Kaltenbach TG

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TG is the abbreviation for the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland and is used to avoid confusion with other entries of the name Kaltenbachf .
Coat of arms of Kaltenbach
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of ThurgauCanton of Thurgau Thurgau (TG)
District : Frauenfeld
Political community : Wagenhauseni2
Postal code : 8259
former BFS no. : 4871
Coordinates : 705 556  /  279 151 coordinates: 47 ° 39 '16 "  N , 8 ° 50' 37"  O ; CH1903:  seven hundred and five thousand five hundred and fifty-six  /  279151
Height : 429  m above sea level M.
Area : 6.07  km²
Residents: 674 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 111 inhabitants per km²
Kaltenbach TG

Kaltenbach TG

Kaltenbach TG (Switzerland)
Kaltenbach TG
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Kaltenbach is a former municipality and a village in the municipality of Wagenhausen in the Frauenfeld district in the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland .

From 1838 to 1995, Kaltenbach was a local parish of the Wagenhausen municipality , before that it was part of the Wagenhausen community. On June 1, 1995 , the local community of Kaltenbach merged to form the political community of Wagenhausen .


The village of Kaltenbach includes the hamlets of Bleuelhausen and Etzwilen and is located at the northern foot of the slope of the Stammerberg, southwest of Stein am Rhein .


Kaltenbach and behind it the hamlet of Bleuelhausen in 1959
Parish before the merger in 1995

The place was mentioned in a document before 1300 as Kaltenbach , the hamlet of Bleuelhausen as early as 799? as Pluwileshusirum . Kaltenbach was under the rule of Wagenhausen, which belonged to the town of Stein am Rhein from 1596 to 1798. Openings date from 1491 and 1552. Ecclesiastically, the reformed Kaltenbach was always part of the parish of Burg (Stein am Rhein).

In the 19th century, in addition to grain, fruit and hemp were grown in Kaltenbach and mills were operated. The once widespread viticulture was given up in the 20th century and after 1950 arable farming also declined. In recent years, some industrial and commercial enterprises have settled here, which today, together with the recently built single-family houses, shape the townscape.

→ see also section history in the article Etzwilen


Population development of Kaltenbach
year 1850 1900 1950 1990 2000 2010 2018
Local parish 550 496 562 690
Locality 446 532 674

Of the total of 674 inhabitants in the village of Kaltenbach in 2018, 119 or 17.7% were foreign nationals. 324 (48.1%) were Protestant Reformed and 115 (17.1%) were Roman Catholic.


Gasthaus Löwen

The upper mill and old sawmill are included in the list of cultural assets in Wagenhausen .

Web links

Commons : Kaltenbach TG  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Swiss land use statistics. Completed on July 1, 1912. Published by the Federal Statistical Bureau. ( Memento from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. a b c d Localities and their resident population. Edition 2019 . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (Excel table; 0.1 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  3. a b c d e f Verena Rothenbühler: Kaltenbach. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
    These sections are largely based on the entry in the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS), which, according to the HLS's usage information, is under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - Share under the same conditions 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  4. Locations and Settlements Directory. Canton of Thurgau, 2005 edition . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF; 1.7 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  5. Locations and Settlements Directory. Canton of Thurgau, 2012 edition. On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF; 3.4 MB), accessed on May 11, 2020.


  1. with outside courtyards