Joel Hefley

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Joel Hefley

Joel M. Hefley (born April 18, 1935 in Ardmore , Oklahoma ) is an American politician . As a Republican MP from 1987 to 2007, he represented the fifth congressional constituency of Colorado in the United States House of Representatives .

His wife, Lynn, is a member of the Colorado House of Representatives . Joel Hefley himself was a member of this from 1977 to 1978; then he was elected to the Colorado Senate. In the House of Representatives, he was Chairman of the Ethics Committee from 2001 to 2005 .

Hefley had announced in February 2006 that he would not be available for office again after being re-elected ten times. He recommended his long-time colleague Jeff Crank as his successor , who, however, was defeated in the party primary in August 2006 by Doug Lamborn , a member of the Colorado Senate. However, Hefley refused to support this, as he suspected he was behind a dirt campaign against Crank. Even so, Lamborn won the constituency in the fall 2006 congressional election with 59% of the vote.

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