NGC 2360

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Open star cluster
NGC 2360
SDSS recording
SDSS recording
Constellation Big dog
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 07 h 17 m 43.1 s
declination -15 ° 38 ′ 29 ″

classification II2m
Brightness  (visual) 7.2 likes
Angular expansion 14th
Brightest star HD 56847 mag
Physical data

Affiliation Milky Way
distance  6150 ly
(1887 pc )
diameter 15 years
Age 1 - 2 billion years
Discovered by Caroline Herschel
Discovery time February 26, 1783
Catalog names
 NGC  2360 • C 0715-155 • OCl 589 •  Mel  64 •  Cr  134 • Lund 313 •  GC  1512 •  H  VII 12 •  h  440 •

NGC 2360 is an Open Cluster in the constellation Great Dog south of the celestial equator .

NGC 2360 has an angular extent of about 13 arc minutes and an apparent magnitude of 7.2 mag. Since the cluster is located in an area of ​​the Milky Way with many stars , the diameters vary greatly from observer to observer. It is about 6000 light years away from the solar system and has a diameter of at least 15 light years . The foothills, which do not appear visually, almost double this value.

The lack of luminous stars and the rather small brightness interval of the stars indicate an advanced age. From the color-brightness diagram of NGC 2360 it can be seen that the brightest stars are red giants of the spectral type K. The age of the object is in the range of about one to two billion years.

The object was discovered on February 26, 1783 by Caroline Herschel . Hence the cluster is sometimes referred to as "Caroline's Cluster" (as is NGC 7789 in Cassiopeia).

Individual evidence

  2. a b c SEDS : NGC 2360
  3. WEBDA
  4. Stars and Space December 2006, p. 72
  5. Seligman