Illinois General Assembly

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The Illinois General Assembly meets at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield.

The Illinois General Assembly is the legislature of the US state of Illinois and was created by the first state constitution in 1818 . It consists of the Illinois House of Representatives , which acts as the House of Commons , and the Illinois Senate as the House of Lords . The Illinois House of Representatives consists of 118 MPs elected from one-member constituencies for a two-year term. The Illinois Senate consists of 59 senators. In order to avoid a complete change in membership of the Senate, the elections to the Senate in the different districts take place in different years. However, since the districts are re-cut every ten years after the census , a complete new election is inevitable after the re-cut. This results in terms of office of different lengths: in some districts a two-year term of office is followed by two four-year terms; in others, a four-year term is followed by a two-year term and then another four-year term; in the remaining districts, two four-year terms are followed by a two-year term.

The Illinois General Assembly meets at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield . Your first day of the meeting is the second Wednesday in January of each year. Her primary responsibilities are passing laws, approving the state budget, approving appointments to top positions in state administration, passing resolutions on amendments to the federal constitution, and passing amendments to the Illinois Constitution. Furthermore, it can override a governor's veto with a vote of at least three-fifths in each house.

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