NGC 1060

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NGC 1060
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Panoramic image with a 60 cm telescope of the galaxies NGC 1057, NGC 1060, NGC 1061, NGC 1066, PGC 10331 and NGC 1067 (from right to left, NGC 1060 is slightly below and slightly to the left of the center of the image) and other galaxies that are not listed in the New General Catalog.
Panoramic image with a 60 cm telescope of the galaxies NGC 1057 , NGC 1060, NGC 1061 , NGC 1066 , PGC 10331 and NGC 1067 (from right to left, NGC 1060 is slightly below and slightly to the left of the center of the image) and other galaxies that are not listed in the New General Catalog .
Constellation triangle
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 02 h 43 m 15.0 s
declination + 32 ° 25 ′ 30 ″
Morphological type S0-:  
Brightness  (visual) 12.0 mag
Brightness  (B-band) 13.0 likes
Angular expansion 2.3 ′ × 1.7 ′
Position angle 75 °
Surface brightness 13.6 mag / arcmin²
Physical data
Affiliation WBL 85
NGC 1060 group
LGG 72  
Redshift 0.017312 ± 0.000073  
Radial velocity 5190 ± 22 km / s  
Stroke distance
v rad  / H 0
(236 ± 17)  ·  10 6  ly
(72.5 ± 5.1)  Mpc 
discovery William Herschel
Discovery date September 12, 1784
Catalog names
NGC  1060 • UGC  2191 • PGC  10302 • CGCG  505-038 • MCG  + 05-07-035 • 2MASX  J02431504 + 3225300 • GC  594 • H  III 162 • h  257 • GALEX ASC J024315.06 + 322529.3 • LDCE 176 NED028

NGC 1060 is an elliptical galaxy of the Hubble type E / S0 in the constellation Triangle in the northern sky . It is estimated to be 236 million light years from the Milky Way and about 160,000 light years in diameter.

The Type Ia supernova SN 2004fd was observed here.

The object was discovered on September 12, 1784 by the German-British astronomer William Herschel .

Web links

Commons : NGC 1060  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e SEDS : NGC 1060
  3. ^ VizieR
  4. Simbad
  5. Seligman