Richard Williamson

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Richard Williamson (1991)
coat of arms

Richard Nelson Williamson (born March 8, 1940 in London ) is an ancient ritualist vagabond bishop from the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X. , currently active for the St Marcel Initiative.

Williamson was ordained bishop on June 30, 1988 together with Bernard Tissier de Mallerais , Alfonso de Galarreta and Bernard Fellay by the retired Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre against papal instructions, albeit validly, and therefore incurred excommunication as a criminal offense.

The repeal of the excommunication of the four bishops of the Pius Brotherhood established in 1988 by Pope Benedict XVI. in 2009 sparked controversy within the Roman Catholic Church , particularly as Williamson repeatedly denied the Holocaust . On October 24, 2012, the Brotherhood excluded him as a member for disobedience . After his expulsion, Williamson dedicated himself to founding and caring for the priestly community Marcel Lefebvre (also called SSPX Resistance), consisting of dissidents of the Pius Brotherhood who oppose their rapprochement with the Roman Catholic Church.

On March 19, 2015 Williamson unauthorized consecrated Jean-Michel Faure and on March 19, 2016 the prior of the Benedictine monastery of Santa Cruz in Nova Friburgo , Tomás de Aquino OSB (real name Miguel Ferreira da Costa ), as bishops. With the 2015 consecration, Williamson was again excommunicated as a criminal offense.


Williamson was born the second of three sons to Anglican parents. After studying at Cambridge University , where he obtained several master's degrees - including in English literature  - he taught literature for seven years and also practiced this profession at times in Ghana . At the age of 30 , Williamson converted to Catholicism .

In October 1972 Williamson entered the "International Seminary of St. Pius X." in Ecône , Switzerland , and was ordained a priest after four years of study by Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991). From 1976 to 1981 he was a professor at the seminar in Ecône, from 1979 its subregens . In 1983 he was appointed Regens of the Brotherhood of St. Pius X's Seminary (FSSPX) in Ridgefield , United States. Since 2003, Williamson Regens has been a member of the Nuestra Señora Corredentora Seminary of the FSSPX in La Reja near Moreno , Argentina.

Reception of episcopal ordination and first excommunication in 1988

On June 30, 1988 he was ordained bishop with three other priests by the founder of the Society of St. Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre , and co-consecrator Bishop Antônio de Castro Mayer . Since this brotherhood has had no canonical status in the Roman Catholic Church since 1975 and these ordinations were therefore carried out against the express will of the Pope, Lefebvre, de Castro Mayer and the four consecrated persons were immediately punished by excommunication as a result of this offense church punishment to ( excommunicatio latae sententiae ) , which because of the seriousness of the offense in the Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei of Pope John Paul II. was reaffirmed on July 2, 1988. Nevertheless, this episcopal ordination is sacramentally valid due to the preservation of apostolic succession . The Society denies the occurrence of excommunication with reference to a “church emergency”, which is why Bishop Richard Williamson continues to donate sacraments, especially confirmations and ordinations , within the FSSPX .

The first excommunication was lifted

On December 15, 2008, at the request of Bishop Bernard Fellay , Superior General of the Pius, the Congregation for Bishops, through Cardinal Prefect Giovanni Battista Re , lifted the excommunication of the four Bishops of the Pius, including Williamson, on January 21, 2009. This was done on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI. who once led negotiations with Lefebvre as Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for Pope John Paul II . Williamson was not rehabilitated, but remained suspended like his three colleagues . Under canon law , Williamson and his colleagues are still prevented from performing their episcopal and priestly functions because of the ongoing suspension.

According to Zeit Online on February 9, 2009, Williamson was deposed as head of the seminary in Argentina by the Latin American district superior of the Pius Brotherhood, Christian Bouchacourt. The Argentine government has prompted him on 19 February 2009, to leave the country within ten days, otherwise he would expelled . The reason for the deportation was given by the Argentine Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo Williamson's Holocaust denial, which had offended "the Argentines, the Jewish people and all of humanity". Furthermore, there are "irregularities" in Williamson's residence papers, as he kept the real reasons for his stay in Argentina secret and stated that he worked for a non-governmental organization . On February 24, 2009, he left Argentina at Buenos Aires-Ezeiza Airport for London . In London he was received by the well-known Holocaust denier Michèle Renouf .

The lifting of his excommunication triggered incomprehension and outrage in the public due to Williamson's denial of the Holocaust (an official offense in Germany ) that had become known at the same time ; People in many countries protested (including the chief rabbi of Rome). Salomon Korn , Vice President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany , called the Pope's decision a rehabilitation in order to make a Holocaust denier "socially acceptable". This is “unforgivable” and shows “that he is questioning the reconciliation with the Jews who advanced his predecessors”. The Israeli Minister for Religious Affairs, Yitzchak Cohen , threatened the Vatican with breaking off diplomatic relations .

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported, citing Catholic theologians, that the denial of the Holocaust was not a reason for excommunication under Catholic church law: excommunication was only punished for serious offenses against canon law , not for offenses against secular law. The Curia Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos , responsible for the affairs of the Pius Brotherhood, stated that when the excommunication was lifted, the Vatican knew “absolutely nothing” of Williamson's Holocaust denial and that the relevant decree had already been handed over to the Pius Brotherhood before the interview became known.

The then Regensburg diocesan bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller stated in a pastoral letter published on February 6, 2009 on the future of the Bishops of the Pius Brotherhood:

“If they want to return now to the full communion of the Catholic Church, the four illegally ordained bishops must renounce the exercise of the episcopal powers of consecration. I am convinced that they can only be used as simple priests. "

On March 10, 2009, the Vatican published a statement by Pope Benedict XVI on the scandal that had been triggered . The Swedish Bishop Anders Arborelius later confessed that he had informed the Vatican of Williamson's Holocaust denials as early as November 2008. Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, who is considered a key figure in the lifting of Williamson's excommunication, disagreed with this account.

Exclusion from the Pius Brotherhood

On October 24, 2012, FSSPX Superior General Bernard Fellay declared Williamson's expulsion from the Brotherhood. The reason given by the group's General House was that Williamson refused to show the rightful superior the necessary respect and obedience. Williamson had repeatedly ignored the ban on expression and publication that was imposed on him. Days beforehand, the first general assistant of the FSSPX, Fr. Niklaus Pfluger, informed the monthly “Kirchliche Umschau” (which is closely related to the FSSPX) that the bishop's exclusion was “inevitable” because he had “maneuvered himself into the sidelines due to crude theories” I have not recognized the superior general's authority for years.

Entry ban in Australia

In June 2014, Australia refused entry to Williamson after the authorities were informed of controversial statements by the bishop. The Archdiocese of Canberra said they knew nothing about Williamson's travel plans.

Donation of an episcopal ordination and second excommunication in 2015

On March 19, 2015 Williamson illegally ordained the priest Jean-Michel Faure in the Brazilian city of Nova Friburgo as a bishop. This resulted in his renewed excommunication as a church punishment latae sententiae (that is, without the need for a legal act by the Pope). Faure was excommunicated for receiving the ordination. The Pius Brotherhood distanced itself from ordination. On March 19, 2016, Williamson unlawfully ordained another bishop in the same place: Tomás de Aquino OSB (civil: Miguel Ferreira da Costa ).


Williamson has attracted attention through holocaust-denying, other anti-Semitic, misogynistic and conspiracy theoretic statements. In 2000 he claimed that for 2000 years the Jews had left no stone unturned to infiltrate the Catholic Church and remove Christ from Christianity . In the same year he stated that the anti-Semitic inflammatory pamphlet Protocols of the Elders of Zion was an authentic source of information. In October 2011, Williamson described the Jews and their leaders as "the main perpetrators of the murder of God". The Conference of European Rabbis criticized this text as hate speech .

In 2001, among other things, he expressed the view that girls and women should not be allowed to study at universities . In December 2008, Williamson publicly warned of the threat of human slavery through ubiquitous lies. He also criticized the emergence of the police state , accused the Vatican of being under “ satanic control”, denied the official version of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and voiced the conspiracy theory that the Bush administration was involved in the attacks in order to do so justify their policy. In June 2008, Williamson explained to 14-year Firm Lingen in Munich:

“Martyrdom may come about. Perhaps even our blood will be necessary to perfect the purification of the Church. It is possible that the evil forces that rule today will seek a scapegoat. And the traditionalists, called 'fundamentalists', will be that scapegoat. Then we'll all go to jail. "

Rejection of equality between men and women

In a September 2001 newsletter posted on the web site of the Brotherhood Seminary in Winona, Minnesota , Williamson wrote that women have fewer skills and rights to think for themselves, to higher education, and to empower themselves:

“For all kinds of natural reasons, almost no girl should go to any kind of university. […] The fact that girls should not attend university arises from the nature of the university and the nature of girls. Real universities stand for ideas, ideas are not for real girls, so real universities are not for real girls. "

Holocaust denials

As early as April 1989, Williamson denied the gassing of Jews in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp at a sermon at a holy mass in Sherbrooke, Canada, and claimed that the Holocaust was an invention of the Jews:

“No Jews were killed in the gas chambers there! They were all lies, lies, lies! The Jews invented the Holocaust so that we would humbly on our knees approve their new state of Israel. [...] The Jews invented the Holocaust, Protestants get their orders from the devil , and the Vatican has sold its soul to liberalism . "

A worshiper then filed a criminal complaint ; to open a criminal case , however, it did not come, because Williamson after the incident a long time from the Canadian province of Quebec stayed away. According to a report in the Toronto Star , the President of the Canadian Bishops' Conference, Archbishop of Halifax James Hayes , wrote a telegram to the Canadian Jewish Congress condemning Williamson's statements and declaring that Williamson was already bishop of the Society of St. Pius X. was excommunicated.

In an interview that was broadcast on the evening of January 21, 2009 on Swedish television in the program Uppdrag granskning ("Investigation Order") and on November 1, 2008 in the seminary of the FSSPX in Zaitzkofen near Regensburg, Williamson denied on appeal on the pseudoscientific Leuchter Report the existence of gas chambers and claimed that not a single Jew was gassed during World War II. 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in concentration camps.

“You may have heard of the Leuchter Report ? Fred Leuchter was an expert on gas chambers. He has designed three gas chambers for three of the fifty US states for the execution of criminals. He knew how laborious that was, and he examined the alleged gas chambers in Germany in the 1980s, what was left of the alleged gas chambers - the crematoria of Birkenau and Auschwitz, for example - and his conclusion as an expert was that it was impossible be that these could ever have served for the gassing of large numbers of people. "


The German District Superior of the Pius Brotherhood, Father Franz Schmidberger , stated that these statements did not reflect the attitude of the Priestly Brotherhood of St. Pius X. In a statement, the Superior General of the FSSPX Bernard Fellay asked the “Pope and all people of good will” to apologize for the Utterances provoking anger. Fellay also said he had banned Williamson from commenting on political or historical issues until further notice.

Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller Williamson issued a house ban for all institutions in the diocese of Regensburg . The chairman of the German Bishops' Conference Robert Zollitsch demanded an apology from Williamson and called it "unfortunate" that the Pope did not take these statements into account in his decision to lift the excommunication. The FAZ commented that the Pope and his advisors should have known that the Society of St. Piuses in France had sympathized with the extreme right from the start. Georg Cardinal Sterzinsky expressed his dismay at the Pope's decision and called for a review of the matter.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi distanced himself from Williamson's remarks, saying that anyone who denies the Holocaust "denies the Christian faith itself [...] and that is even worse when it comes from the mouth of a priest or a bishop." Williamson regretted on January 28, 2009, in a letter to Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, the "unnecessary distress and problems" he caused for the Pope, without, however, dissociating himself from his statements. In it he referred to Jonah 1.12  EU :

"Take me and throw me into the sea, so that the sea can calm down and let go of you, because I know that this great storm has come over you for my sake."

On February 4, 2009 the Vatican called on Williamson to withdraw his remarks. In order to be admitted to episcopal functions in the church, "he must distance himself in an unambiguous and public manner from his statements on the Shoah".

Williamson was initially unwilling to retract his remarks on the Holocaust; he would "first check the historical evidence," but that would take time, he said. On February 26, 2009, he reportedly stated that he regretted the remarks made, which he would not have made if he had known about "all the harm and pain" it has done to "the church, but also to survivors and relatives the victims of injustice under the Third Reich ”, and ask“ all who are genuinely indignant because of my words, ask God for forgiveness ”. It was the opinion of a “non-historian” that he formed “20 years ago on the basis of the evidence available at the time”. Williamson's view of the Holocaust himself remains open; he has not expressly revoked Holocaust denial. The Vatican rejected Williamson's statement as inadequate. Williamson's letter does not meet “the conditions set by the Vatican State Secretariat,” said the Vatican's press spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi. Curia Cardinal Walter Kasper called the apology “cheap” and demanded that the Holocaust denial be revoked. According to a world report, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) also considers Williamson's declaration to be inadequate. The apology was “in no way satisfactory”, said ZdK President Hans Joachim Meyer to the Berlin “Tagesspiegel”. In the report, Meyer said that apart from Williamson, the crux of the problem remained: the anti-Judaistic tendencies in the Pius Brotherhood that encouraged such statements. The General Secretary of the Central Council of Jews in Germany , Stephan Kramer, made a similar statement . He called on Williamson to unequivocally revoke the Holocaust denial and pointed out that Williamson was not alone with his anti-Semitism, the entire Pius Brotherhood represented an anti-Semitic position.

Despite the criticism brought against him and the alleged willingness to take another closer look at the topic, Williamson continued to adhere to his views in 2010. According to a Spiegel online report, the Brotherhood's internal mails revealed that Williamson continued to consider “the six million gassed” to be a “huge lie”.

Criminal law processing

The public prosecutor's office in Regensburg initiated a preliminary investigation into sedition because this interview was recorded in their area of ​​responsibility. In October 2009, a € 12,000 penalty was issued against Williamson. After his objection, the main hearing took place, the resulting conviction of Williamsons to a fine of € 6,500 was discarded in the appeal due to formal errors, but a new indictment was allowed as there was no doubt about the criminality of Williamson's statements. On July 11, 2012, another penalty order was requested from the Regensburg District Court for the incitement to hatred. After Williamson objected, the district court later reduced the re-imposed fine to 1,800 euros (90 daily rates of 20 euros each). This judgment became final in 2014 through the decision of the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court. On January 31, 2019, the European Court of Human Rights dismissed Williamson's case against the conviction.


Individual evidence

  1. About the St. Marcel Initiative | St. Marcel Initiative. Retrieved November 12, 2019 (American English).
  2. Codex des Canonical Law, Title III: Assumption of office and violation of official duties (Cann. 1378-1389) , here Canon 1382, Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
  3. Official statement of the FSSPX on the exclusion of Williamson ( Memento of February 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. a b Blog: Williamson ordained a bishop , , March 19, 2015
  5. ^ Decree on the lifting of excommunication. The decree in full ( Memento of May 2, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  6. ^ Vatican: excommunication canceled. Vatican Radio, January 24, 2009, archived from the original on February 4, 2009 ; Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  7. ^ A b Gregor Hoppe, ARD radio studio Rome: The Pope accepts that everyone else will run away. Archived from the original on January 31, 2009 ; Retrieved January 30, 2009 .
  8. ↑ Canon lawyer Haering: Members of the Pius Brotherhood remain suspended ( Memento of February 13, 2009 in the Internet Archive ); Reported by Vatican Radio on January 29, 2009
  9. ^ Revocation of excommunication against the bishops of the FSSPX ; Commentary on Motu proprio: Summorum Pontificum of October 7, 2011.
  10. Jump up the excommunication against the bishops of the FSSPX. Motu proprio: Summorum Pontificum, October 7, 2011, accessed October 7, 2011 .
  11. ^ Zeit Online, February 9, 2009, dismissal as head of the seminar
  12. Argentina shows Holocaust denier Williamson
  13. cf. Argentina identifies Williamson ( memento from February 20, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) at, February 19, 2009 (accessed on February 20, 2009)
  14. Holocaust Denier : Angry Williamson En route to London , Spiegel Online, February 24, 2009. Retrieved February 24, 2009.
  15. Holocaust-denial Bishop Richard Williamson arrives in Britain , Times online from February 25, 2009. (English)
  16. Peter Wensierski: Problem for the Pope . In: Der Spiegel . No. 4 , 2009 ( online - Jan. 31, 2009 ).
  17. a b c Pope rehabilitates fundamentalist bishops. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . January 24, 2009. Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  18. ^ Friederike Freiburg: Israel threatens the Vatican with breaking off relations. In: Spiegel Online. January 31, 2009, accessed January 31, 2009 .
  19. ^ After rehabilitation of Holocaust deniers: Israel threatens the Vatican with the end of relations ( Memento from February 1, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  20. Vatican: Nobody knew about Williamson. Vatican Radio, January 30, 2009, archived from the original on February 3, 2009 ; Retrieved February 1, 2009 .
  21. ^ Declaration by Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller on the lifting of the excommunication of four bishops of the Pius Brotherhood and on the campaign against the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. ( Memento from December 31, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  22. Detailed declaration by the Pope of March 10, 2009
  23. ^ Peter Wensierski: The Vatican was informed about Holocaust denial earlier than known ; Article on Spiegel Online from September 23, 2009
  24. Colombian Cardinal Hoyos died. In: , May 18, 2018, accessed on the same day.
  25. ^ Ex-Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos attacks the Bishop of Stockholm . The September 24, 2009 standard
  26. Official statement of the FSSPX on the exclusion of Williamson ( Memento of February 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  27. Bishop Williamson is likely to be excluded
  28. Australia refuses entry to Holocaust denier Williamson , , June 13, 2014
  29. ^ Pius Brothers condemn ordination by Holocaust denier Williamson ., March 20, 2015
  30. a b c Peter Wensierski : How the Pius Brothers incite against Jews, Muslims and gays. In: Spiegel Online . February 3, 2009, accessed February 3, 2009 .
  31. ^ Anna Arco: Lefebvrists face crisis as bishop is exposed as 'dangerous' anti-Semite. In: The Catholic Herald. March 5, 2008, archived from the original on June 6, 2009 ; Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  32. Richard Williamson: Bishop Williamson's Letters. May 1, 2000, archived from the original on August 10, 2007 ; Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  33. Gernot Facius: Holocaust Denier: Bishop Williamson blames Jews for Jesus' death ; Die Welt , accessed on October 21, 2011
  34. Richard Williamson: Bishop Williamson's Letters. September 1, 2001, archived from the original on June 26, 2007 ; Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  35. a b Stefan Eiselin: Pope pardons notorious Holocaust deniers. In: Tages-Anzeiger . January 22, 2009. Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  36. Jump up the excommunication of the Lefebvre “bishops”? Austrian Bishops' Conference, January 22, 2008, accessed January 25, 2009 .
  37. Peter Wensierski: Catholic hardliners: How the Pius Brothers incite against Jews, Muslims and gays ; Article on Spiegel-Online from (February 3, 2009)]
  38. ^ Girls at University
  39. ^ Bishop Williamson's Letters: Girls at University ( Memento November 2, 2007 in the Internet Archive ); September 1, 2001
  40. Michael McAteer: Chief Canadian bishop denounces clergyman's anti-Jewish comments. In: Toronto Star . April 14, 1989, archived from the original on February 9, 2013 ; Retrieved February 8, 2009 .
  41. Webbextra: längre intervju med Williamson. In: Sveriges Television . January 21, 2009. Retrieved September 9, 2009 .
  42. ^ Rehabilitated bishop: Do not believe in gas chambers ( memento of January 2, 2017 in the Internet Archive ); The press, January 26, 2009
  43. ^ Father Franz Schmidberger: Statement by Father Franz Schmidberger on the article in Spiegel No. 4/2009, pp. 32–33. In: January 20, 2009, archived from the original on September 23, 2011 ; Retrieved August 18, 2010 .
  44. ^ Bernard Fellay: Statement of the Superior General. In: January 27, 2009, archived from the original on November 30, 2010 ; Retrieved August 18, 2010 .
  45. ^ House ban for Holocaust denier Williamson. In: Netzeitung . January 28, 2009; Archived from the original on January 30, 2009 ; Retrieved January 28, 2009 .
  46. Björn Hengst: German bishops understand Jewish criticism of the Pope. In: Spiegel Online. January 29, 2009. Retrieved January 29, 2009 .
  47. ^ Günther Nonnenmacher: Papal Decree - A Political Issue. In: FAZ . January 29, 2009, accessed November 30, 2011 .
  48. Press release of the Archdiocese of Berlin ( Memento of February 7, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) of February 3, 2009
  49. Bishop Williamson apologizes to the Vatican. In: January 30, 2008, archived from the original on January 31, 2009 ; Retrieved February 1, 2009 .
  50. ↑ The Vatican cannot get a grip on deniers. In: Netzeitung. January 30, 2009; Archived from the original on January 31, 2009 ; Retrieved February 1, 2009 .
  51. Williamson apologizes. In: The time. January 30, 2009, accessed February 1, 2009 .
  52. 'El cura nazi' Williamson before 'resignation'? from January 30th, 2009, with original English text by Williamsons
  53. Vatican Radio: Vatican: "Pope did not know Williamson's statements"; Williamson must revoke ( February 7, 2009 memento on the Internet Archive ) February 4, 2009
  54. ^ Spiegel Online: Holocaust denier Williamson initially rejects revocation from February 7, 2009
  55. Holocaust denier Williamson apologizes and retracts his statement ( Memento of March 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive ); Domradio: “I ask forgiveness from God”: Williamson apparently apologizes for statements about the Holocaust ( Memento from September 26, 2009 in the Internet Archive ); Sorry for denying the Holocaust ; every February 26, 2006
  56. Die Welt: Vatican Calls Williamson Declaration Inadequately (February 27, 2009)
  57. EU arrest warrant against Williamson possible
  58. Central Council rejects “third class regrets” ; epd / Reuters announcement in the world, issue of February 27, 2009
  59. ↑ The Vatican is not enough for Williamson's apology. Retrieved February 27, 2009 .
  60. Central Council of Jews disappointed with Pope's speech , Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung , May 12, 2009
  61. ^ FAZ: Richard Williamson; Apology for Holocaust Denial (February 26, 2009)
  62. ^ Spiegel Online: Williamson continues to deny the Holocaust of January 30, 2010
  63. D: Public prosecutor's office investigates Pius-Bishop. Vatican Radio, January 23, 2009, archived from the original on January 30, 2009 ; Retrieved January 25, 2009 .
  64. Brigitte Caspary: Holocaust denier should be tried again , Welt online , February 22, 2012
  65. ^ Another punitive order against Bishop Williamson ( memento of October 26, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), Bayerischer Rundfunk , July 19, 2012
  66. Holocaust Denier: Court confirms fine against Richard Williamson Spiegel Online, April 11, 2014, accessed the same day.
  67. Holocaust denier Williamson fails in Strasbourg. Vatican News of January 31, 2019

Web links