Hermann Textor

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Hermann Wilhelm Textor (born December 28, 1838 in Cammin ; † February 3, 1906 in Lübeck ) was a government and building officer , as well as technical director in the five-person management of the Lübeck-Büchener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (LBE) .



Hermann Textor was born into a family of scholars . After the death of his father, who was consistorial councilor in Stettin , he was educated at the Royal State School Pforta . The humanistic education that he received in his father's house and his school formed a fundamental trait of his being throughout his life .


Building Academy

Textor studied at the Bauakademie in Berlin . With conscientious diligence, another basic trait, he acquired the knowledge necessary for his chosen profession of railway construction there and in practical work . After passing the state examination as a master builder , he entered the Prussian state service and proved himself so well in the state railway administration that he was brought in as an unskilled worker in the railway ministry for a longer period of time . Employed by the Royal Railway Directorate in Erfurt , he was appointed as a technical member in the management of the private railway on January 1, 1888, for the retiring railway director of the LBE, Anton Ferdinand Benda .

His tasks should include the redesign of the railway systems in Hamburg and Lübeck .

on Cronsford Avenue

The completely inadequate workshop facilities were replaced by a new building on Cronsford Allee , the construction of which was completed without delay. In June 1891 the King of Prussia signed the government and building councilor a. D. for this with the Red Eagle Order IV class. Shortly beforehand, at the general assembly of the LBE on May 28, 1891, a project to transfer Thorstrasse over the railway at the Lübeck railway station was approved by the supervisory board authority .

New building plans were devised and drafted for the station, which had become no less unsatisfactory . The great difficulty of this task is to try different solutions one after the other. Due to injuries sustained in an accident in the spring of 1891, Textor had to stay away from his work until the summer of 1892 and even after that it took several years until the project of the new train station, which was in progress, matured through agreements with the state authorities and before his death the railway administrations involved. Johann Heinrich Evers gave a lecture at the meeting of the Vaterstädtischer Verein on April 29, 1896 on the question of the train station , for which only two of the planned projects were considered:

  1. the so-called Rethteichprojekt however, should not head station near the Linde place , but a way station near the Protect court received
  2. an elevation of the railway on the Wall Peninsula, whereby the passenger station would come after the cat bastion , while the freight station would remain in its current location

At the meeting of the Father City Association held on December 17, 1901, there was not much progress on this matter and Textor gave a lecture on the redesign of the city's railway station .

In the meantime, the plans for the redesign of the railway facilities in Hamburg , of which an important part went to the Lübeck-Büchen railway administration, had been brought to a conclusion after many years of negotiations and implementation had begun. Under Textor's leadership , the LBE closed the formerly separate Hamburg freight yard in 1902 and connected the railway line with the freight yard of the Hanover station in the Rothenburgsort district , which later became the first section of the later Hamburg freight bypass line . For this, the emperor distinguished him in 1904 by conferring the character of a secret building councilor .

The negotiations on the rebuilding of the Wandsbeker train station (1902) were brought to an end, the train station in Altrahlstedt (1904) built, the extension of the Travemünder Bahn to the lake beach (1898) carried out, the train stations in Ratzeburg and Mölln (1899) rebuilt and the Schlutuper Bahnanlage (1902) established.

New road bridge over the future railway line

No longer the demands of the traffic corresponding superstructure subjected to the Lübeck-Hamburg railway is renewed in all its parts and essential reinforcements. With the completion of the new Lübeck train station, it should have completely disappeared. Another task that Textor was particularly interested in was the replacement of the old locomotives with modern locomotives of modern design and efficiency , for similar reasons .

At the beginning of 1905 he suffered a seemingly insignificant physical ailment, which, contrary to expectations, soon had a paralyzing effect on his strength. In the spring he was able to pull himself up again for a short time, but had to give up his work since the summer and was confined to bed for the last four months.

Public life

In addition to his professional work, which included frequent representations of the Senate in railway negotiations with the Reichseisenbahnamt and representatives of the other federal states , Textor devoted himself to the public affairs of his new hometown by being a member of various authorities.

In 1891, Textor became a member of the Lübeck History and Archeology Association of the Society for the Promotion of Charitable Activities .

At the municipal level of Lübeck he is a valued member of the public authorities .

In place of the deceased Joh. Christian Reinboth, the Senate appointed Textor on June 3, 1893 as civil deputy at the administrative authority for municipal authorities . In rotation he resigned on June 17, 1899 and was replaced by HG Scharff.

The citizens' committee elected him on March 27, 1897 instead of the resigning FAH Linde as a member of the high school authority . As such, he is responsible for the sections of the trade school and the building trade school .

and the church council of St. Lorenz , which was to receive a new church in 1900.

St. Lorenz Church

The new church council of St. Lorenz Church under Johann Hermann Bousset , to which Textor belonged, met at the beginning of 1895. He left on January 16, 1897 from this again.

In 1898 Textor was elected to the church council of St. Lorenz by the community . Like Johannes Bernhard , chief pastor there from April 1898 , he was an advocate for the new building of the church for the same reasons . In February 1900, when the old church had been torn down and the new one not yet consecrated, he was confirmed by re-election in the church council. The neo-Gothic building of the new St. Lorenz Church was inaugurated on May 6, 1900 .


On February 6, 1906, the funeral service took place in the St. Lorenz Church . The prayer was held with Leopold Friedrich Ranke, the senior of the Spiritual Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lübeck and chief pastor of the St. Mary's Congregation . After the prayer, railway officials carried the large number of wreaths and flower arrangements that had been received outside the coffin and through the trellis formed by railway officials from various railway stations to the grave within sight of the church tower .

In the funeral procession immediately followed behind the coffin for the first time with her black eye makeup flag appeared employees of the main workshop , followed by the mayor Johann Georg Eschenburg and Senate Secretary Geise, deputations from the railway police station of the local and the Hamburg Senate , the royal railway management Altona , the Grand Ducal railway management in Schwerin , the management of the Lübeck-Büchener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft including committee, delegations from the senior operations management, the administrative office, the train station in Lübeck, officials and workers of the Schlutup train station, the goods management in Hamburg, the Travemünder Eisenbahn, traffic officers of the train station maintenance service in Hamburg, the Ratzeburg train station , the Lübeck train station in Hamburg, ...

The family was represented by his widow Maria, née Drassdo, and their son Hans. Hans was a pioneer with the rank of captain and came from Thorn as chief of the 3rd company of the 1st West Prussian Pioneer Battalion No. 17 with the officer corps and NCOs of his company . Furthermore, Ernst, Superintendent a. D., and Professor Adolf Textor.

When the coffin was lowered into the ground, Pastor Lic. Stülcken gave the funeral speech .


  • Secret building councilor, railway director Textor †. In: Lübeckische Blätter , 48th volume, No. 6, edition of February 11, 1906, pp. 92–93.
  • Secret Building Councilor Railway Director H. Textor †. in: Lübeckische advertisements , Volume 156, No. 62, edition of February 4, 1906.
  • † Mr. Go. Building councilor Hermann Textor. In: Lübecker General-Anzeiger , Volume 25, No. 29, Edition of February 4, 1906.

Individual evidence

  1. Textor is the Latinized form of Weber.
  2. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , 33rd year, number 46, edition of June 10, 1891, p. 276.
  3. ^ General assembly of the Lübeck-Büchener Railway Company. In: Lübeckische Blätter , 33rd year, number 43, edition of May 31, 1891, pp. 259-260.
  4. ↑ Father City Association. In: Lübeckische Blätter ; Volume 38, number 30, edition of May 3, 1896, p. 207.
  5. ^ Rubric: Local Notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter . Volume 43, number 51, edition of December 22, 1901, p. 658.
  6. ^ Rubric: Local Notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , volume 46, number 37, edition of September 11, 1904, p. 534.
  7. Report of the Association for Lübeck History and Archeology. In: Lübeckische Blätter , 34th year, number 53, edition of July 3, 1892, pp. 312-314.
  8. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , 35th year, number 47, edition of June 11, 1893, p. 275.
  9. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , Volume 41, Number 27, edition of July 2, 1899, p. 338.
  10. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , 39th year, number 14, edition of April 4, 1897, p. 171.
  11. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , Volume 37, Number 5, edition of January 16, 1895, p. 28.
  12. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , vol. 39, number 3, edition of January 17, 1897, p. 35.
  13. Rubric: Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , Volume 40, Number 5, edition of January 30, 1898, p. 43.
  14. ^ Rubric: Local Notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , volume 42, number 8, edition of February 18, 1900, p. 113.
  15. LBE drove within the district of the Altona Railway Directorate.
  16. ^ Alfred Stülcken was to baptize Herbert Frahm on February 26, 1914 in the church of St. Lorenz. The non-Lübeckers will be better known by his pseudonym , Willy Brandt .
  17. The burial of the Secret Building Council †. In: Lübeckische Advertisements , Volume 156, No. 66, Large Edition, edition of February 6, 1906.
  18. ^ The burial of the secret building councilor Textor. In: Lübecker General-Anzeiger , Volume 25, No. 31, Edition of February 7, 1906.