Thundorf TG

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TG is the abbreviation for the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland and is used to avoid confusion with other entries of the name Thundorff .
Coat of arms of Thundorf
Country: SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Thurgau (TG)
District : Frauenfeld
Postal code : 8512
BFS no. : 4611 (Political Community)
former BFS no .: 4612 (local parish )
Coordinates : 714879  /  267395
Height : 546 m above sea level M.
Area : 15.62 km²  (Pol. Municipality)
8.25 km² (local municipality)
Residents: 1437 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 92 inhabitants per km²


Mindelsee Bodensee Nussbommersee Raffoltersee Hasensee Hüttwilersee Guemüliweier Deutschland Deutschland Kanton St. Gallen Kanton Schaffhausen Kanton Schaffhausen Kanton Zürich Bezirk Kreuzlingen Bezirk Münchwilen Bezirk Weinfelden Basadingen-Schlattingen Berlingen TG Diessenhofen Eschenz Felben-Wellhausen Frauenfeld Gachnang Herdern TG Homburg TG Hüttlingen TG Hüttwilen Mammern Matzingen Müllheim TG Neunforn Pfyn Schlatt TG Steckborn Stettfurt Thundorf TG Uesslingen-Buch Wagenhausen TG Warth-WeiningenMap of Thundorf
About this picture

Thundorf (in the local dialect : [ ˈtuəndɔ (ː) rfˑ ] or [ ˈtuəndərəfˑ ]) is a village and a political municipality in the Frauenfeld district of the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland .

1803-1994 which formed local churches Lustdorf and Thundorf the Munizipalgemeinde Thundorf. In 1995 these merged with the local community Wetzikon (TG), which was separated from the municipal community of Lommis, to form the political community of Thundorf.


Aerial photo from 2011

Today's municipal area includes, for example, the upper Thunbachthal with the surrounding, wooded hills that stretch in the north from Stählibuck to the east over the Grüt to Wachtbühl above Lustdorf , while in the south only the northern slope of Immenberg and Wetzikon with the Holzacker belong to Thundorf .

The village of Thundorf is located about 550 meters above sea level northwest of the confluence of the Lommisbach in the Thunbach, the valley of which opens here in a slight curve to the southwest. The church settlements of Kirchberg , Ufhofen and other hamlets are located on the soil of the local community of Thundorf, which existed until it was united with Lustdorf and Wetzikon .

Thundorf and Lustdorf are accessible from Frauenfeld and Weinfelden by a post bus line.


Early and High Middle Ages

Donation deed with first receipt from Thundorf.

The first mention of Thundorf can be found in a document dated August 1, 888 ( in villa, quae dicitur Tuomdorof ), in which Arnolf of Carinthia confirms the donation of the Erchingen farm with the surrounding properties to the Reichenau monastery . The place name is a combination of the Old High German personal name Duomo / * Tuomo with the basic word village , which is very common in Alemannic settlement names and can mean 'Weiler, Hof, Dorf, Gut, Stadtviertel'.

In 1093 and 1116, an Immo von Thundorf and his son Lütold appear as witnesses for donations to the Allerheiligen monastery in Schaffhausen . In 1247 a nephew of the canon Friedrich von Beromünster appears as a job-seeking priest named Rüdiger von Thundorf , who in 1259, now himself canon of Heiligenberg near Winterthur , is a documentary witness for the Töss monastery .

Late Middle Ages and Modern Era until 1798

Rule and legal order

Vogteirecht and Kehlhof zu Thundorf were in 1361 as fiefs of the Habsburgs with the court masters of Frauenfeld . Later, the advocacy has been the rule Weinfelden pledged and went in 1466 to Hans von Wängi over which they caused in 1492 again. In 1527 the jurisdiction of Thundorf was sold to Joachim von Rappenstein and from then on it was administered jointly with the Wellenberg rule , which in 1537 went to the Lords of Ulm, then first to Heinrich Eschern in 1669 and finally to the city of Zurich in 1694 , where it was repealed until 1798 stayed. From the year 1463 an opening handed down, in which the jurisdiction of the court, the court days, various criminal provisions, the duties and services responsible for the gentlemen and a tavern right are laid down. From 1527, the opening was partially aligned with the legal norms of Wellenberger. Since the late 17th century, a municipal code given by the residents of Thundorf has been documented.

Church and school

A folk priest has been attested to in Thundorf since 1275 . The church set was auctioned after the death of the heavily indebted Kaspar Hofmeister in 1486 and was bought by the community in 1495. In 1496 the collection was acquired by the Thundorf-Kirchberg parish. The Reformation took place between 1528 and 1530 . A school lesson given by the pastor is documented for 1631. School attendance has been free of charge since 1717. The first school and community building dates from around 1700 and was enlarged around 1805. In 1844 the neo-classical new building with turrets south of the main street was moved into. 


Thundorf in 1947
Parish hall, built 1842–1845 by Jakob Wellauern.

After the administration of Thundorf in Helvetic Republic was initially transferred to an agency in Horrenwylen and from 1800 to Kirchberg, in 1803 the town and Lustdorf formed the new municipality of Thundorf. The Wellenberg Castle with its goods in 1873 was separated from Thun village and to the community Wellhausen connected.

In addition to arable farming, Thundorf also had cattle and dairy farming. The dairy was established in Aufhofen in 1900. The Bachmann wine trade existed in the 19th century. Fela AG has been producing printed circuit boards in Thundorf since 1967 and recording devices for the performance-based heavy vehicle tax since 1999 . In the 20th century, the community grew through the construction of numerous houses.

In 1995, today's municipality of Thundorf was created through the union of the three local communities Thundorf, Lustdorf and Wetzikon, which was part of the Lommis municipality from 1803 to 1994 .

coat of arms

Thundorf-coat of arms.svg

The first description of the coat of arms from 1840 reads: "A stream, the Thun and three stars , representing the villages of Thundorf, Kirchberg and Aufhofen." The adaptation to the current heraldic rules and the codification of the colors red-white-red led to the current version Blazon : a white bar in red accompanied by three hexagonal stars (2/1).

The white bar in red is the flag of Austria , which Kehlhof, Vogtei and Kirchsatz had awarded the court masters of Frauenfeld. The three stars were taken from an older coat of arms.


Population development in the area of ​​today's municipality of Thundorf
Population development of the individual communities
1850 1900 1950 1990 2000 2010 2018
Political community 1190 1307 1436
Municipal parish 553 793 721 851
Local parish 320 595 502 683

Of the total of 1,436 inhabitants in the municipality of Thundorf in 2018, 110 or 7.7% were foreign nationals. 806 (56.1%) were Protestant Reformed and 301 (20.10%) were Roman Catholic. The village of Thundorf had 1086 residents at this time.


In 2016, Thundorf offered work to 276 people (converted to full-time positions). 38.0% of these were employed in agriculture and forestry, 40.7% in industry, trade and construction and 21.2% in the service sector.


The community is run by a seven-member council.


The Stählibuck Tower was built in 1908 on the initiative of the Frauenfeld Tourist Office.


Web links

Commons : Thundorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Thurgau in figures 2019 . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF file; 1.8 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  2. Swiss land use statistics. Completed on July 1, 1912. Published by the Federal Statistical Bureau. ( Memento from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .
  4. Eugen Nyffenegger / Oskar Bandle & al .: Thurgau Name Book 1.2: The settlement names of the Canton of Thurgau (K – Z). Huber, Frauenfeld 2003, ISBN 978-3-7193-1309-8 , p. 1259 s. v. Thundorf . Local phonetic transcription : túəndǭrf̄ , túəndərəf̄ , spelling close to the dialect: Tuendorf, Tuedereff
  5. a b Philipp Obrist / Andres Kristol: Thundorf TG (Frauenfeld) in: Dictionnaire toponymique des communes suisses - Lexicon of Swiss community names - Dizionario toponomastico dei comuni svizzeri (DTS | LSG). Center de dialectologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Verlag Huber, Frauenfeld / Stuttgart / Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-7193-1308-5 and Éditions Payot, Lausanne 2005, ISBN 2-601-03336-3 , p. 873f.
  6. a b Localities and their resident population. Edition 2019 . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (Excel table; 0.1 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  7. a b c d Erich Trösch: Thundorf. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
    These sections are largely based on the entry in the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS), which, according to the HLS's usage information, is under the Creative Commons license
    - Attribution - Share under the same conditions 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  8. a b c d e f g h Clemens Hagen / Alfred Kessler & al .: Local history of Thundorf . Edited by the Thundorf community, Frauenfeld 1982, p. 13 (a) / p. 24 (b) / p. 28ff. (c) / p. 33ff. (d) / p. 183f. (e) / p. 45f. (f) / p. 52ff./148 (g) / p. 125/127. (h) / p. 132f. (i).
  9. a b municipal coat of arms . On the website of the State Archives of the Canton of Thurgau, accessed on December 8, 2019
  10. a b Population development of the municipalities. Canton Thurgau, 1850–2000 and resident population of the municipalities and change from the previous year. Canton of Thurgau, 1990–2018. On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (Excel tables; 0.1 MB each), accessed on April 28, 2020.