller, Vienna 1868, p. 131.
  52. Cf. Fritz Viktor Arens: The inscriptions of the city of Mainz from early Christian times to 1650 . (The German inscriptions 2.2). Druckermüller, Waldsee 1958, p. 312.
  53. Online at