IC 342

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data from IC 342
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IC 342 by Giuseppe Donatiello.jpg
Constellation giraffe
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 03 h 46 m 48.5 s
declination + 68 ° 05 ′ 47 ″
Morphological type SAB (rs) cd / Sy2 / HII  
Brightness  (visual) 8.4 mag
Brightness  (B-band) 9.1 mag
Angular expansion 21.4 ′ × 20.9 ′
Position angle 168 °
Surface brightness 14.9 mag / arcmin²
Physical data
Affiliation IC 342 / Maffei group ,
Virgo supercluster ,
LGG 104  
Redshift 0.000103 ± 0.000010  
Radial velocity 31 ± 3 km / s  
Stroke distance
v rad  / H 0
(8 ± 1)  x  10 6  ly
(2.43 ± 0.19)  Mpc 
discovery William Frederick Denning
Discovery date August 19, 1892
Catalog names
IC  342 • UGC  2847 • PGC  13826 • CGCG  305-002 • MCG  + 11-05-003 • IRAS  03419 + 6756 • 2MASX  J03464851 + 6805459 •

IC 342 is a bar - spiral galaxy with an active galaxy core of the Hubble-type SAB (rs) cd in the constellation Giraffe in the northern sky . It is around 8 million light years away from the Milky Way , has a diameter of around 60,000 light years, and is classified as a Seyfert-2 galaxy .
The galaxy is located near the galactic equator , where veils of dust make it difficult for amateur and professional astronomers to observe the object. IC 342 is one of the brightest galaxies in the Maffei - group of galaxies , the galaxies group of the Local Group is closest.

In the center of IC 342, clouds of hot (412 Kelvin) ammonia gas were detected using the Very Large Array . Silicon monoxide was also discovered in the galaxy .

The galaxy was discovered on October 14, 1892 by William Frederick Denning . Edwin Hubble initially assumed she was part of the Local Group, which later turned out to be wrong.

The "IC" in the name stands for the index catalog , an astronomical catalog of galactic nebulae, star clusters and galaxies published at the end of the 19th / beginning of the 20th century.


Web links

Commons : IC 342  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e f SEDS : IC 342
  3. Seligman
  4. ^ Hot Molecular Gas in the Nuclear Region of IC 342, bibcode : 2006ApJ ... 646..919M
  5. The SiO interferometer map of IC 342, bibcode : 2006A & A ... 448..457U
  6. 1893AstAp..12..189D - Astron. and Astro-Phys., 12, 189-189 (1893) , simbad.harvard.edu
  7. SEDS IC 342 .