List of military facilities and units in Cologne

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Pre-Roman times

Bronze cuirass 2900g Grenoble end of 7th early 6th century BCE.jpg

Finds in Cologne-Lindenthal indicate an early permanent settlement around 4500 BC. Close. At least in the time of the Celts, at least in other places, e.g. B. in the southern German town of Manching, the Oppidum complex of Manching , strong fortified settlements with weapons finds proven. Since weapons were expensive and rare and their use required practice, groups trained for protection tasks and Celtic warfare are likely, possibly also in Cologne. On the other hand, no finds of a collection of Celtic or other pre-Roman weapons or armor are known for Cologne.

Romans, 55 BC Until approx. 454 AD

Roman Cologne, reconstruction.JPG

Roman troops under Gaius Iulius Caesar had in the Gallic War until 55 BC. BC conquered the areas of Gaul on the left bank of the Rhine . The exact date of the establishment of a Roman settlement in Cologne has not been established; the year 38 BC is generally assumed. Adopted. To date (2013) there is no evidence of military accommodation in Cologne. The discovery of early Roman militaria on Breslauer Platz as part of the construction of new underground lines in Cologne could provide clues. However, this area was outside the Roman city wall. At the end of the Augustan period (after the Varus Battle ) the 1st, 5th, 10th and 21st Legions are said to have been in summer camp on the banks of the Rhine, but where these camps were is not known. The 1st and 20th legions are said to have been in a camp together on the Ubier civitas area.

The Divitia / Deutz camp is documented for the first time for 310.

The names of the following units - legions , cohorts , aliens , fleet, numbers , guard units - come from Roman stone inscriptions from Cologne. Thus, this is not sure proof that the unit was actually in Cologne - the dead person or the person mentioned had a relationship with this unit in any case, from holidaymakers to veterans of non-local units, everything is possible.

Grave for Titus Flavius ​​Bassus Roman-Germanic Museum Cologne.jpg
units Dating the inscription Facility / barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Legio I Minervia 10-20
Legio I Minervia 1st century AD (maybe shortly before 89)
Legio I Minervia 160/170
Legio I Minervia 1st to 2nd half of the 3rd century
Legio I Minervia pia fidelis 2nd century AD
Legio I Minervia pia fidelis End of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century
Legio I Minervia pia fidelis 1st half of the 3rd century
Legio II Parthica 213-214 or 234-235
Legio III Augusta Middle of the 3rd century AD
Legio V Alaudae 1st half of the 1st century
Legio VI Victrix pia fidelis between 89 and 122
Legio VII Gemina (Pia Fidelis) 2nd half of the 2nd - 1st half of the 3rd century AD
Legio X Gemina 70-85
Legio XIIII Gemina 1st half of the 1st century
Legio XV Primigenia between 39 and 69
Legio XV Primigenia 60-70
Legio XVI 2nd third of the 1st century AD
Legio XX Valeria Victrix 1st third of the 1st century AD
Legio XXI Rapax last quarter or third of the 1st century AD
Legio XXII Primigenia soon after AD 315
Legio XXII Primigenia 80s of the 1st century AD
Legio XXII Primigenia 160-170
Legio XXII Primigenia after 310
Legio XXII (Primigenia / Deiotariana) 2nd half of the 1st century
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix 2nd to 3rd century
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix 2nd half of the 3rd century AD
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix 1st half of the 2nd century
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix 164.
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix Pia Fidelis 211
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix End of the 2nd - 3rd century AD
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix 230/240
Legio XXX around 180 AD
Ala Afrorum End of 1st / beginning of 2nd century
Ala I Asturum End of the 2nd to 1st half of the 3rd century
Ala afrorum ; tower of flavus late Dominian time
Ala afrorum; tower of Percius Capito Domitian time
Ala Afrorum, tower of the Firmanus Flavian time
Ala Classiana 2nd half of the 2nd century at the earliest.
Ala Fida Vindex 1st half 3rd century
Ala Indiana (turma of Barbius) Domitian time
Ala felix Moesicae? End of the 1st century AD
Ala I Noricorum , tower of Fabius Pudens Flavian time
Ala I Noricorum, turma of the Paterculus late Dominian time
Ala Praetoria (?) pre-Flavian time
Ala Sulpicia , turma des Nepos Domitian time
Ala Sulpicia late Dominian time
Ala Sulpicia 187
Ala Moesica felix? Domitian time
Ala I Thracum 2nd century AD
Cohors Alpina 1st half of the 1st century
Cohors II Asturum equitata pia fidelis 2nd quarter of the 2nd century
Cohors IV Breucorum , centuria of Gaius Indutius Repertus End of the 1st century
Cohors VIII Breucorum 2nd third of the 1st century
Cohors I Classica pia fidelis, centuria des Ingenuus early Flavian period
Cohors I Classica pia fidelis 2nd century
Cohors III Delmatarum 2nd half of the 1st century
Cohors I Flavia 2nd - 3rd century
Cohors / Ala? 3rd century
Cohors II Varcianarum (Equitata) Beginning of the 2nd century
Cohors VI Ingenuorum civium Romanorum Domitian time
Cohors VI ingenuorum civium Romanorum End of 1st - beginning of 2nd century
Cohors I Latabicorum et Varcianorum at the latest early Flavian time
Cohors Lusitanorum Domitian time
Cohors --- "nova"; first third of the 3rd century
Cohors I Raetorum 1st half of the 1st century
Cohors I Thracum Germanica Civium Romanorum Domitian time
Cohors II Varcianorum equitata 2nd - 3rd century
Cohors Vindelicorum early Flavian period (70-89)
Classis (?) Pia fidelis after 89 / late 1st - 2nd Cologne Alteburg
Classis Germanica pia fidelis, from the team of Nauarchen Euhodius End of the 1st / beginning of the 2nd century
Classis Germanica pia fidelis after 89
Classis Germania first half of the 1st century
Numerus exploratorum Germanicianorum Divitensium 3rd century AD
Numerus Gentilium last third of the 4th century AD
Numerus Promotorum (equites promoti) last third of the 4th century
Numerus Britonum 3rd century
Numerus Brittonum Antoninianus, Legio I Minervia 211-222
numerus exploratorum Batavorum 239
Cohors I Flavia Hispanorum pia fidelis / equites e pedites singlares 100
comites domesticorum (guards) 392-393
Guard rider 3rd century


Gross-st-martin cologne crossing pillar south-west kapitell.jpg

The Franks were from the 3rd century with the beginning of the migration of peoples long warlike actively centuries. It is possible that they too had had camps with fixed units.

Middle Ages 6th to 15th centuries

Cologne city wall hansaring01.jpg
Trk72 Cologne-Detail.jpg

The city ​​wall with gates, towers and casemates? was guarded by guards who probably stayed overnight in their private quarters in times of peace. After the medieval Cologne city wall was completed around 1200, the gate castles were then built. Presumably the Cologne archbishops had a permanent “bodyguard”; possibly they had special accommodation.

In 1096 a meeting point for crusaders from the Lower Rhine area was established in Cologne . In Cologne, they looted and pillaged the Jewish quarter before setting off for Jerusalem on the 1st Crusade .

Modern times

According to the resolutions of the Reichstag in Nuremberg in 1422 and in Worms in 1521 , an army was set up. It is not known to what extent units of this existed before the Rote Funken in Cologne.

City soldiers / Rote Funken , 1681 to 1794

Accommodation unknown, probably typical of the time in private quarters, especially when reinforcements in times of war, duty stations divided into archways, town hall and Neumarkt

Overview according to item slip on June 10, 1770

units Deployment
Facility / barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
34 people 1770 space Old town Town Hall Square Koelner-funken-1824.jpg
11 people 1770 Markmanns- u. Hafengass Old town
7 people 1770 Rheingass Old town tore off
4 people 1770 Wood gate. Old town
4 people 1770 Reckel's Kauhl. Old town
7 people 1770 Bayen unden Old town
4 people 1770 B. Bulwark. Inv. Old town
9 people 1770 Severini Old town
8 people 1770 Weyer-Pfort. Old town tore off
4 people 1770 Schaafen gate. Old town
10 people 1770 Roosters gate. Old town Cologne Hahnentor around 1900.jpg
6 persons 1770 Honor gate. Old town
4 people 1770 Friesen gate. Old town
9 people 1770 Eigelstein Old town
6 persons 1770 Cunibertz Old town
8 people 1770 Tranckgass Old town
4 people 1770 Neugaß Old town
5 people 1770 Müllengaß Old town
5 people 1770 Fish gate. Old town
6 persons 1770 To St. Paul Old town
18 people 1770 Neumarck. Old town tore off
7 people 1770 Armory. Old town Old guard at the Zeughaus Cologne (3773-75) .jpg
34 people 1770 Markmanns- u. Hafengass Old town
34 people 1770 Markmanns- u. Hafengass Old town

French occupation, 1794 to 1814

Flag of France.svg

In 1794 the left bank of the Rhine was occupied by French revolutionary troops. This was the beginning of the French era ; it ended on January 14, 1814.

Accommodation in private quarters, then in former monasteries ( church properties were nationalized in 1802 )

units Deployment
barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Dominican monastery , converted into a Dominican barracks Neustadt French Period-Neumarkt-Cologne-1794.jpg Demolished in 1889
Carthusian monastery, converted into a Carthusian barracks or military hospital Old town Ulrepforte-Cologne-vineyards-of-the-Carthusian-1571.jpg Remains received

Prussian period, 1815 to 1918

Flag of Prussia (1892-1918) .svg

In 1815 Cologne was added to Prussia , which ordered the city to be expanded into a fortress .

Military being 1863

Literally quoted from: The Wanderer through Cologne, A historical description of the city and all its peculiarities

The military population of Cologne averages over 6,800 people, which includes the occupation of Deutz, which is a whole with Cologne from a military point of view. From higher military authorities, Cologne contains the staff of the 15th division, the 29th and 30th infantry, and the 15th cavalry brigade. In addition, Cologne has a commandant's office (Apostelnkloster 3), a fortress inspection ( Glockengasse 15), a provisions office ( Severinstrasse 176), a garrison administration (Neumarkt 2), and a garrison hospital. The latter (Carthäusergasse 17) contains 400 beds…. The crew of Cologne and Deutz currently consists of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalion of the Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 25, the 1st and 2nd Battalion No. 65, and the 3rd Battalion of the East Prussian Fusilier Regiment No. 33, the Rhenish Cuirassier Regiment No. 8, the Westphalian Artillery Brigade No. 7 and the Westphalian Pioneer Battalion No. 7. - The town forms the 1st battalion of the 2nd Rhenish Landwehr Regiment No. 28 with three companies and the district with one the 1st battalion, and the trunk of the same is in Cologne. In addition, two mounted and fourteen foot gendarmes of the 8th Gendarmerie Brigade, who are standing under a major garrison here, are garrisoned over the whole province to aid the police.

Units and facilities stationed in Cologne in 1863 Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Staff 15th Division
Headquarters 29th Infantry Brigade
Headquarters of the 30th Infantry Brigade
Headquarters 15th Cavalry Brigade
Headquarters Apostle monastery 3
Provision office Severinstrasse 176
Garrison administration Neumarkt 2
Garrison hospital Carthäusergasse 17
1st Battalion Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 25
2nd Battalion Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 25
3rd Battalion Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 25
1st Battalion Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 65
2nd Battalion Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 65
3rd Battalion East Prussian Fusilier Regiment No. 33
Rhenish Cuirassier Regiment No. 8 1850-1918 Lancer in Cologne-Deutz 2.jpg
Westphalian Artillery Brigade No. 7
Westphalian Pioneer Battalion No. 7
1st Battalion 2nd Rhenish Landwehr Regiment No. 28,
one major, two mounted and fourteen foot gendarmes of the 8th Gendarmerie Brigade


Cologne floor plan and fortifications 1880.jpg

Inner fortress ring

Information on the forts taken from the fortress ring in Cologne

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Rheinschanze 1830 Fort I 1841 to 1847 Oberländer Wall 1
Westphalian foot artillery regiment No. 7 from 1864 Fort II Grand Duke Nicolaus of Russia 1816 to 1821 Bischofsweg / Marktstrasse / Am Toten Juden
Fort III 1843 to 1847 Fortress prison 1882/85 Bonner Wall 108-110
Fort IV Hereditary Grand Duke Paul of Mecklenburg 1822 to 1825 1833 Eifelstrasse, in the Volksgarten
Fort V 1843 to 1847 partial integration in Augusta-Hospital around 1885 Zülpicher Strasse 41
Fort VI 1822 to 1825 Aachener Strasse
Fort VII 1841 to 1846 Venloer Strasse
Fort VIII Prince Heinrich of Prussia 1822 to 1825 Site of the former Gereon freight yard
Fort IX 1843 to 1847 Escher Strasse
Fort X Prince Wilhelm of Prussia 1819 to 1825 Neusser Wall 33 Coeln-Fort-X-Courtyard-019.JPG
Fort XI 1834/35 Emergency hospital in WWII Riehl
Fort XV 1845 to 1846 Deutz Rheinpark
Fort XIV 1857 to 1859 Deutz-Mülheimer Strasse
Fort XIII, Fort Rauch 1861 to 1863 Deutz Siegburger Strasse

Outer fortress ring

Information on the forts largely taken from the fortress ring in Cologne

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Fort I 1874 to 1877 Niehl Bremerhavener Strasse, on the current Ford site
Personnel and students at the Butzweilerhof aviation station? Fort II Longerich Military ring road 341, between Bergheimer Weg and Heimersdorfer Straße
Personnel and students at the Butzweilerhof aviation station? Fort III Ossendorf north of the Nüssenberger Hof
Airship Battalion No. 3 1909 to July 28, 1914 Fort IV 1874 to 1876 Bocklemünd Freimersdorfer Weg
Fort V Müngersdorf east of the Robert-Blitzer-Weg
Schleswig-Holstein Foot Artillery Regiment No. 9 from 1887 Fort VI 1873-1876 Lindenthal north of Gleuler Strasse
Schleswig-Holstein Foot Artillery Regiment No. 9 from 1887 Fort VII 1874-1877 Folding rule east of the federal railway line to Trier
Westphalian foot artillery regiment No. 7 from 1864 Fort VIII 1874 to 1877 Rodenkirchen southeast the military ring road, west of the road "to the forest botanical garden"
Fort IX 1877 to 1880 Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
Fort X 1877 to 1880 Höhenberg Nohlenweg 10
Fort XI 1877 to 1880 Buchheim formerly Mülheimer Ring 151, today Piccoloministraße 1 Cologne Fort XI 1.jpg
Fort XII 1877 to 1880 Stammheim west of Düsseldorfer Straße, north of Stammheimer Ring


Information on the occupancy of the forts largely taken from the inscriptions on the memorial plaques of fallen soldiers in Cologne

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Arnoldshöhe 1911
Bergisches Field Artillery Regiment No. 59, Barbarakaserne, 1893-1895 Niehl Amsterdam street
Field Artillery Regiment No. 23 from 1899 Barbarakaserne, 1893-1895 Niehl Amsterdam street
Engineer Battalion No. 24 Boltenstern barracks 1908 Riehl Boltensternstrasse Cologne, Les casernes (Boltensternstrasse) .jpg
Count Gessler Cuirassier Regiment (Rhine) No. 8 from 1850 Deutz barracks 1850 Deutz Cologne-Deutz Kaserne.png
1814 conversion from a monastery Dominican barracks Neustadt
Etzel barracks Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
III. Field Artillery Regiment No. 23 / Bergisches Feld Artillery Regiment No. 59 from 1899 Fishing barracks 1893-1895 Niehl Amsterdam street
3rd Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 16 1902-1918 Hacketäuerkaserne 1902? Mülheim
10th Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 161 1897-1899 Neumarkt barracks , Hauptwache / Corps de guarde
5th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 53 Crown Prince Barracks 1893? lime Cologne-Kalk Kronprinzenkaserne1902.jpg
Airship barracks 1913 Ossendorf
III. Battalion 5th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 53 1897-1918 Ullrich barracks 1874-1877
III. Battalion 5th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 53 1895-1897 Weidenbach barracks 1897?
10th Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 161 1912-1918 Weidenbach barracks 1897?
Ullrich barracks
Zugweg barracks
Pioneer Battalion No. 7 ("Westphalian") Casemate Deutz II and III 1833 Deutz
7th Royal Prussian Artillery Brigade from 1865 Firing range madness from 1870 Lw barracks Wahn 80.JPG

The 7th Royal Prussian Artillery Brigade was initially housed in private quarters from 1817, partly in tents from 1865, and in permanent structures at the Wahn firing range from 1870.

Military hospitals

before 1863

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status

after 1863

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Carthusian 1794 occupation
Fortress Hospital 1
1918 Fortress Hospital 3 Kolping House Lindenthal Franzstrasse 8 Photo 163822
Fortress Hospital 4
Fortress Hospital 5
Fortress Hospital 8
Fortress Hospital 9
Fortress Hospital 13
Fortress Hospital X
Fortress Hospital Xiii
Fortress Hospital Xvii

Old Prussian units

No Old Prussian units documented, Cologne was only added to Prussia in 1815.

New Prussian units

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Pioneer Battalion No. 7 ("Westphalian")
Westphalian foot artillery regiment No. 7 from 1864
3rd Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 16
5th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 53 1895-03-30, To commemorate the entry of regiment No. 53, Musketeer Mellinghaus, 8th company, handcrafted with edelweiss on a cabinet with a gold rim.jpg
10th Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 161
7th Royal Prussian Artillery Brigade
III. Field Artillery Regiment No. 23
Bergisches Field Artillery Regiment No. 59
Schleswig-Holstein Foot Artillery Regiment No. 9
Count Gessler Cuirassier Regiment (Rhine) No. 8 from 1850 Deutz barracks 1850 Deutz
POW camp

During the First World War, prisoners of war were housed in several places , for example in a camp in the Wahner Heide. Allegedly there were further accommodations (quoted verbatim from) Camps de prisonniers français en 1914–1918 in:

units Deployment time Place according to the original source presumably place Construction year district Road to Urquelle presumably Street real Photos Status
Coln Abierring 48 Ubierring
Coln Abierring 48 Ubierring
Aug. Hospital Coln
Note: Officer POW Camp? Deutz Voucher officer prison camp Cologne.jpg
Festival. Hospital VI Coln
Festival. Hospital VII Coln
Kaie.Aug.Sch Coln
Kail Coln
Coln Karthausezgasse 7
Coln Karthauser Forest 34 IV
Machinenb Coln
Coln Mainzerslzassen 34
Other units and facilities

The list of intermediate plants , powder magazines etc. is dispensed with in this context, as they usually did not function as independent facilities. There are also several shooting ranges, e.g. B. the shooting range Wahn and the Kaiser Wilhelm shooting range in Merheim (right rh.) As well as practice areas in

Weimar Republic, 1918 to 1936

Occupation troops from 1918

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
1st Canadian Division Dec 10, 1918 to Jan 28, 1919 Flag of Canada.svg
2nd Canadian Division Dec 10, 1918 to Jan 28, 1919
Headquarters of the 1st Canadian Division Dec 10, 1918 to Jan 28, 1919
1st. Cavalry Division (British) from December 6, 1918 to January 28, 1919 Barbara barracks Riehl Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Headquarters 1st. Cavalry Division from December 6, 1918 to January 28, 1919 Barbara barracks Riehl
No 4 Squadron, AFC 7 Dec to Mar 1919 Butzweilerhof AEG GIV british.jpg AEG GIV british.jpg
Band of the Second Tactical Air Force around 1952 Butzweilerhof
1918 to 1920 Arnoldshöhe barracks Bonner Strasse
New Zealand Armed Forces Headquarters Dec 23, 1918 to March 25, 1919 Flag of New Zealand.svg
2nd Brigade (New Zealand) until March 25, 1919 Mülheim
artillery from December 26, 1918 to March 25, 1919 Mülheim
artillery from December 26, 1918 to March 25, 1919 Deutz
New Zealand units March 9, 1919 to March 25, 1919 Dellbrück
Hacketäuer barracks March 9, 1919 to March 25, 1919 Mülheim
Canadian units from 1918 to 1920/1926 Wahner Heide military training area
British units from 1918 to 1920/1926 Wahner Heide military training area
British / Scottish units from 1919 to 1926 Hacketäuer barracks Mülheim Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Flag of Scotland.svg
French units from 1920/1926 Wahner Heide military training area Flag of France.svg
Belgian unit (s) post office? 1921? Flag of Belgium.svg Stamp Belgian Armed Forces Leger 1921.jpg

German units

Due to the Versailles Treaty , the Rhineland was a demilitarized zone and therefore no German units were allowed to be stationed in Cologne. But after negotiations with the victorious powers z. In some cases barracked police units were built up, some of which were structured militarily from 1933 and were transferred to the Reichswehr from 1935 or in Cologne from 1936 .

Wehrmacht from 1936


In 1936 the Wehrmacht marched into the demilitarized zone in Cologne as part of the occupation of the Rhineland .

Units and facilities

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Cologne-Butzweilerhof Airport, E11 / VI port of operations, extension of the airport building with Nüssenberger Busch emergency landing site (during World War II) 1936 Barracks 1939 Ossendorf Butzweilerhof portal.jpg Except for the runway largely preserved
Fliegerkaserne Merheim (Ostheim), deployment port E12 / VI formerly Ostheim

today Merheim

Ostmerheimer Strasse, Wilhelm Griesinger Strasse demolished, individual buildings are now integrated into hospitals in Cologne-Merheim
Cologne-Ostheim Airport Ostheim
I./JG 234 from 1937 Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
I./JG 26 "Schlageter". Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
Commando cook Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
Experimental night hunting squadron 109 Ostheim 1941 Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
I./NSG 2 from 1944 Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
Night Fighter Squadron 2 from 1944 Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
Air News Company 1937/1938 Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
Assembly hoarding 1937/1938 Ostheim Airfield Ostheim
Cologne / Bonn airport deployment port E13 / VI Delusion Wahn Training Area 1940.jpg
Cologne-Wahn military training area Delusion Development of the Wahn military training area 1818-1945.gif
Etzel barracks 1936-1939 Junkersdorf Dürener Str. 401
Flak barracks Ossendorf 1935/1936 Ossendorf Butzweilerstr. 1
Dellbrück Pioneer Barracks 1936 Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Str.
Pioneer Barracks Undaunted Westhoven In the Westhovener Aue / Kölner Straße
Pioneer Barracks Mudra 1937/1938 Westhoven Kölner Str. 262
" National Socialist Motor Corps " (NSKK) 1933? Liege barracks 1936-1939 Longerich Military ring street 1000
State Police School / Motorsport School for the "National Socialist Motor Vehicle Corps" (NSKK) Fort III until 1945 Ossendorf Military ring road and Buschweg
Railway police? Fort IV until 1945 Bocklemünd Freimersdorfer Weg

Probably more units of the Wehrmacht

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Staff of the 26th Infantry Division
77th Infantry Regiment, Staff, 13th, 14th Company
I / 77th Infantry Regiment
2nd / 77th Infantry Regiment
I. u. II. (E.) / 77th Infantry Regiment
I / 78th Infantry Regiment
2nd / 78th Infantry Regiment
III./ Infantry Regiment 78
I./ Cavalry Rifle Regiment 4
I./Schützen -Regiment 4
I./Artillery Regiment 16
2nd / Artillery Regiment 26th
Engineer Battalion 26
4th (E.) / Engineer Battalion 26
Engineer Battalion 46
4th (E.) / Pioneer Battalion 46
5th (E.) / Pioneer Battalion 46
Wehrmacht-Nachrichten-Kommandantur Cologne
Infantry Division News Division 26th
3. (H.) / News Department 26
4. (E.) / News Department 26
5. (E.) / News Department 26
Medical department 26
Hospital department
Infantry Division News Division 26th
Electricity fuse regiment I / VI
State Rifle Battalion 462
Landesschützen-Battalion 906
State Rifle Battalion 909
Landesschützen-Regiment 1 / VI
State Building Pioneer Battalion 7
State Rifle Battalion 460
1st / Close Reconnaissance Group 13
3rd / Close reconnaissance group 13
III./ Jagdgeschwader 27
Share Night Battle Group 2
7th Flak Division Cologne
Flak group Cologne
Flak searchlight group Cologne
Flak subgroup Mielenforst
Flak subgroup Wesseling
Flak Regiment 14
I./Flak Regiment 19
I./Flak Regiment 74
Flak searchlight regiment 84
Reserve flak headlights department 130
Reserve Flak Headlights Department 159
Reserve Flak Headlights Department 270
heavy flak division 331
Reserve flak headlights department 408
Reserve Flak Headlights Department 438
heavy flak department 371
heavy flak department 372
Flak Department 404
heavy flak department 465
heavy flak division 666
heavy flak battery (trop.) 127 / VI
4th / Heavy Flak Department 246
light anti-aircraft battery z. b. V. 2021
Air News Division 127
Medical squadron
Army Technical School (VW)
Army College (V.)
526th Infantry Division
Division # 156
Infantry Replacement Regiment
Grenadier replacement or training battalion 306
Grenadier replacement or training battalion 365
News Replacement Department 26
Parachute hunter replacement u. Training Battalion Cologne
Infantry Replacement Battalion 317
Infantry Replacement Battalion 365
Infantry Replacement Battalion 365
Panzer News Replacement Department 26
Infantry Replacement Battalion 317
Grenadier Replacement Battalion 317
Grenadier replacement or Training Battalion 317
Infantry Replacement Regiment 211
Grenadier Replacement Regiment 211
77th Infantry Replacement Battalion
Infantry Replacement Battalion 306
Infantry Gun Replacement Company 211
The oldest in Cologne
Commander of Pioneer Troops VI (Cologne-Porz)
Military district doctor VI with student department (med.) And medical department
Army Office 9
Transport command
Fortress inspection IX
Protection area office
Landwehr Command
Training manager Cologne
Branch office dHDSt. 9
  • Defense replacement inspection (WK VI. Responsible for the military districts Cologne I – III, Bonn, Siegburg, Aachen, Jülich and Düren.)
  • Wehrbezirks-Kommando I (WK VI, military substitute district Cologne. Responsible for the military registration district (Wehrmeldeamt) Cologne 1)
  • Wehrbezirks-Kommando II (WK VI, military substitute district Cologne. Responsible for the military registration district (Wehrmeldeamt) Cologne 2)
  • Wehrbezirks-Kommando III (WK VI, military substitute district Cologne. Responsible for the military reporting districts (Wehrmeldeamt) Cologne 3, Bergheim and Bergisch Gladbach.)
  • Wehrmeldeamt 1 (WK VI, military substitute district Cologne I., responsible for the city district of Cologne)
  • Wehrmeldeamt 3 (WK VI, military substitute district Cologne II., Responsible for the city district of Cologne)
  • Wehrmeldeamt 3 (WK VI, military substitute district Cologne III., Responsible for the district of Cologne)
  • Wehrmacht welfare and pension office
  • Military Welfare Officer A
  • Armed Forces Welfare Officer B
  • Wehrwirtschaftsstelle Bez.Köln
  • Heeres-Nebenzeugamt mHRMa.
  • Ev. Parish office
  • Ev. Site pastor
  • Catholic parish priest
  • Army location administration
  • Army catering main office
  • Army Construction Office
  • Heeres-Bauamt I u. II
  • Fortress Pioneer Commander IX
  • Home motor vehicle district VI
  • Front control center Cologne
  • Army fee office


Occupation from 1945

Allied forces

On March 6, 1945, Cologne on the left bank of the Rhine was conquered by troops of the 3rd US Armored Division , and Cologne on the right bank of the Rhine from April 11 and 14, 1945.

Flag of the United States (Pantone) .svg
units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
3rd US Armored Division from March 6, 1945 Cologne on the left bank of the Rhine Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1971-053-63, Cologne, US troops in front of destroyed buildings.jpg
US Armored Division from April 11, 1945 Cologne-right bank of the Rhine
US military government from March 9, 1945 Cologne on the left bank of the Rhine
Collection point for displaced persons, Poland from March 9, 1945 Junkersdorf
Collection point for displaced persons Ossendorf
Collection point for displaced persons Brauweiler
British military government from June 21, 1945
British Armed Forces radio station BFN from January 1954 Villa Tietz BFBS Marienburg
Airport madness from June 15, 1945
Camp madness from June 15, 1945
British High Commissioner from 1950 to 1955 Delusion
Royal Navy seaplane
Remaining detachment of the British armed forces from July 18, 1957

From July 18, 1957, apart from diplomatic institutions, only a detachment of the British armed forces remained in Cologne.

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Belgian armed forces

Coat of arms of the Belgian Armed Forces in Germany.jpg

see also Belgian Armed Forces in Cologne and Belgian Armed Forces in Germany

After the Second World War, on May 15, 1945, the Piron Brigade was the first to march into Germany as an auxiliary on behalf of the British occupying army. The Belgian Armed Forces in Germany (nl. Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland BSD, French Forces Belges en Allemagne FBA) were stationed on the southern edge of the British occupation zone in an area of ​​North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse between Aachen and Kassel .

In Cologne, the Belgian headquarters, coming from Bonn, moved into the Haelen barracks, the former Etzel barracks of the Wehrmacht, Dürener Str, Cologne-Junkersdorf. This was followed by the Consulate General in the Belgian House, Maison Belge, Cäcilienstraße, which was built by the Belgian government in 1948/49. Then other military units followed, often up to the construction or expansion of barracks, initially in temporary accommodation.

  • The former pioneer port of the Wehrmacht was also used on the Rhine, but it silted up more and more.
  • In the Wahner Heide on the city limits of Altenrath Kwartier Maj SBH-BEM Legrand was built.
  • In Troisdorf-Spich, the Kamp Vlaanderen, later renamed Camp Roi Baudouin-Kamp Koning Boudewijn, was built.
  • In the Wahner Heide and in the Königsforst, a large military training area was developed from the existing training area, including a firing range and tank loading facility.
  • In 1953 the military tribunal of the armed forces moved into the converted Villa Vorster in Marienburg.
  • The former Israelite asylum for the sick and the elderly on Ottostrasse in Neuehrenfeld, confiscated by the National Socialists in 1942, was expanded as a military hospital.
  • Furthermore, the necessary infrastructure facilities for a large foreign garrison were built in Cologne, including Belgian department stores and cinemas. The Belgian institutions and residential areas were supplied with local information via a separate transmission and reception mast at Bachem for Belgian television and other relay stations. The children were looked after in five primary schools in Ossendorf, Dellbrück, Weiden, Rodenkirchen and Westhoven / Eil with affiliated day-care centers. There were secondary schools in the form of a Walloon grammar school in Rösrath and a Flemish one in the baroque castle of Bensberg. From 1953 there was also a military canteen for Belgian families outside the barracks in Porz, Helmholtzstrasse.
  • Tank ramps were built on the Rhine in Zündorf and opposite in white, built for escape and supply in the event of a crisis.
  • Klerken, extension? / New building 1947, formerly Flakkaserne Ossendorf
  • Haelen, from 1949 ?, formerly Etzelkaserne
  • Knaeselaere, from 1951, formerly the State Police School / Motorsport School, then Liège Barracks
  • Kwartier Becquevort from 1946, renamed Moorslede in 1951, formerly Dellbrück pioneer barracks
  • Nieuwport, from 1953, formerly Mudra
  • Brasseur, from 1951, previously Undaunted
  • Passendale, new building in 1951
  • OLT. Spar,
  • Camp General Leman
  • Kamp Schmitz
Units and facilities

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Belgian Corps Cie HK Oct. 31, 1949-1996 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse Former barracks entrance to Quartier Haelen Cologne-Junkersdorf.JPG only remains preserved, today residential area
2 line May 1946 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
5 line Oct 10, 1946 - Feb 15, 1947 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
1 guides April 1947 - Aug 1949 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
4 TTr Oct. 1949-1996 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
1 Peloton Mecanographique 1958 ...? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Sec genius 1951-1960 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Cie Topo Carto 1958-1992 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Comdt RAOC 1949 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Service Territorial ST FBA 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Dir des Finances FBA - PDF 1958--? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Thee of the agate FBA - SRFA 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
10 sec CIC 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
QG 1 Group TTr 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
22 Cie TTr 1958--? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
60 Cie Tpt voitures HK 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
DSMPC 1949 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
BPS 7 military mail Dec. 1949-1996 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Comdt ST + AO 1949 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
6 Cie MP 1 sec 1949-1996 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
MCG ? - April 1955 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Adm Pers Main d´uvre Civile 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Liaison AIR SOL (LuM) 1958 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
1 lancers 1946 - Jan. 1947 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
17 TTr ? - 1989 -? Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
EM de la force d´ intervention 1996 Haelen Junkersdorf Dürener Strasse
Para Cie GVP / ESR Sept. 1, 1961 - June 2, 1969 Kamp Schmitz Müngersdorf in the area of ​​today's Müngersdorf Sports University
12 line Sept. 1, 1961 - June 2, 1969 Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road preserved, used as the Bundeswehr's Liège barracks
1 cyclist Apr. 5, 1956 - Feb. 1957 Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
17 Rijdende artillery 1951-1956 Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
43 artillery 1951-1961 Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
Musique 7 vols Inf Apr. 5, 1956 -? Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
1 AAOD 1958 -? Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
3 AACRD 1958 -? Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
QG + battery QG 1 Groupement Antiaérien 1958 -? Knesselaere Longerich Military ring road
1 guides April 1951 - June 1955 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street Panorama klerken.jpg 1995–1999 Demolition of buildings that cannot be preserved or buildings that are not listed (warehouses / garages) ... Renovation of the listed accommodation buildings and development of the vacated areas into single and multi-family houses
1cyclists March 15, 1951-1953 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
31 artillery 1951-1952 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
32 artillery 1946 - December 1948 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
4 Bn Log ? - 1994 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
10 Cie Tpt 1969 - September 1986 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
4 Bn Tpt December 1, 1951 - December 12, 1955 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
20 Bn Ord / Log 1958-1995 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
17 Cie Transports lourds Hy October 25, 1963-1994 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
1 MCG April 1955-1995 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
2 Cie Amb March 15, 1952-1995 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
6 Cie MP 1953-1995 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
1 genie 1949-1956 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
130 Cie Hab ? - 1995 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
4 Ord Atelier 1950 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Peloton QM Magazin de Couchage 1958 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
201 Cie Ord 1958 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
19 Cie Tpt ? ...... March 1955 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
3 Cie GSO 1955 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Para Cie GVP / ESR Sept. 1, 1961 - June 2, 1969 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
5 sec Travaux du Génie 1958 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
17 Cie Tpt Dec. 1, 1951 - Dec. 1955 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
33 Bn artillery July 1956 - July 1959 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
110 sqm boulangerie 1958 ..? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
130 Cie QM repair 1958 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
1 Cie Tpt 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Comdt 1 Cie Rav 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Boulangerie de Campagne 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
1 Pon de Transport Citernes 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Pon Tpt sanitaire 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
BPS 5 military mail 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Atelier d'Ord AO 1949 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
QG / Batt QG Artillery 1 BE Corps 1958 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Service Militaires des Postes et colis 1958 -? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
Muziek 1 BE Corps 1958 - Oct. 1, 1986 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
21 Bn TTr July 1960 - October 1963 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
HK 17 Groupement Blindé April 1951 - November 1952 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
60 Cie RASC March 1951 - December 1951 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
1 carabiners 1949-1951 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
4 Cie RASC ? Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
4 genius March 1947 - June 1947 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
106 Cie Rav 1994 Klerken Ossendorf Butzweiler Street
1 Comdt REME / CB 1949 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse Cologne Barracks Moorslede.jpg partially preserved, used as a commercial area
1 Cie REME 1949 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
2 sec de Travaux du Genie 1949–1958 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 Cie Tpt / RASC 1949 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 Bn genius 1949-1952 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
22 Cie REME Moyenne 1949 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
2 artillery Oct. 7, 1946–1949 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
3 artillery Jan. 23, 1963 - July 7, 1969 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
73 artillery 1961-1964 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
10 Cie Tpt 1960 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
21 TTr 1960–? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
Génie Point de Ravitaillement, 1Peloton April 1956-1957 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
12 Cie Tpt March 26, 1960 - 07.1965 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
2 Bn Tpt 1960 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
6 Bn Génie Nov 1951 - Aug 1952, Aug 1969-1992 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 Hopital Chir Mobile 1962-1992 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
16 Bn Med July 1, 1960–? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
201 Cie Mat Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 Gpt Gevechts Génie Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
2 artillery 1948-1949 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 REME Sept. 1949 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
QG / Cie QG Trains 16 Div 1952–1958 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
16 Bn Ord / Cie A 1952–1958 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
15 Cie Tpt 1952 - September 1954 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
Cie Services Généraux 16 Bn QM 1952 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
220 Cie Ord 1952 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
16 Cie MP / PM Peloton A 1952 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
16 Cie MP / PM Peloton B 1953 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
4Cie Pontage en formation ? - 1953 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 Cie ASSU Air Sol Support Unit Jan. 1954–? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
5 Bn TTr Sec d´Ecoute 1954 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
35 artillery Dec 1956 - July 1959 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
16 Bn QM 1958 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
4 Bn Génie April 15, 1950 - 07.1951 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
80e battery artillery 1969 -? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
75 artillery April 1959 - February 1969 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
15 Cie Ord 1960-1969 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
61 Cie RASC March 1951 - December 1951 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
80 Bat Artillery (Obs.) 06.1989 - 1990 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
14 artillery Jan. 1963 - March 1963 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
1 pel. DEA Détections Explosions Atomiques March 1951 - December 1951 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
6 artillery 1948-1949 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
5e Bn de Genie September 17, 1951–? Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
12e Bn de Genie 09.1952 - 1953 Moorslede Dellbrück Bergisch-Gladbacher Strasse
101 Peloton QM Rav 1958 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse demolished, industrial park
102 Peloton QM Rav 1958 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
4 Bn Tpt Budget major Dec. 1955–1958 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
17 Cie Tpt Dec. 1955–1958 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
160 Cie QM Apr. 1957 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
QG + Cie QG 1 Groupement QM 1958 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
18 Bn Log Dec. 1, 1951–1960 Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
12 Bn Log 1975-1995 Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
119 KwMstr Zware Ketelwegens 1958-1963 Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
19 Cie Tpt 1954 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
171 Cie KwMstr 1956 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
10 Cie Rav 1960 -? Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
12 Cie Tpt 07.1965 - June 1, 1999 Olt Holm Niehl Geestemünder Strasse
BMRS / ENBR: Belgisch Maritiem Rijn Smaldeel / Escadrille Navale Belge du Rhin (Rijnflotille / La Flottille du Rhin / Rheinflottille) 1953-1960 Olt Holm / Niehler Hafen Niehl Geestemünder Straße / Am Molenkopf
1 pon de stockage de caburants 1949 -? Shell Depot Niehl Niehler harbor
20 artillery Dec. 8, 1961-11. Aug 1962 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse PersABw.jpg Largely preserved, used as a mudra barracks for the Bundeswehr
119 KwMstr Markzware Ketelwagens 1963-1969 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
14 Cie Génie March 1960 - Aug 1962 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
16 Cie MP / PM Peloton B 1953 -? Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
1 Cie Légère d´Engins du Génie + 1 Cie de Pontage 1954–1958 -? Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
119 KwMstr Markzware Ketelwagens 1963-1969 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
EM du 1 Groupement de Combat du Génie 1954–1958 -? Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
119 KwMstr Markzware Ketelwagens 1963-1969 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
5 Bn Génie 02.1952 - August 1, 1960 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
81 Equipe de Destruction d'Engins Explosifs 1954–1958 -? Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
116 Equipe de Destruction d'Engins Explosifs 1954–1958 -? Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
14 artillery March 1, 1963 to August 17, 1964 Nieuwpoort Westhoven Koelner Strasse
3 genie 1969-1995 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue Map of the barracks Brasseur.gif complete demolition in 2012
68 Génie 1960-1990 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue Military exercise opportunities in the Westhovener Aue.gif
67 Génie July 7, 1964 - Nov. 18, 1968 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
2 Esk 2 JP 1991-1995 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
81 Equipe de l'Ord Bomb Disposal 1954–1958 -? Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
116 Equipe de l´Ord Bomb Disposal 1954–1958 -? Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
4 Bn Génie 1952 - Sept. 19, 1963 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
EM you groupement de genius March 26, 1955 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
119 KwMstr Markzware Ketelwagens 1963-1969 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue
1 Cie Pont 1966-1967 Adjt Brasseur Westhoven Kölner Strasse / In the Westhovener Aue Federal archive picture 195-0698, flight on the Rhine, Cologne-Poll - Westhoven.jpg
1 genie 1956-1994 Passendaele Accommodation for refugees, 1994–2005 Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse Refugees leave the Unverzagt barracks 1951.gif complete demolition in 2005
15 Génie Aug 1960–1990 Passendaele Accommodation for refugees, 1994–2005 Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
5 Cie Brug EW BB (Pont) Dec. 1960 - July 1964 Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
1 Cie Kipwagens Sep 17, 1951 - Jan 1, 1958 Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
67 Génie Nov 19, 1968-28. Aug 1978 Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
1 Cie Légère d´Engins du Génie + 1 Cie de Pontage April 12-14, 1954 Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
119 KwMstr Markzware Ketelwagens 1963-1969 Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
1 Cie Génie Engins Bennes 1954–1958 -? Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
116 Equipe de l'Ord Bomb Disposal 1954–1958 -? Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
12 Bn Génie 1953 - December 15, 1956 Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
16 Cie Genie Passendaele Westhoven Porzer Ringstrasse
Infirmerie de FBA / BSD 1952 Westhoven
Génie Point Ravitaillement 3 peloton April 1956 - Aug 1957 Westhoven
1 Lichte Cie Werktuigen Génie Dec 1951-1954 Westhoven
1 light cie genius skills 1954 -? Westhoven
Gn Cdo intervention power 1960 -? Westhoven
16. Air OP 1946-1947 former Wehrmacht barracks Feeling Fühlinger See completely demolished
6 Pi Bn 1951–1965 / 66? Camp General Leman Feeling Fühlinger See
3 pon substances 1949 -? Braunsfeld
B..Mv..A. 1949 Marienburg
Milit en Campagne Auditorate 1958-2003 Villa Vorster Marienburg Villa Vorster in Marienburg by Kön Architect Otto March, panel 8, kick volume II.jpg receive
Dir Général + Regional CMC / MHK 1958 -? Marienburg
1Cie Transit 1958 -? Marienburg
1 sec Médicine Preventive 1958 -? Marienburg
Milit de Campagne auditorate 1949 -? Lindenthal
You CMC / MHK 1949 -? Klettenberg Suelzburgerstr. 144
1 Dir regional CM / AO 1949 -? Bayenthal belt
6 Cie MT - 5 + 6 sec 1949 -? Others Lütticherstrasse 57
Militair Hospital clubs 1951-1995 Others Ottostrasse partially preserved, residential complex
Club Astoria Lindenthal Adenauerweiher Club Astor am Adenauer-Weiher.jpg received, private use as a restaurant
DCV / BSD - SCL / FBA 1970-2001 Bensberg-Dellbrück-Spich Service culture and military support

armed forces

Bundesarchiv Bild 183-34150-0001, Bonn, Theodor Blank, Bundeswehrfreiwillige.jpg

(Information largely taken from the list of Bundeswehr locations in Germany )


As a result of the Bundeswehr reform, the city of Cologne lost around 2,200 Bundeswehr posts in 2011/2012.

Former barracks:

  • Urbach, Kaiserstrasse
  • Butzweilerhof barracks

Units, facilities and offices

The real history of the Army and the Bundeswehr begins in 1955. The first soldiers in the Army began their service in Andernach on November 12, 1955. In April 1957 the first conscripts were called up . Bunkers and broadcasting facilities are not listed.

units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
Federal Office for Personnel Management of the Bundeswehr (P) since 2012 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
since 2012 Mudra barracks 1937-1938 1951–1965: Nieuwpoort barracks Westhoven Koelner Strasse PersABw.jpg
since 2012 Property of the former KWEA Cologne Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Flight readiness of the Federal Ministry of Defense (Lw) since 1957 Cologne-Wahn Air Base Delusion Airport road
Aviation Office of the Bundeswehr (Lw) since 2014 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Air Force Command (Lw) since 2015 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Luftwaffe Command Support Center (Lw) since 2016 Cologne-Wahn Air Base Delusion Airport road
Medical Support Center (ZSan) since 2015 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Bundeswehr Service Center Cologne (IUD) since 2005 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Federal Fire Brigade Cologne (IUD) since 2013 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Office for Army Development since 2013 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Federal Office for the Military Counterintelligence Service since January 30, 1956 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Federal Armed Forces College Cologne (P) since 1958 Raderthal Kardorfer Strasse
Sports promotion group of the Bundeswehr since 1970 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
units Deployment time barracks Construction year Renaming / s Conversion / th district Street Photos Status
MilGeo service of the Air Force until 1992 Urbach barracks Urbach Kaiserstrasse
Air Force MilGeo service 1995 to 2002 Air Force Barracks 1905 Delusion Airport road
Telecommunications Training Association 70 1967-1977 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
School for staff in integrated use 1977-2004 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Air Force Command 1994-2013 Air Force Barracks Delusion
Air Force Office 1956-2013 Cologne-Wahn Air Base Delusion Airport road
Army Office 1956-2013 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Main office of the Bundeswehr 2006 - 2012 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Personnel Office of the Bundeswehr 1997-2013 Mudra barracks Westhoven Koelner Strasse
District Army Replacement Office Cologne 1971 - 2012 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Pioneer Training Company 749 1957-1970 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
716 heavy engineer battalion 1961-1969 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Supply Battalion 206 1959-1960 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
933 heavy transport battalion 1962-1970 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Telecommunications Regiment 95 1972-1982 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
MobVorbGrp ??? Liege barracks Longerich
Field Replacement Battalion 900 (GerEinH) 1984 - 2008 Mudra barracks Westhoven Koelner Strasse
Field Replacement Battalion 901 (GerEinH) ??? - 2006 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Teaching group D of the artillery school ; the nucleus of the rocket artillery 1958 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Wartime Host Nation Support (WHNS) 1982-1986 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Defense District Command 31 1989 Butzweilerhof Ossendorf Butzweilerstrasse
Reserve hospital group 7311 (GerEinH) 1973-2007 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Information technology sector 2 2013-2016 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Information technology sector 5 2002-2014 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Air Force Training Command 2001-2013 Air Force Training Command Delusion Airport road
Medical center Cologne-Wahn 2007-2015 Air Force Barracks Delusion Airport road
Medical center Cologne 2004-2015 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Medical center Cologne ASt Liège barracks 2004-2015 Liege barracks Longerich Military ring road
Medical center Cologne ASt Mudra barracks 2004 - 2010 Mudra barracks Westhoven Koelner Strasse
Feldjägerdienstkommando Cologne (6./FJgBtl 730) 1985-1989 Konrad Adenauer Barracks Raderthal Brühler Strasse
Feldjägerdienstkommando Cologne (3./FJgBtl 252) 1995-2005 Butzweilerhof Ossendorf Butzweilerstrasse
Transport Battalion 801 1970-1990 Butzweilerhof Ossendorf Butzweilerstrasse

Practice areas

After the Second World War, there were still several practice sites in Cologne. T. were used by several armed forces:

See also

Web links


  • Henriette Meynen (ed.): Fortress city of Cologne. The bulwark in the west . Emons, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-89705-780-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. [1] Exhibition “Time Tunnel. 2000 years of Cologne in the mirror of underground archeology “Römisch-Germanisches Museum, accessed on February 22, 2016
  2. Tacitus, Ann. I, 31.3f.
  3. ^ Roman inscriptions database 24, Hartmut Galsterer & Stephan Meusel ( Memento from March 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ P. Motsch, Cologne, private table of Roman stone inscriptions after Galsterer and Schmitz
  5. Fortress City Cologne, medieval fortress ring in connection with Prussian fortress construction
  6. Rote Funken, Das sind wir, Historie, Geschichte vun 1660 to 1793, accessed on December 20, 2012 ( Memento of the original from August 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. translated and quoted from: Rote Funken, Das sind wir, Historie, Geschichte vun 1660 to 1793, accessed on December 20, 2012 ( Memento of the original from August 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and still Not checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. ^ Rhenish industrial culture, Koeln objects, Heeresproviantamt retrieved December 19, 2012
  9. ^ Archdiocese of Cologne, Dominican Church of St Andreas Cologne, Die Dominikaner in Cologne, accessed December 19, 2012
  10. ^ Canton of Cologne, social picture, military
  11. Dissolution of the Charterhouse, accessed February 22, 2016
  12. Lexikus-de: Der Wanderer durch Köln, A historical description of the city and all its peculiarities, military nature Author: Klein, Ph. M., year of publication: 1863, accessed on December 20, 2012
  13. Lexikus-de: Der Wanderer durch Köln, A historical description of the city and all its peculiarities, military nature Author: Klein, Ph. M., year of publication: 1863, accessed on December 20, 2012
  14. Koelner Pioniere, Bronzetafeln, pp. 12, 13, accessed on December 20, 2012 (PDF; 4.6 MB)
  15. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  16. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  17. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  18. Koelner Pioniere, Bronzetafeln, S 10, 11, accessed on December 20, 2012 (PDF; 4.6 MB)
  19. Koelner Pioniere, Bronzetafeln, S 10, 11, accessed on December 20, 2012 (PDF; 4.6 MB)
  20. Koelner Pioniere, Bronzetafeln, S 12, 13, accessed on December 20, 2012 (PDF; 4.6 MB)
  21. Cologne Pioneers, bronze plaques (PDF; 4.6 MB)
  22. ^ 24 Pioneers, History, accessed December 20, 2012
  23. Online project fallen memorials list of losses: 1st Westphalian Pioneer Battalion No. 7, accessed on December 20, 2012
  24. Camps de prisonniers français en 1914–1918
  25. Archived copy ( memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  26. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  27. Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium, Polizeibataillone, accessed on December 20, 2012 ( Memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  28. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  29. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  30. Archived copy ( memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Flierhorste-de, Cologne-Ostheim, accessed December 21, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  31. ^ [2] Fliegerhorst Koeln-Ostheim, accessed December 21, 2012
  32. ^ [3] Historical Aviation Archive Cologne, The building of Horten V in Cologne-Ostheim, accessed December 21, 2012
  33. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  34. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  35. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  36. Werner Müller, email from September 15, 2013
  37. ^ History of the 1st Belgian Group 1940–1945, Brigade Piron, Veldtochen, Duitsland, accessed on December 20, 2012
  38. transferred and quoted from: Museum of the Belgian Armed Forces in Germany ( Memento of the original from July 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  39. ^ [4] W. Schrödter, Air Geography, Image Measurement, Map and Surveying in the German Air Force 1888–2002!
  40. ^ [5] W. Schrödter, Air Geography, Image Measurement, Mapping and Surveying in the German Air Force 1888–2002!
  41. Wilfried Luchtenberg: The Army Office is now history., July 12, 2013, accessed on July 17, 2013 .