Kagawa Prefecture

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香 川 県
Südkorea Nordkorea Russland China Präfektur Okinawa Präfektur Kagoshima Präfektur Kumamoto Präfektur Miyazaki Kurilen (de-facto Russland - beansprucht von Japan als Teil der Region Hokkaido) Präfektur Kagoshima Präfektur Miyazaki Präfektur Kumamoto Präfektur Saga Präfektur Nagasaki Präfektur Fukuoka Präfektur Ōita Präfektur Yamaguchi Präfektur Hiroshima Präfektur Shimane Präfektur Tottori Präfektur Okayama Präfektur Hyōgo Präfektur Osaka Präfektur Kyōto Präfektur Shiga Präfektur Nara Präfektur Wakayama Präfektur Mie Präfektur Aichi Präfektur Fukui Präfektur Gifu Präfektur Ishikawa Präfektur Toyama Präfektur Nagano Präfektur Shizuoka Präfektur Yamanashi Präfektur Kanagawa Präfektur Tokio Präfektur Saitama Präfektur Chiba Präfektur Ibaraki Präfektur Gunma Präfektur Tochigi Präfektur Niigata Präfektur Fukushima Präfektur Yamagata Präfektur Miyagi Präfektur Akita Präfektur Iwate Präfektur Aomori Hokkaidō Präfektur Kagawa Präfektur Ehime Präfektur Kōchi Präfektur TokushimaLocation of Kagawa Prefecture in Japan
About this picture
Basic data
Administrative headquarters : Takamatsu
Region : Shikoku
Main island : Shikoku
Area : 1,876.79  km²
Water content: 2.8  %
Residents : 956,069
(October 1, 2019)
Population density : 509 inhabitants per km²
Counties : 5
Municipalities : 17th
ISO 3166-2 : JP-37
Governor : Keizō Hamada
Website: www.pref.kagawa.jp
Prefecture flag :
Flag of Kagawa Prefecture
Prefecture tree : Olive tree
Prefecture flower : Olive tree
Vogel prefecture : Gackel Cuckoo
Fish prefecture : Seriola quinqueradiata
Prefecture mammal : Sika deer

The prefecture of Kagawa ( Japanese. 香 川 県 , Kagawa-ken ) is a prefecture of Japan and is located in the north (east) of the western Japanese region Shikoku on the main island Shikoku and over 100 other islands in the Seto Inland Sea . The seat of the prefecture administration is the city of Takamatsu .

Geography and location

Topographic map of Kagawa

The prefecture extends between 34 degrees 0 minutes 44 seconds and 34 degrees 33 minutes 53 seconds north latitude and 133 degrees 26 minutes 48 seconds and 134 degrees 26 minutes 51 seconds east longitude.
The Kagawa Prefecture is the smallest (14.7%) of the Shikoku Island in terms of area, but has the second highest population (25.4%) and the highest population density (520.2 inhabitants per square kilometer).


A first Kagawa Prefecture emerged in 1871 in the Sanuki Province from the principalities of Takamatsu , Marugame and parts of the Kurashiki Prefecture, which emerged from Shogunate land . Kagawa has been finally independent since 1888, when it was separated from Ehime .

Administrative division

Political map of Kagawa Prefecture
Shi in pink, Cho in yellow

The prefecture is divided since 2006 into eight independent cities ( Shi , ) and nine (kreisangehorige / small) cities ( Chō , ), the six counties ( Gun , ) are organized.
After the introduction of today's forms of commune, there were 182 congregations in 1889, only one of which was independent and five of which were part of a county. In 1953 there were 157 municipalities, in 1960 there were 44 and on September 1, 2003 there were still 7 urban and 30 urban districts. With the incorporation of the last village on February 15, 1970, all villages ( mura ) in the prefecture disappeared.

In the table below, the districts (郡) are shown in italics, with the small towns (町) below them (indented). The prefectural affiliation of a regional authority can be seen in the first two digits of the regional authority code (1st column), a connection between the district and the associated municipalities in the third. The independent cities are at the beginning of the table.

code Surname Area (in km²) population Population
density (inh / km²)
(in Latin transcription)
(in jp. Writing )
01.10.2017 1 01/10/2015 2 01.10.2018 3
37201 Takamatsu- shi 高 松 市 375.41 420,748 419,696 1120.77
37202 Marugame- shi 丸 亀 市 111.79 110.010 109,551 984.08
37203 Sakaide- shi 坂 出 市 92.49 53.164 51,620 574.81
37204 Zentsūji- shi 善 通 寺 市 39.93 32,927 32,493 824.62
37205 Kan'onji- shi 観 音 寺 市 117.84 59,409 57,850 504.15
37206 Sanuki- shi さ ぬ き 市 158.63 50,272 48.241 316.91
37207 Higashikagawa- shi 東 か が わ 市 152.83 31,031 29,544 203.04
37208 Mitoyo- shi 三 豊 市 222.73 65,524 63,405 294.19
37320 Shōzu-gun 小豆 郡 169.97 28,864 27,430 169.82
37322   Tonoshō -chō 土 庄 町 74.38 14.002 13,298 188.25
37324   Shōdoshima-chō 小豆 島 町 95.59 14,862 14,132 155.48
37340 Daycare gun 木田 郡 75.78 27,684 27,361 365.32
37341   Miki-cho 三 木 町 75.78 27,684 27,361 365.32
37360 Kagawa-gun 香 川 郡 14.22 3139 3079 220.75
37364   Naoshima-cho 直 島 町 14.22 3139 3079 220.75
37380 Aya-gun 綾 歌 郡 117.84 42,562 42,126 361.19
37386   Utazu-cho 宇 多 津 町 8.10 18,952 18,981 2339.75
37387   Ayagawa-cho 綾 川 町 109.75 23,610 23,145 215.13
37400 Nakatado-gun 仲 多 度 郡 227.31 50,929 49.504 224.05
37403   Kotohira- chō 琴 平 町 8.47 9186 8735 1084.53
37404   Tadotsu- chō 多 度 津 町 24.39 23,366 23,038 958.02
37406   Manno- cho ま ん の う 町 194.45 18,377 17,731 94.51
JP-37 [000] Kagawa-ken 香 川 県 1876.77 976.263 961,900 520.18


1 Area data from 2017
2 Results of the 2015 census
3 Estimated population 2018

Biggest places

Former and existing cities (-shi)
Census year Residents
2015 2010 2005 2000
Takamatsu 420,748 419.429 420,748 332.865
Marugame 110.010 110,473 110.010 80.105
Sakaide 53.164 55,621 53.164 59,228
Zentsūji 32,927 33,817 32,927 36,413
Kan'onji 59,409 62,690 59,409 44,755
Sanuki 50,272 53,000 50,272 ——
Higashikagawa 31,031 33,625 31,031 ——
Mitoyo 65,524 68,512 65,524 ——

On April 1, 2002, 5 parishes merge to form the city of Sanuki .
On April 1, 2003, 3 parishes merge to form the city of Higashikagawa .
On January 1st, 2006, 7 municipalities merged to form the city of Mitoyo .

Population development in the prefecture

Census population
men to 1000 women
in km 2
per km 2
1920 677.852 336.195 341,657 984 1845.45 367.3
1925 700,308 351.911 348.397 1010 1845.45 379.5
1930 732.816 368,442 364.374 1011 1858.73 394.3
1935 748.656 373,522 375.134 996 1858.73 402.8
1940 730.394 359.139 371.255 967 1858.73 393.0
1945 863,700 396.235 467.465 848 1858.73 464.7
1950 946.022 457.980 488.042 938 1862.34 508.0
1955 943.823 456.711 487.112 938 1859.36 507.6
1960 918,867 438.924 479.943 915 1859.36 494.2
1965 900.845 427.058 473,787 901 1863.02 483.5
1970 907.897 430.773 477.124 903 1870.06 485.5
1975 961.292 461.370 499.922 923 1879.31 511.5
1980 999.864 481.104 518.760 927 1880.47 531.7
1985 1,022,569 492,696 529.873 930 1882.11 543.3
1990 1,023,412 491,621 531.791 925 1874.86 545.9
1995 1,027,006 493,482 533.524 925 1875.15 547.7
2000 1,022,890 491.761 531.129 926 1875.88 545.3
2005 1,012,400 486.108 526.292 924 1876.41 539.5
2010 995.842 479,951 515.891 930 1876.53 530.7
2015 976.263 472.308 503.955 937 1876.72 520.2


Political groups in the prefecture parliament
(as of April 30, 2019)
A total of 41 seats
  • LDP Kagawa Kenseikai ( 県 政 会 ): 20
  • Liberal Kagawa (with SDP , DVP , KDP ): 9
  • LDP : 8
  • Kōmeitō : 2
  • KPY : 2
The 22-story main building of the prefecture administration, completed in 2000.

The governor of Kagawa has been Keizō Hamada since 2010 , who, with the support of the major political parties, was elected to succeed Takeki Manabe . In the 2018 gubernatorial election , Hamada was re-elected for a third term against the communist Eiji Himeda with the support of the LDP, DVP, Kōmeitō and SDP. The 41-member parliament was elected in the unified regional elections in April 2019 , the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) held a clear absolute majority with 27 seats. However, their group split for the first time in May 2016 and again in July 2017, so that at times there were three LDP parliamentary groups in Kagawa's parliament.

In the national parliament , Kagawa is represented by three directly elected members of the Shūgiin , after the 2017 election the Liberal Democrats Takuya Hirai (constituency 1, 7th term of office) and Keitarō Ōno (constituency 3, 3rd term of office) as well as Yūichirō Tamaki (constituency 2, 4th term) . Term of office), meanwhile chairman of the DVP. The prefecture elects one member of the Sangiin for each partial election, most recently in 2016 and 2019 the Liberal Democrats Yoshihiko Isozaki and Shingo Miyake .

Web links

Commons : Kagawa Prefecture  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kokudo Chiriin (GSI - Geospatial Information Authority of Japan), 平 成 29 年 全国 都 道 府 県 市区 町 村 別 面積 調 (Nationwide survey of all prefectures and municipalities 2017) , p. 83: 37 Kagawa-ken (Japanese), accessed on 9 December 2018
  2. e-stat (English), accessed on December 9, 2018
  3. 簡 単 検 索 ・ 詳細 検 索 ・ 検 索 サ ン プ ル , accessed December 9, 2018 (Japanese)
  4. e-Stat database , accessed on January 1, 2019 (English)
  5. Kagawa Prefectural Parliament : Members by parliamentary group , accessed June 20, 2019.
  6. 香 川 県 知事 選 現 職 の 浜 田氏 3 回 目 の 当選 . In: NHK Senkyo Web. August 27, 2018. Retrieved January 27, 2019 (Japanese).
  7. 統一 地方 選 2019 香 川 県 議 選 各 党 議席 . In: NHK Senkyo Web. April 8, 2019, Retrieved June 20, 2019 (Japanese).
  8. 「自民党 議員 会」 が 再 分裂 2 議員 離 脱 し 新 会 派 / 香 川 . In: Mainichi Shimbun local edition. July 22, 2017. Retrieved November 16, 2017 (Japanese).

Coordinates: 34 ° 16 '  N , 133 ° 57'  E