Mike Mohring

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Mike Mohring (2019)

Mike Mohring (born December 22, 1971 in Apolda ) is a German politician ( CDU ) and chairman of the CDU Thuringia since December 13, 2014 . He has been a member of the Thuringian state parliament since 1999 and was chairman of the state parliamentary group from 2008 to 2020, and since the Ramelow government took office on December 5, 2014, he has also been an opposition leader in parliament. In the state elections in October 2019 , he was the top candidate of his party.


The son of a bricklayer and a saleswoman grew up in Apolda.

After high school in 1990 made Mohring community service and studied at the University of Jena to 1997 jurisprudence (not finish) a scholarship from the CSU-affiliated Hanns Seidel Foundation . From 2007 to 2009 he studied international business and tax law at the private universities Management Center Innsbruck and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and obtained the double degree of Master of Laws and Master of International Business & Tax Law .

From 2004 to 2013 he was the managing partner of a craft business . In 2006 he had a semester a teaching position at the TU Ilmenau .

In January 2019, Mohring made a cancer diagnosed in November 2018 public and announced his full recovery in June 2019.

Mohring is single and has been a Protestant since he was baptized at the age of 18.

Political career

Mike Mohring (2014)

Engagement in the new forum and in local politics

At the time of turning in autumn 1989 Mohring joined the New Forum at and until 1993 county spokesman in Apolda. He helped organize their election campaign in Thuringia in 1990 and has been a member of the Apolda and Weimarer Land districts since 1990 , from 1991 to 1993 as chairman of the DA / Neues Forum group and from 1992 to 2004 as chairman of the district committee for health and social affairs. He has been a member of the CDU since 1993, since 1993 a member of the district executive committee of the CDU Weimarer Land (since 2003 as chairman) and since 2000 a state executive committee member of the CDU Thuringia . Since 1995 he has been the parliamentary group leader of the CDU in the Weimarer Land district assembly . In both the district council elections in 2004, 2009 and 2014, Mohring was elected to the district council with the best result of all candidates.

Member of the Thuringian state parliament

In the 1999 state elections , he entered the Thuringian state parliament via the CDU state list. In the 2004 state elections , he won the constituency Weimarer Land I - Saalfeld-Rudolstadt III with 45.9% . He was able to defend the constituency in the 2009 and 2014 state elections. From 2000 to 2009 he was the financial policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group. In 2005 he became chairman of the conference of budget and financial policy spokesmen for the CDU / CSU parliamentary groups and continues this office to this day.

Secretary General of the CDU Thuringia

At the suggestion of the Thuringian Prime Minister and CDU state chairman Dieter Althaus , Mike Mohring was elected Secretary General of the CDU state association on December 3, 2004 at the 19th CDU state party conference in Weimar. At the time, at the age of 32, he was the youngest elected CDU General Secretary in Germany. At the 21st state party conference on December 2, 2006, he was confirmed in this office. On the initiative of Mohring, the basic program of the CDU Thuringia "What unites us" was unanimously decided at the 22nd state party conference from June 15 to 17, 2007 in Saalfeld. Mohring held the office of CDU General Secretary until his election as chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament.

Group leader

On May 8, 2008, he was elected as the successor to Christine Lieberknecht as chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, confirmed in office after the state election in 2009 and unanimously re-elected chairman of the parliamentary group after the state election in 2014 . Mohring's career was promoted by the former Thuringian Prime Minister Dieter Althaus; his relationship with Lieberknecht is considered tense. On May 6, 2013, Mohring was elected as the successor to Christean Wagner as chairman of the parliamentary group chairman conference of the CDU / CSU parliamentary groups in the federal states, the federal government and the European Parliament. The parliamentary group chairmen's conference includes the group chairmen of the Union parliamentary groups as well as their deputies and the parliamentary managing directors in the state parliaments, the German Bundestag and the CDU / CSU group in the parliamentary group of the European People's Party (EPP) in the European Parliament . In this body, joint, cross-federal state initiatives and proposals that can affect all policy areas are agreed and coordinated. The conference therefore plays a special role in life within the party. The content-related work is often the starting point for the political positioning of the CDU and CSU as a whole. In his work as parliamentary group chairman, the co-ruling SPD accused him of wanting to undermine often jointly made decisions later; Spiegel Online has described this as a “trickster's” strategy.

Member of the federal board and presidium of the CDU

Mohring and Jens Spahn ( CDU Presidium ) on February 14, 2018 in Apolda

From 2010 Mohring was an elected member of the CDU federal executive committee ; At the CDU federal party conference on December 9, 2014, he was not re-elected with the second worst result of all candidates. However, with his election as CDU state chairman a few days later, he was still a member of the CDU federal executive committee. Since the federal party conference in 2016, he has been re-elected board member with a result of 74.10 percent of the vote. At the 31st party conference on December 7, 2018 , he was elected to the CDU Presidium .

State chairman of the CDU Thuringia and opposition leader

After the state elections in Thuringia in 2014 , as a result of which the CDU in Thuringia had to go into the opposition, Mohring took over the chairmanship of the CDU state association on December 13, 2014, in addition to his position as CDU parliamentary group chairman as Lieberknecht's successor. The fact that he was elected regional chairman with 89.83% of the delegate's votes was attributed to his efforts to establish a consensus within the party with the involvement of Birgit Diezel , Mario Voigt , Christian Hirte and Christian Carius in the leadership work. At the 32nd state party convention of the CDU Thuringia in Apolda on November 19, 2016, he was re-elected as state chairman and thus headed his party for two more years. In October 2018, a state party convention of the CDU confirmed him again as state chairman. On February 14, 2020, it was announced that he was relinquishing the party chairmanship.

As a member of the 13th , 14th , 15th and 16th Federal Assemblies, Mohring took part in the election of all Federal Presidents since 2009.

Top candidate in the 2019 state elections

On October 20, 2018, Mohring was unanimously nominated as the top candidate for the state election in Thuringia 2019 at the state party conference of the CDU Thuringia . On September 26, 2019 announced that it has reference to the murder of the Kassel district president Lübcke a death threat was against Mohring and therefore his personal security was increased. In the election, the CDU lost 11.8 percentage points to 21.7 percent of the vote and was only the third strongest force behind the Left and the AfD. Although the red-red-green government coalition of Prime Minister Ramelow lost its majority in the state parliament, Mohring's option of a coalition of CDU, SPD, Greens and FDP also failed to achieve a sufficient number of mandates before the election. After contradicting signals within the party, the state executive of the CDU Thuringia declared to reject a coalition with the left or the tolerance of the previous government. Mohring rejected the AfD's offer to support a minority government made up of the CDU and FDP.

Prime Minister election on February 5, 2020

In the first and second round of the election for Prime Minister Mohring supported neither the incumbent Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow nor Christoph Kindervater . In the third ballot, the FDP candidate Thomas Kemmerich , who had not run before, was elected with 45 against 44 votes for Ramelow with one abstention. Mohring had campaigned in his parliamentary group to elect Kemmerich. Despite massive criticism, he initially defended this election. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer then stated that Kemmerich's support was against recommendations from the federal CDU. Despite a visit to the CDU presidium in Erfurt, however, she was unable to convince the parliamentary group of this because Mohring had not passed on her position to the MPs. After the meeting, Mohring announced his withdrawal from the parliamentary group chairmanship. The successor to Mike Mohring as chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament was the university professor Mario Voigt .

Positions and controversies

Opposition leader Mike Mohring in the Thuringian state parliament (2014)

Basic positions

Mohring was long considered "more modern and pragmatic" than most of his party. Since around 2008 Mohring has been in favor of giving the party a sharper profile and maintaining a “ conservative brand core”. So in 2010 he published the anthology What does conservative mean today? out, which should provide "building blocks for a modern conservatism". Together with the then Hessian CDU state parliamentary group chairman Christean Wagner , he repeatedly called for the conservative profile of the federal CDU to be strengthened and, for example, spoke out in favor of maintaining the structured school system in educational policy .

Directional debate in the CDU

After the heavy losses of the Union parties in the 2017 federal election , Mohring rejected a right-wing shift by the CDU called for by East Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff and Stanislaw Tillich in the internal party debate . An “outbidding competition” with the AfD through a “return to the national” is pointless, instead one can distinguish oneself as the strongest force in the middle by delimiting left and right. As a consequence of the election result, Mohring called for a nationwide “home ministry”.

Educational policy

Mohring rejected the new school law planned by Education Minister Helmut Holter ( Die Linke ) in Thuringia, because the CDU believes that this will lead to school closings in the countryside.

Relationship to the AfD

A position paper by the CDU federal executive board - in which Mohring was also represented - ruled out cooperation with the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD); Mohring always referred to this resolution. In December 2014, the Thuringian CDU denied a report by Spiegel Online , according to which Mohring, with the consent of Chancellor Angela Merkel, tried to prevent Bodo Ramelow ( Die Linke ) from being elected Prime Minister by talking to the AfD parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke .

In 2015, Mohring rejected the acceptance of former AfD politicians in the CDU parliamentary group and criticized their cooperation with the parliamentary groups of the SPD, the Left and the Greens. After Oskar Helmerich, a founding member of the AfD, was accepted into the SPD parliamentary group, he suspected that "there would have been an outcry" if the CDU had done so. In the summer of 2016, Mohring spoke out in favor of dealing with the - for him clearly right-wing populist - AfD "in terms of content and confronting it." The AfD's marginalization creates the risk of a martyr role .

In the run-up to the state elections in October 2019 , Mohring ruled out coalitions with the AfD as well as with the Left Party. In Thuringia, the CDU has to deal with Björn Höcke and his party wing "with a particularly extreme section of the AfD". A few days before the election, Mohring called Höcke, who was not present, in a panel discussion organized by the taz as a “ Nazi ”.

Russia policy

In March 2018, Mohring spoke out in favor of easing the economic sanctions imposed on Russia on the occasion of the war in Ukraine . In September 2019, he advocated starting the dismantling of sanctions by 2021.

refugee policy

Mohring calls for more consistent deportations. The low risk of deportation in Germany contributes to the fact that refugee migrants mainly arrive in Germany. In 2018, he supported the plans of Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer to turn away asylum seekers who were already registered in other EU countries at the border. According to Mohring, the citizens rightly expected the state to regain complete control over refugee migration and to prove its ability to act.

Mohring rejects a fixed distribution quota for boat refugees for Germany. According to Mohring, the EU's goal must remain "to bring the rescued back to the African coast".

Social policy

Mohring campaigned for the swift introduction of a basic pension . This was decided in 2020 in the Bundestag and also benefited East Germans with broken career biographies.



Web links

Commons : Mike Mohring  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Claudia Ehrenstein: Thuringia: CDU state chief declares war on “communists”. In: Die Welt , December 13, 2014.
  2. Resignation: Althaus throws down in Thuringia. In: Handelsblatt , September 3, 2009.
  3. ^ Curriculum Vitae: Mike Mohring. In: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (website; PDF).
  4. Mike Mohring makes serious illness public. In: Spiegel Online , January 13, 2019; Mike Mohring announces recovery from cancer. In: Focus Online , June 11, 2019.
  5. Steffen Winter: The man with the cap . In: Der Spiegel . No. 42 , 2019, p. 36–38 ( online - October 12, 2019 ).
  6. https://www.focus.de/magazin/archiv/politik-mensch-mike_id_11229007.html
  7. Merle Schmalenbach: The Impatient. (PDF) CICERO, January 2015, accessed on April 28, 2016 .
  8. ^ Thuringian State Office for Statistics: Elections in Thuringia. In: www.wahlen.thueringen.de. Retrieved July 14, 2016 .
  9. ^ Thuringian State Office for Statistics: Elections in Thuringia. In: www.wahlen.thueringen.de. Retrieved July 14, 2016 .
  10. ^ Thuringian State Office for Statistics: Elections in Thuringia. In: www.wahlen.thueringen.de. Retrieved July 14, 2016 .
  11. Melanie Amann, Florian Gathmann: Thuringia's CDU hope Mohring: The trickster. In: Spiegel Online , December 4, 2014.
  12. Elections. Christian Democratic Union of Germany, accessed December 9, 2016 .
  13. CDU - LV Thuringia: CDU Thuringia The Thuringia Party - Mike Mohring confirmed as state chairman. In: www.cdu-thueringen.de. Retrieved December 9, 2016 .
  14. mdr.de: Party Congress: Mohring leads Thuringian CDU as a top candidate in the election campaign. Retrieved April 7, 2019 .
  15. Mike Mohring retires as Thuringian CDU boss. Spiegel Online , February 14, 2020.
  16. ^ "Politics of the new community with citizens and municipalities" CDU Thuringia October 20, 2018
  17. ^ Death threat against state chief Mohring. In: Deutschlandfunk , September 26, 2019.
  18. Evidence: Mohring defended Kemmerich's election
  19. a b Timo Lehmann: Tricked. Der Spiegel, February 8, 2020, accessed on February 8, 2020 .
  20. Proof of the unsuccessful demand for new elections and Mohring's withdrawal
  21. mdr.de: Mario Voigt elected head of the CDU parliamentary group in Thuringia | MDR.DE. Retrieved March 3, 2020 .
  22. Melanie Amann, Florian Gathmann: Thuringia's CDU hope Mohring: The trickster. In: Spiegel Online , December 4, 2014.
  23. As an example of current discussions with “articles worth reading”, he named the volume by Felix Dirsch : Authentic Conservatism: Studies on a Classical Current of Political Thought. Lit, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-643-11530-0 , p. 16, fn. 1 .
  24. ^ For example CDU: State parliamentary group leaders demand a conservative profile. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , August 26, 2010.
  25. ^ Mohring against his party's shift to the right. In: Handelsblatt , October 2, 2017; Thuringia's CDU parliamentary group leader calls for home ministry. In: Spiegel Online , October 5, 2017.
  26. Political Ash Wednesday: Thuringian parties distribute , MDR Thuringia, last seen on March 17, 2019.
  27. CDU denies agreements with the AfD In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , December 7, 2014
  28. CDU had concrete discussions with the AfD. In: Spiegel Online , December 7, 2014; CDU was apparently planning a pact with the AfD. In: Die Zeit , December 7, 2014.
  29. Three AfD members voted with red-red-green. In: Thüringer Allgemeine , June 19, 2015; Mohring against party asylum for ex-AfD members. ( Memento from April 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk , July 22, 2015; SPD member leaves state executive. ( Memento from April 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk , April 15, 2016.
  30. Summer interview with Mike Mohring. ( Memento from October 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (Video).
  31. Mohring excludes coalition with AfD , last seen on March 15, 2019.
  32. Mohring calls Höcke a "Nazi". Spiegel Online, October 24, 2019, accessed October 25, 2019 .
  33. CDU country chief Mohring: Loosen Russia sanctions. In: InSuedThueringen.de , March 19, 2018.
  34. Mohring for dismantling the Russia sanctions , last seen on September 26, 2019.
  35. So far 36 deportations this year from Thuringia. In: Thüringer Allgemeine , February 10, 2018.
  36. Refugee question: Mohring clearly on Seehofer's side - regaining controls over borders , last seen on March 15, 2019.
  37. ↑ Returning rescued boat refugees to Africa , last seen on October 11, 2019.
  38. Thuringia's CDU boss for the quick introduction of a basic pension , Zeit Online, last seen on March 15, 2019.