Wisconsin Senate

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Wisconsin State Capitol

The Senate of Wisconsin ( Wisconsin State Senate ) is the upper house of the Wisconsin Legislature , the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin .

The Senate size was tied to that of the State Assembly in the Wisconsin Constitution , where the Senate should have no less than a quarter and no more than a third of the Assembly's seats. Wisconsin is currently divided into 33 Senate districts (one-third of the Assembly, now numbering 99 MPs), each with a Senator. The senators are each elected for four-year terms; there is no limit to the terms of office. Should a Senate seat become vacant between the elections, it may only be filled by a by-election.

The Senate Boardroom is located in the south wing of the Wisconsin State Capitol in the capital, Madison .

Tasks of the Senate

As in the upper houses of other states and territories, as well as in the US Senate , the Wisconsin Senate has special tasks compared to the Assembly that go beyond the law. It is the responsibility of the Senate to confirm or reject nominations by the governor in his cabinet, other executive offices, commissions and authorities. Furthermore, the terms of office are staggered so that half of the MPs are re-elected every two years.

Salary and benefits

MPs who are newly elected or re-elected in the fall of 2002 will receive MPs' annual allowance of $ 45,569. In addition, when MPs are in Madison on state business, they can get $ 88 a day as living expenses. However, this does not apply to MPs from Dane County . You will be granted up to $ 44 in expenses. Each MP also receives an out-of-session payment of $ 75 a month if the legislature meets three days or less during that period. In addition, each MP will be allocated $ 66,008 over a two-year period to cover general business expenses for printed matter, postage, and district mail.


Political party MPs
Republican Party 19th
Democratic Party 14th
total 33
majority 5

Important members of the Senate

position Surname Political party
Senate President Michael Ellis republican
President Pro Tempore Joe Leibham republican
Majority leader ( Majority Leader ) Scott L. Fitzgerald republican
Opposition Leader ( Minority Leader ) Mark F. Miller democrat

Web links