Indigenous structural adjustment protest in Ecuador 2019

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The Indigenous Structural Adjustment Protest in Ecuador 2019 was a series of nationwide protests in Ecuador that took place from October 2, 2019 to October 13, 2019, following the proclamation of Decree No. 883 by the Lenín Moreno government. The government ministry reported that 1,330 people were arrested, 435 police officers injured and 132 roadblocks erected. Lenín Moreno's economic policy complies with the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund .

Both the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (FUT), the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador ( CONAIE ) and the Frente Popular expressed their opposition to the economic policies of the government of Lenín Moreno. The Federation of Public Transport Cooperatives (FENACOTIP) and groups associated with the Movimiento Revolución Ciudadana , chaired by Rafael Correa , were conspicuous as opposition .

The protests were judged to be similar to the mutiny in Ecuador in 2010 on September 30, 2010, which also led to the declaration of a state of emergency. On October 4, FENACOTIP called for work to be resumed, the other organizations involved continued their protests. CONAIE called for meetings in Quito, which prompted the Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador to protect the city and the seat of government, the Palacio de Carondelet .

In addition to the officially lamented losses, the violent confrontation claimed several lives, including Inocencio Tucumbi, a functionary of the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE)

Synoptic representation of the conflict

The formation, omission and dissolution of coalitions is of essential importance for the course of a conflict. For a short time, lines of conflict can be shown how this happens in the Ficha de conflicto or in German-language for military campaigns.

The conflict was carried out with civilian means, both parties to the conflict largely maintained a proportionality of the means.

Keyword: Manifestaciones en Ecuador de 2019

Suspension of the petrol subsidy Se derogó el decreto 883 pero no hubo un fin real al conflicto.
Casus Belli Adopted by economic laws and setting the subsidy of gasoline .
output Suspension of economic policy decrees, continuation of gasoline subsidies.

Triggering moment

  • Economic policy of Lenín Moreno's government
  • End of subsidy for gasoline


  • Withdrawal of economic measures and resumption of the petrol subsidy.
  • Lenín Moreno was impeached
  • Resignation of the defense and government ministers

Forms of protest

Government action

  • Imposition of a state of emergency
  • Temporary curfew in the Metropolitan District of Quito 3 4
  • Use of agent provocateurs
  • Transfer of the seat of government from Quito to Guayaquil
  • Suspension of school lessons
  • At least 10 dead protesters
  • 1340 injured protesters 13
  • 1192 protesters arrested


  • Duration: 2. – 13. October 2019
  • Resumption of the gasoline subsidy
  • Appointment of a commission to work out economic policy legislation.


Government camp

  • 133 policías heridos
  • 16 policías retenidos (ya liberados)
  • 27 periodistas retenidos (ya liberados)


  • Al menos 6 fallecidos
  • 937 heridos
  • 1121 detenidos
Illustration of the nationwide protests.

Government camp

Political parties


International popularity


  • Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador CONAIE
  • Front Unitario de Trabajadores
  • Frente Popular
    • FEUE
    • JRE
  • Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Transporte Público de Pasajeros del Ecuador , FENACOTIP October 3rd and 4th 2019

Political parties


  • Mesías Tatamuez
  • Nelson Erazo
  • Yaku Pérez Guartambel

International perception


Famulant protest

From May 1 to September 7, 2019, the medical interns gathered and protested against the decreed reduction in their scholarships.

Hunger strikes

Protest in Guayaquil during Jornada Nacional organized by the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (FUT) on September 5, 2019.

On July 23, 2019, a group of retired teachers went on a hunger strike in front of the parliament in Quito , demanding that their severance payments be paid in cash. On July 28th in Santo Domingo de los Colorados and on August 5th in the Plaza Vicente Rocafuerte in Guayaquil , other groups of retirees joined this form of protest. Finally, the hunger strike ended on August 6, 2019 after an agreement was reached to pay the severance payments in the form of loans that would be issued at the Banco del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS).

On September 2, retired employees of the Corporación Nacional de Electricidad (CNEL) went on hunger strike at the same place where the retired teachers obtained their severance pay. They were supported in their nationwide mobilization on September 5, 2019 by the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (FUT).

Protests in Carchi Province

On Tuesday, September 24, 2019, protests began in Carchi province against what the population calls marginalization by the government in Quito. The protests were supported by the Prefecture of Carchi Province, led by Guillermo Bernardino Herrera Villarreal, and the trade unions. The forms of action used in this protest included meetings on the board of governors, agitated assemblies and roadblocks. The strike was lifted on September 30, 2019 after the government agreed on twelve commitments.

Economic policy measures

Lenín Moreno on May 24, 2017 on his way to parliament for his inauguration as head of the executive branch.

At 8 p.m. UTC − 5 on October 1, 2019, Lenín Moreno announced six economic measures and 13 proposals to boost the economy on national television. VAT should remain at 12% and the measures are aimed at reactivating the productive sector, creating jobs and improving the protection of the most vulnerable. In a speech announcing the non-increase in VAT, he made the following further announcements:

  1. Removal of price control for diesel fuel , motor gasoline and "ecopaís" ( E10 (fuel) ).
  2. The increase of a subsistence allowance from 50 to 65 USD per month for people in poverty, extreme poverty (418 215 families) or with 40% physical or mental impairment (26 433 people) and the increase in the Mis Mejores Años pension from 100 to 115 USD ( 67 067 pensioners wmd). Increase in a pension for severely disabled Bono Joaquín Gallegos Lara from USD 240 to 255 (31,972 severely disabled)
  3. The abolition or lowering of tariffs on machines and agricultural and industrial raw materials.
  4. The lifting of import duties on mobile devices
  5. Providing one billion USD for mortgage loans in November 2019 at an interest rate of 4.99%.
  6. Fixed-term follow-up employment contracts 20% below the minimum wage.
  7. The dismissal of 23,000 civil servants.

He also announced the following legislative initiatives in parliament :

  1. A charge over three years from companies that have a gain of more than 10 million USD have each year.
  2. Banana income tax reduction .
  3. The automatic refund of VAT when exporting products.
  4. The abolition of advance payments on income tax.
  5. The reduction to half of the impuesto a la salida de divisas (ISD foreign exchange export tax ) insofar as these are used to import listed import products.
  6. The reduction in tax on vehicles under $ 32,000 for productive use.
  7. The reduction of vacation time for public employees from 30 to 15 days a year, with the exception of public safety and social services.
  8. Submission of the salary of one day per month from public workers.
  9. The application of labor reforms to new contracts (removal of collective bargaining coverage).
  10. The creation of new contractual arrangements for those who start a business.
  11. Creation of a replacement contract in the event of maternity and paternity leave and a catastrophic illness.
  12. Facilities for teleworking .
  13. New form of company pension: employers increase the monthly contribution for new employees by 2%. This value can be invested in the Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) or in private funds.

12 days in October 2019

October 2, 2019, Wednesday

The following day, this paquetazo neoliberal (package of economic policy measures) received the official rejection of the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (FUT), the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador ( CONAIE ), the Frente Popular and the Parlamento Laboral , which at the same time declared their resistance and became one Called a series of meetings against it. On the same day, Abel Gómez Cevallos announced that the Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Transporte Público de Pasajeros del Ecuador and the Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Transporte Interprovincial de Pasajeros (Fenacotip) would cease work on October 3, 2019. The Unidad Popular expressed its rejection and called for an eventful meeting in Quito, against a feared ban on the organization by the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE). In the evening, a group of demonstrators blocked the Puente de la Unidad Nacional, which connects Durán with Samborondón , in the province of Guayas , and two people were arrested ( situation ).

October 3, 2019, Thursday

In order to minimize the effect of the announced work stoppage in public transport, the government suspended classes in schools and public educational institutions on October 3rd. In Guayaquil, the Autoridad de Tránsito Municipal de Guayaquil reported that there was undisturbed traffic until taxi drivers blocked Calle Machala ( Lage ) and Calle Brasil ( Lage ) in the afternoon , whereupon public transport in Guayaquil was suspended. The Guayas city government canceled all mass events until October 6, 2019. In Cuenca there was no public transport on that day " Hoy No Circula " a state that had never been experienced in Cuenca. During the night, the Federación Nacional de Transporte Pesado decided not to participate in the strike, but to enter into a dialogue with the government. A congregation moved from the Universidad Central del Ecuador to the official residence of the President, Palacio de Carondelet . The Policía Nacional del Ecuador fired tear gas grenades into the gathering. Luis Tipantuña was hit in the head by a tear gas grenade and lost an eye ( location ). The protests lasted into the night, the Policía Nacional del Ecuador dissolved the meeting in the vicinity of the Eugenio Espejo hospital ( location ). Flights from Quito airport were canceled because passengers were prevented from reaching the airport by blockades at the Conector Alpachaca ( location ). Students from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito tried to curb air pollution in Cumbayá and tried to extinguish the tires that taxi drivers had set on fire, whereupon the taxi drivers threatened them with fence posts. In Cuenca , a gathering of young people moved to the Plaza Abdón Calderón , where the Cámara de Transporte de Cuenca has its headquarters, and supported the protest against the economic policy measures ( situation ) with statements . The partial failure of public transport led to car pooling. The walker and mayoral candidate Jefferson Pérez also offered his potential voters in Cuenca a ride. In Manta , Montecristi , Jaramijó and Santo Domingo the access roads to the cities were blocked by cooperative taxis and in Loja the bus station remained empty. Today's protests recorded 350 prisoners, including Marlon Santi , coordinator of Pachakutik , and Jairo Gualinga , youth leader of the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador ( CONAIE ); and 35 injured.

October 4, 2019, Friday

Since the morning hours patrolierten the Military of Ecuador and the Policía Nacional del Ecuador in Esmeraldas , to dispel crowds and to support the provision of transport services. In Ambato (Ambato) the announcement of an eventful meeting at the seat of the governor led to the closure of the building by the Unidad de Mantenimiento del Orden to include the government of the Tungurahua province , on this occasion there were clashes with the police, which are part of the Tungurahua indigenous movement Attributed to (MIT) Agents Provocateurs .

In the province of Cotopaxi , indigenous people and farmers from Pujilí , Saquisilí near Latacunga and Salcedo in Latacunga gathered after they had gathered in the center of Pujilí. In Cuenca, the Cuenca Justice Complex was the target of an eventful gathering after the arrest of Messiah Vicuña and Manolo Solís, officials of the transport cooperatives. Meanwhile, in Manabí, the roadblocks between the main cities of the province remained in place . In Imbabura province , indigenous people forced a group of police officers to stay. In Cayambe (city) , the Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador shot a gathering with rubber bullets and lost two buses. A meeting was held on 9 de Octubre Avenue in Guayaquil and one person was arrested. On the part of the transport workers, there were voices in favor of resuming work, for a dialogue with the government in order to mediate demands for the release of colleagues and higher fares. While the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores , the Frente Popular and the CONAIE called for a general strike on October 9, 2019.

October 5, 2019, Saturday

Closed ticket offices at the Guayaquil bus station due to the lack of inter-provincial buses due to the closure of roads

In the cities and in overland traffic there were disruptions from protesters. In Riobamba , shops in the markets remained closed for fear of looting, meetings took place during the day, and police were drawn up in front of government buildings. In the province of Cotopaxi , the Movimiento Indígena y Campesino de Cotopaxi (MICC) announced an unlimited road closure. A procedure that could already be observed in the provinces of Cañar, Azuay and Loja on three provincial roads of the Ecuadorian Austro. The Cerro Pilishurco de Tungurahua was occupied by indigenous people, which is why the local FM relay station for Ambato was out of order.

After the taxi cooperatives had ended their strike the day before, the Agencia Nacional de Tránsito (ANT) decided a maximum limit of 32% for the increase in tariffs for intra- provincial and inter-provincial passenger transport services.

In the evening, the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador ( CONAIE ) decreed a state of emergency for the indigenous territory and announced the appointment of the personnel of the state organs in order to subject them to a Baño de ortiga (to pillory indigenous people). Such vigilante justice was already taking place in the town of Alausí, where 47 soldiers were held until the governor's arrival.

October 6, 2019, Sunday

The city council of Quito suspended Bicycle Sunday to ensure mobility and road safety in the city. In the morning, Vía Colectora Riobamba-Ambato-Quito was opened to vehicle traffic. When supporters of the Cotopaxi indigenous movement gathered in the Panzaleo sector, a contingent of police was sent to the site to prevent a blockade. At kilometer 58 of Vía Colectora 582 Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal around noon, there was the first death, Raúl Chilpe, who had been hit by a driver trying to avoid a gantry barrier. While the municipality of Guayaquil: Cynthia Viteri announced that it will refrain from increasing the price of cantonal transport, other municipalities want to pass the fuel price increases on to passengers. Other mayors, like Lucía Sosa in Esmeraldas, reject such an increase in driving prices; Some transport companies are already collecting the fare increase. In the evening, government minister María Paula Romo and defense minister Oswaldo Jarrín denounced alleged false reports on national television.

October 7, 2019, Monday

Vigil against the administration of the Rector Roberto Passailaigue of the University of Guayaquil.

The government suspended teaching in the Sierra Region (Interandina Region of Ecuador) when the indigenous protest began. While the traffic remained disrupted, a moving gathering of indigenous people approached Quito . Lenín Moreno continued to call for a dialogue with indigenous organizations, but refused to withdraw the economic policy measures, while the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores , the Frente Popular and the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE) announced that they would accept the dialogue, when these economic policies are withdrawn and announced the arrival of 20,000 indigenous people in Quito. In Guaranda , the seat of government of the province of Bolívar was occupied by indigenous people and peasants of the Federación de Organizaciones Campesinas de Bolívar , after officials from the offices of the Ministry of Transport and Works, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, (MTOP), the prefecture , the mayor's office, the Ministry of Education, the fire brigade and other institutions had joined them. In Quito, the indigenous people overcame the military and police line and moved south to the center along Maldonado Avenue .

In Sucumbíos , MP Yoffre Poma ( Revolución Ciudadana ), provincial prefect Amado Chávez and seven other people were arrested. The production of an oil field was interrupted for two hours and 20 minutes. Due to Poma's parliamentary immunity, all of the arrested were moved to Quito, where Judge David Jacho was randomly assigned to conduct the investigation . The attorney general accuses them of an offense of paralysis of the public service . The petroleum company Petroecuador filed a complaint with the prosecutor in Sucumbios for sabotage and an attempt to stop the company's strategic activities. In the province of Cotopaxi and the province of Imbabura there were occupations of the local production plants for milk (parmalat), paper, yoghurt and flowers as well as of 18 farms in the Lasso and Cotacachi sectors ( Cotacachi (city) ). In the evening strangers broke into the office of the Supreme Audit Office and destroyed documents. The incumbent Pablo Celi does not see the perpetrators in the ranks of the indigenous movement and social organizations. The Puente de la Unidad Nacional was secured by military and police forces. President Moreno moved his official residence from Quito to Guayaquil and announced on national television that he would be bringing his government cabinet to the country.

October 8, 2019, Tuesday

The blockades resulted in empty shelves in supermarkets in northern Guayaquil.

Even today, classes across the country were suspended by the government. In Quito, the indigenous people had breakfast in Arbolito Park, later the CONAIE and its allies sought distance from the supporters of Rafael Correa . At noon the parliament was briefly occupied by indigenous people. While the opponents of the strike gathered on the Avenida de los Shyris . In Riobamba ( Province of Chimborazo ), Puyo ( Province of Pastaza ), Macas ( Province of Morona Santiago ) in and Tena ( Province of Napo ) in the administrative buildings of the respective provincial governors were occupied. In Portoviejo, capital of the Manabí province , there was still no taxi or urban bus traffic as part of the national traffic from the blockades. The main roads were blocked and the capital's bus station was closed.

In a national television broadcast, Pablo Celi reported that government officials in Guayaquil had mutually strengthened their backs. In Quito, the police drove indigenous demonstrators out of El Arbolito Park that evening, which is why they set up camp on the campus of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador .

The blockades led to bottlenecks in the supply of shopping centers, which in some cases led to price increases.

October 9, 2019, Wednesday

Old Quito October 9, 2019 during the nationwide general strike.

On the day of Guayaquil's 199 years of independence, activities planned for that reason were suspended. The day before, Jaime Nebot and Cynthia Viteri announced the organization of the “Marcha por la Paz” against the mobilizations. This counter-march began in the early afternoon in Parque Centenario (Guayaquil).

For their part, the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores and the Frente Popular planned to hold an eventful meeting at the same place as part of the nationwide general strike planned by these organizations, this was dissolved and later groups of Paquetazo opponents tried to assemble on Avenida Nueve de Octubre .

The gathering of opponents of the Paquetazo continued in Quito , the old town of Quito was cordoned off by police forces. At least one police officer was injured in a Molotov cocktail, which caused burns between the second and third degrees, while protesters came to the intersection of Guayaquil and Sucre Streets. During the night, the police attacked the Paqutazo opponents' night camps in Parque El Arbolito, the campus of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, with tear gas . CONAIEI reported deaths for which they made Moreno, the government minister María Paula Romo and the defense minister Oswaldo Jarrín responsible. At a press conference, Minister Romo asked for a public apology and promised that this would not happen again. In Cañar , the sixth provincial government building was occupied by the opponents of the Paquetazo.

October 10, 2019, Thursday

Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana en Quito during the occupation.

At the agora of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana in Quito , indigenous people had forced eight policemen to stay and asked the elders to contact the police commander to demand that the repression measures be stopped and that decree 883 (Paquetazo) be repealed. The chairman of CONAIE , Jaime Froilan Vargas Vargas , demanded the surrender of three indigenous people who had died in the clashes and who were in the Eugenio Espejo Hospital . Mourning ceremonies were held at the same place for these deceased demonstrators, such as the indigenous leader of the Cotopaxi province , Inocencio Tucumbi.

There were 31 journalists on site who, according to CONAIE, "(...) were not kidnapped in order to guarantee the right to information (...)" while the agora was closed for security reasons.

While leaving the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana , taxi driver José Manuel Guacho Anilema hit Teleamazonas journalist Freddy Paredes with a stone on the back of the head.

In Ambato , the Tungurahua Province government building was occupied by opponents of the paquetazos. In Cuenca , the provincial prefect Yaku Pérez Guartambel organized a popular assembly, while the Unidad Popular of that province claimed that its deputy party leader, Sebastián Cevallos Vivar, was wanted by the police. As in Quito, Ethine, who lived there, mourned her deceased protester that night in Cantón Saraguro .

On landing the Vice-President Otto Holzner sun on the airport Quito 16 foreigners and Ecuadorians were arrested, which could not identify.

October 11, 2019, Friday

Police line in Quito.

Traffic on the Puente de la Unidad Nacional normalized after the curfew ended and was released for selected intercantonal and interprovincial passenger transport cooperatives, which served the bus station in Guayaquil. In Quito, the Ministry of the Interior monitored the areas around the indigenous campuses of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana ( location ) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador , ( location ): Avenida Patria ( location ), Calle Madrid ( location ), Avenida 12 de Octubre ( Location ), Avenida Gran Colombia ( Location ), Calle Toledo ( Location ) and Queseras de Medio ( Location ).

The attempt of a group of indigenous people next to the moving assembly of CONAIE to the old town of Quito to reach the parliament was thwarted by mounted police with tear gas . Indigenous groups from the Amazon region also arrived in Quito.

In Guayaquil, mayors including Quito, Jorge Yunda and Raúl Delgado, mayors of Paute and President of the Association of Municipalities (AME), worked with President Moreno to find ways to contain the protests.

It was reported that Salvador Quishpe forwarded a document from CONAIE to United Nations mediators. Jaime Vargas, the chairman of CONAIE, had the mandate to negotiate with the government. It was stated that she would accept the dialogue on the terms of the revision or repeal of Decree 883.

October 12, 2019, Saturday, Columbus Day

The opposition to the government gathered for the Día de la resistencia indígena .

In Guayas on October 9th, Governor Pedro Pablo Duart called on merchants, restaurant owners and nightclubs to work normally during the Dia de la Raza , while the normalization of bus traffic was announced throughout the coastal region. At Quito normal flight operations took place and even the road access to the Ruta Viva and Ruta Collas were repaired.

In the early hours of the morning in Quito, police attacked a gathering near Parliament with tear gas and rubber bullets .

In the afternoon, Teleamazona's facilities were set on fire with Molotov cocktails . Arson attempted at the El Comercio newspaper publisher in Quito . People broke into the building of the Contraloría General de la República de Ecuador (Court of Auditors) and caused property damage . Lenín Moreno then issued a curfew on Quito from 3:00 p.m. UTC − 5 , while the curfew remained unchanged in the rest of the country.

He had previously announced that he would review the decree on the abolition of subsidies after the CONAIE announced that it would accept the direct dialogue in which the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores and the Frente Popular would also take part .. The afternoon flight to Quito airport was after Guayaquil diverted.

The early curfew was answered by the population with a nightly cacerolazo , the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana was occupied by indigenous people and surrounded by security forces.

In Guayaquil, the CONAIE , Frente Unitario de Trabajadores and the Frente Popular called for meetings in the morning and in the afternoon on Avenida Nueve de Octubre in the Parque Centenario and in the square of the Iglesia San Francisco ( Lage ), where the security forces were massaged.

In the Parque Centenario ( Lage ) an assembly was formed, which moved in the direction of the escaped government in the building of the Gobierno Zonal de Guayaquil in the Avenida Francisco de Orellana ( Lage ). Moreno then escaped to the ECU 911 civil protection center in La Puntilla ( Samborondón ) ( Lage ) and gave a televised address there.

October 13, 2019, Sunday

Moreno had ordered the curfew for Quito indefinitely. In the afternoon he picked them up, not least so that the CONAIE government meeting could take place in Quito. In the morning, Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner met with around 10 social organizations, including the Confederación Intercultural de Pueblos y Nacionalidades (Amaru) and the Asociación de Negros, at the ECU 911 disaster control center in La Puntilla ( Samborondón ) ( Lage ) .

In the evening the CONAIE government meeting took place in Quito , at which the repeal of Decree 883 was agreed. The repeal of Decree 883 came into effect on the morning of October 15, 2019.

That same night, the indigenous leaders called for peace on the streets and made the streets passable.


In Ecuador

State institutions

  • Defensoría del Pueblo : Condemns police violence and draws attention to the alleged existence of detainees outside the Unidades de Delitos Flagrantes (public prosecutor's office used to enforce law in the event of timely violations).
  • Fiscalía General del Estado (General Prosecutor's Office): She informed the public about the classification of paralysis of the public service as a criminal offense.
  • Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social : In a statement, she called on the government to review the measures taken and to uphold respect for rights and freedom of expression. Finally, he offers himself as a mediator between the opposing parties.
  • Concejo Cantonal de Cuenca : 10 of the 15 city councilors rejected the economic measures, opposed vandalism and violence and demanded the release of detainees.

Non-governmental institutions

  • Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos : the police refused to use excessive force against demonstrators and asked Maria Paula Romo (Minister of Government, responsible for procedural rules) to investigate the operations
  • Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana : Rejects acts of violence against personnel and emergency vehicles of the Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana .
  • Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana : It calls for dialogue between entrepreneurs, politicians and committees.


    • He shows three mutually inconsistent concepts for generating the prime costs for fuels:
      • Offsetting economy in which taxes and tariffs allow subsidies.
      • Transparent economy in which the price is determined according to the effort (fórmula de Petroecuador )
      • Fuels at a market price. If you cut fuel subsidies, you will also need to cut customs duties, VAT and capital outflow tax.
  • Guillermo Lasso : Rejects acts of violence, calls for dialogue, welcomes the abandonment of taxi cooperatives and invites CONAIE and Unidad Popular to follow suit.



  • United StatesUnited States United States : Michael Kozak , Under Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, said: “The United States is closely monitoring recent events in the country and rejects violence as a form of political protest. They recognize the difficulties of the decisions of the Ecuadorian government and the demands for stability, defense of democracy and security. "
    • United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expressed his support for the Ecuadorian government of Moreno in its efforts to institutionalize democratic practices and carry out necessary economic reforms, “While ensuring that the United States continues to work with the Ecuadorian President to promote democracy, prosperity and To promote safety, they are also aware and vigilant about the involvement of external actors (chavismo). "
  • CanadaCanada Canada : The Canadian ambassador to Ecuador, Sylvie Bédard , supported the established democratic order on the occasion of a first meeting with the Ecuadorian foreign minister José Valencia Amores and called for dialogue and rejected any attempt at destabilization or civil violence.
  • MexicoMexico Mexico : In an official statement, the Mexican government expresses "its concern about the development of the serious events in Ecuador and calls for respect for the rule of law and human rights" and condemns unauthorized violence and excessive repression, and finally called for dialogue and peaceful resolution of the conflict Solidarity with the Ecuadorian people.
  • VenezuelaVenezuela Venezuela :
    • Nicolás Maduro claimed his solidarity with the protesters on Twitter, jokingly took up Moreno's allegations that he was involved in the destabilization of his government and accused the International Monetary Fund .
    • Juan Guaidó on Twitter valued the Moreno government as “for the maintenance and strengthening of the Republic and the institutions of Ecuador” and attributed the protests to a “group financed by Maduro's accomplices” that “wants to end the stability of the country”.
  • SpainSpain Spain : The Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación expressed concern and appreciated the call for dialogue.
  • PeruPeru Peru : Martín Vizcarra expressed his support for President Lenín Moreno and called the demonstrations "an attempt at destabilization".
  • ChileChile Chile : Sebastián Piñera expresses his full support for President Moreno on Twitter.
  • ArgentinaArgentina Argentina Brazil Colombia Guatemala Paraguay Peru In a joint declaration initiated by Colombia, they expressed their rejection of violence in the country, called for dialogue to generate agreements and supported the measures taken by Lenín Moreno to stabilize the economy.BrazilBrazil ColombiaColombia GuatemalaGuatemala ParaguayParaguay PeruPeru 
  • El SalvadorEl Salvador El Salvador : On Twitter, President Nayib Bukele announced that he had not made a statement on Ecuador in response to the news circulated by the Colombian Foreign Ministry, whereupon the Colombian Foreign Ministry announced that the list of countries considered Signatories of the document issued originally included El Salvador but was later corrected.

Supranational organizations

  • Inter-American Commission on Human Rights : expresses "concern about the excessive use of force by the police in Ecuador, as evidenced by images of the repression of social protests" ".
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights : Expresses concern about the violence by placing an obligation on the police to identify and isolate violent elements in the protests. She also stated that the authorities must guarantee the right to demonstrate by force on the basis of legality, necessity, proportionality and responsibility.
  • International Monetary Fund : Supports the implemented measures and announces the continuation of the cooperation with the government.
  • Organization of American States : It condemned acts of violence, including detention of members of state power, called for dialogue and respect for President Moreno, and opposed any coup.


  • Amnesty International : He said that President Moreno had to guarantee that the protesters' human rights were respected and rejected the decision to use the armed forces of Ecuador .
  • Partido Comunista Mexicano : Support for mobilizations against economic measures.
  • Partido Comunista de España (marxista-leninista) (contemporáneo) : Support of the mobilizations and greetings to the Revolutionary Youth (JRE)
  • Nuevo Perú : Solidarity with the mobilization and condemnation of police violence and demand for a declaration from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia : It expressed its solidarity with the indigenous people and ethnic groups of Ecuador.
  • Unidad Popular por el Socialismo (Brasil) : Support for mobilizations and greetings to Partido Comunista Marxista Leninista del Ecuador (PCMLE), their youth organization JRE, CONAIE and the Unidad Popular .
  • Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común She spoke out in favor of mobilizations against economic measures.
  • Madres de Plaza de Mayo : You express your solidarity with the demonstrators, reject the repression and dedicate your march to the Ecuadorian people.

Economy of approval of Moreno's policy

In September 2019, the Mexican consulting firm Consulta Mitofsky determined that President Moreno approved the administration of office with 19%. In July 2019, the survey institute Click Report found that President Moreno approved the office of President Moreno with 15.94%. The polling institute Perfiles de Opinión found in April 2019 24.18% approval of Lenín Moreno's policies. The survey institute Cedatos put the approval of the president in September 2019 at 19.8 percent cuando en agosto de 2017 llegó a alcanzar el 77 por ciento.

Ecuador arrests prefect after Moreno cancels austerity plan

Individual evidence

  1. El Universo , liderado por el expresidente Asambleístas correístas protestan en la Asamblea y piden adelanto de elecciones ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  2. ^ Estudiantes de la Universidad Central Protestaron en la pileta . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  3. a b Transportistas anuncian paro nacional para este jueves 3 de octubre . In: El Diario Ecuador . October 2, 2019. Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  4. a b La Conaie “se deslinda de la plataforma golpista del correismo” ( Spanish-EC ) In: . Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  5. Lenín Moreno decreta estado de excepción en Ecuador y ratifica medidas económicas ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  6. a b Transportistas, buseros y taxistas deponen el paro en Ecuador y no se hacen responsables de actos vandálicos . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  8. Gabriela Rivadeneira , asambleísta por la bancada de la Revolución Ciudadana, pidió al Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, César Litardo, convocar a una sesión extraordinaria para plantear la destitución del Presidente Lenín Moreno por incumplimiento de funciones. El artículo 130 de la Constitución del Ecuador determina que la Asamblea podrá destituir al Presidente de la República en el caso de arrogarse funciones que no le competan constitucionalmente, previo dictamen favorable de la Corte Constitucional o por grave crisis política y conmoción interna. Bancada de la Revolución Ciudadana pide la destitución de Lenín Moreno ( Spanish ) Gkillcity Guayaquil City periodismo-narrativo. October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 19, 2019.
  9. Indígenas piden salida de ministros de Defensa y Gobierno; anuncian acciones contra 'infiltrados' en las movilizaciones El Comercio , Oct. 8, 2019, elcomercio.com0
  10. Conaie entrega a Diez policias a quienes retuvo por casi 10 horas,
  11. reporters-without-borders. medien-im-cross hairs,
  12. Toque de queda, parcial
  13. Incitement to violence by the police, failure to protect the integrity of the person, 5 6 7 8 9 Incitación a la violencia por parte de la fuerza policial, El presidente de la Organización de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA), José Gregorio Díaz Mirabal, ha pedido al Sínodo del Amazonas que se celebra en el Vaticano la solidaridad con sus compañeros en Ecuador y denunciado las violaciones contra la naturaleza y los pueblos originarios., ; La Defensoría del Pueblo de Ecuador confirma 5 muertos durante las protestas, Publicado: 10 oct 2019, ; Defensoría del Pueblo confirma la muerte de un dirigente indígena en Quito vease: El Comercio 10 de octubre de 2019, Defensoría del Pueblo Ecuador. Ecuador Tierra de Derechos . Como # DefensoríaDelPueblo insistimos en el cese inmediato a lareprión. It necesario poner fin a los actos de violencia para iniciar diálogos que nos dirijan a la paz. #EcuadorTierraDeDerechos ; 10 de octubre de 2019, América Latina, La Defensoría del Pueblo de Ecuador confirmó cinco muertos por las protestas, Un manifestante murió en las marchas del miércoles contra la eliminación de los subsidios a los combustibles. Un hombre fue atropellado por un vehículo que supuestamente huía de una manifestación en el sur del país, mientras que otras tres personas aparentemente cayeron de un puente en Quito:
  14. BBC Mundo . Estado de excepción en Ecuador: Lenín Moreno traslada la sede de gobierno de Quito a Guayaquil en medio de las crecientes protestas . Consultado el 7 de octubre de 2019.
  15. Gobierno anuncia suspensión de clases en escuelas y colegios de todo el país el martes 8 de octubre del 2019 . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  21. Cámara de Comercio de Guayaquil,
  22. ^ Partido Social Cristiano (Ecuador), PSC
  31. Los siete países de America Latina que respaldan a Lenín Moreno . In: RT Noticias . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  32. a b El Presidente de Perú, Martín Vizcarra, expresó su respaldo a Lenín Moreno y condenó 'intento de desestabilización' ( Spanish-PE ) In: El Comercio . Retrieved on 8 de octubre de 2019.
  33. Chile respalda al gobierno de Lenin Moreno ante crisis in Ecuador de 2019 . In: Cooperativa Colombia . Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  34. Gobiernos latinoamericanos, la Unión Europea y OEA respaldan a Moreno . In: Ecuavisa Noticias . Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  35. a b Paro nacionalIndígenas de la Amazonía se unen a las protestas de este viernes Cientos se sumaron a las manifestaciones que se desarrollan en Quito, en contra las medidas económicas dispuestas por el Gobierno Nacional. Redacción Expreso-Agencias / Quito / 11 oct 2019 .
  37. En Santo Domingo cinco maestros jubilados continúan con la huelga de hambre ( Spanish ) In: La Hora Noticias de Ecuador, sus provincias y el mundo . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  38. Maestros Jubilados iniciarán huelga de hambre en Guayaquil . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  39. Maestros jubilados firman acuerdo con el Gobierno y levantan la huelga de hambre . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  40. Jubilados de la CNEL cumplen ocho días de huelga de hambre ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . September 9, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  41. Trabajadores saldrán a las calles el 5 de septiembre a protestar contra medidas del Gobierno ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . August 29, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  42. Continúan protestas en Carchi por desatención de gobierno de Ecuador see Prensa Latina , September 26, 2019,
  43. Guillermo Bernardino Herrera Villarreal (born December 7, 1972 in Tulcán - Provincia del Carchi).
  44. Doce compromisos ponen fin al bloqueo de vías en Carchi ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 1, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  45. El Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) informó la tarde de este jueves 3 de octubre del 2019 el número de beneficiarios que recibirán los USD 15 adicionales, anunciados por el presidente Lenín Moreno. Estas son parte de las decisionses económicas que se implementan en el país. A total of 418 215 families in condición de pobreza y extrema pobreza recibían USD 50, for concepto del bono de desarrollo. Hoy, con el incremento, obtendrán USD 65. Quienes acceden a la pensión Mis Mejores Años son 275 239 adultos mayores. El monto era de USD 100 y subirá a 115. Un total 26 433 personas con discapacidad de más del 40% y que están en el Registro Social pasarán de USD 50 a 65. Quienes reciben la pensión Toda una Vida pasarán de USD 100 a 115 . En total son 67 067 beneficiarios. In diciembre del 2017 se implementó una nueva modalidad de bono, al que se le llamó variable. En el Decreto Ejecutivo se señaló que por efecto de este componente el valor máximo que se recibirá será de USD 150. En este grupo están 111 811 familias en extrema pobreza, que recibían hasta USD 150. Hoy tendrán USD 165. La pensión para adultos mayores , que son 85 063 personas, será de USD 65. Antes era de USD 50. Mientras que el bono Joaquín Gallegos Lara, que se entrega a 31 972 personas con discapacidad muy grave, pasará de USD 240 a 255. El MIES además anunció que se incorporará a 300,000 familias como beneficiarias de los bonos que entrega el Gobierno. see daily newspaper Diario EL COMERCIO
  46. Gobierno de Ecuador quitó el subsidio a la gasolina extra y al diésel; el IVA no subirá . In: El Universo . Accessed on October 8, 2019. Art. 27.- Impuesto a la renta único para las actiiiaies iel sector bananero
  47. Lenín Moreno anuncia 6 medidas económicas y 13 propuestas de reforma . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  48. Los manifestantes pusieron una 'placa de la infamia' contra Juan Pablo Pozo (ex presidente del CNE) y aprovecharon la oportunidad para protestar por las medidas econó / RNIlppluol ( Spanish ) In: @Primicias . October 2, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  49. Puente de la Unidad Nacional bloqueado en sentido Durán- Samborondón ( Spanish ) In: Metro Ecuador . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  50. Bloquean Puente de la Unidad Nacional. Gobernador anuncia dos detenidos | La República EC ( Spanish ) October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  51. No habrá clases el jueves 3 de octubre en todo Ecuador ante anúncio de paro ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 2, 2019. Retrieved October 3, 2019.
    Quito y Guayaquil garantizan transporte en buses municipales ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 2, 2019. Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  52. Metrovía suspendió servicio en Guayaquil por falta de garantías . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 3, 2019.
  53. La Intendencia del Guayas suspendió todos los eventos de concurrencia masiva desde el 3 hasta el 6 de octubre . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  54. ^ Federación Nacional de Transporte Pesado no se sumará al paro ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  55. Un estudiante de Derecho fue herido en el ojo durante las protestas en Quito . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  56. ^ Estudiantes de la Universidad Central Protestaron en la pileta . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  57. Paro nacional Ecuador 2019 - Paquete de medidas económicas . In: . Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  58. Quiport informa sobre la cancelación de algunos vuelos en el Aeropuerto de Quito . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  59. Estudiantes de USFQ intentan detener paro en Cumbayá . In: MetroEcuador . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  60. Jóvenes en Cuenca se unen al paro de transporte en rechazo a las medidas económicas ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  61. Así será la Movilización en Quito, Cuenca y Guayaquil por el paro de transporte | Comunidad ( en ) In: Diario Qué . October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  62. Jefferson Pérez, un chofer sin paro . In: . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  63. La Policía Nacional de Pastaza detuvo a Marlon Santi, coordinador Nacional de Pachakutik . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  64. 195 detenidos en el país por vandalismo durante paro ( Spanish ) In: Ecuavisa . October 3, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  65. Estado de excepción en Ecuador: más de 200 detenidos y huelga indefinida en el segundo día de protestas ( Spanish ) In: . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  66. Detienes a 350 personas en las protestas por las medidas económicas del Gobierno de Ecuador ( Spanish ) In: . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  67. Militares y policías se ubicaron en las afueras de la terminal terrestre de Esmeraldas . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  68. Militares prestarán servicio de transporte público Los uniformados se suman al control en las calles por el estado de excepción. . In: . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  69. La movilización de los indígenas alteró a Tungurahua ya Cotopaxi . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  70. Indígenas ecuatorianos se suman al paro contra el "paquetazo" . In: . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  71. La Gobernación de Tungurahua es protegida por la Policía ante el anuncio de una marcha indígena . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  72. La movilización de los indígenas alteró a Tungurahua ya Cotopaxi . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  73. Dos dirigentes del transporte detenidos y más bloqueos en Cuenca . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  74. Acudimos al Complejo Judicial de Cuenca con las gremios sindicales y las organizaciones indígenas para exigir la liberación de los hermanos transportistas Mesías Vicuña y Manolo Solís. Mi solidaridad con todos los detenidos y sus ( Spanish ) In: @yakuperezg . October 4, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  75. Taxistas juegan naipes e índor mientras se mantienen en barricadas en Manta y Portoviejo ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 4, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  76. Movimiento indigena Imbabura #FICI detienen a policias que estaban reprimiendo a manifest antes. La lucha continua en territorios ( Spanish ) In: @Micc_Ec . October 4, 2019. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  77. Denunciamos la utilización de balas de goma contra manifestantes en #Cayambe, la fuerza pública con el estado de excepción ha desencadenado una ola de rereprión brutal. ( Spanish ) In: @Micc_Ec . October 4, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  78. Dos buses militares fueron atacados con piedras en Cayambe . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  79. #Guayaquil Varios detenidos dejan los desmanes que se produjeron durante las manifestaciones. En la Av. 9 de Octubre. ( Spanish ) In: @MetroEcuador . October 4, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  80. [ATENCIÓN Colectivo Unitario, @CONAIE_Ecuador, FUT, Frente Popular, @ecuachaskiecua, FEUE y UGTE, convocan a #HuelgaNacional, el 9 de octubre en todo el país. Continuarán las movilizaciones en oposición a las medidas económicas dispuestas por el Gobierno. # / waebZ1IbNe] ( Spanish ) In: @wambraEc . October 4, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  81. Conaie se mantiene firme en el paro nacional aunque transportistas finalizaron ( Spanish ) In: Metro Ecuador . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  82. Indígenas y frente de trabajadores anuncian que seguirán en las calles ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 5, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  83. Irregular operación del transporte en Quito este sábado 5 de octubre del 2019 . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  84. En Quito el servicio de transporte público no se ha normalizado ( Spanish-es ) In: El Telégrafo - Noticias del Ecuador y del mundo . October 5, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  85. #RIOBAMBA | Policías disparan bombas lacrimógenas en the centro de la ciudad. Se producen enfrentamientos con manifestantes que rechazan las medidas económicas. Hay un fuerte resguardo policial cerca de la Gobernación de Chimborazo Vía: @ Kristhy17 ( Spanish ) In: @elcomerciocom . October 5, 2019. Retrieved October 6, 2019.
  86. Austro de Ecudor: Región Centro Sur de Ecuador includes the provinces Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago, Movimiento Indígena y Campesino de Cotopaxi (MICC) anuncian el cierre indefinido de las vías de la provincia . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
    Tres vías interprovinciales del Austro siguen bloqueadas por los indígenas . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  87. Pilishurco continúa apoderado por los indígenas de Tungurahua y no hay señal en las radios y canales de televisión . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  88. La ANT fija un techo de 32% para incremento de pasajes intra e interprovinciales . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  89. Decreto Estado de Excepción en territorio indígena del Ecuador ante la brutalidad de las fuerzas militares. Militares y policías que se acerquen a nuestros territorios serán retenidos y sometidos a justicia indígena. ( Spanish ) In: @CONAIE_Ecuador . October 5, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  90. 47 militares permanecen retenidos por manifestantes en Alausí . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 5, 2019.
  91. Municipio de Quito suspende el ciclopaseo este domingo 6 de octubre del 2019 . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  92. Protestas y cierres viales continúan en las provincias de la Sierra Centro . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  93. Falleció una persona atropellada en una protesta en Ecuador María Paula Romo, ministra de Gobierno de Ecuador, explico que la víctima fue uno de los manifest antes en la provincia de Azuay,
  94. Cynthia Viteri anuncia que la tarifa del transporte público debe ser fijada por el Gobierno ( Spanish ) In: Metro Ecuador . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  95. Radiografía de las manifestaciones en la provincia de Esmeraldas - La Hora ( Spanish ) In: La Hora Noticias de Ecuador, sus provincias y el mundo . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  96. Mayor parte de buses urbanos de Guayaquil suben a $ 0.40 el pasaje, sin autorización oficial ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 6, 2019. Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  97. Ecuador TV - #AHORA | Siga nuestro programa 'Decisiones ... . Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  98. No hay clases en escuelas y colegios de la Sierra el lunes 7 de octubre del 2019, anuncia el Gobierno de Ecuador . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  99. Paro en Ecuador: Lo que se sabe este lunes 7 de octubre ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 7, 2019. Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  100. Conaie y dicen que FUT 20000 indígenas llegarán a Quito y condicionan diálogo con el Gobierno . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  101. Lenín Moreno propone diálogo a los indígenas . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  102. Indígenas se apoderaron del edificio de la Gobernación de Bolívar . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  103. Marcha indígena avanza por la avenida Maldonado, en el sur de Quito . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  104. Prefecto de Sucumbíos y asambleísta Yofre Poma son detenidos durante manifestaciones . In: Pichincha Universal . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  105. Inicia audiencia en la CNJ contra asambleísta Yofre Poma . In: Diario La Hora . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  106. Por fuero, CNJ definiría situación legal de asambleísta Yoffre Poma, detenido en Lago Agrio . In: El Universo . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  107. Saqueos en Parmalat, florícolas y otras empresas de Cotopaxi e Imbabura . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  108. Pablo Celi apunta a 'profesionales' para destruir documentos en Contraloría . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  109. Pablo Celi señala que en ataque a Contraloria no participaron indígenas, sino una 'banda organizada'; Conaie rechaza al correísmo en su lucha . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  110. Puente de la Unidad Nacional se cierra por motivos de seguridad, en Guayaquil . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  111. Lenín Moreno asegura que se trasladó a Guayaquil; reafirma su posición frente a medidas económicas . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  112. Indígenas desayunan en el parque El Arbolito . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  113. Manifestantes se tomaron la Gobernación de Chimborazo . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 8, 2019. LA GOBERNACION DE MORONA SANTIAGO .... - Roberto Santander ( en ) Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  114. Paro de transportistas: Taxistas cierran puentes y varías vías en Portoviejo ( Spanish ) In: El Diario . Retrieved October 12, 2019.
  115. Poderes del Estado respaldan a Lenín Moreno y piden diálogo . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  116. Indígenas fueron desalojados del parque de El Arbolito con gases y caballos; se albergan en universidades . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  117. Cuenca enfrenta desabastecimiento y suspensión de servicios . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  118. Paro Impacta de abastecimiento y costo de precios de alimentos . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  119. Compradores y vendedores piden que el comercio continúe ( Spanish ) In: Teleamazonas . October 10, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  120. Marcha por la Paz: Ciudadanos de Guayaquil se convocan en la 9 de Octubre ( Spanish ) In: Metro Ecuador . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  121. Marcha del FUT y otras organizaciones fue dispersada con gases lacrimógenos ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 9, 2019. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  122. Paro en Ecuador: Lo que se sabe este miércoles 9 de octubre ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 8, 2019. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  123. Manifestantes pugnan por entrar a la Nueve de Octubre tras marcha por la Democracia ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 9, 2019. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  124. Bombas lacrimógenas cayeron en dos universidades con niños; Ministra de Gobierno se disculpa . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  125. Indígenas fueron desalojados del parque de El Arbolito con gases y caballos; se albergan en universidades . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  126. La CONAIE con profundo dolor comunica al Ecuador que en lareprión desmedida y brutal del día miércoles 09 de octubre, direccionada por las políticasreprivas de @Lenin @mariapaularomo @DefensaEc confirmamos that there are compañeros que perdieron la vida. ( Spanish ) In: @CONAIE_Ecuador . October 9, 2019.
  127. Ministra de Gobierno se disculpa con funcionarios de Politécnica Salesiana que rechaza violencia contra indígenas ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 9, 2019. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  128. Cerca de 7,000 manifestantes se tomaron la Gobernación de Cañar ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 9, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  129. 8 Policías retenidos por indígenas en el Ágora de la Casa de la Cultura en Quito se encuentran en buen estado . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  130. La CONAIE RECHAZA la agresión al periodista paredes, y aclaramos que esto sucedió en exteriores, luego de que la guardia indígena lo resguardara para precautelar su integridad física y asegurar su salida. Estos hechos de violencia NO son motivados por nuestras bases. .
    Los indígenas retienen in Quito a 31 periodistas and 8 policías .
    Policías retenidos por indígenas füron liberadosMiembros de la Policía Nacional füron entregados a personal de Naciones Unidas y la Defensoría. Momentos de tensión se produjeron tras la entrega. Redacción Expreso / Quito / 10 oct 2019 .
    ¡Periodistas y policías son liberados por la Conaie! . In: . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
    Manifestantes indígenas retienen a periodistas de más de 20 medios, La República EC ( Spanish ) October 10, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .; Principal organización indígena de Ecuador rechaza el diálogo - Diario Pagina Siete ( Spanish ) In: . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  131. Periodista Freddy Paredes fue atacado al salir del Ágora de la Casa de la Cultura . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  132. Indígenas se apoderaron de la Gobernación de Tungurahua . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  133. Molleturo ingresa a cuenca - Yaku Perez Guartambel - Prefecto ( en ) Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  134. Basta de persecución, no nos van a amedrentar, el pueblo unido jamás será vencido, solidaridad compañero @sebastcevallos denunciamos burda persecución a luchadores sociales y hacemos responsables por su integridad a la @goberazuay @UnidadXPopularG @ / VnidadXpopularG @ ( Spanish ) In: @UnidadPopularAz . October 10, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  135. En el group de 17 detenidos en el aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre, hubo 16 extranjeros y un ecuatoriano . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  136. Paro en Ecuador: Lo que se sabe este viernes 11 de octubre ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 11, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  137. Un grupo de la marcha indígena se dirige al edificio de la Asamblea Nacional . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  138. La Asociación de Municipalidades del Ecuador buscará que movimiento indígena termine la paralización ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 11, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  139. Versiones contradictorias sobre posible diálogo entre el Gobierno y la Conaie ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 11, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  140. Con una ceremonia andina conmemoramos hoy 12de octubre, día de la resistencia indí / 7kOhA456v1 ( Spanish ) In: @yakuperezg . October 12, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  141. a b c Paro en Ecuador: Lo que se sabe este sábado 12 de octubre ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 12, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  142. represión policial deja varios heridos entre manifest antes de Quito .
    VIDEO: Disturbios en la nueva jornada de protestas contra el Gobierno de Ecuador ( Spanish ) In: RT en Español . Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  143. 13h18 Sujetos ingresaron y destruyeron bienes en edificio de la Contraloría. Manifestantes atacan Teleamazonas y El Comercio, La República EC ( Spanish ) October 12, 2019. Accessed October 13, 2019.
  144. Toque de queda y militarización en Quito, decreta Lenín Moreno . Retrieved October 13, 2019.
    [ Restricción de movilidad rige a nivel nacionalLas Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Nacional están facultadas para ejercer acciones de control en puntos específicos. Martha Torres / Ecuador / 12 oct 2019] .; Die Zeit , October 12, 2019.
  145. Lenín Moreno revisará el decreto que elimina subsidio a la gasolina, anuncia comitiva de AME ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 12, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  146. Frente Unitario de Trabajadores se une al diálogo para recuperar la paz en Ecuador ( Spanish ) In: El Universo . October 12, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  147. Vecinos de Quito convocaron un cacerolazo . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  148. #Quito Miles de indígenas, mujeres, niños, abuelxs, voluntarios permanecen al interior del Ágora @CasadelaCultura Son las 8:03 pm, dirigentes y personas q están dentro nos confirman que están bien, pero en el exterior están rodeados de Policías y Militares que lanzan gas Hilo ( Spanish ) In: @wambraEc . October 12, 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  149. El centro de Guayaquil está totalmente militarizado ante el anuncio de manifestaciones . In: El Comercio . Retrieved October 13, 2019.
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