List of municipalities in the district of Osterholz

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Bremen Bremen Landkreis Cuxhaven Landkreis Oldenburg Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme) Landkreis Verden Landkreis Wesermarsch Axstedt Grasberg Hambergen Holste Lilienthal Lübberstedt Osterholz-Scharmbeck Ritterhude Schwanewede Worpswede VollersodeMunicipalities in OHZ.svg
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The list of municipalities in the district of Osterholz gives an overview of the eleven smallest administrative units in the district . The district seat Osterholz-Scharmbeck is the only town in the district.

During the Prussian district reform of 1932, the Blumenthal and Osterholz districts were combined into a new and larger district of Osterholz . The number of parishes in the district was reduced in 1936 and 1937 through a series of mergers. With the communities of Aumund , Blumenthal , Farge , Grohn , Lesum and Schönebeck , the district of Osterholz had to surrender part of the old district of Blumenthal to the city of Bremen on November 1, 1939 , thereby losing a large part of the inhabitants that had been gained in 1932.

The regional reform in Lower Saxony began for the district of Osterholz in 1968, when Eickedorf , Grasberg and Wörpedorf were merged to form a new municipality of Grasberg. A comprehensive regional reform was carried out by the law on the reorganization of the communities in the Osterholz / Wesermünde area on March 1, 1974. The district area was enlarged by the fact that the Weser island Harriersand and the Hammelwarder Sand area from the Wesermarsch district and the communities Axstedt and Lübberstedt from the Wesermünde district came to the district of Osterholz. At the same time, numerous community mergers created the division of the district into the city of Osterholz-Scharmbeck and ten other communities.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the villages of Wilstedter Moor and Tarmstedter Moor from the Rotenburg (Wümme) district were incorporated into Grasberg.


The district can be further subdivided into the integrated municipality :

The city of Osterholz-Scharmbeck , like the communities of Grasberg , Lilienthal , Ritterhude , Schwanewede and Worpswede, is a unified community .

The district has a total area of ​​650.81 km 2 . The district town Osterholz-Scharmbeck has the largest area within the district with 146.91 square kilometers. It is followed by the community of Schwanewede with 132.22 square kilometers. The municipality of Worpswede has an area of ​​76.14 square kilometers and the municipality of Lilienthal is 72.09 square kilometers. The municipalities of Grasberg and Vollersode have an area of ​​over 40 square kilometers, the municipalities of Holste , Ritterhude and Hambergen have an area of ​​over 30 square kilometers. The municipality of Lübberstedt has an area of ​​12.32 square kilometers and the municipality of Axstedt has an area of ​​10.71 square kilometers, making it the smallest municipality in the district.

The city of Osterholz-Scharmbeck with 30,256 inhabitants and the municipality of Schwanewede with 20,421, followed by Lilienthal with 19,485 inhabitants, have the largest share of the population of the district of 136,292 inhabitants. The municipality of Ritterhude has over 10,000 inhabitants. The municipalities of Worpswede, Grasberg and Hambergen have over 5000 inhabitants. The municipality of Vollersode has 2842 inhabitants. The communities Holste and Axstedt have over 1000 inhabitants. The smallest municipality in terms of population, Lübberstedt has 737 inhabitants.

The entire district of Osterholz has a population density of 000000000000175.0000000000175 inhabitants per square kilometer, with the largest part being made up of the municipality of Ritterhude with 000000000000447.0000000000447 inhabitants per square kilometer. The next largest population density within the district has the municipality Lilienthal with 000000000000270.0000000000270 inhabitants per square kilometer, the district town Osterholz-Scharmbeck with 000000000000206.0000000000206 inhabitants per square kilometer, Hambergen with 000000000000186.0000000000186 and Schwanewede with 000000000000154.0000000000154, followed by Grasberg with 000000000000140.0000000000140. The communities Worpswede and Axstedt have a population density of over 100, with both, like Grasberg, already being below the national average of 145. The other three municipalities Vollersode, Lübberstedt and Holste are the least populated with a population density of less than 70 inhabitants per square kilometer.


  • Municipality : Name of the municipality or city
  • Subsites : Enumerated are the formerly independent municipalities of the administrative unit. The year of incorporation is also given. This is also noted for the suburbs that belonged to a different district than the main town of today's municipality before the regional reform
  • Joint community : Shows that five communities belong to the joint community of Hambergen
  • Coat of arms : coat of arms of the municipality or city
  • Map : Shows the location of the municipality or city in the district
  • Area : Area of ​​the city or municipality, given in square kilometers
  • Population : number of people living in the municipality or city (as of December 31, 2019)
  • Population density : The population density is given, calculated on the area of ​​the administrative unit, given in population per km 2 (as of December 31, 2019)
  • Altitude : Altitude of the eponymous town or town in meters above sea ​​level
  • Image : Image from the respective municipality or city


local community Sub-locations Joint municipality coat of arms map surface Residents EW
height image
Osterholz district Coat of arms of the district of Osterholz Location of the district of Osterholz in Lower Saxony 000000000000650.8100000000650.81 000000000113928.0000000000113,928 000000000000175.0000000000175
Axstedt Axstedt Hambergen Coat of arms of the municipality of Axstedt Location of the municipality of Axstedt in the district of Osterholz 000000000000010.710000000010.71 000000000001192.00000000001,192 000000000000111.0000000000111 000000000000015.000000000015th
Grasberg Grasberg
my Hausen
means Moor
buying wine Moor
Coat of arms of the Grasberg community Location of the community of Grasberg in the district of Osterholz 000000000000055.550000000055.55 000000000007783.00000000007,783 000000000000140.0000000000140 000000000000005.00000000005 The church of Grasberg
Hambergen Hambergen
healing village
lapwing blessing
Hambergen Coat of arms of the municipality of Hambergen Location of the municipality of Hambergen in the district of Osterholz 000000000000030.280000000030.28 000000000005637.00000000005,637 000000000000186.0000000000186 000000000000027.000000000027
Holste Hellingst
Hambergen Coat of arms of the municipality of Holste Location of the municipality of Holste in the district of Osterholz 000000000000035.340000000035.34 000000000001397.00000000001,397 000000000000040.000000000040 000000000000024.000000000024
Lilienthal Lilienthal
Sankt Jürgen
Coat of arms of the Lilienthal community Location of the community Lilienthal in the district of Osterholz 000000000000072.090000000072.09 000000000019485.000000000019,485 000000000000270.0000000000270 000000000000003.00000000003 Sankt Juergensland: View from the Wümmedeich in Bremen to the St. Juergens Church
Luebberstedt Luebberstedt Hambergen Coat of arms of the municipality of Lübberstedt Location of the municipality of Lübberstedt in the district of Osterholz 000000000000012.320000000012.32 000000000000737.0000000000737 000000000000060.000000000060 000000000000014.000000000014th The Höllander windmill in Lübberstedt
Osterholz-Scharmbeck (district town) Osterholz-Scharmbeck
Coat of arms of the city of Osterholz-Scharmbeck Location of the city of Osterholz-Scharmbeck in the district of Osterholz 000000000000146.9100000000146.91 000000000030256.000000000030,256 000000000000206.0000000000206 000000000000011.000000000011 Stone grave in Osterholz-Scharmbeck (front)
Ritterhude Ritterhude
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ritterhude Location of the municipality of Ritterhude in the district of Osterholz 000000000000032.880000000032.88 000000000014684.000000000014,684 000000000000447.0000000000447 000000000000010.000000000010 Dammgut Ritterhude
Schwanewede Schwanewede
Coat of arms of the community of Schwanewede Location of the community Schwanewede in the district of Osterholz 000000000000132.2200000000132.22 000000000020421.000000000020,421 000000000000154.0000000000154 000000000000015.000000000015th Hohehorst manor house
Vollersode Vollersode
Ahrens village
Hambergen Coat of arms of the municipality of Vollersode Location of the community Vollersode in the district of Osterholz 000000000000046.370000000046.37 000000000002842.00000000002,842 000000000000061.000000000061 000000000000020.000000000020th Windmill in Wallhöfen on the “Mühlenberg” road to Bornreihe
Worpswede Worpswede
Neu Sankt Jürgen
The municipality of Worpswede does not have a coat of arms Location of the community Worpswede in the district of Osterholz 000000000000076.140000000076.14 000000000009494.00000000009,494 000000000000021.000000000021st 000000000000020.000000000020th Barkenhoff (east side) in Worpswede

Former parishes

See: Former communities in the Osterholz district

Web links

Commons : Communities in the district of Osterholz  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prussian State Ministry, § 72, Ordinance on the reorganization of rural districts, from August 1, 1932 Preussische Gesetzessammlung, Berlin 1932; No. 43 (Formation of the new district of Osterholz) , R. von Deckers Verlag, G. Schenk, 1932
  2. Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Osterholz.html. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  3. Fourth ordinance on the rebuilding of the Reich of September 28, 1939
  4. Law on the amalgamation of the communities of Eickedorf, Grasberg and Wörpedorf of December 28, 1967
  5. Law on the reorganization of the communities in the Osterholz / Wesermünde area of June 13, 1973
  6. State Office for Statistics Lower Saxony, LSN-Online regional database, Table 12411: Update of the population, as of December 31, 2019  ( help ).
  7. State Office for Statistics Lower Saxony, LSN-Online regional database, Table 12411: Update of the population, as of December 31, 2019  ( help ).