July 1913

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This article covers breaking news and events in July 1913.

See also: Nekrolog July 1913

Daily events

Tuesday 1st July

Married couple May in 1904

Wednesday July 2nd

Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp

Tuesday July 8th

  • Balkans : Serbia and Greece declare a state of war on Bulgaria in the Second Balkan War. Two days later, on July 10th, Romania follows, and on July 11th, the Ottoman Empire follows .

Wednesday July 9th

Internal Revenue Service logo

Thursday July 10th

Tuesday 15th July

Logo of the Weisenau rowing club 1913

Wednesday July 16

Conveyor systems of the Friedrichssegen mine in 1905

Friday 18th July

Monday July 21st

Tuesday July 22nd

Title page of the Reich and Citizenship Act

Wednesday 23rd July

Flag of Delaware

Thursday July 24th

Saturday July 26th

Seat of the Bohemian Parliament 1801–1913: the Palais Thun-Hohenstein (today the Embassy of Italy )
  • Kingdom of Bohemia / Austria-Hungary : The Bohemian state parliament is dissolved by an imperial patent and the establishment of a state administrative commission to be appointed by the emperor is legally defined instead of the previously inoperative state committee. This commission consists of five Czech and three German members, chaired by Count Adalbert Schönborn .
  • Wiesloch / German Empire : Archbishop Karl Fritz inaugurates the St. Gallus Church . This means that the services that had to take place in the Catholic kindergarten since the foundation stone was laid on September 1, 1912, can be postponed.
  • Austria-Hungary: The first order to combat muskrats because of the damage to dams, canals and dykes as a result of their burrowing activity is issued, other countries follow. The laws known as the Tail Premium became necessary after the muskrat had been introduced from North America around 1905 and spread surprisingly quickly over large parts of Asia and Europe.

See also

Web links

Commons : July 1913  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. World: Highest Temperature. (No longer available online.) World Meteorological Organization, archived from the original January 4, 2013 ; Retrieved September 13, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / wmo.asu.edu
  2. Boeckh, Katrin: From the Balkan Wars to the First World War: politics of small states and ethnic self-determination in the Balkans. Oldenbourg, Munich 1996. p. 59. ISBN 3-486-56173-1
  3. Katrin Boeckh: From the Balkan Wars to the First World War. Small state politics and ethnic self-determination in the Balkans . Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-486-56173-1 , p. 59 f.
  4. ^ Website of the Weisenau rowing club 1913 / history
  5. Kenneth Munson: Fighter Planes 1914-19 . Zurich 1968; see. also description under Lemma Fokker monoplane .
  6. City of Graz - Department for Green Space and Waters: July 1913. Documented floods ( Memento of the original from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: wasser.graz.at , accessed on February 10, 2013, and terrible flood disaster in Graz and the surrounding area. In:  Grazer Vorortezeitung , No. 3/1913 (Volume I), July 20, 1913, p. 1 f. (Online at ANNO ). . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / wasser.graz.at
    Template: ANNO / Maintenance / gvz
  7. ^ Eckhart G. Franz, Friedrich Battenberg: The Chronicle of Hesse. Dortmund 1991, p. 319
  8. RGBl. P. 583.
  9. [1]
  10. LGBl. For Bohemia No. 36/1913 (= p. 79 ff.), Bilingual
  11. ^ Jörg Konrad Hoensch: History of Bohemia. From the Slavic conquest to the present . Verlag Beck, Munich 1997³, ISBN 3-406-41694-2 , p. 405.