Kagoshima Prefecture

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鹿 児 島 県
Südkorea Nordkorea Russland China Kurilen (de-facto Russland - beansprucht von Japan als Teil der Region Hokkaido) Hokkaido Präfektur Okinawa Präfektur Kagoshima Präfektur Miyazaki Präfektur Kumamoto Präfektur Saga Präfektur Nagasaki Präfektur Fukuoka Präfektur Ōita Präfektur Kagawa Präfektur Ehime Präfektur Kōchi Präfektur Tokushima Yamaguchi Präfektur Hiroshima Präfektur Shimane Präfektur Tottori Präfektur Okayama Präfektur Hyōgo Präfektur Osaka Präfektur Kyōto Präfektur Shiga Präfektur Nara Präfektur Wakayama Präfektur Mie Aichi Fukui Präfektur Gifu Präfektur Ishikawa Präfektur Toyama Präfektur Nagano Präfektur Shizuoka Präfektur Yamanashi Präfektur Kanagwa Präfektur Tokio Präfektur Saitama Präfektur Chiba Präfektur Ibaraki Präfektur Gunma Präfektur Tochigi Präfektur Niigata Präfektur Fukushima Präfektur Yamagata Präfektur Miyagi Präfektur Akita Präfektur Iwate Präfektur AomoriLocation of Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan
About this picture
Basic data
Administrative headquarters : Kagoshima
Region : Kyushu
Main island : Kyushu
Area : 9,187.08  km²
Residents : 1,601,711
(October 1, 2019)
Population density : 174 inhabitants per km²
Counties : 8th
Municipalities : 43
ISO 3166-2 : JP-46
Governor : Kōichi Shiota
Website: www.pref.kagoshima.jp
Prefecture flag :
Flag of Kagoshima Prefecture
Prefecture tree : Erythrina crista-galli , camphor tree
Prefecture flower : Rhododendron kiusianum
Vogel prefecture : Jay
Prefecture song : Kagoshima-kenmin no uta
("Song of the Citizens of Kagoshima")

The Kagoshima Prefecture ( Jap. 鹿児島県 , Kagoshima-ken ) is a prefecture of Japan . It is located in the Kyūshū region on the island of Kyūshū, offshore islands and the Satsunan-shotō (" Satsuma -South Islands"), which includes the Amami , Tokara and Ōsumi archipelagos . The seat of the prefecture administration is the city of the same name Kagoshima .


Former METI official Kōichi Shiota has been the governor of Kagoshima since July 2020 . In the gubernatorial election in July 2020, he prevailed against predecessor Satoshi Mitazono ( LDP , Kōmeitō ), predecessor Yūichirō Itō ( KDP ) and four other candidates.

In the 51-member parliament defended the Liberal Democratic Party in the elections in April 2019 with 34 seats its absolute majority.

In the House of Representatives , the lower house of the national parliament , Kagoshima lost one of the previous five seats in the 2017 elections and is now represented by three Liberal Democrats and one Constitutional Democrat . In the Senate , the upper house, Liberal Democrats have consistently represented the prefecture since 2001, when the number of seats in Kagoshima was reduced from two to one per election.

Political groups in the prefecture parliament
(as of June 17, 2019)
A total of 51 seats
  • LDP : 38
  • Kenmin Rengō ("[Prefecture] Citizens Association" with SDP , KDP ): 6
  • Kōmeitō : 3
  • KPY : 1
  • Non-attached: 3

Administrative division

Since March 2010, the prefecture has been divided into 19 independent cities ( Shi ) as well as 20 (district / small) cities ( Chō ) and 4 villages ( Mura / Son ). By the end of September 2004 there were 14 independent cities, 73 small towns and 9 villages.

Structural reform

A structural reform has been taking place in Kagoshima since October 2004, as in all other prefectures, the main aim of which is to reduce the number of administrative units through amalgamation. The prefecture capital has incorporated some suburbs, and various cities and towns have been amalgamated.
Between November 2005 and November 2008 four of the existing 12 counties were dissolved. There are currently eight districts ( Gun ), half of which have only one municipality each.

In the table below, the districts ( ) are shown in italics, underneath each (indented) the small towns ( ) and the villages ( ) within them. A dependency between rural district and small town can also be seen in the first three digits of the code (1st column). The independent cities are at the beginning of the table. The prefecture capital has also been a Chūkakushi ("core city") since 1996 .

code Surname Area (in km²) population Population
density (inh / km²)
Rōmaji Kanji 01.10.2017 1 01.10.2018 2 01/10/2015 3
46201 Kagoshima- shi 鹿 児 島 市 547.58 597.193 599.814 1095.39
46203 Kanoya- shi 鹿 屋 市 448.15 102.397 103.608 231.19
46204 Makurazaki- shi 枕 崎 市 74.78 20,881 22,046 294.81
46206 Akune -shi 阿 久 根 市 134.29 19,904 21,198 157.85
46208 Izumi- shi 出水 市 329.98 52,464 53,758 162.91
46210 Ibusuki- shi 指 宿 市 148.84 39,954 41,831 281.05
46213 Nishinoomote -shi 西 之 表 市 205.66 15,236 15,967 77.64
46214 Tarumizu- shi 垂 水 市 162.12 14,395 15,520 95.73
46215 Satsumasendai- shi 薩摩川 内 市 682.92 93,927 96,076 140.68
46216 Hioki- shi 日 置 市 253.01 47,912 49,249 194.65
46217 Soo- shi 曽 於 市 390.11 34,397 36,557 93.71
46218 Kirishima- shi 霧 島 市 603.18 124,785 125,857 208.66
46219 Ichikikushikino -shi い ち き 串 木 野 市 112.30 28,032 29,282 260.75
46220 Minamisatsuma- shi 南 さ つ ま 市 283.59 33,748 35,439 124.97
46221 Shibushi- shi 志 布 志 市 290.28 30,282 31,479 108.44
46222 Amami- shi 奄 美 市 308.27 41,693 43,156 139.99
46223 Minamikyushu -shi 南 九 州市 357.91 34,544 36,352 101.57
46224 Isa- shi 伊佐 市 392.56 25,353 26,810 68.30
46225 Aira- shi 姶 良 市 231.25 76.291 75.173 325.07
46300 Kagoshima gun 鹿 児 島 郡 132.53 1,153 1,163 8.78
46303   Mishima-mura 三 島村 31.39 387 407 12.97
46304   Toshima- mura 十 島村 101.14 766 756 7.47
46380 Satsuma gun 薩摩 郡 303.90 21,034 22,400 73.71
46392   Satsuma-cho さ つ ま 町 303.90 21,034 22,400 73.71
46400 Izumi-gun 出水 郡 116.18 9,988 10,431 89.78
46404   Nagashima-cho 長島 町 116.18 9,988 10,431 89.78
46440 Aira gun 姶 良 郡 144.29 9,686 10,327 71.57
46452   Yūsui-chō 湧水 町 144.29 9,686 10,327 71.57
46460 Soo-gun 曽 於 郡 100.67 12,508 13,241 131.53
46468   Osaki-cho 大 崎 町 100.67 12,508 13,241 131.53
46480 Kumotsuki-gun 肝 属 郡 712.64 35,275 37,659 52.84
46482   Higashikushira-chō 東 串 良 町 27.78 6,288 6,530 235.06
46490   Kinko-cho 錦江 町 163.19 7,298 7,923 48.55
46491   Minamiosumi-chō 南大 隅 町 213.57 6,837 7,542 35.31
46492   Kimotsuki-chō 肝 付 町 308.10 14,852 15,664 50.84
46500 Kumage gun 熊 毛 郡 788.03 25,669 26,793 34.00
46501   Nakatane-cho 中 種子 町 137.18 7,794 8,135 59.30
46502   Minamitane-chō 南 種子 町 110.36 5,533 5,745 52.06
46505   Yakushima-cho 屋 久 島 町 540.48 12,342 12,913 23.89
46520 Ōshima-gun 大 島 郡 931.91 64,099 66,991 71.88
46523   Yamato-son 大 和村 88.26 1,430 1,530 17.34
46524   Uken-son 宇 検 村 103.07 1,685 1,722 16.71
46525   Setouchi-cho 瀬 戸 内 町 239.65 8,556 9,042 37.73
46527   Tatsugo-chō 龍 郷 町 81.82 5,781 5,806 70.96
46529   Kikai-cho 喜 界 町 56.82 6,839 7.212 126.93
46530   Tokunoshima-cho 徳 之 島 町 104.92 10,481 11,160 106.37
46531   Amagi-cho 天 城 町 80.40 5,738 5,975 74.32
46532   Isen-cho 伊 仙 町 62.71 6.171 6,362 101.45
46533   Wadomari-cho 和 泊 町 40.39 6,442 6,783 167.94
46534   China-chō 知名 町 53.30 5,920 6.213 116.57
46535   Yoron-cho 与 論 町 20.58 5,056 5,186 251.99
Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿 児 島 県 9187.01 1,612,800 1,648,177 179.40


1 Area data from 2017
2 Estimated population 2018
3 Results of the 2015 census

Biggest places

Existing and former cities (-shi)
Census year Residents
2015 2010 2005 2000
Kagoshima 599.814 605.846 604,367 552.098
Kirishima 125,857 127,487 —— ——
Kanoya 103.608 105.070 81,471 81.084
Satsumasendai 96,076 99,589 102,370 ——
Aira 75.173 74,809 —— ——
Izumi 53,758 55,621 39,155 39,708
Hioki 49,249 50,822 52,411 ——
Amami 43,156 46.121 —— ——
Ibusuki 41,831 44,396 29,649 30,640
Soo 36,557 39,221 42,287 ——
Minamikyushu 36,352 39,065 —— ——
Minamisatsuma 35,439 38,704 —— ——
Shibushi 31,479 33,034 —— ——
Ichikikushikino 29,282 31,144 —— ——
Isa 26,810 29,304 —— ——
Makurazaki 22,046 23,638 25,150 26,317
Akune 21,198 23,154 25,072 26,270
Nishinoomote 15,967 16,951 18.198 18,866
Tarumizu 15,520 17,248 18,928 20,107
Sendai —— —— —— 73,236
Kokubu —— —— 55,341 53,966
Naze —— —— 41,049 43,015
Kushikino —— —— 25,879 27,047
Kaseda —— —— 23,506 24,187
Ōkuchi —— —— 22,119 23,594

October 12, 2004: The city of Sendai and 8 other communities merge to form the new city of Satsumasendai .
May 1, 2005: 4 communities merge to form the new city of Hioki .
July 1, 2005: 3 municipalities merge to form the new city of Soo .
October 11, 2005: The city of Kushikino merges with another municipality to form the new city of Ichikikushikino .
November 7, 2005: The community of Kirishima (-chō) merges with the city of Kokubu and another 5 communities to form the city of Kirishima .
January 1, 2006: The community Shibushi (-chō) merges with 2 other communities to form the new city of Shibuchi .
March 20, 2006: The town of Naze and 2 municipalities merge to form the new town of Amamai .
December 1, 2007: 3 parishes merge to form the new city of Minamikyūshū .
November 1, 2008: The city of Ōkuchi and another municipality merge to form the new city of Isa .
March 23, 2010: The municipality Aira (-chō) merges with 2 other municipalities and is elevated to a city.

Population development in the prefecture

Census population
men to 1000 women
in km 2
per km 2
1920 1,415,582 682.243 733,339 930 9081.32 155.9
1925 1,472,193 713.702 758.491 941 9081.32 162.1
1930 1,556,690 753.644 803.046 939 9081.32 171.4
1935 1,591,466 773.126 818.340 945 9103.81 174.8
1940 1,589,467 765.603 823.864 929 9103.81 174.6
1945 1,538,466 699.455 839.011 834 9170.97 167.8
1950 1,804,118 868.963 935.155 929 7913.22 228.0
1955 2,044,112 985.617 1,058,495 931 9140.17 223.6
1960 1,963,104 935.282 1,027,822 910 9140.17 214.8
1965 1,853,541 872.751 980.790 890 9141.58 202.8
1970 1,729,150 803.980 925.170 869 9144.97 189.1
1975 1,723,902 804.365 919,537 875 9153.38 188.3
1980 1,784,623 839.392 945.231 888 9162.81 194.8
1985 1,819,270 856.493 962.777 890 9165.03 198.5
1990 1,797,824 842.474 955.350 882 9183.26 195.8
1995 1,794,224 840.980 953.244 882 9185.99 195.3
2000 1,786,194 837.979 948.215 884 9186.71 194.4
2005 1,753,179 819,646 933,533 878 9187.69 190.8
2010 1,706,242 796.896 909.346 876 9188.78 185.7
2015 1,648,177 773.061 875.116 883 9186.94 179.4

See also

Web links

Commons : Kagoshima Prefecture  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. 鹿 児 島 県 知事 選 . In: NHK SenkyoWeb. July 12, 2020, accessed July 12, 2020 (Japanese).
  2. 統一 地方 選 2019 鹿 児 島 県 議 選 各 党 議席 . In: NHK Senkyo Web. April 8, 2019. Retrieved August 20, 2019 (Japanese).
  3. Kagoshima Prefectural Parliament : List of MPs , MPs by parliamentary group , accessed on August 20, 2019.
  4. Kokudo Chiriin (GSI - Geospatial Information Authority of Japan), 平 成 29 年 全国 都 道 府 県 市区 町 村 別 面積 調 (Nationwide survey of all prefectures and municipalities 2017) , p. 99: 46 Kagoshima-ken (Japanese), accessed on 16 December 2018
  5. 簡 単 検 索 ・ 詳細 検 索 ・ 検 索 サ ン プ ル , accessed December 16, 2018 (Japanese)
  6. e-stat (English), accessed on December 16, 2018
  7. e-Stat database , accessed on December 16, 2018 (English)

Coordinates: 31 ° 24 '  N , 130 ° 31'  E