List of mayors of the city of Brilon

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The list of mayors of the city of Brilon lists the well-known mayors of the Sauerland city ​​of Brilon , their term of office and further remarks.

Front view of the Brilon town hall
Medieval town seal with the image of the town's founder Engelbert

Development and skills

Since the city was founded in 1220 by the Archbishop of Cologne (and Duke of Westphalia ) Engelbert von Cologne, there has been a city council in Brilon. Two mayors ( Latin consules ) as chairmen of the council are attested since 1248. The presence of a ruling mayor ( consul regens ) and two co- mayors ( proconsul ) is also mentioned .

The right to the annual election of mayors and the council was restricted to full citizens . The electoral committee, the so-called Kürrat, consisted of twelve men and consisted of one citizen from each of the four quarters , one member of the peasantry from each of the quarters, and each profession (Kramer, Schneider, Schumacher and Schmiede) provided a man from its ranks. These twelve electors elected twelve new councilors and the four cyslords who were responsible for the city's finances. The councilors, who together formed the magistrate, elected the new consul regens and the proconsules from among their ranks . The election took place every year on November 11th on St. Martin . On that day, the previous ruling mayor resigned and the new one was subsequently introduced into his office.

The mayor was not only primus inter pares in the city council, but combined rights of the legislature , the judiciary and the executive in his person. He was able to legislate with the council within the scope of the city's privileges, was chairman of the council court and chief commander of the city militia in armed conflicts. City accounts were kept in his name, he kept the city gate key and had the right to pardon offenders convicted by the city court.

The mayors and former mayors were commonly referred to as dominus (lord) in treasury lists and other files , which is an indication of their high standing. The past mayors were also simply called consul , in contrast to the ruling mayors, who can be recognized by the name consul regens . A fortune was an asset to the office; because it could happen that the office holders had to advance money to the city treasury to settle bills.

After the city of Soest left the Duchy of Westphalia in 1449, Brilon was soon the first capital among the quarters of the Duchy. As a result, the mayor became chairman (“director”) of the city curia in the state parliament of the Duchy of Westphalia during the late Middle Ages and early modern times .

In 1797, Elector Maximilian Franz decreed a change to the previous year change from year to year; a permanent council was established with only six councilors and two mayors. A few years after the Grand Duchy of Hesse took over sovereignty , the new rulers ended the self-government of the cities in the Duchy of Westphalia in 1810. The mayors were now appointed by the state.

During the Prussian period up to the National Socialist era , there were elected full-time mayors. In addition to them, the magistrate existed as a collegial governing body and the city ​​council as a representative of the citizens. During the time of the dictatorship, this system was not de jure abolished, but de facto brought into line and occupied the post of mayor loyal to the regime with people.

After the Second World War , Brilon became part of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia . According to the ideas of the former British occupying power , the North German council constitution was introduced in North Rhine-Westphalia . After that, the now honorary mayor was chairman of the city ​​council and representative of the city internally and externally. The administration was led by a city ​​manager . A modified form of the southern German council constitution has been in force since the 1999 local elections . Then the dual leadership of mayor and city director was abolished. Since then, the mayor has been a full-time, directly elected electoral officer and at the same time chairman of the city council; the office of city director no longer exists.

Notes on the list

Different spellings are possible for identical personalities. Since former mayors partially retained their titles, a decision in favor of the ruling mayor is not always verifiable. This list is mainly based on two inventories by Johann Suibert Seibertz and Nikolaus Hesse . Even so, this list is not exhaustive.

middle Ages

13th Century

Term of office Surname comment image
1248-1250 Johannes de Piscina
1250-1258 Siffridus de Ponte
1258-1259 Hermannus Colve
1259-1260 Godefridus de Mescede
1260-1277 Detmarus Wigemannus
Mentioned in 1277 Gottfried von Lederke He was mentioned in a document from 1277 as a witness at a real estate deal. The widower Pape sold a property in Dorslon to the squire Arnulf von Almen .
1282-1283 Heinricus
1283-1288 Wichmannus dictus de Givelinchusen
1288-1289 Arnd von Hildebrinkhusen
1289-1290 Henricus de Visbeke
1290-1291 Hermannus de Hoyshusen
1291-1299 Godefridus de Henelare
1299-1306 Gerbertus pit Also called the Gerbodo Pit.

14th Century

Term of office Surname comment image
1306-1308 Engelbert from Brilon
1308-1310 Arnoldus de Roebeke
1310-1311 Godefriedo de Brilon
Mentioned in 1311 Arnoldus de Rosebike
Mentioned in 1312 Arnoldus de Rosebike
Mentioned in 1316 Godefridus juvenis pistor, magister civium
Mentioned in 1323 Arnoldus de Rosebike, proconsul
Mentioned in 1324 Henricus Wesceli, proconsul
Mentioned in 1360 Dirich Kalft, Borgermester nu tor tyt
Mentioned in 1366 Conradus Wesceli
Mentioned in 1368 Johann Lisegangh
Mentioned in 1382 Johan Lizeganch
Mentioned in 1388 Sweder van Hottepe

15th century

Term of office Surname comment image
Mentioned in 1400 Hernan Erps
Mentioned in 1400 Hermann Wessel
Mentioned in 1401 Herman Erps
Mentioned in 1402 Herman Wessel
Mentioned in 1415 Guntram Conemans
Mentioned in 1422 Heinrich Guntram
Mentioned in 1423 Heynemann Hoffnagel
Mentioned in 1428 Johan von Neyen Also mentioned as Johann von Nehen. Together with the city council of Brilon, he issued a statute to the guilds of tanners and schumachers.
Mentioned in 1431 Johan Teppen Tyleke Vlogels, Hans Hake, Cord Snoydels and Henke Hudekole wanted to start a brotherhood of the Holy Spirit and Saint Jost in the hospital . Johann Teppen and the council members allowed this. Candles should be lit in the hospital at every mass.
Mentioned in 1437 Heyneman Hoffnagel and Lambert Wessel
Mentioned in 1438 Bruyn Winterberg (also Bruyn Wynterberch) He sealed the sale of seven bushel seeds of land in front of the Teteler .
Mentioned in 1442 Johan van Nehen In the Council of the City Hall Court Ernst sold Bynnerwijs and his wife Druydeke their Walke mill at the Aa, next to the mill of the hospital in the tenth free country, to Johan Schemeren and his wife Gertrude. Johan van Nehen took part in the negotiations with other councilors.
Mentioned in 1444 Johan van Nehen
Mentioned in 1449 Johan Wessel Wessel and the Brilon councilors sold the conventual brother Johann Weymanne an annual pension at Easter, payable from the city's income.
Mentioned in 1452 Johan van Nehen
Mentioned in 1454 Johan van Thülen
Mentioned in 1455 Johan van Neyhen
Mentioned in 1458 Brun Winterbergh On November 5, 1458, he handled the sale of an annual pension to Abbot Essinchusen and the convent of Bredelar Monastery together with Brilon councilors .
Mentioned in 1459 Johan van Neen
Mentioned in 1462 Johan von Thulen
Mentioned in 1467 Brun Wyntersberg He paid a math well. Rock from Eversberg ten Rhenish guilders, which he had to get from the mayor and the council since 1465.
Mentioned in 1482 Helyas
Mentioned in 1484 Johan van Tulen
Mentioned in 1485 Henemann Hofnagel Under his chairmanship and in the presence of the councilors Henrich Pipekanne, Henrich Noverad, Berthold Weseberch, Lambert Tulens, Hans Koetters called Lilkenlo, Brun Winterberch, Herman Nuten, Johan Rebber, Henrich Clauwes and Steffen Strake, he witnessed a property sale. The sellers were the Brilon councilor Hans Koetters and his wife Else, the buyer was the St. Joest Brotherhood. Nine bushel seeds of tithe-free own land were sold near the Bliekaulen (Bleikaule) and adjacent to the land of the hospital.
Mentioned in 1487 Brun Winterberg On March 4, 1487 he (named here as Brun Winterberch) sealed a property deal between Mertin Gogreven and the farmhand community.
Mentioned in 1490 Johann Huffnagel and Konrad Badeoder
Mentioned in 1491 Konrad Badermoer
Mentioned in 1496 Cort bathing clothes On March 22nd, 1496, he (mentioned here as Cort Bathor) together with other councilors from a property deal.
Mentioned in 1497 Gobbel tufts As acting mayor
Mentioned in 1497 Heynemann Hupfnagel As a former mayor
Mentioned in 1497 Schwiker von Tullen As a former mayor
Mentioned in 1497 Herman Olen
Mentioned in 1498 Johan van Thulen

Early modern age

16th Century

Term of office Surname comment image
Mentioned in 1500 Cort bathing mod
Mentioned in 1501 Heyneman Hoiffnagel
Mentioned in 1502 Cort bathing mod
Mentioned in 1502 Herman Olen, He acted on May 29, 1501 in a primal feud . Otto Hachmeister swears a primal feud to Archbishop Herrmann of Cologne .
Mentioned in 1503 Johannes de Thulen
Mentioned in 1504 Gobel dolls
Mentioned in 1505 Cord swimwear
Mentioned in 1505 Johan von Thulen. He was enfeoffed on July 24, 1505 with a good and Trifte. Fief was given to Johann von Dorfeld. It is a property between the Hottebecke and the Hengelbecke. (now called Gutehagen)
Mentioned in 1506 Swicker van Thulen He sealed a real estate deal on June 24, 1506.
Mentioned in 1507 Hermann Olden
Mentioned in 1508 Gobel dolls
Mentioned in 1509 Heynemann Hoffnagel
Mentioned in 1510 Johannes de Thulen
Mentioned in 1511 Heynemann Hoffnagel
Mentioned in 1512 Tapestry dolls
Mentioned in 1513 Johannes von Thulen
Mentioned in 1514 Albertus Bodinhues
Mentioned in 1515 Johannes Swyckers
Mentioned in 1516 Johan Ellemer He was enfeoffed on November 30, 1516 with two Hufen land in Hoppecke. Fief was given to Johan van dem Nyenhuesz.
Mentioned in 1517 Swicker van Thulen
Mentioned in 1518 Albertus Bodynckhus
Mentioned in 1519 Johannes de Thulen
Mentioned in 1520 Swickerus de Thulen
Mentioned in 1521 Johann Swicker
Mentioned in 1522 Albertus Bodinckhusen
Mentioned in 1523 Hermann Duppen
Mentioned in 1524 Herman Olen
Mentioned in 1524 Henrich Pennynge He was enfeoffed by Godert von Meschede with a hoof of land in the Keffliker field in front of Brilon.
Mentioned in 1525 Swicker van Thulen
Mentioned in 1526 Albert Bodinkchusen
Mentioned in 1527 Kleynsmet Gort In a document dated August 15, 1527, he was referred to as "itzunt tor tyt boergermester" (now and at the time mayor). In this document, the city of Brilon privileged the newly founded society of young shooting brothers.
Mentioned in 1527 Johan Elmer
Mentioned in 1526 Albricht Boningkhusen.
Mentioned in 1528 Henricus Hoyffnagel
Mentioned in 1529 Johannes Elmer
Mentioned in 1530 Henricus Pennynck
Mentioned in 1531 Johannes Elmer
Mentioned in 1532 Henricus Hoyffnagel
Mentioned in 1533 Albertus Bodynckhusen
Mentioned in 1534 Henricus Pennynck
Mentioned in 1535 Johan Elmer
Mentioned in 1536 Herman Olen. He was enfeoffed by Erwin van Reyne on May 19, 1936 with half a hoof of land and half an entitlement. The proceeds should go to the poor people in the Holy Spirit and Hospital at Brilon am Markt .
Mentioned in 1537 Albertus Bodynckhusen
Mentioned in 1538 Johannes Elmer
Mentioned in 1539 Hermann Richter
Mentioned in 1540 Johann Elmer
Mentioned in 1541 Gord Smedes van Meschede
Mentioned in 1541 Heinrich Penninck He acted together with Johan Elmers on May 30, 1541 as a witness in a property business. Johan van Dorfeld the Elder from Hoppecke enfeoffed Herman Wilkens with the third part of the Severgut in the small Aa.
Mentioned in 1541 Johan Elmers He acted together with Heinrich Penninck on May 30, 1541 as a witness in a real estate deal. Johan van Dorfeld the Elder from Hoppecke enfeoffed Herman Wilkens with the third part of the Severgut in the small Aa.
Mentioned in 1542 Hermann Olen
Mentioned in 1543 Herman Olen He testifies to a real estate deal between the city of Brilon and Heinrich Hoeffnagel.
Mentioned in 1543 Johann Elmar
Mentioned in 1544 Gort Cleynsmet
Mentioned in 1545 Hermann Olen
Mentioned in 1546 Dietrich Hanxleben
Mentioned in 1547 Johan Elmar
Mentioned in 1548 Konrad Bakemoder
Mentioned in 1549 Herman Olen
Mentioned in 1550 Corn Cleinsmetz
Mentioned in 1551 Henrich Brochus
Mentioned in 1552 Henricus Pennynk He died shortly after taking office.
Mentioned in 1552 Thomas Zwickers
Mentioned in 1555 Thomas Schwicker Mentioned as 2nd mayor in 1556.
Mentioned in 1556 Heinrich Broichus
Mentioned in 1558 Thones cheat
Mentioned in 1567 Henrich Jacobs He was asked for information about what was being discussed about the timing of the Schnade .
Mentioned in 1569 Henrich Jacobs He copied the 1417 rifle statutes on parchment and copied, extracted and renovated the text. The certificate is now in the city archive.
Mentioned in 1569 Henrich Broichhusen
Mentioned in 1569 Ludewich Rickemacker On June 22, 1569 he was involved in the settlement of a dispute between Brilon and Rüthen.
Mentioned in 1570 Henrich Jacobs
1572-1573 Ludwig Reichemacher (also Richemacher) In 1572 he was enfeoffed with the Seversgut by Tilo Franz Wulff von Gutenberk.
Mentioned in 1574 Ludwich Reichemacher As a judge on April 25, 1574, he swore a sale of property. On June 1, 1574 he received a seventh part of the Sebers wood for the city from Tilo Frantz Wolff von Gutenbergh zu Hoppecke.
Mentioned in 1575 Henrich Jacobs
Mentioned in 1576 Christoffer Kleinschmit The Dingbuche on the Schnade between Büren and Rüthen had been illegally felled. The felled tree was found in a place called Asshoff. The trunk was marked with a deep carved cross on one side and an overgrown cross on the other. Kleinschmit helped find the culprit.
Mentioned in 1577 Henrich Duppen
Mentioned in 1580 Christoffer Kleinschmitz
Mentioned in 1581 Henrich Jacobs
Mentioned in 1582 Hermann Scharffe
Mentioned in 1584 Heinrich Jacobs He was enfeoffed by Christoff Wulff von Gudenbergh zu Hoppecke, one of the witnesses was the Mayor of Brilon Georg Stevens.
Mentioned in 1584 Georg Stevens He acted as a witness in the notarization of a fiefdom for the mayor Heinrich Jacobs.
Mentioned in 1589 Henrich Jacobs
Mentioned in 1590 Henrich Jacobs
Mentioned in 1591 Heinrich Jacobs On November 4, 1591, he reversed a loan from Philip Wolff von Gudenbergh zu Hoppecke for the city of Brilon with the Seversgut on the narrow Aha.
Mentioned in 1594 Franz von Meschede He was named in a deed as the property owner on Pelsenberg in Brilon.
Mentioned in 1595 Franz von Meschede
Mentioned in 1595 Christoffel Kleinschmidt He was named in a document from April 24, 1595 as the owner of a meadow on the Galberge.

17th century

Almost all of the names have been handed down since the 1630s and are documented in Brilon's council books and city accounts.

Term of office Surname comment image
Mentioned in 1601 Herman Sharp Together with Mayor Christoffer Kleinschmidt, he protested against the unauthorized hunting of members of the Bredelar Monastery. The protest was recorded by the notary Rudolf Honning at the town hall in the Stattstuben .
Mentioned in 1602 Cristoffer Kleinschmidt On February 23, 1602, he received a complaint from Caspar von Dorfelt. A goat and a shepherd's hoe had been seized from him by Brilon lumberjacks on the Bremecke. He asks to be returned.
Mentioned in 1608 Mayor Schaerffen On December 3, 1608, after the death of his brother Herman, Valentin von und zu Rehen asked the mayor to receive the fiefdom at the court of Kneblinghausen .
Mentioned in 1609 Michael Noggerath In a document dated March 9, 1609, he was named as co-mayor in a guardianship matter.
Mentioned in 1611 Mayor Scharff In 1611 he built a hut in Lederke above the Aa spring . The slag remains that can still be found today probably originate from this .
Mentioned in 1612 Johann Greben He was enfeoffed on May 4, 1612 by the Princely Hessian chief forester Werner von Rehen with a farm in Kneblinghausen .
Mentioned in 1613 Johann Greben
Mentioned in 1614 Michael Noggerath He was mentioned in a deed dated December 25, 1614 as the buyer of a portion of fiefdom in Rixen.
Mentioned in 1617 Johann Greven He was married to Anna Nuthen.
Mentioned in 1618 Hermann Scharffen
Mentioned in 1621 Johannes Jacobi
Mentioned in 1622 Michael Noggerath Nöggerath too; † 1625
Mentioned in 1625 Michael Nieggeraidt
Mentioned in 1627 Caspar Jakobs
Mentioned in 1629 Schwickhard Rham He was named licentiate and co-mayor in a document dated June 24, 1629.
Mentioned in 1630 Caspar Jacobs
Mentioned in 1631 Schwichard Rham
Mentioned in 1631 and 1632 Johannes Jacobi He was held prisoner by the Weymatic people of war . In a contract dated November 13, 1631, his co-mayor Caspar Jacobi made 200 Reichstaler available to the city for redemption.
Mentioned in 1631 Caspar Jacobi As co -mayor of the city, in a contract dated November 13, 1631, he made 200 Reichstaler available for the release of the mayor Johannes Jacobi, who was held captive by the Weymarian war people .
Mentioned in 1632 Schwichard Rham In a loan agreement dated February 19, 1632, as mayor, he guaranteed a licentiate for a sum of 1,000 Reichstalers. The money was loaned to the city by the mayor of Korbach, Johan Butterweck.
Mentioned in 1632 Johannes Jacobi
Mentioned in 1633 Hermanus Kleinschmidt
Mentioned in 1634 Melchior goiter
Mentioned in 1635 Franz von Meschede
Mentioned in 1636 Schwickert (Schwichard) ramming
Mentioned in 1637 Hermann Kleinschmidt
Mentioned in 1638 Johannes Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1639 Christoffel Prange
Mentioned in 1640 Caspar Jacobi
Mentioned in 1641 Johannes Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1642 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1643 Franz von Meschede
Mentioned in 1644 Franz von Meschede In a debt certificate dated July 24, 1644, the two daughters of the late Mordian von Meschede zu Alme acknowledge that they owe their cousin Franz von Meschede 200 thalers. Mayor Johann Niehaus acted as witness.
Mentioned in 1644 Johannes Neuhaus also Johann Niehaus He acted as a witness in the certification of a claim by Mayor Franz von Meschede against the heirs of Mordian von Meschede zu Alme.
Mentioned in 1645 Franz von Meschede
Mentioned in 1646 Johannes Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1647 Gabriel Duppen, different spelling also Gabriel Düppe He was mayor ( consul regens ) nine times ; he died in 1665.
Mentioned in 1648 Johannes Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1649 Franz von Meschede
Mentioned in 1650 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1651 Johannes Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1652 Gabriel Duppen In his function as the governing mayor, a property was negotiated on July 10, 1652, and the two co-mayors Franz von Meschede and Johan Neuhaus were also involved.
Mentioned in 1652 Johan Neuhaus He was involved in the notarization of a property transaction, and Franz von Meschede as co-mayor and Gabriel Duppen as governing mayor were also involved.
Mentioned in 1652 Franz von Meschede He was involved in the notarization of a property deal, Johan Neuhaus as co-mayor and Gabriel Duppen as ruling mayor were also involved.
Mentioned in 1653 Johannes Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1654 Gabriel Duppen In a letter to Gabriel Duppen, the abbot Absalon of the Bredelar monastery reminded of the fulfillment of a previously concluded settlement. On October 16, 1653 he mediated at a meeting of the magistrate about the establishment of the Petrinum grammar school. The chaplain Iskenius, proposed by the Minorites as a teacher, was initially not accepted by the magistrate, and his qualifications were questioned. Through clever negotiation, Düppen managed to dispel the concerns.
Mentioned in 1655 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1656 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1657 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1659 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1660 Everhard Höynck The Werler official Caspar Rheinharts asked him on July 7, 1960 to advocate a property suit.
Mentioned in 1661 Henrich Jacobi
Mentioned in 1662 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1663 Gabriel Duppen
Mentioned in 1664 Heinrich Jacobi
Mentioned in 1665 Joan Koch, called Quenter
Mentioned in 1666 Joan Koch, called Quenter
Mentioned in 1667 Joan Steven
Mentioned in 1670 Johann Wreden
Mentioned in 1671 Johann Koch
Mentioned in 1672 Everhard Höynck
Mentioned in 1673 Joachim Prangen
Mentioned in 1673 Johan Koch The city pledged him an annual, resaleable pension of five Reichstalers for 100 Reichstaler.
Mentioned in 1674 Johann Koch
Mentioned in 1676 Ludwig Laer
Mentioned in 1677 Johann Koch, called Quenter
Mentioned in 1678 Joachim Prangen
Mentioned in 1680 Joachim Prangen
Mentioned in 1681 Johann Koch
The little holy house was donated by Johann Koch
Mentioned in 1682 Albert Gerling
Grave slab in the provost church
Mentioned in 1683 Albert Gerling
Mentioned in 1684 Albert Gerling
Mentioned in 1685 Joachim Prange
Mentioned 1686 Johann Geck He paid a messenger who had brought files in the witch trial case of Anna Catharina Sommer, files to Nettelstedt.
Mentioned 1686 Johann Wrede On March 5, 1686, Wrede traveled to Nettelstädt because of the participation in proceedings pending in Brilon on witch trials. Wrede had also been mayor years before and was known for his urgency and perseverance in the exercise of his office as advocatus fisci, also known as fiscal.
Mentioned in 1687 Johann Philipp Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1688 Johann Wrede
Mentioned in 1690 Ludwig Laer
Mentioned in 1692 Johann Philipp Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1693 Jodocus Wilhelm Haver His grave slab is in the provost church; he died in 1695
Mentioned in 1694 Melchior Berthold
Mentioned in 1696 Jodocus Grothe
Mentioned in 1697 Jodocus Grothe
Mentioned in 1698 Peter Everhard Höingh
Mentioned in 1698 Melchior Berthold
Mentioned in 1699 Henrich Meschede

18th century

Term of office Surname comment image
Mentioned in 1700 Jodocus Grothe (n)
Mentioned in 1701 Henrich Meschede
Mentioned in 1702 Jodocus Hellner (us) He was mentioned as Jodocus Helner on his grave slab, which is in the provost church. He was also a judge in Marsberg; he died in 1703.
Mentioned in 1703 Jodocus (Jobst) Grothen
Mentioned in 1704 Peter Everhard Hoynck
Mentioned in 1706 Johann Philipp Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1707 Melchior Niedhard Grünaw (or Gronau)
Mentioned in 1708 Jodocus Grothe
Mentioned in 1709 Johann Philipp Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1710 Peter Everhard Hoynck
Mentioned in 1711 Jodocus Grothen Has died in 1711, administrator Johann Philipp Neuhaus became mayor.
Mentioned in 1712 Melchior Niedhardt Gronau
Mentioned in 1713 Johann Friedrich von der Becke (Bicke)
Mentioned in 1714 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Grave slab of Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1715 Melchior Niedhardt Gronau
Mentioned in 1716 Johann Friedrich von der Becke
Mentioned in 1717 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1718 Albert Wichartz
Mentioned in 1719 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1720 (Johann) Friedrich von der Becke
Mentioned in 1721 Swibert Schladoth
Mentioned in 1722 Albert Wichartz
Mentioned in 1723 Swibert Schladoth
Mentioned in 1724 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1725 Johann Henrich Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1726 Bernhard Gerling
Mentioned in 1727 Hermann Rhode
Mentioned in 1728 Swibert Schladoht
Mentioned in 1729 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1730 Hermann Rhoden
Mentioned in 1731 Ferdinand Adolph Vasbach
Mentioned in 1732 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1733 Albert Wichardt
Mentioned in 1734 Ferdinand Adolph Vasbach
Mentioned in 1735 Bernhard Gerling
Mentioned in 1736 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1737 Johann Heinrich Neuhaus
Mentioned in 1738 Hermann Rhode
Mentioned in 1739 Johann Adolph Ferdinand Vasbach
Mentioned in 1740 Karl Ludwig Laer (* 1694), was mayor eight times. He owned the half-timbered house in which the Schlueter Gasthaus, which is a listed building, is located today .
Mentioned in 1741 Johann Heinrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1742 Bernhard Gerling The city required him to hand over archives and files.
Mentioned in 1743 Karl Ludwig Laer
Mentioned in 1744 Bernhard Gerling
Mentioned in 1745 Karl Ludwig Laer
Mentioned in 1746 Johann Henrich Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1747 Melchior Wichartz (or Wigartz)
Mentioned in 1748 Heinrich Kannegiesser
Mentioned in 1749 Karl Ludwig Laer
Mentioned in 1750 Everhard Kannegießer
Everhard Jodoku's jug maker
Mentioned in 1751 Melchior Wichartz
Mentioned in 1752 Everhard Jodoku's jug maker
Mentioned in 1753 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Freusberg
Mentioned in 1754 Melchior Wichartz (or Wigartz)
Mentioned in 1755 Carl Peter Ludwig Laer In a council meeting in 1755 it was decided, because of the new facade of the Brilon town hall, that the two Brilon Reidemeister should raise 500 Taler advances for the charcoal in advance due to lack of money in the city treasury.
Mentioned in 1756 Everhard (Jodocus) jug maker
Mentioned in 1757 Melchior Wichartz
Mentioned in 1758 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Freusberg
Mentioned in 1759 Carl Ludwig Peter Laer
Mentioned in 1760 Johann Joseph Theodor Hermann Lysen
Mentioned in 1761 Carl Ludwig Peter Laer
Mentioned in 1762 Joan Adolph Laer He was a pharmacist and married to Anna Sophia von Winter
Mentioned in 1763 Carl Ludwig Peter Laer
Mentioned in 1764 JJTH Lysen
1765-1772 Johann Hermann Theodor Lysen Councilor, interim mayor until 1772
Mentioned in 1773 Ludwig Joseph Ulrich He was also a chamberlain in Brilon on several occasions. He was mayor five times in total. He founded a farm on Keffelker Straße (today Bahnhofstraße), which he enlarged by constantly buying land. According to the cattle appraisal list of 1777, he had to pay a tax of 10 thalers and 17 groschen, which is by far the highest amount in Brilon. Ulrich also worked as an ironworks and businessman. He was significantly involved in the Holländer Hütte at the Hoppecke in Gudenhagen and he owned iron mines and a larger ironworks in Altenbeken, which he had inherited from his brother Raban Anton. He died on April 18, 1786, in the parish's death register it is noted: “ Consul providissimus, longiori vita dignissimus ” (Very careful mayor, highly worthy of a longer life). He was buried in front of the north portal of the parish church; the cast iron cross on his grave had been set by him a few years earlier.
Mentioned in 1774 JHT Lysen
Mentioned in 1777 Franz Benedikt Varnhagen
Mentioned in 1778 LJ Ulrich
Mentioned in 1779 FB Varnhagen
Mentioned in 1780 (J.) HT Lysen
Mentioned in 1781 Joseph Anton Gerling
Mentioned in 1781 FB Varnhagen
Mentioned in 1782 LJ Ulrich
Mentioned in 1783 Bernhard Kannegießer
Mentioned in 1784 Johann Krüper
Mentioned in 1785 LJ Ulrich
Mentioned in 1786 FB Varnhagen
Mentioned in 1787 Johann Heinrich Weed
Johann Heinrich Weed, pastel around 1801
Mentioned in 1788 Wilhelm Becker In 1798, Becker took part in a leading uprising against a new council and election order introduced by Elector Max Franz. Among other things, the municipal lime kiln was torn down during these unrest. On February 23, 1802 Becker was sentenced to five years imprisonment, which he had to serve in the Arnsberg correctional house.
Mentioned in 1789 Johann Albert Elmer
Mentioned in 1790 Wilhelm Becker
Mentioned in 1791 YES Elmer
Mentioned in 1793 Bernhard Heinrich Kannengießer (June 18, 1734 - March 18, 1820)
Mentioned in 1794 Wilhelm Becker
Mentioned in 1795 YES Elmer
Mentioned in 1796 W. Becker
Mentioned in 1797 FB Varnhagen
Mentioned in 1798 FB Varnhagen
Mentioned in 1799 JH weed

19th and 20th centuries

Term of office Surname comment image
Mentioned in 1800 FB Varnhagen, JA Elmer
Mentioned in 1801 Albert Caspari, JH weeds
Mentioned in 1802 Albert Caspari
Mentioned in 1803 Albert Caspari
Mentioned in 1803 JH weed
Mentioned in 1804 JH weed
Mentioned in 1805 JH weed
Mentioned in 1806 Ferdinand King
Mentioned in 1807 Ferdinand King
Mentioned in 1809 Albert Caspari
1802-1818 Judge Lohmann as mayor (1779 - November 1857). He was installed by the Hessian government and was the only mayor in Brilon's history. Lohmann had previously presided over the electoral courts in Marsberg and Volkmarsen.
1812-1818 Municipal council of two to three deputies Named responsible in city accounts: judge and lawyer Albert Lohmann.
1818-1820 Johann Franz Petrasch Judge he was appointed by the government.
1820-1824 Selbach (also Seelbach) was appointed by the government
1824-1827 Krengel
Mentioned in 1827 Martini junior
1828-1833 Heinrich Brauns He was previously mayor of Geseke and afterwards mayor of Balve.
1833-1837 Heinrich Wulff († June 7, 1879 in Soest ), he acted until the introduction of the new town order on February 1, 1837.
1837-1841 Friedrich Martini He was mayor from February 1, 1837 to May 1841. The city council elected him and he was appointed by the Royal Government. Martini resigned voluntarily on May 1, 1948 and was then, as before his election, district secretary.
1841-1865 Nikolaus Hesse He was a former canton official and rentmaster from Dahlhausen. He was elected twice for twelve years.
Nikolaus Hesse
1865-1871 Friedrich Boese He was first bailiff in Freienohl , then mayor in Brilon, later senior rentmaster and member of the Prussian House of Representatives for the Center Party.
1871-1904 Anton Schomberg
November 22, 1904-1907 Coals He was previously a trainee lawyer in Krefeld and acting mayor in Keyenberg .
1907-1909 Cl. Büscher
1909-1917 G. Göpfert He was a bailiff from Freienohl, he was first provisionally elected on February 15, 1909 and then finally elected on June 25, 1909.
Signature on an emergency note
1917-1937 Josef Paul Sauvigny
Grave of Josef Paul Sauvigny
from June 1, 1937 Robert Gross The Arnsberger was previously a district committee inspector and SA- Obersturmbannführer, he had been a member of the NSDAP since 1931. He moved the NSDAP office to the town hall, where SA- Sturmbann II / 220 was already housed. In 1938, Groß bought a house with a garden at Gartenstrasse 10 (for the NSDAP Gau Westfalen-Süd) from Jewish citizens, a meadow behind the loam, as well as farmland and meadow.
Mentioned on September 15, 1944 Mayor Hoffmann In a letter classified as secret, he was instructed in September 1944 by the district administrator of the Brilon district to destroy certain files if they should fall into the hands of the enemy after the war. This included files that could be of use to the enemy in waging war or that would be suitable for enemy propaganda. Files on the confiscation and utilization of Jewish property are to be destroyed. The destruction of personnel files should be decided on a case-by-case basis.

After 1945

Term of office Surname comment image
0April 2, 1945– May 1945 Johannes Martini (provisional)
1945-1946 Walter Dinkloh
1946-1948 Wilhelm Schieferecke
1948-1948 Josef Stuhldreher
1948-1951 Wilhelm Stracke center
March 12, 1951 - October 21, 1951 Heinrich Lüke As the first representative of the sick Wilhelm Stracke
1951-1952 Josef Schreckenberg SPD
1952-1956 August Heeke CDU
1956-1958 Julius Drescher SPD
1958-1961 Josef Wolff CDU
1961-1963 Julius Drescher SPD
1963-1973 Franz Hillebrand CDU
1973–1985 Josef Klaholz CDU
1985-1999 Franz Hülshoff CDU
1999-2014 Franz Schrewe SPD, first full-time mayor
since 2014 Christof Bartsch SPD

City Directors

Term of office Surname comment image
1946-1948 Walter Dinkloh
1948-1957 Heinrich Schieferecke There are two bronze figures on the Brilon Schnadebrunnen at the former Schultenhaus. The figure on the left shows Heinrich Schieferecke reading the recess from a roll of documents.
Schnade Monument with Johannes Martini and Heinrich Schieferecke
1957-1980 Ludwig Steiger
1980-1999 Eberhard Schüle


  • Gerhard Brökel: Past times, history from Brilon, Volume 5 , Ed. Briloner Heimatbund Semper Idem, 2011.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 215.
  2. ^ A b Josef Rüther: Local history of the district of Brilon . Regensberg Verlag, Münster 1957.
  3. ^ Johann Engemann: The mayors. In: Stadt Brilon (Hrsg.): 750 years city of Brilon 1220 to 1970. Brilon 1970, p. 81f.
  4. ^ Josef Rüther: Local history of the district of Brilon. Regensberg Verlag, Münster 1957, p. 325.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq Magnus Müller, Theodor Tochtrop: 750 years of the city of Brilon. 1220 to 1970 . Ed. Stadt Brilon, 1970, pp. 83-90.
  6. Briloner Heimatbuch. Volume V, p. 56, Seibertz UB 3, 924
  7. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 38.
  8. a b Gerhard Brökel, historical records about Brilon, Podszun Verlag Brilon, ISBN 3-86133-259-0 , p. 40
  9. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 23.
  10. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 48.
  11. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 54.
  12. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 57
  13. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 66.
  14. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 68.
  15. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, pp. 72, 73.
  16. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 73.
  17. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 75.
  18. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 84.
  19. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, pp. 88, 89.
  20. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 97.
  21. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 95.
  22. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. Ed. From the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 108.
  23. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 112.
  24. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 142.
  25. ^ Alfred Bruns in 750 years city of Brilon, ed. City of Brilon, p. 51.
  26. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 148.
  27. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 153.
  28. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 161.
  29. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 164.
  30. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 183.
  31. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 185.
  32. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 187.
  33. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 188.
  34. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 192.
  35. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 195.
  36. ^ Josef Rüther: Local history of the district of Brilon. Regensberg Verlag, Münster 1957, p. 329.
  37. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives. Stock A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 198.
  38. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 208.
  39. ^ Heinrich Josef Deisting: Coat of arms, seal and signet of Arnsberg citizens and institutions. In: Arnsberger Heimatbund e. V. (Ed.): Heimatblätter, Heft 25, 2004, p. 25.
  40. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 205.
  41. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 206.
  42. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 207.
  43. ^ Alfred Bruns in: City of Brilon (ed.): 750 years city of Brilon. Druck Hecker, Brilon 1970, p. 53.
  44. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 212.
  45. ^ A b Gerhard Brökel: Briloner Heimatbuch. Volume III, 1994, p. 99.
  46. ^ A b Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 216.
  47. ^ Volker Gedaschke, Heinrich Hülsbusch: From the monastery school Ambrosio Antoniani to the grammar school Petrinum. Podzun Verlag, Brilon 1999, ISBN 3-86133-213-2 , p. 8.
  48. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 263.
  49. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 227.
  50. a b Gerhard Brökel: Past times, story from Brilon 5th Briloner Heimatbund Semper Idem, p. 10.
  51. ^ A b Paul Michels, Nikolaus Rodenkirchen, Franz Herberhold: Architectural and art monuments of Westphalia, district of Brilon, 45th volume. Edited by Wilhelm Rave. Aschendorfsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Münster 1952, p. 171.
  52. ^ Gerhard Brökel : From the history of the Maria Hilf hospital, Brilon 1847–1997. Weyers Druck, Brilon, p. 196.
  53. ^ Alfred Bruns: Inventory of the Brilon City Archives, A. ed. from the State Office for Archive Maintenance, Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 279.
  54. ^ Gerhard Brökel: Briloner Heimatbuch. Volume I, p. 40.
  55. ^ Gerhard Brökel: Past times. Volume 1, ISBN 3-86133-341-4 , p. 22.
  56. a b Gerhard Brökel: Briloner Heimatbuch, Volume III. 1994, p. 98.
  57. ^ Gerhard Brökel: From the history of the Maria Hilf hospital, Brilon 1847–1997. Weyers Druck, Brilon, p. 196.
  58. Theodor Tochtrop: Stories from Brilon. Weyers Druck, Brilon 1976, p. 20.
  59. ^ Gerhard Brökel: Briloner Heimatbuch. Volume III, 1994, p. 104.
  60. ^ Gerhard Brökel: Historical records about Brilon. Podszun Verlag, Brilon, ISBN 3-86133-259-0 , p. 34.
  61. ^ A b c Gerhard Brökel: Historical records about Brilon. Podszun Verlag, Brilon, ISBN 3-86133-259-0 , p. 18.
  62. ^ Alfred Bruns: Brilon 1816-1918. Verlag Diethelm Krüger, Brilon 1988, ISBN 3-923013-08-6 , p. 145.
  63. Sigrid Blömeke, Hans-Günther Bracht, Gisela Kemper, with the collaboration of Wolfgang Arnolds: Jews in Brilon at the time of National Socialism. Publisher: Democratic Initiative Association for the Promotion of Social, Cultural and Political Education e. V. Brilon, ISBN 3-9801960-0-3 , pp. 33, 70.
  64. Sigrid Blömeke, Hans-Günther Bracht, Gisela Kemper, with the collaboration of Wolfgang Arnolds: Jews in Brilon at the time of National Socialism. Publisher: Democratic Initiative Association for the Promotion of Social, Cultural and Political Education e. V. Brilon, ISBN 3-9801960-0-3 , p. 157.
  65. ^ Page of the city of Brilon, accessed on February 6, 2012
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