Dieter Koslar

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Dieter Maximilian Koslar (born May 6, 1940 in Cologne ; † August 13, 2002 there ) was a Cologne cyclist , trainer , team manager and sports director .

Athletic career

In his active career, Dieter Koslar achieved over 150 victories on the road . At the Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968 , he finished ninth in the 100 km road four with Burkhard Ebert , Jürgen Tschan and Ortwin Czarnowski . In 1971 he won the Rhineland-Palatinate Tour , took fifth place at the road world championships as the best German in the amateurs road race , was German champion in the road foursome with PSV Köln , multiple club champion and “cyclist of the year”. In the last year of his career, 1972, he was second in the domestic race around Cologne .


After finishing his active cycling career, Koslar made a name for himself as a coach of PSV Köln (the club to which he belonged throughout his active career), cycling department, in the youth and amateur area. In 1978 he led the then 17-year-old Beate Habetz to the world championship title in the women's road race. In addition, there were 51 German championships for the cyclists he trained. Marcel Wüst writes in his book Sprinterjahre that he owes Dieter Koslar his entire career and almost his entire life. He and Koslar were inseparable. In 1995 Dieter Koslar founded the first professional cycling team in Cologne . The predecessor was the Radbundesliga team of PSV Köln , which from 1998 was called Gerolsteiner after the main sponsor Gerolsteiner Brunnen . and after the withdrawal from Gerolsteiner Team Cologne . The team was disbanded in 2002 after Koslar's death.


Koslar died in 2002 at the age of 62 and was buried in Cologne's Westfriedhof . His son is the television presenter, author, painter and speaker Michael Koslar .



  1. ^ Association of German cyclists (ed.): Radsport . No. 27/1967 . Deutscher Sportverlag Kurt Stoof, Cologne 1967, p. 9 .
  2. Marcel Wüst: Sprinter years. The shine and shadow of a cycling career . 2nd Edition. Delius Klasing, Bielefeld 2004, ISBN 3-7688-5212-1 .
  3. The team led by Koslar is to be distinguished from the team of Hans-Michael Holczer , which from 1999 was also called Team Gerolsteiner .
  4. Koslar tomb in the Find a Grave database . Retrieved October 27, 2017 (English).

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