Glossary for the indications in the small distilling book

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This list contains a glossary for the small distilling book .

Glossary of the indications in the small distilling book of Hieronymus Brunschwig

word Explanation example
agalaster ougen, aglosten ougen, blue barley ougen "Magpie eyes", warts. (Grimm: agalaster = pica, magpie) Broad-leaved milkweed .

Small distilling book , Wolff's milk krut ... A ... gůt if you circumcised the aglösten eyes there with washed ...

ammal, anmal Birthmark, scar, stain. Grimm: anmal, anmahl = macula, naevus, cicatrix Real clove root .

Small distilling book , Benedicten krut ... G ... distribute the můter sometimes called sint ...

Multi-flowered Weisswurz .

Small distilling book , Wiß wurtz ... E ... is the můter or ammol ...

berlin, drop Paralysis after a stroke, more rarely heat in the skin and joints. Lorenz Fries 1518 : From the parli, or acts of god, or blow. Gold lacquer .

Little book of the burnt-out waters , yellow veyel. ... It is also good that the daz Paralisis or the blow hit that the tongue is lam and can't talk ... and that it hit the seyte.

Small distilling book , Gel Violen. ... L ... Is good that the daz parallels or the drop that is in the tongue and do not have to talk and who has drunk the syten.

Forest honeysuckle .

Little book about the burnt-out water , Spöck lilies ... is good if the drip or blow has hit ...

Small distilling book , lines of flowers ... K ... is good that hit. ...

Garden salad .

Small distilling book , lettuce… E… Weret the paralisis that it doesn't bother people… wan it's good for the drip…

Big nettle .

Small distilling book , nettles root. ... E is the symptom of the drop of paralisis or berlin.

Basil .

Small distilling book , large basil ... A ... for dz paralisis or berly / and the glider that sint sint, with rubbed ...

Sage .

Small distilling book , Orecht sage ... B ... is good for dz berlin and the glider domit rubbed ... sage ... D ... is good for those who are unspeakable / and who have drunk the paralis or berlin or the schlagk ...

Common peony .

Small distilling book . Beonie Rosen ... A ... is good as a person who struck drunk and can't talk ...

Rosemary .

Small distilling book . Roßmarynen krut ... G ... which are shinbone or knee slices or leg swollen from the drip / or the heavy ...

Water hemlock and (or) spotted hemlock .

Small distilling book . Wuntscherling… E… is good for the heated drop… cloths are meshed in and thrown over the same glyder.

bermůter Menstrual cramps , intestinal colic .

In the little book about the burnt-out waters and - taken from it - in the little distilling book , the expression "bermůter" was a short form for "uterus" or for "ascending the uterus" and the resulting pain in the lower abdomen. The term "bermůter" was used in the 15th century to denote cramping pain (colic) in the lower abdomen, regardless of gender or age. (Lexer: ber-muoter, uterus matrix, colica)

Little hawkweed .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Meüßor. ... weret der bermůter / it is also good for the gut food ... and is good the frawen the můter rises over themselves and the krencken and the grymen vmb have the navel.

Small distilling book . Mysor. … B… weret the bermůter. C… is also good for the intestine ... G… is good for the frowen that the mothers styget about themselves and like to break and have trouble with their navel ...

Common dandelion

Little book of the burnt-out waters Pfaffenkraut. ... is good to drink the frawen vnd manen zů when in the můter in the lybe is vnrein or wee thůt ...

Small distilling book . Pfaffenkrut rörlin. ... D ... is gůt mannen vnd frowen for the můter in the lyb ...

Boarwood .

Little book about the burnt-out waters Stabwurtz ... is good for the children for ... the grimacing in the stomach. It is also good for the children who have dye bermůter ...

Small distilling book . Lap wurtz… E… is good for the frowen what is brewed inside ir secretly instead of / and sübert ire addicted… N… is good for the crunch in the book. O ... good for the bermůter ...

Mugwort .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Beyfůß ... brings disease to frawen ... drives away the bermůter ...

Small distilling book . Bucken… A… brings the frawen ir secretly looking… B… also purges the cyt of women with their mothers…

Celandine .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Schölkraut ... Is also good drunk for the bermůter ...

Small distilling book . Schelwurtz ... D ... is good for the bermůter ...

Linden tree .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Linden blossom ... it is also good for the bermůter ...

Small distilling book . Linden is blooming ... B ... is good a man or frow / knab or kynd who has geiycht the můter or the gut ...

Quince .

Konrad von Megenberg . Book of nature . Kütten ... obstructs the body on the ruor, but ez throws the permuoters thick in the body ...

Ergot .

Heidelberg, Cpg 545 , sheet 70v … Fur die belf muter. Item for the grandmother or grandmother. Nym lorper wurcz [ bay leaves ] vnd weydwurcz [ white root ] rock mother [ ergot ] powdered and drunk warm with wine.

betris, betteris bedridden, sick, paralyzed Rosemary .

Small distilling book . Rosemary ... Z ... is gůt dem paralitico that's a bettryß ...

Henbane .

Cod. Donaueschingen 793 , 2nd half of the 15th century. Sheet 32r, ... Pilsen water Is good for the paralis that is Petrischsichait ...

Roses .

Solothurn, Cod. S 386 , Ravensburg 1463–1466, sheet 133v-134r, Rossen water is a little cold and uast trucken vnd the heart is well and the hoarse stomach and is gůtt jn the pestilencz and zů ainem hoissen houpt and zů the hoe oug heavy vnd zů the reddening of the eyes and is pettrisskait one wakes och wow because of the slack it hides the vsseczikait and the antlút because uon nice and clear one should be but not drink only anoint

leaf in the throat Cervical uvula; "The leaf in the throat shoots up to the throat": tonsillar angina. Hart's tongue fern .

Small distilling book . Hyrtzzung.… L… do a person grow the plat or the zepfel in the ladle or there the kel sere or smell who vnd ...

Oregano .

Small distilling book . Tosten ... B ... vertrybt vnd ​​puts the leaf in his throat ...

Fragrant violets .

Garden of Health . Viola… Benemen vuulam. this is the leaf in the kelen. ...

Hieronymus Bock , 1539, Mertzen Violen… Heal the Halßgschwär Anginam.

brown, brown Brown or black discolouration of the tongue and the lining of the mouth with a high fever. Little Braunelle .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Brunellen. ... especially for crooks and few in the mouth and something of nasty natural heat compt ...

Garden of Health . Brunellen. ... sunderlichen the fule or brune in the throat ...

Small distilling book . Brunellen. ... E ... good for dz eat in the mouth and neck ... sund fill or burn in the mouth and neck and for the bletterlin in the mouth. … M… help the tongue black from heat.

Creeping Gunsel .

Small distilling book . Guldin gunsel ... helps the tongue black in hot sick days ...

Purslane .

Small distilling book . Burtzeln… H Burtzeln water drunk / yedes mal vff III or IIII lot is good for the pestilentz called a preservative. Therefore also burtzeln water vff II lot dared in bitten overnight X barley grains heavy psillia somen [Plantago afra] / in it a little bad schwemlin and wiped on the tongue on day III or IIII times / dz helps the tongue has become black a hot sick days / as in d pestilentz vnd heyssen ritten [fevers].

diech, dyeher Thighs on humans and animals Elephant

Nikolaus Frauenlob … Whom dy dyearly we do. Man sal alandt wort poke with sambt the juice and onf dÿ them lay veins onf dÿ lenndt pinden that helps for the sickness that reigns in the loins.

drop See under berlin
angel, eyngeling Impurity of the skin Noble grapevine .

Small distilling book . Spring pruning of the grapevine. ... E ... vertrybet die eyngeling in the face ...

annoy, annoy heal Common ox tongue .

Small distilling book . Ox tongue ... B ... that's why it reassures the absurd and foolish ones that you have to tie ...

Real bindweed .

Small distilling book . Wyß Glocken… A… it was an ertzotdin [a doctor] sat on the fryburgk who know no other art dan dyse and destroys vyl people with it.

fur in the eyes Cataract .

Lorenz Fries 1518: From the fur of the eyes. You should know that several fields of the eyes are not to drive away quite a few. The zů drive away are / are the nüwen and wise men / and that the human face / this fur grows in the eyes because of bad fears / and dowung because from then coarse fumes rise into the eyes and coagulate in them. When they are old and fat / their sy with artzney do not turn. ... And so [the medicine] doesn't want to help / so one has to cut and pull off the fur.

Celandine .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Schelwurtz ... is good for the eyes / when it makes you louder and benympt into the fields all ...

Small distilling book . Schelwurtz. A ... is a wonderful touch for all the ailments of the eyes / sundries for fur and stains in the eyes when it cleans them and depresses them of all evil ability ... makes a good sharp face so that the fur is covered on everything because it makes them cheerful and clar.

fickwartzen, fickblatern, vickblattern Internal and external ulcers in the genital and anal region. Genital warts Ordinary dog ​​tongue .

Small distilling book . Hunds tongue krut… A… is good for fickwartzen where they are / does the person have them inside as long as they drink the water… but he has to do it that one likes to cum so whatever they are with.

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Dog's tongues root covered with dough / and thus moral dough and root with each other in the hot ashes baked and fried / then the baked dough is added / and the fried roots pushed into the body / behaves the heat and melt of the internal fig warts / will soon bring them back to the healing / such is a secret and valued little pieces for the heated inner fig warts. ...

Celandine .

Small distilling book . Fuck waiting krut ... is a pricipal for fuck waiting ...

Fragrant violets

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Veyel… The water is neted in a leynin tüchlin vnd vff laid the feygwartzen / she drives it away. ...

Small distilling book . Blow violen ... L / KK ... Is good for the vickwartzen ...

Real valerian

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Valerian… Drunk vnd vff feygwartzen sells sy mannen vnd frauwen. ...

Small distillery book , Denmarck wurtzel vnd krut… C… Dücher wet in it vnd ​​vff fuck wait, escort them. … E… Gůt for the fickblatern that do flow. … T… is good for vicblatern. ...

Flea knotweed and water pepper

Small distilling book . Phohen krut… A… Phohen krut water that first with the spots [flea knotweed] is good for the vickwartzen / a duch in it ... But with the other one without spots [water pepper] the vickblotters are washed with it ...

fistula Abscess . See under "cancer"
free Originally associated with the meaning of “danger”, “horror”, “tribulation”, “impetuosity of the raging elements”, the expression “free” was used in 15th century medicine to denote “unnatural internal heat that rises to the surface of the body punctures "is used. Wild pansy .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Freysam ... is good for the young children, so the natural heat rushes over and the krencket. … And is good for everyone bad heat.

Garden of Health . Freyschem krut. … Drybet vß the evil fury vnd benympt daz freyschem in the lybe vnd drybet the vß powerful. Which children are freyschem geverde the sal man diß kruts a little schnyden in the bry. ...

Small distilling book , Freissam krut. ... darumb daz sin water good druncken is called dz freissam in latin tongues erisipela for a disease of the young children. ... A ... Is good to the young children when they overflow the natural heat. ...

Real marshmallow

Small distilling book , Ibisch… B… For the naturally heated dz freisem od erisipila…

Water hemlock and (or) spotted hemlock

Garden of Health . Cicuta wontzerling… Eyn plaster made of the juice vnd geleyt vff the cracked freyschum herisipela called heals the vnd sets the smertzen. ...

Small distilling book . Wuntscherling ... A ... good for the hellisch for ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539 Hemlock ... Eusserlich. ... For the hot, wild fewer and red run, this herb / juice / and water / should be used for all other medicine. ...

Field horsetail

Small distilling book . Katzen zagel krut… K… like a plaster laid over a sickness / called erisipela the sint cleine fervently heated bletterlin as the freissam or the beautiful.

Bottle gourd

Garden of health , Cucurbita kurbiß… Item kurbiß water vff the kynder is now laid the heated blatern vnd apostemen do even koelen. ... Item kurbiß water mixed with pink oils ... is also gůt aries the freyschum called erisipila. ...

Small distilling book , pumpkins… C… vff the kynder houbt is laid / is the heated blottern vnd apostems there self-cooling. … E… pumpkin water mixed with horse oil… is vast gůt against… that freely known as erisipla.

Corn poppy

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Puddle quickly ... It helps the wildly free young or old people. And of course it is good for sant Anthonius plag dar vff placed and drunk. ...

Small distilling book . Rattling roses ... C ... Is also good drunk ... for the wildly free. … D… Is also sunderlichen good for sant anthonien blag drunk… and dared vff. … O… Is good for everyone, naturally hytz than beautiful. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539, rattle roses ... Eusserlich. Corn rose water erases the wild fewer / the rotlauffen and beats beautiful over it ...

Little Braunelle

Little book about the burnt-out waters , brown cells ... gůt for the blessed and the free ...

Gart der Gesundheit Brunella… distributes the heylig füer. ...

Small distilling book . Brunellen… K… gůt for the blessed and for the free old vnd luchten. ...

blessed, unblessed see below
g (e) equal , equal Joint.

Lorenz Fries 1518. Of diseases of the same

yellow of the stomach A kind of jaundice with stomach sickness Common Columbine .

Small distilling book . Ageleyen… B… is good for the yellow of the stomach / and the stomach of the mouth. ... D ... For those who are really horny ...

Eucharius Rösslin 1533 Ageleyen water ... for the gall of the stomach ...

Celandine .

Small distilling book . Schelwurtz ... N ... Is good for the übergell. ...

Ordinary earth smoke .

Small distilling book . Duben kröpff… A… Gůt for the over geill. ...

Eucharius Rösslin 1533 Taubenkropff water ... is good for those addicted ...

green, grien Sand in the river bed, urine semolina

Small distilling book , sheet 111v, tamarisksBut here des da vil grows in the green rinß [in the gravel banks of the Rhine]. ...

Asparagus .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Economical. ... gůt zů dem sand and sells the materi do sand out of sorts ...

Small distilling book . Savings. … B… distorted and added green in the loins and in the bladders. ...

Real celery .

Small distilling book . Epff… E… makes urination / and distributes the green in the loins and in the bladders. ...

Birch trees .

Small distilling book . Byrckin loub… A… for the green in the loins. ...

Real stone seed .

Small distilling book . Merhirß krut… A… is good for the stone and the green. ...

Real watercress .

Little book of the burnt-out waters , fountains creak ... vastly drives away the semolina. ...

Small distilling book . Brun kressen… A… is good and valued for the green.

Knotweed .

Small distilling book . Weggraß ... F [wrong: I] ... cleanses the kidneys from the green and moves the urine and opens the clogging of the same glyder and removes the smell of the matter to the path of the urine ...

Pasture .

Small distilling book . Wilgen loub… B… is good for the green that drifts a lot from you that you see it in the urine tiles, the vil sand in it is lygen as long as you enjoy yourself. ...

Real verbena .

Small distilling book . Isen krut… S… also cleanses the kidneys from the green and divides the stone in the bare. ...

urine wind, cold seich Impaired urination Boarwood .

Garden of Health . Abrotanum Stabwortz… breaks vnd dribet vß the steyn that in the bladder wwwnd vnd nyeren vnd aries the cold seych. ...

Small distilling book . Lapwurtz. … Y… distributes the dripping of the urine called the urine wind. ... Z helps those who are cold or who urinate badly ...

Field man litter .

Small distilling book . Manß trü… A… is good against harn wind called stranguirea. ...

hertzgspann, hertzgesperr, hertzgespon Feeling of tension or pressure in the upper abdomen and chest Real motherwort .

Garden of Health . Cordiaca hertzgespan… This krut is good to the heart heart… Item diß krut pushed with syner wůrtzell and the leyed vff the breast is symptomatic of the compulsion on the heart and also makes use of the rumig breast…

Boarwood .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Stabwurtz… is good for the young children for the hertzspon and for the grumbling in the stomach. ...

Small distilling book . Lap wurtz… M… is good for the boys for Hertz Gespan. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539 Stabwurtz… sells the Hertz locked Cardiacam.

Forest honeysuckle .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Spöck lilien ... is good for the hertz gesper vnd beczwang vmb die prust ...

Small distilling book . Lienen flowers… A… vast gůt for the Hertz Spaniards. … B… good for gezwanck vnd engikeit vmb die breast…

hertz-ritten Heart "fever", palpitations Borage .

Small distilling book . Burretsch krut ... L ... is good for the Hertz ritten ...

Gundermann .

Small distilling book . Gundreb… A… is good for the Hertz ritten. ...

Little Braunelle .

Small distilling book . Brunelle… F… gůt for the ride of the eim vmb die breast vnd ​​hertz lygt…

heschen, heschitz Sobs, hiccups Wormwood .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Wermůt… is also good for the heschitz.

Small distilling book . Wermůt… F… Is also good for wanting to vomit and thrust.

Hart's tongue fern .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Millet tongues… It's also good for the heschen. ...

Small distilling book . Hyrtz zung… D… Is gůt for the heschen or kluchsen in latin tong singultus genat.

there, hynsch Disease with shortness of breath in humans and animals, but especially in horses Ordinary easter egg .

Garden of health , Aristologia longa osterlytzye… Which pfert is won by vff the rügk of a lot of ryten or the ostrich of powder… drift into the wonden. ...

Small distilling book , sheet 59r, … Lang Holwurtz… In Tütscher, osterluci / or holwurtz / od biber wurtz / od hynsch krut spoke. therefore, so you hack the horse by the neck inside the hynsch. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539, part I, chapter 57, Osterluzey… Inn summa / Osterlucey vnd Holwurtz / be on duty for all flowing damage / Vihe and people. Therefore the Roß Artzet and Schmid / such root and herb for the wounded horses can not clear.

Bittersweet nightshade .

Small distilling book . Ye lenger ye dear. … Ouch by quite a few hinsch krut [called] / that's why one attaches the krut to the fych ouch is for the hinsch. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1546, Ye lenger ye dear or Hyndschkraut. ... From the names. ... Others call it Hynschkraut / that is why it would be used for the Hynsch at Vihe / like the Easter lucies. ... Outwardly. The shepherds know that the herb is well known to beef cattle and pigs need / hitch it to the neck of the veal for the sake of what they call this herb. ...

Grapevine .

Hieronymus Bock 1546, Zame Weintrauben ... Hinsch grapes are the most common in almost all wine countries ... Harthinsch [grow] vmb Türckheim and Wachenheim. ...

cold, cold, cold wee Fever, cold fever, fever with chills Real lavender .

Small distilling book . Lavander… C… is good for the cold addicted. ...

Real catnip .

Small distilling book . In addition to krut… I… heylet vnd ​​sells the feber or cold that of melancoly kumpt / that's dz fourth day feber. ...

Plantain .

Garden of Health . Plantago maior plantain ... It is a symptom of the cold that has long been felt. ...

Small distilling book . Breit wegerich ... DD ... Is good who has that February / drunk ... ee in the cold kumpt. ...

Knotweed .

Garden of Health . Proserpinata wegdred ... Item to which people the frost on qweme so that he schudder the pressure wegdred with wyn and not with water eating helps and february is a symptom. ...

Small distilling book . Weggras ... C ... Is ouch gůt if that rises coldly on the lyb with hytz. ...

cold seich See under harnwind
cancer Lorenz Fries 1518: About fistulas and the crab ...: The creps and the fistulas are not one thing but because they are both annoying and have much in common, I will tell you briefly about each other. First of all, you should know that a fistul is not different, then a holer damage is necessarily narrow and inside wide and deep the same as a whistle. The creps , however, is a melancholy, heavy rotund figure with great pain and gnawing of the flesh, causing this damage to be feared by bad spicers / flegmatis salsi or colere aduste. Benedictine herb .

Small distilling book . Cardus benedictus… Q Cardus benedictus water is good for cancer do mit geweschen / vnd the krut puluert / vnd dar in geseget / daz is valued by eym gentlemen bredigerß order has cancer between the noses and the eyes that is noli me tangere . … S… it cures the bad fistulas domit geweschen. … T… a riche frow zů Augßburgk / die het a cancer on a breast the nyemand cured the nyemand kunt / neither scherer nor doctor / and we also ate the breast from the bite of vff daz. ...

German iris .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Plaw lilien… It is also well drunk for… the krebs / and for Nolime tangere. ...

Small distilling book . Blow gilgen… G… heals the cancer zů glycher wyse weschen and laid over it. … H.… Heylet noli me trangere / that is a vmb eating harm. ...

Lovage .

Small distilling book . Dear styckel ... H ... also cures the cancer of the mouth. ...

Forest honeysuckle .

Garden of Health . Caprifolium Geyßblatdt ... almost serves wöl the evil bladders or brushed as then the wolff the cancer is painted over it. ...

Small distilling book . Lienen flowers… Y… cure cancer of the mouth. ...

Snake knotweed .

Small distilling book . Noter wurtz… K… is good for cancer the nit vlceriert dz is a bad heavy likes to grow vff the back with vil holes. but on the last one dar vß. ...

Rosemary .

Small distilling book . Roßmarinen ... V ... justifies the zen and büeler / vnd cures cancer and fistula on it. ... II ... It also heals too much malignant fistula / fistula and cancer / which one cannot heal otherwise ...

Kregen eyes Crow's eye = corn, corpse thorn, clavus Noble grapevine .

Small distilling book . Entire vine water. ... F ... good for wartzen / vnd pozas / das sint kregen ougen ...

Snails .

Small distilling book . Snails ... A ... good for creeping eyes if they are circumcised ...

lung. rise or grow the lungs in the throat Flatulence in the lungs Real honorary award .

Small distilling book . Erenbris… R… heylt vast the lung as it fills in the human being and stiggles into the kele…

megere, lean Dry skin lichen

Heidelberg, Cpg 226 , Alsace, 1459–1469: Eyn sucht is called die mager vnd seet / when there is a grint sÿ / the grint schüst vß / vnd swirt nit vnd ​​rüset but all sere / or is something too trucken / wiltu das heilen / nym a krut is called lean / the krut is shaped as glue / when the glue smells so the krut is lean and smooth. This krut nym vnd print the juice in it and do it where the smercz sy / or nym des kruts bleter vnd smer vnd make an ointment there.

Horseradish .

Small distilling book . Horseradish ... E ... is also good to harm the do truffle and ick / that is as vyl as the megere.

Meadow bedstraw

Hieronymus Bock 1539 Von Megerkraut… From the names… The one with the white flowers is called Megerkraut / women need boiled baths for the dry Raud and Grindt of young children.

Common horehound .

Hieronymus Bock 1539 Horehound… Eusserlich… The water boiled by Horehound heals all bad grinds / scabs / plaits and tremors. Therefore the young children who have Horehound and Megerey should be bathed in it.

Upright glass herb .

Hieronymus Bock 1539 day and night… External… also heals all flowing grind / as tremors / lichen and eating damage. For the sake of this, one should bathe young, grumpy little children who run the mess / inn this herb. ...

mixed color, misaligned color Face color after illness Finger herbs .

Heidelberg, Cpg 226 , Alsace 1459–1469, sheet 96r: Five fingers is good who has the mysel color, the sol make kuchelin vß five fingers and uss semel mele and sol eat the next day sober.

Masterwort .

Garden of Health . Astrens master wortz ... who hette the mixed color. ...

Otto Brunfels 1532: … Meysterwurtz… distributes the misszfarb.

Real marshmallow .

Garden of Health . Altea ybisch… The seed… drowns all hands mixed spots from the eyes…

Rheum palmatum .

Garden of Health . Rheubarbarum ... Item endive water that has been in reubarbara ... is good aries the discolored ...

White squill .

Garden of Health . Squilla ertzwobel ... Squilla ready as prescribed ... and is also good aries wasser suchtikeyt and aries the miss color called ictericia. ...

nail in the eye Unilateral headache, as if from a nail driven into the brain (Grimm: nagel (V, 5)). Benedictine herb .

Small distilling book . Cardus benedictus… B… sundlichen for the we dz kumpt over the eyes called emigrania / or from quite a few bags the nail dz a cover dz one houbt in a nail through sin.

Corn wheel .

Small distilling book . Rats krut ... B ... good for the nail in the eyes how careful he is ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539: Raden ... Eusserlich. ... The seeds are crushed / or the juice that is printed out from all the fairytale steeds and wheels crawls / erases the heat and soothes the pain in the eyes / leash wrapped in them with small throats. He throws into the heavy eyes / cleanses them with hasty healing.

Common chicory .

Small distilling book . Wegwyß flowers ... D ... is good for the nail in the eyes and other brushed me / in them on the evening ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Wegwart… The water from the blue flowers is burned / is a noble artzney to the hot dark eyes / placed over.

German iris .

Small distilling book . Blow gilgen wurtzel… P… in the eyes gethon thůt off the spots and nails of the eyes.

noli me tangere See under "cancer"
okall kallen = shouting, loudly or talking a lot. The meaning of okallen remains unclear. Soft talking or speechlessness in depression? Hoarseness? Borage .

Small distilling book . Burretsch flowers. ... B ... makes the heart happy and fresh / and delights the cozy / and dispels sadness and okall ....

Common potted fern .

Small distilling book . Angelic sweet… B… is good for dorechte synn / melanncoly / vnd okallen.

Germander Speedwell .

Small distilling book . Gamander ... E ... dispense it all ok ...

cracks, risender stone Falling down, falling urinary tract stone Parsley .

Small distilling book . Peterling. A ... good for the Risen Stein ...

Brown-stemmed striped fern .

Garden of Health . Saxifraga ... the stone breaks in the bladder and makes it too sant because it ryset the bass ...

Small distilling book . ... Steynbrech water ... the rysenden steyn is virtuous and powerful ... break it and drive it ...

Marjoram .

Small distilling book . Meigeronen ... E ... vertrybet the rysen stone ...

Peach .

Small distilling book . … Peach loub… D… good for the rysen stone. ...

Oak .

Small distilling book . Oak loub ... P ... for the risenden stone in the loins and for the green ...

ride, ride Fever, tremble in fever, tremor Real concrete .

Small distilling book . Bathonie ... C ... is well drunk who have rode a hot ... when it cools all hot quartana.

Rosemary .

Small distilling book . Rosemary… Z… is good for the riders and the gliders tremble.

Knotweed .

Garden of Health . Proserpinata wegdred… Item who quartana hette that is the four-way ride. ...

Meadow Sorrel .

Small distilling book . Ampffer… B… Is good for the hot ride. ...

to roar Burping, belching Genuine centaury .

Small distilling book . Dusent güldin krut… H… is good to the evil vffstossenden vnd röbtzen stomach.

Dill .

Small distilling book . Dillen ... C ... Brings the bad wint vß the stomach / vnd wurt robtzen.

Anise .

Small distilling book . Enis ... A ... Benympt the heavy reddened vß the stomach.

ruckdorn, jerk degrees, backgrot, rughpain, jerk chisel Back garden, vertebral bone, back Bottle gourd .

Garden of Health . Cucurbita kurbiß ... Item kurbiß water with rose oils ... the loins and the ruckmeyssel are lubricated with it ...

Small distilling book . Pumpkin ... E ... the loins and the chisel are lubricated with it ...

Fingerwort .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Grensig… Is good that the siech synd in the back degree. ...

Small distilling book . Genserich ... G ... Is good to those who are sick in the back. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539 Genserich… Calms the stomachache and backwethumb. ...

Common juniper .

Konrad von Megenberg . Book of nature . Kramwitbaum ... the jerk thorn there with anointing ...

Garden of Health . Juniperus wegholler ... Pliny the oils ... do with smeared the jerk chisel ...

roguish, risemen Skin spots, freckles. Grim. Riesel: ... The falling, falling end ... (3) Transferred to the freckles, which fell like hailstones on the human body. Multi-flowered Weisswurz .

Small distilling book . Wiß wurtz ... D ... vertrybt the rysemen vnder the antlyt ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Weißwurtz .. Eüsserlich ... The water of Weißwurtz is the best of all and famous / for all hand stains Risemen and other created paintings that make the eyes nice ...

Beets .

Small distilling book . Wild zytwan wurtzel ... F ... good for the rüsemelin vnder den ougen ...

Madonna Lily .

Small distilling book . Wyß gilgen ... Q ... who is ryßemet from the face ...

Polei mint .

Small distilling book . Boley ... CC ... ryssemen under the antlit ...

schnebel eyßlin Blackheads, acne. Long-handled pepper milkling .

Small distilling book . Chanterelle. … B… for the red bletterlin vnd schnebel eyßlin vnder dem antlit. ...

Grapevine .

Small distilling book . Total vine water ... D ... is good for the Schneblyssen and the face ...

Eucharius Roesslin . Kreutterbuch 1533: Vines water ... good for snow and the face ...

beautiful, beautiful Erysipelas Plantain .

Small distilling book . Breit Wegrich ... HH ... is good for natural heat / than the beautiful and sunst flying heat ...

Knotweed .

Small distilling book . Weggras ... D ... is also good for everyone hurts the wounds so the beautiful or the blessed dz is the wunt seeks dar zů schlegt or sunst hitz zů the wound core ...

Common hazel root .

Small distilling book . Hasel wurtz ... A ... clears all hytz on all glydern ... B ... gůt zů the hot livers ... C ... laid over the beautiful ...

Horsetail .

Small distilling book . Katzen zagel krut ... K ... like a plaster laid over a sickness / called erisipela the sint cleine fervently heated bletterlin as the freissam or the beautiful.

Corn poppy .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Puddle quickly ... It helps for the wildly free young or old people. And of course it is good for sant Anthonius plag dar vff placed and drunk. ...

Small distilling book . Rattling roses ... C ... Is also well drunk ... for the wildly free. ... D ... Is also sunderlichen good for sant anthonia blag drunk ... and dared vff. ... O ... Is good for everyone, unnaturally hytz than beautiful. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Rattle roses ... Eusserlich. Corn rose water extinguishes the wild fire / Rotlauffen and beautiful.

Mullein .

Small distilling book . Wullen krut ... F ... is good for a byssende rud ... G ... is also good if the beautiful darzů whoever. ...

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Wulkraut ... Eusserlich ... The gebrant water ... serves wol for beautiful / zům heyligen fewer / and for all hand fire damage.

simmer nausea Common barberry .

Small distilling book . Surouch. A… is good for simmering vffstossen vm das hertz.

difficult, difficult, difficult, difficult Inflammation, ulcer Cornflower .

Small distilling book . Blow grain flowers… A… is good to the eyes that are red sint and vast.

Real hops .

Garden of Health . Humulus sive hoppen ... Leaving the juice of hopping warm in the ores is a symptom of the eyter darvß and the sweren. ...

Small distilling book . Hops… B… dispels the pus and heaviness of the ores.

Hyssop .

Small distilling book . Isop ... M ... is vast good that the stomach swells ...

Fragrant violets .

Small distilling book . Blow violen ... V ... Is good to whom the zan meat or the rubber swings. ...

healthy, insecure leprous Forest honeysuckle .

Little book about the burnt-out waters . Spöck lilyen ... the good guy who worries about getting sick. ...

Small distilling book . Lienen flowers ... H ... is good if you are worried ...

sure Skin disease Garden radish .

Small distilling book . Raphanus - radish foliage. ... A ... Radish loub water is good for syrup on the legs or feet where you sint the brewed water mixed and mixed with little salt / the syrs are bathed for two hours every day / one before noon / and one after / they break and heal.

Cards .

Small distilling book . Cards water dz instat… C… gůt zů the doors on the hands and on the feet or vff on the feet or vff on the toes and smeared the doors with needles so that they are a little raised.

übergeil (of the stomach), overgell See under "yellow of the stomach"
unblessed See under "freissam"
wolf Inflammation of the skin, around eating ulcer Plantain .

Small distilling book . Broad plantain. … MM… heals wolff the wort in the little ones the leg and is also good for sin gnaw and vmb eat yourself.

Common ormennig .

Garden of Health . Agrimonia odermyng ... Odermynge green and freshly kicked and vff the evil swern leyed there the wolff rises from him. ...

Horseradish .

Small distilling book . Horseradish ... R ... also cures wolff's legs.

Forest honeysuckle . - Lonicera,

Garden of Health . Caprifolium geyßbladt ... this water serves almost wöl the evil bladders or broken as then wolff is the cancer ...

Upright glass herb .

Garden of Health . Parietaria day and night ... The juice of the seeds mixed with blywyß … and also vff the cracked leyed laid herpetes or herpestiomenus called that is a weight that daz fleysch on the lybe distorted vnd yßet. vnd kums from the branded colera vnd is bad than the cancer. it is also called the wolff. ...

worm on finger Inflammation of the nail bed Sadebaum .

Small distilling book . Seuenboum… B… a důch in net and escorted over a finger… kills the worm on the finger.

Polei mint .

Garden of Health . Polegium poley ... Poley bumped and mixed with saffron ... pannaricium that is a bit of a stick on the nails of the hand and host commonly called worm. ...

Water pepper .

Garden of Health . Ydropiper water pepper ... Before the worm on the finger ...

Domestic cattle .

Small distilling book . Rinds gallen ... B ... is good for the unnamed worm an eym finger / a düchlin in it net and over it escorted and tied / the two or dry mol uff another gethon ... so the worm dies for was. ...

Rue .

Small distilling book . Rods ... DD ... Calms the pain that is right in front of the finger / ... so one has the worm on.

Black elder .

Garden of Health . Sambucus holler ... So also leyt vff the Geswere that likes to rise on the fingers and heyßet commonly the worme ...

trembling, trembling Dry skin lichen, reddish rash on the face Forest honeysuckle .

Small distilling book . Lienen flowers… V… vertrybt serpigines vnd impetigo das sint cyterschen vnd trucken grint.

Blunt-leaved dock .

Small distilling book . Menwel wurtzel ... zytersch wurtz / that's why si is good for the zytterschen.

Hieronymus Bock 1539, ... Menwelwurtzel ... Eusserlich ... Do quite a few grinds anoint them / nemen Menwel root powder / temper the same puluer with vinegar ... that should be a famous doctor for all tremors and braids. ...

Meadow Sorrel .

Small distilling book . Ampffer… K ... Distributes Zitterschen / a lynen tůch or werck in net / and laid over it. ...

Horseradish .

Small distilling book . Horseradish ... D ... is also good zů schadē those who are there and gatz as cyter. ...

Woad .

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Waidt… Puluer / made by the dörten Kreüttern / vnd reyn by Gesycht / printed vnd heylen all kinds of damp running damage / as tremor / lichen / and their equals.

Common horehound .

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Horehound ... The water of horehound boiled heals all bad grind / schůppen / lichens and tremors. Therefore the young children who have Horehound and Megerey should be bathed in it.

Upright glass herb .

Hieronymus Bock 1539. Day and night… Outwardly… The juice with white lead tempered… also heals all flowing scabs / as tremors / lichens and eating damage. ...

Individual evidence

  1. Grimm . German dictionary . Retro digitization of the University of Trier, with the possibility of full text search (digitized)
  2. Small distilling book , sheet 118v, Wolffs milch krut… A (digitized version )
  3. Grimm: anmal, anmahl (digitized version )
  4. Small distilling book, sheet 33v, Benedicten krut… G (digitized version )
  5. Small distilling book, sheet 116v, Wiß wurtz ... E ... (digitized version )
  6. Lorenz Fries . Mirror of the remedy. Johann Grüninger , Strasbourg 1518, sheet 104r (digitized version )
  7. Booklet of the burnt-out waters , Gelb veyel (digitized version )
  8. Small distilling book, sheet 53v, Gel Violen. ... L ... (digitized version)
  9. Booklet of the burnt-out waters, Spöck lilien ... (digitized version )
  10. Small distilling book, sheet 71r, lines flowers ... K ... (digitized version )
  11. Small distilling book, sheet 69v Lattich ... E ... (digitized version)
  12. Small distilling book, sheet 83v, Nesseln wurtzel. ... E ... (digitized version)
  13. Small distilling book, sheet 27v, Gross Basilien… A… (digitized version )
  14. Small distilling book , sheet 17v, Orecht sage ... B ... (digitized version )
  15. Small distilling book, sheet 103r, sage ... D ... (digitized version )
  16. Small distilling book, sheet 98v, Beonien Rosen ... A ... (digitized version )
  17. Small distilling book, sheet 93r Roßmarynen krut… G… (digitized version )
  18. Small distilling book. Wuntscherling ... E ... (digitized version )
  19. ^ Matthias Lexer . Concise Middle High German dictionary. Munich 1869–1878 (digitized version)
  20. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters . Meüßor. ... (digitized version)
  21. Small distilling book, sheet 79r, Mysor… B… C… G… (digitized version )
  22. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Pfaffenkraut. ... (digitized version)
  23. Small distilling book, sheet 88r, Pfaffenkrut rörlin. ... D ... (digitized version)
  24. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters . Stabwurtz ... (digitized version )
  25. Small distilling book, sheet 104v, lap wurtz ... E ... (digitized version )
  26. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Beyfůß ... (digitized version )
  27. Small distilling book, sheet 31v, Bucken… A… (digitized version )
  28. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Schölkraut ... (digitized version )
  29. Small distilling book, sheet 106r, Schelwurtz ... D ... (digitized version )
  30. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Linden blossom ... (digitized version)
  31. Small distilling book. Linden blossoms ... B ... (digitized version )
  32. Konrad von Megenberg . Book of Nature (Pfeiffer edition 1861, IVa / 13, p. 320) Kütten ... (digital copy )
  33. Heidelberg, Cpg 545, sheet 70v (digitized version )
  34. Lexer: bette-ris (digitized version ) Grimm: bettrise (digitized version )
  35. Small distilling book, sheet 93r, rosemary ... Z ... (digitized version )
  36. Cod.Donaueschingen 793, 2nd half of the 15th century, sheet 32r (digitized version )
  37. Solothurn, Cod. S 386, sheet 133v-134r (digitized version )
  38. Max Höfler. German book of names of diseases . Munich 1899, p. 47
  39. Lorenz Fries. Mirror of the remedy. Strasbourg 1518, sheet 119v: Zepflin or Blat (digital copy )
  40. Small distilling book, sheet 56v, Hyrtzzung. ... L ... (digitized version )
  41. Small distilling book, sheet 109v Tosten ... B ... (digital copy )
  42. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 413, Viola ... (digitized version)
  43. Hieronymus Bock , 1539, Part I, Chapter 190, Mertzen Violen ... (digitized version )
  44. Hieronymus Bock . 1544. Kurtz Regiment for the cruel main woe vnd Breune ... (digitized)
  45. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Brunellen. ... (digitized version)
  46. Gart der Gesundheit . Chapter 72, Brunellen. ... (digitized version)
  47. Small distilling book, sheet 35r, Brunellen. ... E ... M ... (digitized version)
  48. Small distilling book, sheet 52r, Guldin gunsel ... (digitized version )
  49. Small distilling book, sheet 24r, Burtzeln… H… (digitized version )
  50. Lexer: diech (digitized version )
  51. Heidelberg. Cpg 583 . Mattighofen 1482–1486, sheet 24v (digitized version ) Text with identical content in: Heidelberg. Cpg 666 . Electoral Palatinate 1478–1480, sheet 106r-v (digital copy )
  52. Grimm: narrow ring - XGE04444 (digitized) Grimm: close ling - XGE04446 (digitized)
  53. Small distilling book, sheet 90v Spring pruning of the grapevine. ... E ... (digitized version)
  54. Lexer: to reap (digitized) Grimm: to feed ... 2) ... (digitized)
  55. Small distilling book, sheet 85v Ochsen zung ... B ... (digitized version )
  56. Small distilling book, sheet 114v, Wyß Glocken… A… (digitized version )
  57. Lorenz Fries . Spiegel der Arznei, 1518, sheet 111v (digitized version )
  58. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Schelwurtz ... (digitized version )
  59. Small distilling book, sheet 106r Schelwurtz. A ... (digitized version)
  60. Lexer: vicblater (digitized version )
  61. Small distilling book. Hunds zung krut ... A ... (digitized version)
  62. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 76 (digitized version)
  63. Small distillation book, sheet 50r Fick wartzen krut ... (digitized version )
  64. Booklet of the burnt-out waters, Veyel ... (digitized version )
  65. Small distilling book, sheet 31r Blow violen… L (digital copy )
  66. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Valerian ... (digitized version)
  67. Small distilling book, sheet 39v, Denmarck wurtzel vnd krut… C (digitized version )
  68. Small distilling book. Phohen krut ... A ... (digitized version )
  69. Lexer: vreise (digitized version )
  70. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters . Freysam ... (digitized version )
  71. Gart der Gesundheit. Freyschem krut. ... (digitized version)
  72. Small distilling book, sheet 49r, Freissam krut. ... (digitized version)
  73. Small distilling book, sheet 63v, Ibisch… B… (digital copy )
  74. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 87, Cicuta wontzerling ... (digitized version )
  75. Small distilling book, sheet 114r, Wuntscherling… A… (digitized version )
  76. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 159, Schierling… Eusserlich. ... (digitized version)
  77. Small distilling book, sheet 66v, Katzen zagel krut ... K ... (digital copy )
  78. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 91, Cucurbita kurbiß ... (digitized version )
  79. Small distilling book, sheet 66r Pumpkin ... C ... (digitized version )
  80. Booklet of the burnt-out waters, Schnell plumen ... (digitized version )
  81. Small distilling book, sheet 68r, rattle roses ... C ... (digital copy )
  82. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 18, Rattle Roses ... Eusserlich ... (digitized version )
  83. Booklet of the burnt-out waters, brown cells ... (digitized version)
  84. Gart der Gesundheit , Chapter 72, Brunella ... (digitized version )
  85. Small distilling book, sheet 35r, Brunellen… K… (digitized version )
  86. Lexer: equal (digitized)
  87. Grimm: equal (digitized version )
  88. Lorenz Fries. Mirror of the remedy. 1518, sheet 161r, Von kranckheiten der Gleich Von kranckheiten der Gleich (digitized version)
  89. Grimm: gastric yellow (digitized version )
  90. Small distilling book, sheet 18v, Ageleyen ... B ... (digitized version )
  91. Eucharius Rösslin . Kreutterbuch 1533, p. 88, Ageleyen water ... (digital copy )
  92. Small distilling book, sheet 106v, Schelwurtz ... N ... (digitized version )
  93. Small distilling book, sheet 29r, Duben kröpff… A… (digitized version )
  94. Eucharius Rösslin . Kreutterbuch 1533, p. 95 Taubenkropff water ... (digital copy)
  95. Lexer: grien (digitized version )
  96. Grimm: grien (digitized version )
  97. Small distilling book, sheet 111v, Tamariscen ... (digitized version )
  98. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Economical. ... (digitized version)
  99. Small distilling book, sheet 108v, Spargen. ... B ... (digitized version)
  100. Small distilling book, sheet 45v, Epff… E… (digitized version )
  101. Small distilling book, sheet 23v, Byrckin loub… A… for the green in the loins. ... (digitized version)
  102. Small distilling book, sheet 81r, Merhirß krut ... A ... (digitized version )
  103. Little book about the burnt-out waters, Prunnen kreß ... (digitized version )
  104. Small distilling book, sheet 25v, Brun kressen ... A ... (digitized version )
  105. Small distilling book, sheet 116r, Weggraß… F [wrong: I]… (digitized version )
  106. Small distilling book, sheet 113r, Wilgen loub… B… (digitized version )
  107. Small distilling book, sheet 62r, Isen krut… S… (digitized version )
  108. Grimm: Harnwinde (digitized version )
  109. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 2, Abrotanum Stabwortz ... (digitized version )
  110. Small distilling book, sheet 105r, Schoßwurtz. ... Y ... (digitized version)
  111. Small distilling book, sheet 78r, Manß trü… A… (digitized version )
  112. Lexer: Herzspan (digitized version )
  113. Grimm: heart locked (digitized version )
  114. Grimm: Herzgespann (digitized version )
  115. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 106, Cordiaca hertzgespan ... (digitized version )
  116. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Stabwurtz ... (digitized version )
  117. Small distilling book, sheet 105r, lap wurtz ... M ... (digitized version )
  118. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 112, Stabwurtz ... (digitized version )
  119. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Spöck lilien ... (digitized version )
  120. Small distilling book, sheet 71, Lienen flowers… A… (digitized version )
  121. Grimm: heart rides heart rides Grimm (digitized version)
  122. Small distilling book, sheet 21v, Burretsch krut ... L ... (digitized version )
  123. Small distilling book, sheet 53r, Gundreb… A… (digitized version )
  124. Small distilling book. Brunelle ... F ... (digitized version)
  125. Lexer: hëschen (digitized version )
  126. Lexer: heschiz (digitized version )
  127. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Wermůt ... (digitized version )
  128. Small distilling book, sheet 112r, Wermůt… F… (digital copy )
  129. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Millet tongues ... (digitized version )
  130. Small distilling book, sheet 56v, Hyrtz zung… D… (digital copy )
  131. Grimm: hinsch (digitized version )
  132. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 11, Aristologia longa osterlytzye ... (digitized version )
  133. Small distilling book. ... Lang Holwurtz ... (digitized version )
  134. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 57, Osterluzey ... (digitized version)
  135. Small distilling book, sheet 122r, Ye lenger ye dear. ... (digitized version)
  136. Hieronymus Bock 1546, Part II, Chapter 93, Ye lenger ye prefer or Hyndschkraut. ... (digitized version)
  137. Hieronymus Bock 1546, Part III, Chapter 50, Zame Weintrauben ... (digitized version )
  138. Lexer: cold - XLK00130 (digitized version)
  139. Grimm: cold (2) - XGK00744 (digitized)
  140. Small distilling book, sheet 72r, Lavander… C… (digital copy )
  141. Small distilling book, sheet 82r, Nebten krut ... I ... (digitized version )
  142. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 308, Plantago maior wegerich ... (digitized version )
  143. Small distilling book. Breit wegerich ... DD ... (digitized)
  144. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 302, Proserpinata wegdred ... (digitized version )
  145. Small distilling book. Weggras ... C ... (digitized version )
  146. Lorenz Fries . Mirror of the remedy. 1518, sheet 181v (digitized version )
  147. Small distilling book, sheet 37r, Cardus benedictus ... (digital copy )
  148. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Plaw lilien ... (digitized version )
  149. Small distilling book, sheet 22v, Blow gilgen… G… (digital copy )
  150. Small distilling book, sheet 70r, Liebstyckel… H… (digitized version )
  151. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 139v, Caprifolium geyßblatdt ... (digitized version )
  152. Small distilling book, sheet 71v, Lienen flowers ... Y ... (digitized version )
  153. Small distilling book, sheet 81v, Noter wurtz ... K ... (digitized version )
  154. Small distilling book, sheet 93r, Roßmarinen ... V ... (digital copy )
  155. Grimm: crow's eye (digitized version )
  156. Small distilling book, sheet 90v, complete set of vine water. ... F ... (digitized version)
  157. Small distilling book, sheet 105r, snails ... A ... (digitized version )
  158. Small distilling book. Erenbris ... R ... (digitized)
  159. Grimm: skinny (digitized version)
  160. ^ Heidelberg, Cpg 226 , Alsace, 1459–1469, sheet 118v (digitized version )
  161. Small distilling book, sheet 80v, horseradish ... E ... (digitized version )
  162. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 166, Von Megerkraut ... Von den Namen ... (digitized version )
  163. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 2, Horehound… Eusserlich… (digitized version )
  164. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 63, Day and Night ... Eusserlich ... (digitized version )
  165. Grimm: miszfarben (digitized version )
  166. Heidelberg, Cpg 226 , Alsace 1459–1469, sheet 96r (digitized version )
  167. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 25, Astrens meister wortz ... (digitized version )
  168. Otto Brunfels 1532, sheet 319: … Meysterwurtz… (digitized version )
  169. Gart der Gesundheit , Chapter 12, Altea ybisch ... The seeds ... (digitized version )
  170. Gart der Gesundheit. Rheubarbarum ... (digitized version )
  171. Gart der Gesundheit. Squilla ertzwobel ... (digitized version )
  172. Small distilling book, sheet 36v, Cardus benedictus… B… (digital copy )
  173. Small distilling book, sheet 96r, Ratten krut ... B ... (digitized version )
  174. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 40, Raden… Eusserlich. ... (digitized version)
  175. Small distilling book, sheet 115r, Wegwyß flowers ... D ... (digital copy )
  176. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 91, Wegwart ... (digitized version )
  177. Small distilling book. Blow gilgen wurtzel ... P ... (digitized)
  178. Grimm: kallen (digitized version )
  179. Lexer: kallen (digitized version )
  180. Grimm: unkallen (digitized version )
  181. Small distilling book. Burretsch flowers. ... B ... (digitized version)
  182. Small distilling book, sheet 42v, Engelsüß ... B ... (digitized version )
  183. Small distilling book, sheet 52v, gamander ... E ... (digitized version )
  184. Grimm: giant (digitized version )
  185. Lexer: risen (digitized version )
  186. Small distilling book, sheet 87v, Peterling. A ... (digitized version)
  187. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 354, Saxifraga ... (digitized version)
  188. Small distilling book, sheet 102r, ... Steynbrech water ... (digital copy )
  189. Small distilling book, sheet 75r, Meigeronen ... E ... (digitized version )
  190. Small distilling book, sheet 88v, … peach loub… D… (digital copy )
  191. Small distilling book, sheet 42v, oak loub ... P ... (digitized version )
  192. Lexer: riden (digitized version )
  193. Lexer: rite (digitized version )
  194. Small distilling book, sheet 28v, Bathonie… C… (digitized version )
  195. Small distilling book, sheet 93r, rosemary ... Z ... (digitized version )
  196. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 302, Proserpinata wegdred ... (digitized version )
  197. Small distilling book, sheet 16v, Ampffer… B… (digitized version )
  198. Small distilling book, sheet 38v, Dusent güldin krut… H… (digitized version )
  199. Small distilling book Dillen ... C ... (digitized version)
  200. Small distilling book, sheet 45r, Enis ... A ... (digitized version)
  201. Lexer: back-leg (digitized version )
  202. Grimm: Rückmeiszel (digitized version )
  203. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 91, Cucurbita kurbiß ... (digitized version )
  204. Small distilling book, sheet 66v, Kürbs ... E ... (digitized version )
  205. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Grensig ... (digitized version )
  206. Small distilling book, sheet 53r, Genserich… G… (digitized version )
  207. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 161, Genserich ... (digitized version )
  208. Konrad von Megenberg . Book of nature (according to Pfeiffer 1861, IVa / 20): Kramwitbaum ... (digitized version )
  209. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 218, Juniperus wegholler ... Pliny the oil ... (digitized version )
  210. Grimm: riesel (digitized version )
  211. Small distilling book, sheet 116v, Wiß wurtz ... D ... (digitized version )
  212. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 132, Weißwurtz .. Eüsserlich ... (digitized version )
  213. Small distilling book, sheet 123r, Wild zytwan wurtzel… F… (digital copy )
  214. Small distilling book, sheet 119r, Wyß gilgen ... Q ... (digitized version )
  215. Small distilling book, sheet 30r, Boley… CC… (digitized version )
  216. Small distilling book, sheet 87v, chanterelle. ... B ... (digitized version)
  217. Small distilling book, sheet 90v, Gesamtlet reben wasser ... D ... (digital copy )
  218. Eucharius Roesslin . Kreutterbuch 1533, p. 205, vine water ... (digital copy)
  219. Grimm: beautiful (digitized version)
  220. Small distilling book, sheet 33r, Breit Wegrich ... HH ... (digitized version)
  221. Small distilling book, sheet 116r, Weggras ... D ... (digital copy )
  222. Small distilling book, sheet 58v, Hasel wurtz ... A ... (digitized version )
  223. Small distilling book, sheet 66v, Katzen zagel krut ... K ... (digital copy )
  224. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Plume quickly ... (digitized)
  225. Small distilling book, sheet 68r, rattle roses ... C ... (digital copy )
  226. Hieronymus Bock 1539, part I, chapter 38, rattle roses ... (digitized version )
  227. Small distilling book, sheet 115v, Wullen krut ... F ... (digitized version )
  228. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 72, Wulkraut ... Eusserlich ... (digitized version )
  229. Grimm: Schwelkern (digitized version )
  230. Small distilling book, sheet 107r, Surouch. A ... (digitized version)
  231. Lexer: swere (digitized version )
  232. Small distilling book, sheet 30v, Blow korn flowers ... A ... (digital copy )
  233. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 215, Humulus sive hoppen ... (digitized version )
  234. Small distilling book, sheet 60v, hops ... B ... (digitized version )
  235. Small distilling book, sheet 63r, Isop… M… (digitized version )
  236. Small distilling book. Blow violen ... V ... (digitized version)
  237. Grimm: sondersiech (digitized version )
  238. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Spöck lilyen ... (digitized version )
  239. Small distilling book, sheet 71r, Lienen flowers ... H ... (digitized version )
  240. Grimm: Sure (digitized version )
  241. Small distilling book, sheet 92v, Raphanus - radish leaves. ... A ... (digitized version)
  242. Small distillation book, sheet 64v, maps water dz inklstat… C… (digitized version )
  243. Lexer: wolf (digitized version )
  244. Small distilling book, sheet 33r, Breit wegerich. ... MM ... (digitized version)
  245. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 5, Agrimonia odermyng ... (digitized version )
  246. Small distilling book, sheet 80v, horseradish ... R ... (digitized version )
  247. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 139v, Caprifolium geyßbladt ... (digitized version )
  248. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 305, Parietaria dag and Nacht ... (digitized version)
  249. Grimm: fingerworm ( (digitized) )
  250. Small distilling book, sheet 107v, Seuenboum ... B ... (digitized version )
  251. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 300, Polegium poley ... (digitized version )
  252. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 428v, Ydropiper water pepper ... (digitized version )
  253. Small distilling book, sheet 91v, Rinds gallen ... B ... (digitized version )
  254. Small distilling book, sheet 95r, rods ... DD ... (digitized version )
  255. Gart der Gesundheit, Chapter 346, Sambucus holler ... (digitized version )
  256. Grimm: tremor (digitized version )
  257. Lexer: trembling times (digitized version )
  258. Small distilling book, sheet 71v, Lienen flowers… V… (digitized version )
  259. Small distilling book, sheet 78v, Menwel wurtzel ... (digitized version )
  260. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 104, ... Menwelwurtzel ... Eusserlich ... (digitized version )
  261. Small distilling book, sheet 16v, Ampffer ... K ... (digitized version )
  262. Small distilling book, sheet 80r, horseradish ... D ... (digitized version )
  263. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 85: Waidt ... (digitized version )
  264. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 2. Horehound ... (digital copy)
  265. Hieronymus Bock 1539, Part I, Chapter 63, Day and Night ... Eusserlich ... (digitized version )